
v5 Chapter 1208: change

"Civet? What is this?" Fan Heng listened. A little dazed"

Be steadfast and serious about Fan Heng's compliant work. There is no special fetish for people. The civet is indeed farther away from him.

Therefore, when Fan Wubing told him that after the genetic research institute of the Fan Investment Group discovered the coronavirus on the civet, it was difficult for Fan Heng to establish an intuitive impression for a while, and he did not know that the civet was a What kind of animal does it sound like a ground mouse?

"It's not a field mouse, it's a cat." Fan Wuyao explained.

Northerners eat this food very rarely, but in the south, civet meat has always been regarded as a rare mountain delicacy and a good nourishing product, and it is praised as a mountain treasure. It is known as the delicious civet cat in the mountains and delicious in the water. The white toad fish is known as a fur animal, and the fur can be made into fur. It is one of the traditional bulk export furs.

The needle hair of the civet cat is the raw material for making high-end brushes and brushes, and the fat is a rare high-grade raw material in the production of cosmetics. It is also a good medicine for scalds.

In recent years, the phenomenon of eating civet cats in some areas in China has become more and more intense. Fresh civet cats have become a best-selling item in the market, and prices have continued to rise. Five years ago, every kilogram of civet meat was about forty yuan. This year, it has risen to 200 yuan per kilogram of civet meat.

Calculated at this price, the price of a live civet can be as high as thousands of yuan, and the huge profits have promoted the popularity of poaching and selling civet cats everywhere. "Fan Heng said with some emotion.

Even in the Guangzhou area, not everyone can often eat civet cats, such expensive wild animals. It can be imagined that the people who initially contracted the virus were basically people with some status and status. A well-known singer who desperately died of pneumonia was rumored to be one of the first patients in China to be infected with AIDS.

In fact, the diagnosis of ** is relatively late. It cannot be denied that in some areas where medical conditions are not met, if these patients are treated as ordinary pneumonia, it is likely to delay the condition, and then cause lung failure and death in a short time. . These cases may not be able to be counted in.

In other words, the earliest domestic ** cases currently counted are not necessarily the true earliest ** cases.

The Genetic Research Institute under Fan's Investment Group has never officially surfaced. In the past, it used to do some work such as improving seeds and color cotton. Although I am also engaged in genetic research, I have never announced the results of research recommendations. This time the ** epidemic broke out. Under the guidance of Fan Wuyao, he compared the genes in the civet cat with the virus genes in the ** patients before reaching this conclusion.

Under the influence of Fan's Investment Group, various medical research institutions have developed a keen interest in civet cats, after verification and analysis. Indeed, many civet cats have components in their bodies that are consistent with the virus genes. The ** virus in the civet cat has a high degree of homology with the ** virus in humans. The ** virus isolated from the civet cat has a more and more humanized gene sequence.

According to this situation, experts appealed. The people should neither take it lightly nor panic in the face of **, they must rely on science and do not believe in feudal superstitions. I don’t believe in rumors, and I should go to the hospital immediately if abnormal symptoms such as fever appear.

At present, under the influence of the Institute of Genetics of the Fan Investment Group and other institutions, everyone has identified the source of human infection in wild animals, of which the civet cat is the main carrier of the virus.

According to research data, the ** virus can exist in wild animals in different regions, and the virus can be transmitted to humans. Through the gene sequencing analysis of ** virus in the civet cat, it is found that it is homologous to the ** virus in humans Over 99.8%, this means that the virus in wild animals can directly infect humans.

The virus is mainly excreted from the feces of various wild animals, and its excretion amount is amazing, and it is relatively stable in the environment, especially in the humid and cold environment. It can last for several days, and in a dry state, the feces can turn into dust and be inhaled to cause infection.

**The news that the virus came from wild animals immediately caused great public concern.

After intense verification by scientists in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other places, they have also confirmed that the coronavirus that has been cited comes from wild animals such as civet cats. They not only isolated the ** sample virus from the civet cat specimens, but also determined that the ** virus of the civet cat had extremely high homology with the human ** virus.

However, there were different opinions on this conclusion, which was announced by the Agricultural University shortly afterwards. They tested more than 70 civet cat samples in Guangdong, Beijing and other places, and the results showed that all of these wild and farmed civet cats did not carry the virus.

These news made everyone feel at a loss. Why are some of the civet cat specimens tested for the ** virus, and some are not? Does the civet infect humans, or do humans infect the civet? Except for civet cats, do other wild animals also have ** viruses? Even if it is related to civet cats or other animals, how is it contagious?

All of these are still unclear, so. At present, most scientists believe that there is no sufficient basis to prove that the ** came from civet cats or other wild animals.

In this regard, Fan Wubing said that it is a good thing to have controversy, and science has always been developed in controversy. Especially for new acute infectious diseases like **, people’s understanding of it has just begun, and free discussion of different opinions should be encouraged to pursue new knowledge and approach the truth.

For example, if the pathogen of ** is chlamydia, if no one puts forward a different view, how can they look for other pathogens?

The pathogen, a variant of the coronavirus, has been discovered. This has made people's understanding of ** a big step forward, and at the same time raised many new questions. For example, how did the variant of the coronavirus form and where did it come from? The research on ** and wild animals is precisely to unravel this mystery.

There are reasons to believe that through a dispute of different opinions. On the basis of further experimental research, scientists will eventually solve this mystery.

However, Fan Wubing also stated very sincerely when interviewed by the media that he was a citizen. In addition to placing high hopes on scientific progress, it may be more important to reflect on the relationship between humans and animals and even the entire natural world.

"Regardless of the conclusion of the dispute between the civet and the civet. It is certain that some human diseases come from animals. Not to mention the black death that once claimed the lives of tens of millions of people, the current bird flu and mad cow disease. , Especially the AIDS that people talk about

Zhou, Yili has been confirmed to come from animals. The civet cat's ** virus is related to human **, the homology of more than ninety-nine of the mouthpieces, and some epidemiological data also suggest that the ** may come from animals. "Fan Wuyao said when facing the camera. "We can't blame the animals, we can only blame ourselves. Because it is our human activities that disrupt the balance between man and nature, and between man and animal. The ancients said that human beings are born by the aura of heaven and earth, and the laws of the four seasons are fulfilled. Man is originally a child of nature, a part of nature, and a kind of animal. However. Because we are too arrogant and think that we can do whatever we want and conquer nature, we have planted the bane. Engels warned us more than a hundred years ago not to revel in the victory over the natural world, but to be wary of the natural world's revenge. Some old diseases have returned to the epidemic, and some new diseases have emerged. It is nature's punishment for us. Be kind to nature. To be kind to animals means to be kind to our human beings. "

As for some other points of view, such as **Why is Mr. in Guangdong? Because Cantonese people like to eat game, and the ** virus comes from wild animals, but it is not clear what is passed to civet cats. It is only known that civet cats infect humans, and civet cats are very easy to be infected. When civet cats are in close contact, such as slaughter, processing, transportation, breeding, sales, sales, etc., there is a high chance of contracting the ** virus.

After Fan’s Genetics Research Institute came to this conclusion, it was immediately corroborated by experts in various fields. Although some people, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, expressed that they could not agree with this view, they were faced with difficulties. No one dared to make jokes about the safety of their lives. The Guangdong Provincial Government immediately convened an emergency meeting to strengthen market management of high-risk wild animals and prohibit the sale, trafficking, slaughter, and consumption of civet cats, so as to cut off the most critical chain of transmission. .

After calming down, the media came out with several articles that were in line with Fan Wu's view, thinking that in recent years, various new high-risk infectious diseases such as ** have been staged at home and abroad. What are the reasons?

The big reason is that mankind has over-exploited and over-utilized the natural environment. Because human beings, nature, and animals have a current ecological balance problem. After breaking this balance, humans will be retaliated against. High-risk infectious diseases like **, if humans do not slaughter or eat wild animals, and the well water does not invade the river, there is no possibility of this disease.

From the perspective of mankind's own reasons, the living and living environment of mankind has been greatly changed compared with the predecessors. With the development of urbanization, the expansion of traffic, the deepening of exchanges between countries. A virus may be carried from China to Canada, which can also be seen as the two sides of modern civilization.

Looking at it now, for major epidemics, the country already has an instant messaging system and has established prevention and control guidelines. This is a great improvement. People have also learned from experience in responding to epidemics and other public health incidents to improve the emergency response system, which shows that human beings have a lot of initiative.

If there is something worthy of improvement and improvement, the first is that public awareness should be improved. Vigilance should also be educated frequently. You cannot take it lightly just because the epidemic is gradually being brought under control, and you must be alert to the dangers of certain viruses. NS:. The construction of the entire emergency network needs to be strengthened. The network construction at the grass-roots level in villages and towns is very important. Because some cases are often overlooked at the bottom level, and reporting up is easily delayed. Once the network is built, information transmission can become more accurate and timely.

In fact, since the outbreak of the epidemic, the public's hygiene and health awareness have been aroused. But the media also reminded everyone that after the incident, it is easy for people to forget to teach. Like bird flu, Chinese people like to eat live chickens, but these chickens have not been tested, and there is a potential risk of virus transmission.

For citizens, the improvement of knowledge is very important. Many infectious diseases are mainly caused by personal hygiene.

After the ** struck, the whole society’s concept of life has undergone a very good change. It used to be eating and karaoke. Now people are more pursuing spiritual consumption, focusing on health, fitness, and sports have become popular. Mass sports. With explosive growth, this is very gratifying.

There is another, that the physical and psychological sequelae caused by ** are also very significant. Naturally, it doesn't have much to do with ordinary people, but it should still have a great impact on those who have been sick and those who have been quarantined.

People have begun to change their lifestyles, knowing that they should not eat wild game, and respect the right of wild animals to live. It should be said that the birth of a virginity has greatly changed people’s understanding of health.

The high-level people are very concerned about the media’s comments on the performance of government departments in this time. as a result of. This makes the domestic lagging behind in the prevention and control of the epidemic. This is understandable. Chinese people don’t like to make domestic scandals public. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, like some infectious diseases, doesn’t like to talk about it, and likes to cover it up, but it’s really true. Very stupid way.

Later, the central government acted decisively, dismissed department leaders who were not doing well, and released information in a timely manner, which can show the credibility of the government and greatly enhance the government's image.

Regarding this point, Fan Wubing also mentioned when talking to the new prime minister, "As far as I personally understand, the so-called stability means that there must be good transparency, so that the people can be more informed and learn more. Generally speaking. Said that the more transparent the government is about the epidemic situation, the more stable the public will be. Honesty will always be the best policy. **For our country and society, on another level, it is also an opportunity. I have always been in favor of the Four Concave "Human Exhibition". Index) to examine social exhibitions. Fat four includes the people's health, education, and per capita recession. It is not enough to just look at the recession exhibition. We still have to pay special attention to people's livelihood issues. "

Through the close contact in the recent period and the various contributions made by the Fan Investment Group in the fight against **, the new Prime Minister's view of Fan Wuyi has also undergone a great change. He was not pleasing to his eyes from the past. , Has become the current "Nothing but Talk", this is also a change that Fan Wuyi did not expect.

It should be said that such a change is very good for Fan Wuyi. Jianshu tans and says Shaoshan) Different body clams, it’s good to read novels.