
v5 Chapter 1211: Beyond detachment

Core tube Zhuo Lei didn't agree with Fan Dan's remarks, but she was a bit embarrassed, that is, the employment situation in the past few years is getting worse and worse.

Not to mention, some clues can be seen from the recruitment of new employees of Fan Investment Group.

When Fan Wubing.com returned to China, it was not easy to recruit some undergraduates who graduated from regular colleges and universities. That is to say, Fan's reputation is big enough and the treatment is good enough that some people are unwilling to return. The original college graduates want to take this springboard to exercise and prepare for working in a foreign company. Who knows that Fan's exhibition is so fast, and after this stay, they don't want to leave.

In recent years, the distribution of college students has not been included, and the flow of talent has become market-oriented. After all, the number of college graduates who can enter the well-paid and stable government agencies is a small number, and most of them still have to go to the market. At this time, Fan Investment Group Suddenly it became sweet pastry.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Fan's Investment Group has to recruit a few cleaners, it is at least a bachelor's degree, and girls with a better image and temperament are eligible to be selected.

This is not to say that there are too many bad talents, but there are too many graduates. In addition, a cleaner at Fan's Investment Group headquarters has a monthly salary of more than 5,000 yuan, which is not low in Beijing. How can anyone reject this kind of job opportunity and insist on not being insulted?

The same is true of Shen Ying's own company. A few years ago, when the Internet boom just entered China, at that time, there was indeed a shortage of online talents and programming talents, but now it is different. The tide has receded, and what is left is a bunch of bare buttocks with nowhere to work. Poor people.

At this time, there will be a large group of people who want to recruit talents for any position, and try to reduce their own requirements so that they can obtain the company's asylum permit. It is just that there are too many talents to choose from, and there is no need to consider how big a person needs to be. the cost of.

The cost of employment is for Fan or Shen Ying’s Fantian Chuangshi online game company. It is really a factor that does not need to be considered. What they worry about is just a bad choice. Because there are too many outstanding talents.

Under the constraints of this general environment, white-collar workers have become a tasteless existence, and the leisurely and generous treatment of the past has become a yellow flower yesterday. The deteriorating environment that we are now facing is already in line with the minimum standards for migrant workers. If it is not for the particularly talented white-collar workers, the existence of other dispensables is really a worry.

Contrary to this situation, the new army of black-collar workers has emerged.

As early as a few years ago, the black-collar class was still a class that was despised by people. Even the civil servants at the county level would not benefit much if they did not hold the real power of some very oily power departments. After all, this, the class. The salary package is very low, if it is done innocently. There is no day at all.

However, the changes in recent years have caused the black-collar class to make a big comeback. In just a few years, through the use of land finance and monopoly political power, official organizations have gradually used various means to transfer social wealth. Concentrate in their own hands, not only by means of heavy taxes and repeated charges and fines, horizontally rigorously accumulating social wealth, but also by means of waste of resources and environmental pollution. Vertically, they wantonly overdraft and seek to rob the foundation for the survival of future generations.

The government-owned economy is invincible in the monopolistic, non-competitive market, and a steady stream of huge profits is like billowing the Yangtze River. Needless to say, water, gas, electricity, oil, telecommunications, finance, tobacco, health, education, customs, highways and other industries, even if publishing, post, Xinhua Bookstore, municipal administration, sanitation, public transportation, salt industry, mining, railway, civil aviation, In fields such as culture, sports, news, tourism, land, etc., because free competition is prohibited, the profits are still large enough to make any foreign company's eyes bleed.

In any city in China, a potbellied tax supervisor can drive a Land Rover to work. It doesn’t need to say how big his office is and how luxurious the decoration is. Just to tell you, he can exercise, sauna, and swim.

"A policeman who has worked for two years on a talent network has already bought a car and a house. He has not asked his parents for money. Nor has he gone to apply for a bank mortgage. The basic monthly salary of a meter reader of the State Grid Corporation of China has reached 8,000 yuan! A simple calculation! There are more than 1,000 provincial and ministerial levels, and more than 20,000 prefectural and departmental levels across the country. There are tens of thousands to 100,000 county-level departments. This does not include the central department and the military police system in the capital, which is higher than the ordinary black-collar workers in the region. The annual income of 100,000 to 200,000 yuan is very common, and a bonus of 100,000 yuan at the end of the year is not a rare thing, and it is not only the tax department that has this financial power." Fan Wubing said to Shen Ying.

In fact, what Fan Wubing said was only "legal" income, and this part of the property was not afraid to be publicized.

I mentioned in the previous news that all black-collar workers in a certain place in the south have two cars, and they are normal.

Of course, everyone knows that for black-collar workers, income is definitely more than salary. Medical treatment, transportation, eating, drinking, pulling, spreading, corruption, bribery, etc., can enjoy taxpayers’ free support in all places. The monthly car sticker is even several times more than the salary of a migrant worker for a hard month. They can also buy a linen and pants in the city and get an invoice for reimbursement, or they can sell a large amount of expensive medicines they have received for free. Even prostitutes have to ask for tickets.

It can be said that the so-called black-collar, except for not equipped with a spouse in the legal sense. Others are the kind of people who enjoy no supply.

In many places, many emerging industries that serve black-collar workers have emerged, such as gift recycling shops, which mainly collect high-end tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceutical supplements sent by black-collar workers, and then sell them again. go out. Although this reputation is not very good, but the benefits are generous. In a small county with a population of 300,000, opening such a small shop, if it is operated properly. It is very easy to make hundreds of thousands of profits in a year.

The reason why the living standards of the black-collar class have risen sharply is that they monopolize all social resources including politics, law, economy, and information. They consume at least half of the national income. Their excavation constitutes a prominent pole of China's new dualistic society. Although this group is relatively small, it is definitely huge. A rough estimate is that there are more than 20 million black-collar workers operating in parasitic monopoly in the country.

Compared with those petty white-collar workers whose material and spiritual lives were pale a few years ago, only those who enjoy and monopolize political rights can truly realize the dreams of generations of Chinese. They have definitely reached or even passed the European and American countries

Of course, other ordinary people at the other pole belong to the standard third world poor countries.

The subversion of black-collar workers from the official background to the white-collar workers from the grassroots of the people embodies the infiltration and borrowing of political power into the free economic realm, and the usurpation of economic power by political power.

This economic status of self-reliance has violated the official spirit of demobilization and the foundation of public welfare, tarnished its legitimacy, and lost political ethical dignity.

Officials have changed from servants of the people to masters of "democracy", from justice arbiters of public interests to spokespersons for their own interest groups, and from night watchmen of the country and society to selfish and despicable thieves. This is a kind of Extremely dangerous tendency.

The white-collar class can be said to be open, or the children of the poor can realize their white-collar dreams by reading books.

Because of this, the value of white-collar workers in China, which has abundant human resources, has depreciated sharply after the expansion of university enrollment.

In contrast, the black-collar class is completely closed, and it is precisely because of the closed, that strange goods are very popular.

In fact, public institutions have become private backyards controlled by bureaucratic power groups. It is not impossible in theory for children of ordinary people to enter this group, but it can only be said that it is very slim. It is true that civil servants are recruited openly, and positions in monopolistic official enterprises are also recruited from the society. As long as you have no problems with your political position, you can register for the exam.

But everyone knows the rules. This is the so-called unspoken rule, the test does not depend on test scores.

The special feature of black collars is that they have become organized and are becoming hereditary. The former is consolidated and the latter is inherited.

After the white-collar workers fell sadly, the low-key black-collar digging has led to rounds of enthusiasm for civil service examinations in the whole society.

At the same time, black-collar workers have become the target of all businesses, and they have more real and more powerful consumption power than white-collar workers. Wherever they go, prices soar their investment in real estate. The farmers lost their land and white-collar workers lost their homes. When the white collar met the black collar, he was immediately pushed out of the suit.

"Nowadays, a so-called white-collar worker working in a private enterprise in a cracked state, with his meager income only enough to maintain food and clothing, consumption is already an exaggerated and desperate term for him. In the Internet low tide storm of the previous eye, Countless foreign companies went bankrupt, their performance declined, and their nests were overwhelmed. One after another layoffs and lower salaries, white-collar workers lost their jobs in a hurry. On the contrary, domestic officials and organizations have ruinous wealth against the market, making the employees of the world's top 500 enviable. "Fan Wubing said to Shen Ying, "If white-collar workers once caused a TOEFL fever and petty bourgeoisie fever, then the black-collar arena has made traditional Chinese studies and snobbery a big fan, conspiracy, imperialism, cynicism, and collection studies. Wait, it all reflects the formation of the core consumer class of black-collar workers."

"I really don't have much research on this, but I feel that housing prices have risen quite sharply recently. Several employees in the company complain that although their income is considered high-end, they still have a lot of money to buy a satisfactory house. The pressure of suffering." Shen Ying said to Fan Wuyao.

"That's natural. White-collar workers can only be called labor resources at best, and black-collar workers are the real masters of the country." Fan Wuyao waved his hand. "The fall of white-collar workers represents the end of the intellectual elite and the fall of rational spirit. Failure, the prosperity of black-collar workers represents the expansion of power ideology. And the return of the anti-knowledge and power-heavy lineage theory and conspiracy theory."

The impact of the decline of white-collar workers is extremely extreme. The devaluation of knowledge will inevitably bring about the re-emergence of the theory of reading uselessness. Chinese society has since moved closer to feudal capitalism. Social culture is becoming more and more deserted and salinized, returning to the rut of rogue culture and imperial politics.

The blockade and strangulation of black-collar workers against white-collar workers forced the new middle class, which constitutes the mainstream of future society, to die, and the Enlightenment to establish a constitutional civil society was forced to collapse.

This kind of synergy between chaebols and powerful men to kill. It severely degrades or even loses the innovative ability and creativity of a nation. The social structure and information structure were further solidified and dismembered, and the younger generation was suppressed and blocked by the elderly and conservative vested interests at the bottom of society.

Healthy social mobility and wealth circulation have stalled, and the vitality and source of social progress have been suffocated and blocked. The success of the wolf totem culture where the winner is king, the unscrupulous officialdom and plot culture, the re-child culture of tyrannical objects and the lofty and great Manchu emperor play is so popular that it reflects the fall of white-collar rules and the rise of black-collar rules. From the difficult recovery of knowledge and civilization, the society irretrievably returns to the barbaric and ignorant power-take-all, the weak and the strong.

"Listening to what you said, it seems to be a very scary knot." Shen Ying felt a little cold on her body, but she said immediately, "But. Even so, it has nothing to do with us, right?"

"It really has nothing to do with us~lightnovelpub.net~ I'm just a little bit emotional." Fan Wubing sighed, "Some people divide society into eight classes. I think it makes sense. The first class is also true. It is the king class at the top, which is composed of hundreds of families. They have appalling wealth and are the masters of this country. Below them is the second class, the local tycoons, the number may be tens of thousands. These people control local power and naturally own unparalleled property. The third class is composed of civil servants. The leaders of public institutions, state-owned enterprise managers, monopolistic state-owned enterprises and private business owners, as well as top white-collar workers These groups are composed of people in these groups. The fourth stratum is ordinary people who live relatively comfortable lives. They are relatively affluent economically, but their social status is not high and they have little influence on society. The fifth stratum is composed of urban civilians. It is composed of farmers who live better in the countryside. The sixth stratum is the poor, that is, the people who are large in number and have little purchasing power. The seventh stratum is responsible for those who have no wealth and the poorest stratum, and the eighth stratum is the last That part of the catastrophically poor class."

"This, Gefen seems to be very clear and practical." Shen Ying nodded and replied, and then she asked, "Then which class do you think we belong to?"

"We?" Fan Wubing smiled and said after a long time, "We probably exist outside of these eight classes. Even if all these eight classes are destroyed, it will not affect our survival. . So, I’m so emotional. It’s really a bit unfounded, why bother, why bother?"