
v5 Chapter 1228: Phased victory

Fan’s father’s sentiment towards the Navy is unusual, that’s not to say, but whether Haiyang is worth a big bet or not is even more important, especially for Fan Wuyi.

Although it is a good thing to support the Navy Show. But when it comes to business, Fan’s Investment Group can’t reverse the past. After all, you always have to pay attention to a cost return. Otherwise, would you be regarded as raising a private army? This is a taboo thing. But Fan Wuyao's heart is also like Ming Jing's. After all, he has a lot of interests overseas, and in today's complex and changeable international political environment, he is eager for the asylum of his own navy. That certainly makes sense, so investing in the navy is definitely a mutually beneficial thing.

But now it seems that there are three main factors that affect the direction of the Chinese Navy's current development. That is the Taiwan issue, the East China Sea sovereignty dispute, and the control of the Malacca Strait.

These three problems have many points in common. They all reflect the conflicts of interest between China and other countries, and it seems that there is no possibility of short-term resolution. We can only use maritime power as a bargaining chip in the game. Therefore, for the Chinese government, the growth of the navy is essential for the ultimate resolution of these problems, at least for the problems. Changing in a direction that is beneficial to oneself has a direct impact.

Although these disputes may cause a confrontation between the naval fleets of several countries, the possibility of serious maritime conflicts does not seem to be great. Although the use of force is a very attractive option for China, diplomatic channels, third-party mediation, or multilateral negotiations can all be effective ways to alleviate conflicts, but they cannot attract the attention of countries around the world like the use of force.

For the Chinese Navy, although Japan and South Korea have very strong maritime forces and a high degree of modernization, they are not difficult to deal with. So there is no need to pay too much attention to it. The only object that really needs attention is the US Navy.

Although the current US naval power occupies an absolute advantage in the maritime power of Asian countries, and this advantage will continue to be maintained in the foreseeable future, Chinese naval decision makers are still trying to find various ways. Targeted development of its own navy in order to effectively deter and counter US interference, and even win over the US Navy to become its ally.

The status quo of the Chinese Navy’s equipment is a relatively vague concept. How high is the proportion of annual military expenditures used for naval construction in the country’s fiscal expenditures is recognized by all countries as one of the most significant indicators for assessing a country’s naval strength, but for China* *The issue of fee input is really not clear to outsiders. Even if you are inside, you feel quite confused.

Since the early 1990s, China’s defense budget has been increasing year by year at an alarming rate, and the Navy has also benefited a lot from it. These huge investments have finally paid off in the new century.

There is no doubt that with the continuous development of the economy. The government's tax revenue will continue to increase, so China's defense budget is expected to continue to grow. However, it needs to be pointed out that according to Western naval standards, none of these warships built by China in the 1990s has the ability to fight against the United States, Japan, South Korea, or other modern navies in the region under modern naval battle conditions.

These new surface warships launched at the end of the last century have extremely powerful anti-ship combat forces. However, anti-submarine and air defense capabilities are very weak. To put it bluntly, in the face of air strikes by enemy land-based or carrier-based fighters, these warships have almost no possibility of surviving, and when performing anti-submarine warfare missions, even if they can successfully spot and sink the enemy submarine, that’s fine. It can only be regarded as good luck.

At the beginning of the new century, the Navy has successively launched several research projects on new types of warships, which reflects the strong confidence and the ever-increasing level of craftsmanship in the shipbuilding department of China National Laboratories.

But there is another critical issue. What is the level of equipment maintenance in the Ninety Navy? What is the training status of the personnel? This is also an important factor affecting naval combat effectiveness.

In general, the Navy's record in this area is not very good, and there is still a big gap compared with the world's advanced level. Let’s take the example of the Chinese naval fleet’s round-the-world voyages. These ships have added a number of maintenance personnel and carried a large number of spare parts for circumnavigation. This clearly shows that the ordinary surface warships of the Chinese Navy are based on ocean warfare. Maintenance work is still very lacking, otherwise there is no need to allocate corresponding personnel and parts.

Secondly, this year’s submarine crash also reflects the Navy’s serious shortcomings in training maintenance personnel. During the Hawaiian Pacific Rim exercise in 1998, two senior Chinese navy officials were invited to board as observers. Visited a number of U.S. Navy warships.

After the visit, the two naval officials published a large number of articles and reports related to the exercise in the domestic military media. Many of the articles emphasized the repeated maintenance and damage management exercises carried out by the US sailors throughout the exercise. This shows that such training is not taken seriously in the daily training activities of the domestic navy.

"Actually, the most important point is that the navy has a relatively small structure. Although it costs a lot of money, it has quick results. Compared with the army and the air force, the return on investment in the navy can be seen immediately." Fan Wuyao told his father Fan. Heng said to usurp.

Although Fan Wuyao is also involved in the army's equipment, the army has too many people. The situation is too big, and the various forces involved are also very many, even if you can do a lot of things. But the influence is still too inferior to the navy.

If you really make a huge contribution to aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, you will have a very large right to speak within the naval system in the future. This is foreseeable.

In particular, I can now see many weaknesses in the Navy, and is one of the few people who have the ability to influence them to make improvements. As long as he puts forward some suggestions for improvement to Chen Guangyi, he will definitely consider and promote them.

June 24th. The World Health Organization finally lifted the travel warning for the capital, and at the same time excluded it from the list of fatigued areas until this moment. China's battle against the Communists was considered a decisive victory.

For this day, CCTV organized a party specially to celebrate or commend the reporters who have been on the front line of the fight against the Communist Party for a long time.

Fan’s investment group has fully supported the government’s anti-** work, so it is naturally an important unit that was invited. When Fan Wuyi passed by, a group of reporters were enthusiastically exchanging their feelings, and Cuiqi was also there. Listen to them talking nonsense over there. "When he saw Fan Wuyi appearing, he slipped away quietly and asked Fan Fu in amazement, and went into the corner.

"Listen to them, a while ago, you also went to the ward for an interview?" Fan Wuyi asked in the first sentence.

Zhang Qi nodded and said, "Yes, many first-line hosts have gone, and the Economic Channel is no exception."

"Do you feel some pressure? What about fear?" Fan Wubing asked.

"That will definitely happen" Zhang Qi nodded and replied, "When I first walked into the ward for shooting. I saw my colleagues working through the glass of the ward, but you said, who is not afraid of death? At that time, I only know a kind of fear and fear, the feeling of pushing open the door of the ward, the brain appears instantly, just like the feeling of pushing open the ghost door. However, after I entered, when I interviewed the medical staff, I was also moved by their forgetful spirit. They also have children and old people at home. Who knows what will happen to that situation at that time?"

At that time, their minds wanted to use the camera lens to bring these doctors and nurses into close contact with the patients, and to communicate with the patients. All treatments are recorded, and a film is made for future generations to know, and it is also used as a record of historical data.

To put it bluntly, I haven't encountered this disease for many years.

According to Cuiqi, the first time they entered the ward, it was when Beijing publicly asked the news media to interview the ward. On that day, a press conference was held first. After the meeting, reporters from various countries put on protective clothing one after another, and that was the first time.

Basically, they will go in every once in a while.

"After I came out, the clothes were all wet. They could wring out the water with a twist. It was sultry. They were in the isolation ward. I also had to wear a double-layer mask. However. Looking back at the films I took, I felt that I was not doing it in vain." Qi said to Fan Wuyao. "At that time, the first day I went in and changed clothes and made a joke. The reporters and people from outside put on protective clothing and went in. One of my colleagues picked up the clothes, and after I finished the clothes. I myself. He put on his protective clothing directly in the office. He stripped off his shirt and put on protective clothing. When he went downstairs, someone asked him, how did you come out when you came out? He suddenly remembered that when he came out, he had to take off his protective clothing in the contaminated area. Inside, he really had to come out naked." "Who are you afraid of? Looking at the critically ill patients inside, I couldn't breathe enough. My heart was really uncomfortable. Moreover, after seeing the nurses, after they finished their work I stood there with my tired body. I couldn’t take off my mask. I was covered in sweat and covered. Sometimes, I chatted with them, and many nurses were the mothers of the children. When I mentioned the child, tears were in the corners of my eyes. I am also very uncomfortable," said Cui Qi.

Fan Wuyao nodded, and the medical staff did a great deal in this fight.

Zhang Qi said that they were shooting in the ward. The lens closest to the patient is only about two feet away, because some lenses have to take close-ups, and the anesthesiologist can intubate the patient. At that time, I thought, other doctors are not afraid of anything, and they do it with their own hands. The more you beat me, the more courage you will get. I think the protection is done and there should be no problem.

When I entered the Internet, I didn't know what to shoot at first, but I gradually felt how to shoot.

"At the beginning of the Internet, I filmed some scenes of nurses and doctors working. After I came out, I watched these films. There was also a goal. At that time we had two sets of plans. One was to record these things in the form of a documentary; Well. I just wanted to take some more active shots, and I could make one. A musical film, stringing the whole thing from beginning to end with music, as a record for everyone to take a look." Cui Qi said, "At that time, look at the little ones inside. Boy, I can’t stand it. Little pitiful. I can’t even see my parents. Only nurses go around every day. A child and the nurse say through the glass, "Auntie, I will be discharged tomorrow. What time are you here? This nurse is in the afternoon shift." , The nurse drew with her hands across the isolation window in the middle. At two o'clock in the afternoon, I will come to see you off. I think that child is really pitiful, there are five or six months old in it. The nurse tells them stories. And The children of the full moon are lying in bed and nursing, and the nurses have to change diapers. It is really not easy for these nurses."

A life-threatening battle has come to an end. It leaves people with infinite reflection.

After **, government officials began to pay more attention to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Before the epidemic, many people believed that the number of infectious diseases in Beijing was reduced and the utilization rate of wards was low. Ditan Hospital and You'an Hospital should be merged. **Afterwards, I will not mention the merger anymore, and will choose a site to expand the Ditan Hospital in Shunyi District.

Moreover, Fan Wubing heard his father Fan Heng say that the city government intends to invest 1 billion yuan to build a new Ditan Hospital. Plans are already underway. There will be more than 200 negative pressure wards on standby in the new hospital. It is used to treat patients with respiratory infectious diseases like **.

Now it seems that the fight against the Communist Party can win the final victory. In a sense, it also benefits from the government’s existing system, which can effectively mobilize all social forces in the shortest time and cut off the source of transmission. In countries with a relatively high degree of liberalization, it may be more troublesome.

The government’s attitude towards infectious diseases has also undergone a major change. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has learned from the painful teachings brought about by the Communist Party of China. The government has passed legislation, established an emergency reporting system for incidents, and announced the After the Public Health Incident Emergency Regulations. Responding to sudden incidents, it has begun to enter the orbit of legalization

In the early stage of the raging epidemic of this year, because the concealment of the epidemic figures directly affected the government's correct decision-making and the timely treatment of patients, we learned from the pain. The government is raising profits and promulgating the "Regulations on Disclosure of Government Information", making government information gradually publicized.

It is also this time that the government has suffered a severe blow from the Communist Party of China, and the government has established an information disclosure system. When the country encounters natural disasters and national disasters again, the government can disclose information in time, mobilize the whole people, and unite the power of the country.

The government's information disclosure in major incidents, after the baptism of the Communist Party, is like a heavy city gate slowly becoming transparent and slowly being pushed aside. This is also a major progress.

"The weather is so hot, how about going out to play together?" Fan Wubing didn't like to mention these sad and sorrowful things very much. He thought that the hottest summer would be coming soon, this year's summer escape. It should be about to kick off, so he proposed to Zhang Qi.

"Now? It may not be well arranged on the schedule" Zhang Qi frowned and replied bye