
v5 Chapter 1219: Consequences of throwing away baggage

I just sat down at the restaurant, and I didn’t have time to order. Fan Dan's sickness sounded as soon as his muscles rang.

After that, it was Russell, the little girl next door, who called.

"Brother Cure, I just seemed to see you in the talent market," Russell said.

"Oh, it's okay to accompany a few. Friends come around, why are you here?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

Russell said, "I graduated this year! You forgot even this."

Fan Wubing did forget this. His business is a little too much. So he patted his forehead and said with some embarrassment. "Recently, things have been so busy that I have forgotten such a big thing, it's really not right!"

Time flies so fast! At that time, I saw Russell entering his freshman year, and he graduated in a blink of an eye, but Fan Wuyi thought about it carefully. Russell went to school in 1998. Because of her special situation, she was training at Fan. I took a one-year absence from school, so I was delayed until I graduated this year.

It's just that Russell stayed very well in Fan's Investment Group. What is she doing in the talent market when she is okay? Is it possible that she wants to quit? Fan Wubing felt a little puzzled.

"It's not a job-hopping, it's to help my classmates see what suitable jobs are available," Russell explained.

"Is it a male student or a top student?" Fan Wubing asked casually.

"What kind of problem is this?" Russell suddenly did not, Yu, Xin Dao Fan Wuyi asked this kind of question.

Fan Wubing smiled, "Ordinary people would ask that way."

Soon, Russell led her classmates over. A girl who is not too tall, she is quite exquisite, and she feels a little bit like a jade.

Fan Wubing introduced Russell to Weiqi. Just when he was about to get Shao Zhangqi, Russell grabbed Zhao Qi's hand and said excitedly, "Ah! The famous CCTV host Zhang Qi! I grew up watching your show!"

Zhang Qi immediately asked dumbfoundedly. "Do I have that to prepare for the elderly?" Fan Wubing said with a pursed smile and comforted.

Russell’s classmate is called Han Bing, and his name is very personal. However, apart from being calm, he doesn’t have the feeling of being rejected from a thousand miles away, and he’s not portrayed like some college students. With a piece of wood, in short, she is a nice little girl.

Fan Wubing randomly ordered a few dishes, drinks and so on, and then asked them how they were looking for a job?

"This year's employment situation is not generally bad. It is particularly bad!" Russell said.

When I look at Han Bing again, the little girl's expression is also helpless, plus a bit tired.

"I worked very hard for all four of them, but I didn't expect this year's employment situation to be like this." Han Bing said with some complaints. Her voice was very good, and her complaints sounded very moving. She was from Jiangsu. Children of ordinary families. Ben expected to find a decent job after graduation. To subsidize the huge deficit that the university brought to the family.

"I spent nearly forty-five thousand in college, not only exhausted all my family's savings over the years, but also borrowed a lot of money." Han Bing said with a frustrated expression.

And just before the four, the family still feels honored for the child's admission to the university in Beijing.

Throughout China, a total of 520,000 families benefited from the large-scale enrollment expansion that year. Many parents believed that their children could get rid of the poverty-stricken areas or the restrictions of the agricultural population through the college entrance examination and move towards a new life in the big city currency. Take a crucial step.

After the country no longer covers the cost of training college students, going to college has become a personal investment. According to official estimates, the cost of four of a college student is about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, of which about one-third is shared by the state.

The forced postponement of employment will undoubtedly affect the expected returns of these families. For only-child families, especially poor families, it will be a lot of pressure, because in China. It can be said that many families give their children everything they need to study.

The major Han Bing studied is a bit unpopular. It belongs to a small category in terms of environmental protection. Except for the needs of some government agencies, it is really not used elsewhere, but the government departments are not so easy to enter. The threshold is too high and ordinary. People simply cannot enter.

And her boyfriend's professionalism is not good. Computer major is mainly in programming. Although a small company expressed its willingness to accept him last time, the salary is too low and there is no technical content. The job he most wants to engage in is computer programming. His knowledge is consistent, and his salary is relatively high.

However, fourth, after the industry has experienced continuous downturns, few companies have given opportunities to college graduates who lack work experience.

"If we can't find a suitable job again this week. We plan to go back to our hometown in northern Jiangsu and try it." Han Bing said.

Fan Wubing shook his head without saying anything.

The two female photographers saw that it was a state. The note book recorded the information they heard. Just now, I have slackened the overall picture, and later I have an understanding of the individual. This time the manuscript should be able to write better. Improve it.

"Brother Wuyi. Russell looked at Fan Wuyi pitifully, meaning that he understood very well.

Fan Wubing frowned. Russell understood what Russell meant, but to be honest, the overall employment situation is not good. As the so-called survival of the fittest, his Fan Investment Group is large. There is nothing wrong with digesting a group of students, but there is one thing, why?

The company has a set of strict rules and regulations of the company. Naturally, the human resources department is responsible for hiring people. He is unwilling to use his power regularly to influence the specific operations of the entire company. That is not good.

Besides, there are enough staff in the headquarters now, there are a lot of experienced people, why use a newbie who has no experience at all? And doesn't it mean that you are a genius that is hard to see in a century?

But Russell was the sister next door of her own time, and she couldn't afford to lose face at all, so Fan Wuyi thought about it and said, "The headquarters is not good, and new staff will be created from within within a few years. If you go back to northern Jiangsu, you can give me my name. Fan's branch structure also needs new people to join. If you can pass the basic test, the human resources department will give priority to hiring."

What Fan Wubing said is very clear, I can give you a chance to try if you can find a job. But can you win this position? At least you should be able to pass the basic tests. After all, there are a lot of talents who want to enter the Fan Investment Group, and we can't even make carrots and cabbage, right?

Rao is so, Han Bing is also very happy. After all, even if it is a branch of Fan Investment Group, the treatment is quite good, and in such a large company, if you do well, it is easy to be promoted, so she thanked Fan Wuyi first, and her expression became very serious. Delightful.

Before the meal came, Han Bing mentioned that a classmate of his first class had passed the civil service written examination and interview in April, but then suddenly learned that his physical examination results did not conform to the regulations of the local department and was eliminated, desperate and desperate. In anger, he went to the Personnel and Labor Security Bureau and stabbed to death a staff member who participated in the selection of graduates, and at the same time took another staff member to death.


Since then, his classmates and concubines totaling more than 400 people, jointly filed a letter to the court requesting a lighter punishment.

"I also signed," Han Bing said. "He put all the hopes of the Ministry of Finance on the civil service examination. He made this behavior in extremely desperate circumstances. We feel very sorry and hope the court can give him one time. Opportunity. Moreover, it is said that there are some problems in the examination admission.

According to Han Bing, that classmate usually performed very well in school and got along with everyone very well. As soon as he went to university, he decided to apply for a civil service examination after graduation, and for this reason he gave up the opportunity to take the postgraduate entrance examination and work in other areas.

Then it is not easy to find a job this year, and the financial pressure of the family is very heavy. Perhaps he has acted irrationally in this situation.

Fan Wubing couldn't help but feel a little sad. Han Bing’s derailment is certainly just an extreme example of employment pressure, but people who care about the future of college students will naturally be aware of it. The social and economic problems caused by the massive unemployment of young students with higher education cannot be ignored.

"The employment crisis of highly knowledgeable people will not only cause the waste of human resources in the society~lightnovelpub.net~, but also affect people's enthusiasm to invest in education. More importantly, if a group of active thinking young people are entering The continuous blows at critical moments in society will not only lead to their hostility towards society, but they may also commit a lot of extreme behaviors. Fan Wuyao told two reporters Zhang Qiyue.

"Why is this year's rough situation so bad?" Zhang Qi asked Fan Wuyi in a puzzled way.

Fan Wubing shook his head, and replied with some interest, "The expansion of enrollment, the disaster of blood ratio, the incoordination between university education and the job market, social and relationship factors, and the idea of ​​individual employment, etc., these are all attracting the employment of college students. The main reason for the problem, but the most important thing is that there is a problem with the country’s education policy."

When education becomes a personal investment. Various problems have arisen. As a modern version of the traditional Chinese imperial examination, university education obviously occupies a very important position in the hearts of Chinese people.

But when the university becomes the money to go to, after the money is not allowed to go to education. Social conflicts began to intensify. In this process, the government did let go of the burden, but where did the burden go? Naturally it is on the head of the common people.

"The consequences of throwing off the burden are very serious and will kill people." Fan Wuyao said seriously.