
v5 Chapter 1213: Another reason

"The bravado is of course grounded. In the current domestic law, only legal income, savings, housing and other legal property are recognized, and there is no clear regulation on the legality of virtual property. In the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests, the rights of netizens to virtual property do not belong to any of the existing consumer rights, and the rights of netizens to virtual data do not belong to any of the rights of consumers.

This makes the claims of virtual property fall into an embarrassment that cannot be relied upon.

But now some experts also believe that the accumulation of property in the game requires time and money for players, and therefore should be protected by law.

Through a kind of labor creation of one's own, obtain the exclusivity and dominance of this kind of thing, then of course get a kind of property rights and interests, although this kind of thing is invisible, but this kind of relationship exists, like This kind of invisible right of disposal is also very common in daily life. For example, stocks, debts, bills of lading, and various bills belong to a kind of right that does not see the object to which it really corresponds.

Since it can be traded, it means that it has both market value and exchange value. "This attribute can definitely show that virtual property has a property nature.

Things like someone who stole the Dragon Slaying Knife actually constituted a crime, but under the premise that the more important domestic legislation could not be amended in time, it is really impossible to legislate for online games. Things.

There are priorities, and there is no way for the National People's Congress to give priority to these trivial things. People have to be busy with many things.

However, Fan Wubing also feels that he has a certain degree of influence now, and he is also a special adviser of the State Council. It is right to be concerned about this matter, especially since he has had some contacts with many experts in foreign legal circles. I have a large team of legal advisors under my own hands. Mentioning this question is also a positive performance. It can show concern for specific domestic issues and care for the nascent online game industry.

Therefore, Fan Wuyi voted as Fan! $集团旗7-The online game department, as well as Shen Ying’s Fantian Chuangshi online game company, combined with several major portal sites, invited more than 100 well-known people in the industry and related legal experts, and held the first law in the online game industry. The seminar was dedicated to discussing the important issue of legislation related to the online gaming industry.

If it is a seminar started by ordinary people, or not many people will be willing to come, but Fan Wubing is different. The invitations he made and the people who received the invitations feel very honored and face. After all, Fan Wubing is very Few such activities, can get an invitation, can be said to be a status symbol.

The State Council also received this news. The Premier also specifically called for inquiries, and then said that a legal committee of the National People's Congress would send several experts to the meeting. Naturally, Fan Wuyi welcomed this.

In fact, the government is also very concerned about the emerging industry of online games. However, it has not made up its mind on related legislative issues. It is still holding the attitude of looking at it. This time Fan Wuyi organized this event, which is an opportunity. It should be possible to understand some of the voices in the society, especially the response of the industry.

At the meeting, most experts believed that virtual property belongs to intangible assets. Citizens’ property includes both tangible and intangible. Network virtual property should be a type of intangible asset. Virtual property can be directly obtained from the game business. Purchases can also be obtained from the virtual currency trading market. Therefore, virtual property has the attributes of general commodities, and its true value is self-evident.

"From the perspective of the legal definition of property, virtual property should also be protected. The acquisition of virtual property on the Internet is often through the holder's personal labor such as leveling, real property payments such as the purchase of game points, and market transactions such as the sale of equipment. Wait, network virtual property already has the basic characteristics of real property. At present, there are generally two ways to obtain virtual property, one is to invest a lot of energy to obtain. In 2012, the Internet fee cost about 7,000 yuan. In more cases, the virtual property is bought by netizens for real money. Many weapons and treasures on game websites are sold at a clearly marked price." Shanda said One of the executives said, “Therefore, a certain degree of recognition should be given to the authenticity and legitimacy of online virtual property in order to promote the healthy development of the online game industry.”

A faculty member of the Academy of Human Resources and Social Affairs also stated, "I think in the future, we can consider the formulation of the Civil Code, for example, to make a part of the provisions in the Property Limitation Act, or to make a provision in the part of intellectual property rights. The property in it is also property and needs to be protected in accordance with the law."

A senior attorney said more specifically, "I wonder if we should give him a certificate of property ownership that we can see in real life, for example, like ", or a patent certificate, or a trademark certificate Same; "Like a copyright certificate, I give him a paper-based thing, so that he can really feel that I own the property rights to the virtual thing. This is the first step. There is such a thing. Second, we have to establish Set up a protection mechanism, that is, whoever violates this property relationship, we have to punish him."

Everyone spoke freely, talked a lot about things, and was very enlightened to each other.

In his final remarks, Fan Wubing mentioned the definition of virtual property in South Korea. "In South Korea, where online games are the most advanced, the law has already prohibited the transaction of virtual items. However, such transactions exist in large numbers because of practical needs. Prohibition, fraud in transactions is also increasing day by day. The existence of these phenomena has prompted South Korea to begin to face the problem of the ownership of online wealth, clearly stipulating that virtual characters and virtual items in online games have property value independent of service providers. Service providers are only for players. These private properties provide a place for storage, without the right to modify or delete them wanton. The nature of this kind of money is not essentially different from the money in the bank account."

However, everyone is also aware that it is very difficult to rectify the name of virtual property on the Internet. Although many experts agree to rectify the name of virtual property, everyone also admits that even if the law can establish the legality of virtual property on the Internet, if there is no operational key There are also some tests in the implementation of the rules.

One of the biggest problems is that there are indeed some difficulties in obtaining evidence, because under current conditions, it is difficult for many games to determine whether the item is obtained directly by yourself. This method may still have some difficulties at present.

In real life, bank deposits have deposit slips and shopping receipts, but on the Internet, all electronic data is stored on the operator’s server. Once lost, it is difficult to retrieve it because the operator may not be willing to pay the cost to provide evidence. Therefore, if If the law can force the operator to save and provide all the evidence, the problem will be solved.

Another problem is that it is very difficult to determine the value of virtual property on the Internet, and it is also very difficult to find criminals. In this regard, some people suggested that a tracking mechanism should be established for online property, that is, to improve the online tracking system, so that the responsible person can be found after a problem, and some people think that a third-party machine should be established to save the player's data. .

In a word, everyone believes that even if the law recognizes your rights, there is no way to actually protect your rights. This is the reality facing today's online virtual property. However, there are no rules and no radius. Only under certain regulations can the network develop quickly and healthily.

But no matter what, this meeting was still a successful meeting. A winning meeting. After the meeting, Fan Wuyi ordered the minutes of the meeting, which were published on Huafeng.com and several major portal websites. It has aroused heated discussion among netizens. Everyone believes that the legislation of the online game industry is already very important, because it is not only related to the personal interests of game players, but also related to the future online transactions that everyone will face after entering the Internet age. All kinds of obstacles.

If you do not plan ahead and put forward some actionable solutions in a predictable and timely manner, it is very likely that the network industry will encounter greater obstacles in the near future.

Regarding this point~lightnovelpub.net~Fan Wubing also expressed his attitude, “Crossing the river by touching the stones will not make a big mistake, but where the water is urgent and where the water is slow, we should still see it. Come out. In some cases, we need to make some reasonable judgments to improve work efficiency.

Naturally, what he calls the most reasonable judgment is that the legislative issue of the online game industry must be resolved as soon as possible.

After these materials were submitted to the relevant departments of the State Council and the National People’s Congress, there was no news anymore like a mud cow entering the sea. This made Fan Wuyao feel very depressed. However, when he later talked about it with his father, Fan Heng, Fan Heng Just pointed out the key points to him.

"The most critical problem is that there are too many young people addicted to online games." Fan Heng said to his son. The industry has higher expectations for the online game industry. Once this gap is let go, and there will be a big mess at the time, no one will be able to bear this responsibility."

Fan Wuyao froze his head, and suddenly thought of the key. Everyone worried that his child would become an online game addict too! Those who have the right to enact laws to amend laws will naturally not be children, and no one will be addicted to online games, but no one can guarantee that once Min Youye legislates, his children will not become the next victim!