
v5 Chapter 1204: change

Fanyao disease returned to the capital before the point. Only the various tasks of attacking the Singapore government and the loan group were arranged. Therefore, when he returned, almost all the important media began to deeply criticize Singapore.

"The situation is great!" The person in charge of Fan's investment group's publicity affairs said to Fan Wuyao.

At present, Fan Investment Group's influence in the media is already very large. Except that the party newspapers and journals are not easy to get involved, most of the print media, almost all of the online media, can have their own voices.

Especially this time, in order to achieve his strategic goals, Fan Wuyao dealt a heavy blow to the Temasek Consortium and specially mobilized many well-known economic experts and scholars to criticize them. From the traces of Temasek to the fact that information on its internal operations is never publicly mentioned, it is important to point out that they emerged through money laundering for Southeast Asian countries.

Money laundering is of course connected with crime, especially in this process, it is basically an important way to provide economic sources for corrupt officials or criminals in various countries.

Therefore, under the public opinion and propaganda led by Fan's Investment Group, Temasek, the capital monster, has become synonymous with evil.

Especially when everyone heard that the Big Four might be secretly cooperating with the Temasek Consortium in an attempt to drain state-owned assets overseas in exchange for the wealth of a very small number of people, the public sentiment arose.

Amidst opposition on the Internet, the General Office of the State Council stated at a regular press conference. This matter is purely groundless and does not exist at all. The four major companies will not cooperate with the Temasek consortium.

When the news reached Singapore. The faces of the entire senior Singaporean were pale.

In recent years, Temasek’s performance has been very poor, with losses as high as tens of billions and tens of billions of losses. This is very serious for Singapore as a whole. If the plan to intervene in the Chinese banking industry secretly operated in the past few years If this is not possible, then the collapse of the Temasek consortium is already imminent.

"What the **** is going on here, why did things that were already almost settled become like this in a blink of an eye?" The new appointment of the Temasek Consortium. o He Jing frowned and flew back from the mainland to report on his subordinates.

"It's all Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong's public statements, which has annoyed the mainland's high-level officials. Now they are reciprocating the other party, and they are also sulking. They say that you politicians are tempted to please the Americans, and our business can't be done.

Such remarks are to be said in front of Ho Ching. After all, Goh Chok Tong is Singapore’s prime minister. If it hadn't been for the fact that Singapore's actual power was in the hands of the Lee family, he would not dare to say that.

"Watching the scene still has to take the upper-level route and get back the business now. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. He Jing will also feel a very headache about this.

Goh Chok Tong wanted to get rid of the Lee family's idea of ​​going it alone for a long time, but the Lee family controlled the Temasek Consortium with one hand, tightly holding the Singapore government's pocketbook, if there is no money. Nothing can be done, so Goh Chok Tong has nothing to do.

This time, because of the ** epidemic. Goh Chok Tong in order to expand his political influence. And to please the Americans, establish his own leadership position in ASEAN, hesitate to openly attack the Chinese mainland, and actively promote. This certainly made his position in the Singapore government more and more stable, but it caused the Temasek consortium to bear the scapegoat and suffered. Disastrous loss.

If you really lose the opportunity to enter the Chinese banking industry, the loss will be heavy and unbearable.

After Fan Wubing returned to the capital, he naturally wanted to get together with his girlfriends. Faced with such a large-scale national epidemic prevention status. Even if he wanted to go out to eat, he seemed a little cautious.

Many friends who have not seen each other for a long time have already met on the phone to celebrate with wine as a song in the future.

The luck of the rest of the life after the catastrophe is certainly joyful, but for a nation that is rational or learned rationality from this disaster, after experiencing this disaster that paid a huge price, there are too many pains that make people think about it. The comprehension needs precipitation.

Just as ugliness is always accompanied by beauty, not all people are sublime, and the **** is inherently complicated. Many suspected patients fled the hospital irresponsibly. What's more, he did not return home, but was right. The family lived in a hotel where people came and went with a high degree of responsibility.

After being discharged from the hospital, many recovered people were discriminated against by people around them in cold eyes. They were advised by community residents to stay somewhere else before coming back. There are too many examples to mention.

Some people even falsely claim that they have sex. When buying things, they didn’t give money. Some even sent a threatening letter to colleges and universities saying that they would not pay 100,000 yuan, and they put the masks of patients in the school cafeteria to spread the **. Someone dug up the high road that passed through the village. There are also people who raise prices or sell napkins as sanitary masks. All kinds of creative cases are enough to write a thick classic case of the ignorant and fearless, and it may become a bestseller this year.

Fan Wubing was eating shabu-shabu with Shi Ying, Cuiqi, and Ouyang Xiaowei in Beijing. Just say, "Sarter said, other people are my hell. Under the background of globalization, **

Our common value is love for ourselves. Perhaps the more memorable thing is our social body. Public transparency, social supervision mechanisms, social early-warning mechanisms, emergency response capabilities, and national health management systems have ruthlessly revealed all weaknesses from individuals to systems. Under the shadow of Hiroshima mushrooms, the Japanese took the first step in their post-war rise. If ** can purify our thinking and become a prelude to our deep reforms, it will be the best interpretation of the interdependence of good and evil! "

A famous thinker once said that it is through the views of the enemy or adversary that we deepen our understanding of things. The adversary of the crisis should also be viewed in the same way.

You can imagine that crisis is such a killer. It is extremely calm and calm. When the world is peaceful, the sun is infinitely shining, and the people are unconscious, it will give you a fatal blow.

History has always remembered the crisis of the explosion of Vesuvius and the crisis of the Black Death that was born on the land of Europe. Of course, it also records the fact that after entering the twentieth century, human beings are seldom caught again suddenly. Destroyed by a dangerous crisis, the promotion of civilization, the attainment of science, and the awareness of human nature have all become effective walls to stop the crisis.

This spring, the outbreak of the epidemic has brought China's biggest crisis this year. All kinds of masks all over the streets have become people's deepest memories this year.

Every corner of the city is plunged into a tense atmosphere, can it withstand this disaster? The world's eyes widened.

In some quarantine areas, doctors at anti-fatigue stations wear protective clothing to enter the floor every day, and not only spray potions in residents' homes. Special attention should also be paid to the disposal of household garbage. They will be collected in a special container, wrapped in a tightly sealed plastic film, and then sprayed with disinfectant inside, then sealed, and left to stand for several hours before being transported. At the same time, the doctors also measure the body temperature of each resident every day, answer their various questions, chat with the residents, and relieve tension.

The neighborhood and neighborhood committees also set up a special housekeeping service team, which is responsible for buying vegetables and food for the residents in the isolation building. Every day they start at less than seven o'clock in the morning, as long as the residents make a phone call, they can buy at any time.

Sometimes the food designated by residents has a brand and a price, but there is no nearby store, and they have to go to other stores to buy.

Every day, they have to work until 7 o'clock in the evening to go home. In addition, a condolence letter, a 24-hour hotline, a condolence food, a health medicine, and a daily newspaper are all warming the hearts of the quarantined residents.

The residents in many buildings were cold and alienated before, and they might not know each other. But through a period of isolated life, a very warm neighborhood relationship has been created. The distance between heart and heart is getting closer.

Even the current catering industry has begun to change. Although the number of people going out to eat has greatly reduced, the catering industry has also learned from it, just like the shabu-shabu that Fan Wuyi eats, and the meal sharing system is also implemented at this time. From a big pot in the past to a small pot for each person, this is also an improvement.

Although the catering industry at that time all advertised strict disinfection, going to a restaurant to eat still made many people feel lingering. Ciqi said that she bit her scalp to attend a friend's birthday party the day before yesterday and hurriedly found disinfectant to wash her hands as soon as she walked in. After the opening. She didn't want to use chopsticks, but she was surprised to find that the restaurant had implemented a meal sharing system. The waiter, wearing masks and gloves, divided each pot of vegetables into small plates, one for each person, irrelevant to each other.

At the same time, Fan Wubing also noticed that from his wife Shen Ying to several other girlfriends, almost everyone put several spare covers in their handbags, and the patterns on them were also different.

Masks do not feel good to many people~lightnovelpub.net~ But as far as this spring is concerned, masks that have not been cared for for many years have become one of the must-have items for citizens to go out.

From traditional gauze masks to disposable activated carbon masks, from pure white to a variety of fashionable mask stickers, the voices are written on everyone's face through the masks. For a common purpose, all people have no hesitation. .

Disinfection is the most fashionable word at the moment, and households are even more sloppy. Spraying twice a day is essential. In addition, many people also purchase Dettol at home, and all their family’s clothes have to be soaked in it.

The high passenger flow of buses and subways scared off many citizens during the ** period, and everyone began to choose to walk to work or cycle to work. It is precisely because of this that bicycles are once again favored, and the market sales are rising steadily.

If you really can’t hide, take the best possible precautions, wear a mask, and stagger the peak of the flow of people. To reduce the possibility of travel, even when you get in a taxi, you must first remind the driver to wear a mask and see if the latest disinfection label is affixed to the car.

"Every huge progress in society starts with the huge sacrifice of some people." Fan Wuyao sighed.