
v5 Chapter 1199: 1 knife behind

Fanheng did not stay in Hong Kong for long. On the first day, he inspected the epidemic area and walked down the mountain to the quarantine residents. On the second day, he went to the hospital where the ** patients were admitted to see and encouraged both the patients and the medical staff. He also handed over a special amount of 20 million yuan allocated by the central government to here to show support.

Then, Fan Heng sympathized with the senior officials of the waiting district to meet, and talked about the issue of prevention and treatment of **, as well as the response plan for the blow to Hong Kong's tourism industry this year, and so on.

In the afternoon of the next day, the sentence was calculated according to the original plan. Fan Heng is about to board a special plane and fly back to the capital.

However, at this time, there was a little problem. The Beijing side called and said that Fan Ting would temporarily need to stay in Hong Kong for another day or two. Do something by the way.

"What to do?" Fan Wubing felt a little curious after listening.

Could it be that the leader of the country is coming out. Need to do some private work too? This is a bit hard to agree with.

However, Fan Wubing was also very clear that Fan Heng's schedule was suddenly changed. There must be some problems in it, but he just didn't know what happened. There would always be someone who came out taking advantage of his father. Want to put him in the air? Or is there any secretly brewing conspiracy?

But after thinking about it, I think it’s impossible. After all, this is already an era of highly publicized information. The question of whether or not a state-level leader will stay is not a trivial matter. Easy changes can easily lead to political and public opinion. Passive. It seems that this time there is indeed some inconvenience inside.

Just when the father and son hesitated secretly, new information was passed on. It was not something else, but something went wrong in Singapore. Therefore, the senior management hoped that Fan Heng would temporarily stay in Hong Kong for two days in order to determine the status of Singapore. What is the situation of Bian'er, and then make plans.

"What's wrong with Singapore?" Fan Wubing was even more surprised. He didn't know what the top management was doing.

Fan Heng sighed and said, "The wall is down and everyone is pushing. Now the country is experiencing the biggest crisis of trust in recent years. Some unreliable friends are planning to turn back at this moment."

Fan Wubing asked a few more questions. It turned out that it was because of the outbreak of the epidemic in Beijing and the emergence of drug addiction in many cities in China. Therefore, not only many Western countries have implemented emergency measures to deal with China’s entry into China, but also Singapore. He jumped out, openly canceled Singapore’s Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong’s visit to China, and adopted a strict policy of restricting activities for Chinese in China.

Singapore has always been an upside-down country, and this has long been proved.

For some reason, Fan Wubing had already seen through the ugly faces of Singapore and saw through their wolf ambitions.

Originally, the basic common sense of international relations is pure interest. There are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. However, although many Chinese have learned this basic common sense through various costs, they often intentionally or unintentionally leave the future in their minds and look at Singapore in a different light. A little bit emotional, almost as a distant relative.

Many Chinese people have a vague feeling that the Jews all over the world are toward the Jews, and the Chinese all over the world should also be toward the Chinese. Singapore is a predominantly Chinese country, and it does not border China, so there is no conflict of interest. It is not difficult to understand that China used to be ultra-leftist and export revolutions, which affected the relations between the two countries. But now China does not engage in class struggle as the key link. Go all out to engage in economic construction, and reform and opening up welcome foreign investment. Singapore also uses simplified Chinese characters in the same language as China. It should be familiar with both the West and China. Naturally, it is a beneficiary of China’s reform and opening up and economic development. Therefore, he has always regarded Singapore as a friend unknowingly, and has always tolerated and tolerated Singapore. Discounts and discounts.

Regardless of the substantial increase in the volume of trade and investment between the two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China has also hired Singapore’s top figures as China’s national policy advisers and selected Singapore for the Wang-Koo talks on both sides of the strait, which has given Singapore a lot of face. During the Southeast Asian financial crisis, he did not hesitate to lose money and insisted on not devaluing the renminbi, helping Southeast Asian countries to stabilize their currencies, thus directly helping Singapore at a critical time.

You know, the financial industry is one of Singapore’s pillar industries, and China sacrifices itself to stabilize its finances. Singapore has the largest gains. What China has done for Singapore has gone beyond the basic principle of never sacrificing one's own interests for others in the common sense of international relations, and treats Singapore as a friend.

So, how does Singapore treat China?

Singapore has long claimed that it wants to be the last country in Southeast Asia to establish diplomatic relations with China and will still maintain military cooperation with Taiwan after the establishment of diplomatic relations. And it does what it says.

The speeches of Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong on various occasions mentioned that China's growth is the world's biggest challenge, and the future stability of Asia depends on how to deal with China's rise. Lee Kuan Yew even said that as a descendant of the Chinese. He knows that the Chinese have strong endurance, but at the same time he knows that the Chinese are also very explosive, and he is very vengeful. Countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia have offended China in history. Once China is strong. These countries will inevitably face fierce retaliation from China. Therefore, China must always be a second-rate country.

Singapore has always advocated that the United States is an important balancing force in Southeast Asia. After the U.S. military withdrew from the Philippine base, Singapore immediately proposed that the U.S. military can be supplied in Singapore. Now Singapore has become the only foothold of the U.S. military in Southeast Asia.

In addition, China first proposed cooperation with ASEAN, while Singapore was to balance China's power. Vigorously promote cooperation between India and ASEAN. Originally, India did not have a foothold in Southeast Asia, and it was Singapore's deadlift.

Singapore is the first country in Southeast Asia to conduct joint military exercises with India for two thousand years. At that time, India was still in a short period of isolation after the nuclear test, and major countries in the world treated them differently. But after India's nuclear test. Not only did ASEAN not condemn India’s nuclear test, but instead gave tacit approval or support. Among them, Singapore played a big role, and the first ASEAN country visited by the Indian Foreign Minister after the nuclear test was Singapore.

In the process of establishing a free trade alliance between China and ASEAN, Singapore has always reminded ASEAN countries to be united and to be aware that they are competitors with China and so on.

It is not uncommon for Chinese people to be discriminated against in Singapore. After Chinese female athletes were collectively insulted by shop owners when they traveled to Singapore, Singapore’s newspapers and magazines opposed the business principle of “customers are God and customers are always right”, and ridiculed and ridiculed China. People, defend the rogue shopkeeper.

All of these are double, violent things before the explosion. This is what happened when many Chinese regarded Singapore as their relatives and friends, and the bookkeepers got through difficulties. What did Singapore do when China was attacked by the Chinese Communist Party?

Fan Hyung said with a very uncomfortable expression, "Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong responded to the Washington Post's call to block China and blatantly refused to visit China. Lianhe Zaobao said eloquently that Goh Chok Tong's actions were praised and welcomed by Southeast Asian countries."

In addition, when Goh Chok Tong was interviewed by the media. Publicly questioned China’s ability to govern and claimed that China would spend two to three years to govern the ratio during this period. Foreign investment should leave China instead of putting all eggs in one basket. "

At the beginning of the ASEAN Defense Summit, China participated in it, but Singapore suggested that this is ASEAN’s own meeting and there is no need to invite others. After the meeting, Goh Chok Tong triumphantly declared that leaders of other ASEAN countries have to look at his attitude. He took the lead in rejecting China's proposal, as if he were a hero of Southeast Asian countries.

The executives are very angry now, because these actions in Singapore are not simply unfriendly. It is not an insignificant gesture, but a malicious and deliberate injury, a hostile action that takes advantage of people’s danger to fall to the ground in an attempt to put China to death in one fell swoop.

Because the goal of these actions is to set off a new wave of global violence, re-block China, completely destroy China's reform, opening up, and economic development environment, mobilize foreign capital to withdraw from China, and cause as much difficulty as possible to the Chinese economy. Strive for the collapse of the Chinese economy. There is also the need to undermine the Chinese people’s confidence in the central government’s disaster resistance and governance of the country, and make the central government’s command fail. This led to the total collapse of Chinese society like the former Soviet Union.

Today, when the situation in China has basically stabilized, some people can say that the above-mentioned arguments are alarmist. It's a trivial matter, it's nonsense, etc.

But one thing is clear. It is precisely because Singapore is a predominantly Chinese country and because China has always regarded Singapore as a friend. In the eyes of many people, Singapore has a better understanding of China. More objective, less prejudiced, and more authoritative. Therefore, Singapore has a greater influence on many countries' attitudes towards China.

When disaster strikes suddenly and people are panicked and overwhelmed, a rumor can be enough to kill people, just as a little turmoil during a stock market crisis is enough to crash the stock market and ruin people with insufficient strength.

Similarly, when the epidemic broke out suddenly, many countries around the world have yet to take measures, and are indecisive, Singapore has taken the lead in making a high profile and taking the lead in blocking China. Its influence is far greater than usual and far beyond its strength. There is a stance of over ten thousand sentences.

It is conceivable that if the central government cannot act decisively and take decisive measures to stabilize the position, if the Chinese people cannot unite to fight the disaster and achieve results, if the Chinese cannot control the critical situation through their own efforts, if the international community really believes that China Already faltering, a large group of speculators must rush to echo Singapore's call. Then Singapore's goal of using the crisis of ** to destroy China in one fell swoop is really possible.

"Singapore stabbed China at a critical moment and in a critical place. This fact is so true that Fan Heng frowned and said to his son Fan Wuyi, "The senior management is very angry and is discussing countermeasures. I On the one hand, I sit in Hong Kong to watch the situation change, and on the other hand, I have to wait for a decision. To confirm whether to take further action. "

In fact, many Chinese people still don't understand. Why does Singapore want to **? Where did China offend it?

"I am afraid that the Indians in the Americas had similar doubts back then. Why did these white people kill the Indians and not even let those who surrendered? Why did the Indians offend them? No wonder. The Indians probably don’t know what killing and surrendering.” Fan Wubing thought for a while and said, “This is the key point where the brains of people full of Eastern philosophy cannot understand the behavior of people who follow Western philosophy. You think. No crime, no offense, and goodwill should the world be peaceful? The real world just doesn't like yours!"

Southeast Asian countries have their own long history, traditions and cultures, with the exception of Singapore.

It was originally not a country, but only a part of Malaya, which was kicked out by Malaya because of the relationship between the Communists. Although the Chinese in Singapore are the majority, the Chinese who identify with Chinese cultural traditions have always been the bottom, and the country’s ruling elites are all high-level Chinese who have received a full set of meticulous education from prestigious British and Western schools.

These people are the so-called banana people, with yellow skin and white hearts. Although they look like Chinese, they look down on Chinese culture and Chinese people in their hearts. Nothing is more proficient than wagging their tails at white people and staring at Chinese people.

So although there are mostly Chinese in Singapore, the mainstream thinking is a hybrid of East and West, nondescript, non-discriminatory. As a result, the place not only has no resources, but also has no history, no tradition, and no cultural characteristics. The whole is an artificial hybrid freak.

The freak belongs to the freak~lightnovelpub.net~ I have inherited the spiritual superiority of the British Empire, and I never forget that I was once the largest military base in Asia controlled by the British Empire.

At that time, although one had to be respectful to the whites, he could still look down upon all the natives of Asian countries. What a beauty it was.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. The British Empire declined, and the scenery of Singapore also followed, and I had to make another way of living.

Before the rise of China's economy, Singapore had no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys were king. The financial industry, export processing industry, tourism, and shipping industries all gained ground and became a dragon in Asia. But with the rapid rise of China's economy, Singapore's housekeeping skills are not working.

Singapore also has countermeasures for this. The Temasek consortium has quietly penetrated into all aspects of the Fung Quo mainland for decades, especially financial institutions such as CICC, which also have a large proportion of their shares.

However, since the emergence of the Fan Investment Group, it has been a great suppression of foreign capital groups. The Temasek Consortium has been frustrated everywhere. It is precisely because of this that Singapore has a deep resentment towards China’s development while attempting to penetrate China’s financial industry. Yes, this time I seized the opportunity of sex, naturally showing a hideous face. The Chinese will be stabbed severely.