
v5 Chapter 1225: Old Chen's ambition

"Heng did not answer the cry, because the investment in this kind of things is really horrible, and it is impossible to be generous to his son. After all, Fan's Fan Investment Group is huge, but it has to feed millions of people. The daily consumption of employees is not a small amount, and it is impossible to help the Navy build a complete set of equipment. Besides, the annual tax paid by Fan Investment Group is just a few figures. You can never ask people to pay taxes reasonably. In addition, add countless burdens? What's more, the Fan Investment Group has invested a lot in public welfare undertakings, and Fan Heng did not think that he could dig out much more.

The most important point is that the Fanshitouzi Group is a unique existence, a completely private multinational company, and it is not obligated to provide weapons and equipment for which country’s armed forces. This is the key issue.

"There are some situations, you may not be very clear." Now that this matter was mentioned, Fan Wubing naturally had to explain it a little bit more clearly, so he considered it and said to Chen Guangyi, "Fan already has some issues with the military. Cooperative projects, but they are not disclosed to the public, so you don’t know that it should be. For example, aircraft carriers, such as submarines, shipboard fire control systems and defense systems, etc., have been in the laboratory for a long time. One reason for the lack of equipment is that some equipment still has flaws, and the other is that high-level officials have high-level considerations and are unwilling to rashly start a new arms race in the Asia-Pacific region."

After listening to Chen Guangyi, he was really surprised. He was not a core member before. Naturally, he didn’t know that Fan’s laboratory was already working on these projects, and he didn’t know more. For example, Fan Wuyi got it from Russia. Come back to a batch of technical information about the aircraft carrier project and so on.

The domestic navy has always been relatively weak. Within the maritime borders under China’s jurisdiction and sovereignty over resources, the southeastern part of the country borders the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea. And it is directly connected to the Pacific and Indian Oceans through the First Island Riviera and the Strait of Malacca.

All this is not only beneficial to navigation and trade, but also contains extremely rich biological and mineral resources. therefore. It is the fundamental interest of the country and the nation to make full use of and exploit marine resources and ensure maritime trade.

But the fact is that the Chinese navy, which was established before the Republic, has faced a harsh living environment since its establishment in Baima Temple, Jiangsu. In addition to the respectable courage brought by self-made, it is the Kuomintang navy staying in the navy. The following models are messy, old, and old, European, American and Japanese small ships.

After finally accepting the British light cruiser "Chongqing", it had to sink because of the crazy bombing by the Kuomintang Air Force. One of the heavy lessons of the Battle of Kinmen is the almost blank space in terms of sea and air combat effectiveness.

For this reason, the senior officials of Qin Heguo made up their minds and shouted the slogan that they must build a strong navy and air force, and proceeded to reach an agreement with the United Kingdom to purchase light cruisers and destroyers through the China Merchants Bureau established in Hong Kong. A group of ships that were not backward at the time were ready to attack Kinmen and even mainland Taiwan after a short period of time. In this way, the great cause of reunification of the motherland will be completed.

But the early explosion of the Korean War split this plan.

As the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy entered the Taiwan Strait to patrol, the ship purchase plan that had been basically negotiated with the British side was also in vain. In order to counter the US military's indiscriminate bombing of the Volunteer’s logistics supply line on the Korean battlefield, and to protect the safety of important energy and industrial bases in the Northeast, the country has spent a lot of money to import from the Soviet Union a larger number of fighter jets, assault aircraft, and light aircraft than previously planned. Air force equipment such as bombers.

This makes the already very limited funds must be spent on the construction of the air force's equipment. The Army’s equipment expenditures are untouchable and occupy an important position.

in addition. In terms of the degree of threat, since the Soviet navy was still at the Lushun base at that time, the United States did not want to attack the Northeast region by sea. Therefore, the equipment construction of the Republic’s Navy had to stay on paper.

However, the navy did not do nothing because of this. Instead, it actively fought for the Kuomintang naval uprising and surrender. In addition to the urgent need for equipment, it also enabled these professionals with relatively formal education to use their professional expertise to serve as a regular training in the future. The role of seed, the establishment of a naval school, and the construction of logistics support forces, silently awaiting the arrival of the grand exhibition stage.

After the Korean War, the young republic began to formulate standardized national defense strategic plans as a whole, and the regularization of the navy started at the same time. Initially, the main enemy was the Kuomintang and its supporters, the U.S. navy and air force. By the early 1960s, due to China and the Soviet Union turned against each other, and the former Soviet Union's navy and air force became the main enemy. During this period, it was very dangerous to be attacked on both sides. At this time, the main strategic concept was to prevent hostile forces from carrying out large-scale landing operations on our coasts.

At the beginning of the 1970s, Western countries with the United States as their own interests, in order to contain the threat of the former Soviet Union, which was close to the peak of its military power, on their old "power range", they adopted a joint Chinese war against the former Soviet Union. In the military field, China has given limited and conditional support to China in the military field, and the two sides have also carried out more active cooperation. At the same time, the threat to China’s maritime direction has been greatly reduced. The strategic policy was adjusted accordingly to mainly target the former Soviet Union.

By the 1980s, as a batch of new equipment was put into use, and with the influence of the deepening of exchanges with the navies of the Western maritime powers, the naval strategy has generally entered the stage of offshore defense.

It should be noted that during this period, the government of Ran Yu has shifted its main energy to economic construction, the national economy has recovered and strengthened, and the corresponding demand for energy has also expanded day by day.

At this time, in the latter part of the aftermath of the energy crisis, various countries have paid unprecedented attention to the stupid rich creatures, minerals and other energy performance in the ocean. Therefore, the previously hidden territorial disputes with neighboring countries in the maritime direction have been magnified and become a real problem. Therefore, the navy's imaginary enemy includes these countries in the aforementioned regions in addition to the former Soviet Union.

After entering the 1990s, the main focus was on anti-separatism and safeguarding sovereignty, and then added safeguards for the security of national sea lanes and the security of economic order. With regard to its attitude towards new domestic weapons, the Navy has pragmatically seized some chances that were missed in order to obtain a small amount of funding, and developed some new equipment that seems to be of low technical level but still usable to fill the gap.

Having said that, I have to mention the establishment of the Naval Equipment Demonstration Center, an under-appreciated but very important measure. Naval equipment construction is an extremely complex system engineering. From the perspective of the development of weapons and equipment systems, demonstration research is at the brunt. If modern technology is to be applied to the field of naval construction as soon as possible, a professional institution is required to conduct research.

In fact, naval construction has gone through many detours and suffered big losses. It is precisely because of these high-level officials that they have spared no effort to support the development demonstration center and make it a think tank for decision-making makers. Because of this, the navy has taken the fewest detours in terms of equipment construction and development among the three services.

At the same time as the changes and developments in weapons and equipment, due to the dual influence of foreign exchanges and the Naval Equipment Demonstration Center, the construction of the Chinese Navy’s battlefield system at that time has also been significantly improved. As new types of ships such as guided missile destroyers and nuclear submarines have been in service, large-scale ships have been built. The naval base has become an outstanding task. Some of these ship bases are large cavern projects, and some require the construction of multiple deep-water berths. With a large number of supporting projects, the scale of the project is quite large, and the naval engineering support has been increased to one. New level.

At the same time, a number of command and communication projects such as command posts, long wave stations, reconnaissance stations, radar stations, observation stations, hydroacoustic stations, and navigation stations have been successively started. Among them, the construction of long wave stations occupies a prominent position. The completion and putting into use played a key role in the formation of the combat effectiveness of nuclear submarines.

As the new century comes, the situation facing the Chinese Navy has become more complicated and acute.

Within the sovereignty of the South China Sea, especially the Nansha Islands, countries around the South China Sea continue to provoke our maritime sovereignty and plunder the rich oil and fishery resources of the sea. In the direction of the East China Sea, Japan and South Korea also invaded maritime territories in the Diaoyu Islands, Chunxiao Oilfield and other waters, and stepped up the construction of naval forces to achieve the purpose of armed confrontation. Of course, behind facing various opponents, there are also various types of U.S. Navy against China. Formal strategic suppression.

At the same time, it also happened during this period that China’s economic strength had experienced nearly 30 years of high growth ~lightnovelpub.net~, and the ice that ran across the Western world gradually melted with the wave of global economic integration. Factories gradually formed in the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta. Due to the rise of the manufacturing industry, the large amount of energy and raw materials that need to be imported are still large-scale commodity exports. The most convenient and cheapest transportation method is sea transportation.

In recent years, China's national production and foreign trade have relied heavily on maritime transportation day and night, and it is necessary to have a powerful maritime armed force capable of performing missions in the ocean to ensure its smooth flow.

On the other hand, Chinese capital is increasingly integrated into the world financial system. Investment in various commercial projects abroad is also a hot spot in recent times. As the scale of investment continues to increase, more and more overseas interests also call for a strong ocean The maritime armed forces escorted it.

Therefore, building a strong navy is already a top priority, far exceeding expectations for the army and air force.

It is for this reason that Chen Guangyi hopes to use his superiors to contact Fan Wuyi to build a powerful navy, so that the Chinese navy can truly put on the world a number plate that conforms to the image of a big Chinese power.

At the end of the day, the Chinese Navy has to pass the quality of Britain and France, which has become a second-rate country, right?