
v5 Chapter 1216: Win over

…From the end of the tenth century to the first half of the twentieth century, the Chinese in Singapore made great contributions to the towel. Singapore’s great contribution to the overthrow of the Manchu Qing government, especially the seventy-two martyrs in Huanghuagang. There are 30 overseas Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the overseas Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia contributed money and efforts to the motherland.

But since the emergence of the strongman Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore has been changed as a whole. There has been a 180-degree turn, from spending money to support China’s liberation and reunification to the fact that there is no China in his heart, and it even regards China as an enemy. Whenever it is possible, you will get to the bottom when you look at the opportunity.

Now in this period of time before and after the outbreak of the ** epidemic, the Singaporean government’s wonderful performances have feasted the Chinese people. En avenging his grudges to today's dead skinny face, from the initial bold words to the current pretending to be stupid, there are so many things in the world, this kind of living teaching material that teaches people how to look at people is usually not available for money.

Fan Heng could not help but smile when he heard his son say so much, "Actually, China should thank Singapore after experiencing this incident. Because, first, it helped quite a few Chinese people figure out one thing. The basic question is who is China’s enemy and who is China’s friend. Second, I have made up a basic knowledge of international relations, and then I understand what you must pay attention to when dealing with people, and what must not be taken seriously. What should be understood from the negative side. Thirdly, it helped China to get rid of a big burden. From then on, we can single-mindedly serve China's own interests without having to look forward to the future. Especially in the attitude towards ASEAN, there should be a new one. breakthrough."

Fan Wubing nodded and agreed. In fact, China's attitude towards ASEAN countries is too weak. The main problems are nothing more than two. One is because the sea route leading to the Indian Ocean is in the hands of others and they don’t want to detour. If they do, they cannot be offended. The other is that although ASEAN countries are relatively weak, they are countries that hold voting rights after all, especially in their close neighbors, and they have to win over.

If it is the United States, there is no need to consider these issues at all. A strong army is enough to solve all problems. But China is no longer possible. The overall strength is too bad. There is no aircraft carrier. Why should we fight with others?

It is important to know that nuclear bombs are only a deterrent weapon. Unless you are planning to break the net, no one will dare to use this thing. Therefore, nuclear bombs are actually a tasteless one. Disputes, we still have to rely on conventional weapons.

Among the conventional weapons, the most important thing is the fighter jets, but for ocean warfare, can fighter jets still play a role without the aircraft carrier? Especially flying to areas thousands of kilometers away to fight, this requires very high requirements for all aspects, and it is not like brain-disabled angry youths who can solve the problem with one sentence.

"Oh, let’s stay for a few more years. In ten years, all the problems can be solved. Fan Wuyao thought of his own large aircraft project, thought of his own aircraft carrier project, and thought of the nuclear submarine project that is being improved. , Could not help being full of pride.

Once these three hardware equipment meet the standards, and coupled with the space projects that have already caught up, and in some respects, have even caught up, China's overall strength will inevitably take a big leap, and the old accounts should be settled at that time. It should be settled carefully.

If the father Fan Heng can still stay in the Standing Committee in the next term, then one can see this mysterious coming in a few years.

After Singaporeans made a lot of noise in the country, they couldn’t do anything about it, and there was no way to do it. But these people were also full of bad water in their stomachs, thinking that since I can’t get the benefits anymore, I have to give you too. Disturbing the restlessness, so on the forums of major domestic websites, a large number of reports on the mainland's financial system suddenly appeared, which was shocking and made people's hearts tremble.

Although the Propaganda Department responded in a very timely manner, it worked with major websites to rescue and block these posts in a timely manner, and tracked down the other party’s four, but when dealing with these people, there was a serious disagreement, especially many people believed that What happened this time is not fair to Singapore.

"Stupid." Fan Wubing said in contempt after hearing the news.

Fan Wubing was not only criticizing Singaporeans, but also criticizing those who spoke for the Singapore government.

What happened this time, it should be said that the nature is very bad, although China has been attacked by the Communist Party, but for one. As far as major countries are concerned, this is not a catastrophe. It is nothing more than a long-term lack of public health construction that has created a gap in epidemic prevention. Once the Chinese government realizes the seriousness of this problem and can face it squarely, it will only take a while. Investment, you can plug this loophole, and at the same time, it can be reversed

The biggest problem is that of dignity. If even a small Singapore can play with China in the palm of one's hands, what will it be?

With Fan Wuyao's enthusiasm and deliberate promotion, the high-level attitude towards Singapore has finally changed, especially after Singaporeans have recently started to spread rumors and make troubles, the high-level dislike for them has reached the extreme.

There are indeed many problems in the financial industry, and the loopholes are also very big. If it is not for the reason that they know this, it is impossible for the senior management to agree to the Temasek Consortium to enter the four major state-owned banks. Banks can go international smoothly, while also improving their management.

But now, their actions are really annoying to the extreme, so the executives suddenly realized that Fan Wuyao's words are not unreasonable, at least the Fan Investment Group does not have so many twists and turns, and there is no Temasek. The consortium is so dark-hearted, and it is a better choice to have a more experienced team of experts and more Fan Investment Group to join forces with the four major state-owned banks.

Another advantage is that Fan Investment Group already has too many properties in the Mainland. It is impossible to be just a leather bag company like the Temasek Consortium. Once they get enough benefits, they can quickly leave without having to. Pay attention to the life and death of the four major state-owned banks.

Of course, there are also some people who feel psychologically imbalanced. These people are those who can reap a lot of benefits from the cooperation between the Temasek Consortium and the four major state-owned banks. Although this is a cooperation between several large groups, it is used to promote this. The specific operators who cooperated, the benefits they can get, are also calculated in 100 million yuan.

What is even more rare is that these benefits are obtained through a circuitous "legal" procedure.

It's a pity that Fan Wuyi was disrupted by Fan Wubing, which made the teeth itch with hatred, but there was nothing to do.

In the face of the slander and slander from the Temasek Foundation, Fan Wuyi’s attitude was also very resolute. He directly published some specific information about the Temasek Foundation’s money laundering on the Internet, which caused a momentary public uproar. Fan's investment group is funded, so here it is. There is also a dilemma on the issue. They are not willing to lose the money laundering channel of the Temasek Consortium, and are worried that they will be hit by the Fan Investment Group.

However, there are also some countries that have expressed firm support for Fan Investment Group, such as Shupuzhai, such as Indonesia, such as Thailand, and some small ASEAN countries have responded to Fan Investment Group’s ban on Temasek. The voice of the consortium.

With the progress of these actions, the Temasek Consortium’s investments in various countries, especially financial investments, have been subject to strict scrutiny and supervision, and some have even been swallowed by governments of various countries under the pretext of various names. The strength of the Temasek Consortium has been hit by this. , And immediately fell to the bottom.

"The size of the Temasek Consortium, which is about 50 billion U.S. dollars, has been smashed by governments of various countries this time, and its strength has been greatly damaged. If there is half of it, it is time to pray to God and worship Buddha." Fan Wubing is optimistic about the success of the matter. of.

In order to help countries digest the wealth that has just been swallowed, Fan Investment Group is even very enthusiastic to provide them with a group of professional managers who specialize in managing the investment of these new incomes. Of course, this service is charged.

Fan's Investment Group has a great influence in Southeast Asia, especially after the successful investment in Indonesia ~lightnovelpub.net~ is even more eye-catching and enviable, so when he made this decision, It has been warmly welcomed by various countries, and believes that this is a manifestation of the new phase of cooperation between Fan Investment Group and governments of various countries.

In fact, if Fan Wuyao did this, it would naturally not be a loss-making business. Fan Wuyao is a man who is not profitable and can not afford to be early. Although it is not to say that profit is inspiring, his grasp of the overall situation is unmatched. This time, the reason why he was willing to help the Southeast Asian countries was because he wanted to beat up the falling dog of the Temasek Consortium, so that its reputation would become stinky, and it would never be able to turn it over again.

Obviously, the effect is very good. Now not only is the Temasek consortium suffering heavy losses, but even the Singapore government, which has been leaping up and down as the leader in ASEAN, has suddenly withered and no longer has its former glory.

"The new situation in Southeast Asia has been opened up by me. What you need to do next to get the most benefits depends on your extrinsic work." Fan Wuyao said during the meeting with the prime minister.

As Fan Wubing said, this time, although he suffered from the epidemic, he was able to solve the problems of Singapore, which is also regarded as an accident.

In particular, the conflict between Fan's Investment Group and the Temasek Consortium ended in a complete victory.