
v5 Chapter 1226: To hold on

Twenty-six arrows! I didn't know much about naval armament construction before, and when Gangzhou Xinfan Mao was sick about these things, he suddenly felt a little emboldened in his heart.

After all, as a naval commander, there are not a few aircraft carrier formations in his hand, and he has no confidence to fight against the world's naval powers. It's not that there is no courage. It is that the mode of maritime combat has undergone a fundamental change. Without a comprehensive maritime command and carrier-based aircraft platform, it is impossible to fight a sea battle.

As far as the current domestic navy is concerned, it is difficult to deal with offshore conflicts, let alone fight outside the home. Even Russia. Now this aspect is relatively weak, and only the American aircraft carrier formation in the world can be said to be the strongest and most combative team in maritime operations.

But to be honest, with the current strength of Fan's Investment Group, although it is technically possible to build an aircraft carrier, there are some concrete realizations. It is still relatively difficult, especially since Fan has no previous experience in building large ships. Although it has been in close cooperation with Jiangnan Shipyard for several years, and has made various preparations for the manufacture of aircraft carriers, it has built large docks and factories. But when it comes to the day of work, I still feel a little unconfident.

But last year's arrival of the Wageliang gave their confidence a little more bargaining chips. On the pretext of transforming it into a floating casino, in mid-March 1998, the Macau Changle Tourism and Entertainment Company purchased the Wagliang aircraft carrier for US$20 million and prepared to transform it.

Everyone knows that the argument that the Wageliang aircraft carrier will be transformed into a sea gambling city is just a covert excuse.

If you really need to transform Wagliang into a floating hotel. There is no need to spend more than three years, and there is no need to abandon the shipyards in Guangzhou and Shanghai that may be improved, and go north to Dalian.

The renovation of the floating hotel is not high-tech, and it does not need to spend such a long time. No private company can afford this kind of long-term investment without a return on a loss-making business.

The reason why the Wageliang aircraft carrier was placed in Dalian is very clear, because the Dalian Shipyard has very rich experience in assembling boilers and steam turbine power systems, and the destroyers are produced in Dalian. The Wageliang used eight boilers and four steam turbines.

The latest exposure of the Wageliang aircraft carrier surprisingly appeared on the dock of the Dalian Shipyard, as we all know. If it is just a general commercial modification, basically there is no need to enter the dock for work, only indoor installation is involved.

The maintenance of the Wageliang is very good. Although there is no painting and external equipment installation, necessary maintenance has been obviously carried out in the past few years. This is not the work of the merchant. The merchant must put the goods on the market as soon as possible to earn a return. The Waglian aircraft carrier obviously has the support of the state and has other uses.

In the 1980s, the former Soviet Union, after accumulating experience in the construction of the Moscow-class helicopter carrier in the 1960s and the Kiev-class light aircraft carrier in the 1970s, officially launched the exhibition plan for a new generation of aircraft carriers to expand its maritime defenses. Scope.

In the following years, the economic situation of the former Soviet Union deteriorated sharply, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. As the Russian government could not afford the high cost of continuing to build the Waglyan, the Ukrainian government had to dismantle the valuable parts of the Waglyan aircraft carrier and send it to the international scrap ship trading market.

In 1998, after being shelved for seven years, the Wagliang finally welcomed buyers from Macau. After the deal, the Wagliang set sail for Macau in November of the same year. When the return voyage passed through the Bosphorus Strait in Turkey, the Turkish government refused to pass the Wagezhen on the grounds that it would threaten strait shipping.

In fact, the Turkish government refused to pass the Bosphorus through the Bosphorus because of the constant pressure from the US government. To this end, the Chinese government has made representations on many occasions, promising that China will fully bear the safety insurance for the Wagliang passing through the Bosphorus Strait and the liability for damages that may be caused, and will send a tugboat from mainland China to assist in the towing of Wagliang. Lianghao to ensure the safety of the entire voyage.

In September 2001, the Turkish government finally agreed to let the Wagrian pass through the strait. In the following three years, the Wagelian arrived in Dalian. The cover festival was occupied by Baoshu Bar for four days. Kashuyou) Upload

In the past year or so. The Navy's scientific and technical personnel conducted basic structural research on the Wagliang aircraft carrier and gained basic knowledge of modern aircraft carrier structure. This is the main reason why China buys the Wagliang, through such purchase activities. China has also obtained the necessary design drawings, and the defense industry department has also hired aircraft carrier design experts from Russia to give lectures in China and introduced some design technical materials. The pre-research of key supporting equipment on the aircraft carrier has made certain progress.

The General Staff and the Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense have also repeatedly organized the analysis, demonstration, and evaluation of inspections, introductions, and pre-researches. Many Russian and Ukrainian experts and the above testimonies combined with the current situation of the Wagliang, believed that the Wagliang should be It is possible to transform it into an aircraft carrier training ship, according to the Chinese Navy’s ship power technology. It’s not difficult to get the Vagrian to sail again..."

For the future modification of the Wageliang, first obtain the relevant design drawings, and the Qiangqi is the structural drawings of the parts that need to be modified. This batch of drawings needs to be compared with the real objects as soon as possible as a reference to speed up the design progress of the Chinese-made aircraft carrier.

Coincidentally, Fan Wubing obtained some aircraft carrier data provided by the Russian secret agreement not long ago. This is basically a help. Under the two-phase verification, the military research has made rapid progress, and breakthroughs have been made. , Paving the way for domestic aircraft carriers.

at the same time. Compared with the time when the Wagliang aircraft carrier was purchased five years ago, the Chinese Navy itself has undergone tremendous environmental changes. First, as the backbone of the formation of the aircraft carrier fleet, the Chinese Aegis, China Hyundai, and concave frigates, etc. The construction of the surface ship has been completed, and the Yincao fighter jets have begun to be equipped with the air force in batches. The production of the navy model may have been planned, and the navy-specific cavity has entered the test flight phase.

There is also a major breakthrough in the motivation technology used by the aircraft carrier. In this way, the basic material power to build the aircraft carrier is already available.

The practical significance of the Wageliang for the Chinese Navy is that it can test the aircraft carrier control platform system and use it as a training ship. Technically speaking, it is unlikely that the Wageliangzi will be converted into an aircraft carrier that is officially in service.

The ship was put into aquatic installation in 1988, and its hull has been immersed in water for nearly 20 years. Judging from the 50-year service period of the US military's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the time that the Wagliang can continue to serve after being modified It's not long. In addition, the Waglyeon itself was not completed, lacking the necessary power plants and weapons and equipment, and Ukraine dismantled all valuable surplus parts before the handover. More importantly, at the request of Russia and the United States, Ukraine carried out blasting on the sensitive part of the Wagelyan hull. It will be very difficult to repair, and the main structure has been damaged.

Therefore, there are two possibilities for the future of the Wageliang. First, it will become a test ship and be used as a test platform for testing shipboard equipment, electronic systems, weaponry and carrier aircraft. This is also very important, although the military can The land test flight deck is used to test the take-off and landing of the new carrier-based aircraft, but this method is difficult to simulate the sway and sway during the sea-borne take-off and landing. After the Wageliang becomes a test ship, it can provide the most ideal test for the new carrier-based aircraft. platform. And "Wagliang" can also be used to test different types of aircraft carrier power plants. In order to determine what kind of power plant will be adopted by the Chinese aircraft carrier in the future. The cover festival was uploaded by the book club for four days according to book friends)

Secondly, the Wagliang may become a training ship. It is used to conduct long-term training for naval aircraft carrier combatants. The officers at all levels on the ship, including the captain, all ship personnel, and pilots of carrier aircraft can gain valuable experience through actual on-board training. This is for China The Navy has trained generations of qualified aircraft carrier service personnel.

Whether it becomes a test ship or a training ship, the Wageliang will have the potential to be quickly transformed into a combat ship in wartime, thus becoming a transitional quasi-aircraft carrier before the Chinese Navy is officially equipped with an aircraft carrier in the future.

Although Chen Guangyi knew very well what Wagliang was for. But from a purely technical point of view, he is not very clear about some of the inside story. The main reason is that some key technological breakthroughs have been completed recently. On the contrary, Fan Wubing, who has handled Russian data, needs to know a little bit more~lightnovelpub.net~ But Fan Wubing also told Chen Guangyi very clearly, "Building Aircraft Carriers" It is not a matter of overnight. Even if the hull is easy to build, it will take time for the shipboard equipment to be equipped and to form combat effectiveness. Now you are hurrying to hurry up to arm the Wagrian to be the most realistic. At least first Fumbling and scraping on it, wait until the aircraft carrier on my side is completed, so that it can be put into use in time."

Chen Guangyi smiled and said, "I know this naturally. I just want to know a little bit, when can I use my aircraft carrier?"

This question is naturally not that easy to answer, but Fan Wubing is also very aware of Chen Guangyi’s eagerness, so he replied, “Don’t worry, at least you won’t be able to retire, as long as you, the commander of the navy, continue to work. I'm worried that I won't have the opportunity to board a domestically-made aircraft carrier and enjoy it myself."

"If it's as you said, I would be willing to die." Chen Guangyi calculated the meaning of Fan Wubing's words, and he would definitely be able to achieve it within ten years.

Thinking that he had the opportunity to board the first domestically-produced aircraft carrier as the commander of the navy, Chen Guangyi shook a breeze, and said that he must hold onto it and make no mistakes. This commander of the navy was hard-won.