
v5 Chapter 1210: A group more dragging than white-collar

Two Bu years ago. It was ten years after freezing for two years, when the vice president of the United States, Hung Chau Verr, first proposed the concept of an information highway. Most Chinese people had not seen a computer. Today, ten years later, Chinese netizens have passed 70 million, ranking second in the world.

On these special days, ** blocked people's travel and shopping, but made online life more exciting.

The daily average page views of Huafeng.com's ** special reports have reached more than six million, and the number of news visits has also increased sharply. In order to cope with the explosive growth of new users, the network service department of Fan's Investment Group had to urgently add 18,000 access points. The sales of the online shopping department exceeded 60 million yuan in ten days, setting a new record on the Internet. A new domestic record of shopping.

Although for ordinary Internet practitioners, it is still uncertain whether this means the long-awaited spring of the Internet is coming, but it is conceivable that the heads of major portals are struggling to cope with the situation, maybe they are Chuckle.

The software engineers of many websites work at home because of the **. This is also a common way for many Internet companies to protect their employees. White-collar workers and petty bourgeoisie finally realized their dream of going to work in pajamas and slippers.

The recruitment meeting for college graduates was changed to online at night, and digital face-to-face meetings made graduates who worried about the impact of ** affecting job hunting no longer sigh untimely.

The number of people chatting online has increased. Some people say that maybe this will create another peak of online dating.

With the suspension of classes for 1.7 million primary and middle school students in Beijing on April 25th, an online learning platform based on the online education information classroom of Beijing and the six online schools of the National People’s University Affiliated Middle School, Gang Middle School, Yucai School, and Beijing No. 5 Middle School as the main body , Has become the main way for elementary and middle school students to learn.

The website of the Primary School Attached to Peking University, which approved the suspension of classes, is full of words and sentences exchanged between children and teachers. Reading such a real text in a cyberspace that does not distinguish between the real and the virtual, the deeply touched netizens rushed to tell me that the amount of visits to this website originally used for internal communication exceeded the capacity, and the server had to be replaced urgently.

The network equipment business of Fan's Investment Group can be said to be very hot. The staff in the sales department have increased their online ordering efforts while strictly preventing fatigue. Every day, a variety of supporting products are constantly going out from here. Through the logistics department of Fan's Investment Group, it will be delivered to users as quickly as possible.

In this season when most people are unwilling to go out, express delivery companies suddenly become very in demand. Several major express delivery companies under Fan Investment Group, which have been established for many years, are growing at a height that is hard to guess by others. , It can be said that every day is not an exaggeration, or even an exaggeration.

However, the headquarters of Fan's Investment Group is still busy. The employees here can be said to be hiding in the building to form a unified, completely isolated from the outside world. They are responsible for the coordination and management tasks of various branches and independent enterprises across the country. The computer network is used for management at all times.

When Fan Wubing and Shen Ying both appeared in the headquarters building, they still caused a sensation. After all, in this unclear and sensitive time, the big boss can personally guide the work and fight with the front-line employees. A clear expression of attitude.

After Shen Ying visited the working environment in the headquarters of Fan's Investment Group, there was a problem. The ventilation equipment in each room here was actually independent. It was probably affected by the outbreak of the epidemic in Hong Kong Amoy Gardens. Fan's All non-independent ventilation facilities of the investment group were urgently modified to avoid cross-infection of the entire building.

"Your work is really well done." Shen Ying said to Fan Wuyao with a smile.

"It's okay, in short, you can't fall behind others," Fan Wuyao replied.

Then they looked at all the doors at work together and expressed their condolences to everyone. At the same time, they also sent the preventive medicine just given by Mr. Fan Tianlan, the teacher of Fan Wuyi, which are all well-prepared prescriptions. The packaged decoction made urgently by Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Group was then directly shipped through Fan Airlines.

When the employees saw the delivery date on the packaging, Lifang knew that the medicine was just brewed yesterday, and it was delivered to his own hands not far away today. They were immediately very excited, and thought that working with such a boss, or It's worth it, not only is the benefits first-rate, the boss can also think of the employees first when things happen.

"Anyone who can enter the headquarters of Fan's Investment Group can be regarded as a high-level white-collar worker." After turning around, Shen Ying was a little emotional.

Although Shen Ying’s Fantian Chuangshi online game company can be regarded as a leader in the industry and a gathering place for industry elites, there is still a certain gap compared with the headquarters of Fan Investment Group.

"White-collar workers?" Fan Wubing smiled immediately after hearing this.

At this time, most of the white-collar workers are not as glamorous as before.

A few years ago, the white-collar workers were still one, and they carried the enviable status of the two. It refers to the kind of professional staff who work in high-end office buildings. They are characterized by high education and high income, especially foreign-funded enterprises in office buildings, and they are also the bases for white-collar workers.

White-collar workers in the general population. It means decent work, elegant cultivation, and rich spiritual experience. In a sense, white-collar workers can become synonymous with fashion.

They must have graduated from prestigious universities, or even masters, doctors, or returnees. They check in from 9 to 5 every day, sitting next to the computer in the cubicle, McDonald’s, Cappuccino, DINK, subway, taxi, economy class, live star Class hotels, clubbing, answering phone calls, listening to the blues, overtime, Christmas, snooker, temporary residence permit, red wine, shopping, living in rented or mortgaged apartments, buying simple IKEA furniture, collecting "talking about "Friends", yearning Shangri-La, nostalgic for Lijiang, **** travel friends, not reading Chinese newspapers or Chinese movies, watching other magazines, watching Kafka, watching Zhang Ailing, watching Iranian movies, cleanliness, homesickness, fitness, yoga, raising Chihuahuas, perfume, clothes, Shoes, clubbing, traveling, flowers, buying books, shopping, watching movies, the moonlight clan.

The emergence of white-collar workers is a typical phenomenon at the end of the initial stage of China's market economy exhibition, which proves that knowledge changes destiny.

However, most white-collar workers only appear in first-tier cities. Faced with the eve of the transformation of…, these young people with culture and knowledge have begun to try a yuppie life of the middle class in Western countries.

Zhong Shi and ladies are the life goals of young people full of these new ideas and their must-read. Love, education, culture, art, experience, and spiritual aristocracy deeply attract them.

After a few years of poisoning, things are wrong.

Looking back now, Fan Jins, who were dreaming of white-collar workers, had to accept the same competition with Huihei’s farmer father when many college students rushed out of the university’s high-level professional training prison. Cruel reality.

The white-collar workers in the past are old, bankruptcy, bankruptcy, unemployment, unemployment, divorce, divorce. When the trade, advertising, real estate, brochures, and manufacturing industries that gave birth to white-collar workers were blowing up and down, the fragile white-collar workers suddenly realized that their once-white and crisp neckline had been crumpled and dark yellow by the cold sweat.

The veteran white-collar worker continues to wander in the city where prices and housing prices are soaring, standing at the foot of the office buildings. Will he receive an interview notice today? The legend of white-collar workers just fell.

At the same time, a social group full of mystery has robbed all of China’s brilliance. They drive "own" large-displacement brand-name cars, enter and exit high-end restaurants, high-end nightclubs, take first-class cabins or soft sleepers, and stay at stars. Hotels, several luxury houses with prime locations, buy all the buildings to work, independent offices, no clock-in, dinners, meetings, drink Moutai Wuliangye, high-priced Pu'er, smoke the best Chinese, collect hardcover "Twenty-Four History of Mao Criticism", Can, Stock investment, insurance and financial management, collection of antiques, calligraphy, painting, jewelry, gold, high-end clubs, Rolex, Louis Vuitton, luxury goods, international top brand clothing, golf. Government dispatched abroad, immigration, passport, Las Vegas, beauty and weight loss massage, organization of physical examination, recuperation, free medical care, noble school, Peng o, full-time study, party school, servant, lover, Tibetan manure, paid leave.

"Is there such a good thing?" Even Shen Ying felt a little staggered after hearing this.

"Of course there is, not only ~lightnovelpub.net~ but also more than I said... Fan Wuyao replied very positively.

Fan Wuyi said that they are emerging black-collar workers who are blooming and digging up all over China's first-tier, second-tier and third-tier cities.

Compared with clean white-collar workers, their clothes are black, their cars are black, and their faces are black. Their income is concealed, their life is concealed, and their work is concealed. The so-called concealment is like a man in black standing in the dark. You know that he exists, and he also knows that he exists, but you don’t know what he is like. ,doing what?

They are the huge group of people who work in Zhengyi and Guanyoukuiduan Enterprises.

In just a few years, government-owned buildings have repeatedly set the height of all Chinese cities. In front of the magnificent and magnificent official office building, the commercial office building was immediately pushed out of the miserly shabby.

In terms of floor area ratio, supporting facilities, decoration, etc., all kinds of "big pants" have emerged from the ground. They have become the "bird's nest white-collar and his o" four of the urban black-collar upstarts, and are covered by the black-collar pants. All the sunshine.

"Civil servant?" Hearing this, no matter how ignorant Shen Ying is, she should understand that they are you in Fan Wuyi's words.