
v5 Chapter 1220: Deep-seated problem

"What is the reason why Hao has become an unprecedented problem for college students... The enemy is a reporter from CCTV.

Obviously, this is also the common confusion in the hearts of everyone present. Could it be because the family planning policy seems to have succeeded, but it actually failed?

Fan Wubing needed to see this issue more clearly, so his conclusion was carefully written down by reporters.

"The first is the short-term impact of the expansion of enrollment. In just four students, China has made the enrollment rate of school-age young colleges and universities reach 15-eighths that was originally scheduled to be achieved in 2008. This cannot but be said to be in the education sector. A great feat is of great significance to the improvement of the overall quality of China's human resources." Fan Wuyao said sarcastically. "But while the enrollment rate is increasing, the cultivation and structural adjustment of China's job market are not synchronized. The growth of jobs has not kept up with the growth of college enrollment rates, and the structural contradiction of oversupply in the job market for college students has not changed in the short term. On the contrary. Further magnification, objectively cites the employment problem of the first peak year of graduation."

"The second is the direct impact." Fan Wubing continued.

The dual fatigue that has ravaged the country for several months has had a direct impact on the employment of graduates.

Generally speaking, April and May are the peak periods for college graduates to sign for employment, and this period is precisely the time when thinness is the most serious. Since April, large-scale supply-demand meetings have been cancelled in areas where colleges and universities are concentrated, such as Beijing and Shanghai. Most employers have also temporarily cancelled their recruitment plans, and the employment information has decreased, and graduates have become ants on the hot pot.

There is also the inconsistency between education and the job market. In recent years, the number of college students who blamed their careers has continued to grow. However, the effective demand for talents has grown slowly or flat. The main reason is that the disciplinary structure and training model of higher education are unreasonable. For example, last year, more than 60% of the job vacancies in Guangzhou were vacant. They are all concentrated in twelve professional departments such as computer, English, and accounting, and talents in construction, economic management, and marketing are already saturated.

“The barriers caused by social and relationship factors are also very serious. Some institutional and non-institutional social relationship factors have become stumbling blocks that many college students cannot avoid when choosing a career. The rigid hukou system is still a pain in the heart of many graduates this year. When preparing to leave school and go to the social stage with longing, many talented people feel that it is so difficult to pass through the thin layer of household registration." Fan Wubing said.

The experience of non-residential registration in this city makes more than half of the interviewees feel physically and mentally exhausted. Especially for girls, the hukou not only has a greater impact on employment issues, but also has a greater impact on them such as marriage and childbirth.

Many graduates of majors complained that Yuren did not have a registered permanent residence in the city, which made them miss many good job opportunities and had to find another way.

The fierce competition for employment has also made many young graduates feel the ubiquity of social relationships. When answering the question of which ability and relationship affect employment is more important, more than half of the joint students will choose the latter. They love the latter. It’s because I don’t have anything to do with my job.

As for the current salary and treatment of university graduates. The expectation is double the actual situation. Many companies think that the salary requirements for graduates are high and unrealistic. With this money, it is possible to recruit an experienced person, while the students believe that their salary requirements are appropriate. , Consistent with their academic qualifications and abilities.

For example, in Guangdong, two-thirds of employers believe that the reasonable salary for college students is 1,000 to 2,000 yuan per month, and one-third of the employers set this figure below 1,000 yuan, but more than half of the professional colleges Graduates think that their salary should be between 2,000 and 4,000 yuan.

In addition, the expected salaries of master's students seem to be generally too high. Most employers set the monthly salary of master's students below 3,000 yuan, but almost no students agree with this, and more than half of the master's students propose ideal salaries. It is more than five thousand yuan, but the unit willing to pay the price is less than one-tenth.

In order to solve the employment problem, more than half of college students expressed their willingness to give up their majors. One-third of college students also expressed their willingness to exhibit in small and medium-sized cities or western regions.

The number of people who choose to study abroad is rising steadily, and the number of people who take the postgraduate entrance examination is still increasing sharply. The number of people who take the postgraduate entrance examination within one or two years after graduation has risen sharply, and those who choose to continue their studies after graduate school accounted for more than half of the total number of postgraduate entrance examinations, such as law, Peng, etc. Become a hot major for further studies.

Faced with the reality of employment difficulties, one-third of college students are still preparing to choose self-employment or freelance work, but more people have reservations or objections to this. They said that although self-employment is a good thing, self-employment is not a slogan. It requires sufficient ability, hard work, and financial support. Even if these conditions are met, it may not be possible for everyone to become Bilge in their 20s or 30s. And Jobs.

"Based on Mr. Fan's estimation, how long will the current employment difficulties last?" a reporter asked Fan Wubing.

"It's hard to say that this is difficult to solve in the short term, but as the marketization process increases. As long as the expectations are not too high, there are many ways to support yourself." Fan Wubing said. Then he said, "The current employment difficulty is not a bad thing, from another perspective. It is a good thing, just like the recent crisis in Canada. It has made people aware of the problems of China's medical system. Difficulties in obtaining employment for college students will also prompt people to find the connection between China’s education system and the job market, and will give warnings to relevant departments to find a way out. Of course, every time the social system progresses, some people’s interests are always sacrificed. . This is inevitable."

Fan Wubing's remarks are also based. According to estimates, China's GDP was comparable to that of the previous year. Doubled every year, the GDP of the national economy must maintain an annual growth rate of at least 7% in the next five to ten years, and every increase of one percentage point will provide 80 to 1 million jobs.

In addition, the addition of …, the implementation of the strategy of opening up the western region, etc., will bring more employment opportunities. As the elite of the 1.3 billion population, the potential employment space for college students is still huge. "Why do the princes of heaven become a burden of social employment? Are there any deep-seated factors in this?" Zhang Nen suddenly asked.

"Nowadays, all colleges in China are eager to become universities. All universities can't wait to become first-class comprehensive universities. All students are required to become comprehensive talents as soon as they enter the school. In the body, many teenagers with different interests have lost the joy of growing up, which has also led to the phenomenon of wasteful training of women in the ear continent. Generally speaking, this is a oriented question." Fan Wuyao replied.

Some problems are not easy to tell. Especially in the presence of reporters from CCTV, Fan Wuyao is always hard to openly criticize the government's work thinking for problems. Although he usually does this all the time, in some formal occasions, it is necessary to be cautious in words and deeds, otherwise the impact will not be good.

In fact, the government is also anxious. The employment issue of college students has never attracted high-level attention like it is today.

A few days ago, Fan Heng, member of the Politburo Standing Committee and Executive Vice Premier of the State Council, emphasized the need to ensure the employment of graduates in a video and telephone conference on graduate employment held by the State Council. Prior to this, the relevant departments of the State Council also issued eleven measures to promote the employment of college students.

However, the results have been minimal. After all, this is an era of two-way market selection. The government's decree orientation cannot make the bosses pay attention to anything, unless it can bring them tangible benefits economically.

More than one million energetic college students were coldly treated by the talent market as soon as they graduated and fell into a situation of grabbing their heads for their jobs. In China, which has been troubled by the lack of talents for many years, this fact does seem a little dizzying.

"Are there really many college students in China? Have the once-favorites really become the employment burden of the society?" Fan Wuyao asked rhetorically. Then he smiled and said, "Of course not, it should be the problem of education itself. Even if it is put on me, I also like to recruit some experienced employees, rather than just stepping out of the university, who is unfamiliar with anything. Dude. Since it is the same price, of course there must be a reasonable choice. This is an era of utilitarianism."

In fact, the domestic demand for talents is still very eager.

According to official media reports, the public security organs will recruit 10,000 police officers from college graduates or above this year to make up for the lack of police force and professional talents in the grassroots public security organs.

The target of this recruitment will mainly focus on undergraduates majoring in law, information communication, traffic engineering, physics, chemistry, etc. also. The public security department also said. Professionals in finance, computer science, and forensic medicine are also urgently needed by them. They even consider that they can absorb a small number of outstanding college graduates.

In the face of unprecedented employment problems for college students. This move by the public security department is quite a sign of helplessness, and it also shows the powerful mobilization force of the action system.

The fact is that in the past, the composition of the Chinese police force was mainly composed of graduates from police schools, and some local police teams were even based on junior and senior high school education, and the level of education was generally competitive. Become the fundamental reason why the overall quality of the police force is difficult to improve. As early as a few years ago, there were people calling for the public security department to fundamentally change its image, it must make a sufficient proportion of college students. However, in order to save money, some local police agencies even prefer to recruit security personnel with a lower level of education to replace regular police posts, rather than open the door to university students.

On the other hand, most of the college students who did not worry about finding a job before were reluctant to join the police force.

How much of this potential gap in talent demand is there in China's administrative and social systems? The problem is self-evident. The starvation of talents in many departments has been concealed by various tangible and intangible barriers.

All departments are facing a change in their functions. Management methods and methods of providing social public services will be increasingly modernized, and a large number of college students in various drug industries will be required to enter. at the same time. College students have also discovered that today's police officers are far more than simply providing traffic and security management services.

"In fact, this. We also understand the situation. The supplementary sources of central enterprises or some government departments are often completed through the replacement of children, or some cross-employment. Ordinary people have no such opportunity at all." A reporter said bluntly. He said bluntly, “For example, the education family. The police family, the military family, etc., are actually a small department of resource monopoly, not something worth promoting, but not many people are aware of this, or are willing to Raise this publicly."

In fact, by the end of the year, the number of students in various types of higher education in China has reached 16 million. In terms of the absolute number of students at school, China has surpassed the United States and has become the country with the largest higher education in the world.

Compared with China, it took the United States 27 years for the total scale of higher education to reach nearly 15 million people. In other words, the expansion of the scale of China's higher education took only four to traverse the 27-year history of the United States, which is a feat.

However, the employment crisis after the four has caused some people to openly criticize the great leap forward in higher education ~lightnovelpub.net~ Although the employment impact brought by the epidemic to China is more significant, it is relative to hundreds of people. For million migrant workers and urban laid-off workers who have also lost their jobs, the employment concerns and policy support enjoyed by college students can be called national treatment in a sense. Can be exempt from administrative fees.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security also jointly launched a training project for this year’s higher vocational graduates, targeting poor families and rural graduates who have not yet found a job. Some local governments have also proposed to implement professional counterparts or close to poor college students. Principles, measures to implement mandatory planning and distribution.

"It cannot be said that the industrialization of education is the root of all evil. If the entire country can provide enough employment opportunities, then even if you spend a little more money when you go to school, you can still recover the costs. At least it will allow everyone to eat. This It's not a problem." Fan Wubing said, "But the actual situation now is that you don't have such a big pot, but you want to open such a big canteen, and you want to advertise diners. Isn't that publicly harmful? Knowing that nothing can be decided by patting the butt. Major events related to the national economy and the people's livelihood are even less likely to change with the personal thoughts of the leader."

After listening to Fan Wuyi's words, everyone naturally understood what he was talking about. It is no secret that the education policy changes three times a day.