
v5 Chapter 124: Seriously digress

The address of the Military Commission is on Fuxing Road outside Fuxingmen.

According to the constitution, the Military Commission leads and uniformly commands the national armed forces, determines military strategies and armed forces’ operational policies, leads and manages the construction of the People’s Liberation Army, submits proposals to the National People’s Congress or the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, formulates military regulations, issues decisions and orders , Decide on the system and establishment of the People’s Liberation Army, appoint, dismiss, train, assess, reward and punish members of the armed forces, approve the weaponry system and development plans and plans, and exercise other powers prescribed by law.

In general, although the Military Commission is still a branch of the government, it has more authority. Therefore, based on past experience and lessons, the top leader is often a trinity, combining the President, General Secretary, and Chairman of the Military Commission. In one body, the party, government, and army are truly closely integrated.

In this way, it saves a lot of trouble, at least it is easier to form a unified voice on the superstructure.

Getting in and out of the Military Commission compound is also more troublesome. Fortunately, Fan Wubing was accompanied by a general and he was sent by the Military Commission. Therefore, the road was unimpeded, and he drove in directly. After going upstairs, Turn around into a small meeting room.

This time there are fewer people in the room. There are three generals, all of whom seem to be upright, and they are not too young. The person in charge of the record is also a major general, plus a leader. The major general he came over had only five people in total. \\

After sitting down, Fan Wubing found that these three generals had met several times, and they were considered acquaintances. After the two sides greeted each other, an admiral said, "President Fan, we must first apologize extremely for this matter."

Fan Wubing nodded. He expressed his understanding that no matter what happened to the teacher, whether he was beaten and maimed by Fan Wuyi, he was guilty of self-mutilation, or he was maimed by accident, he couldn't avoid a problem. That is, he personally brought the special forces to deal with an ordinary person. If this kind of thing spreads out, it will be terrible.

Therefore, the military committee here unanimously decided to reassure Fan Wuyi first. As for the problem with the division commander, he should be blamed for himself and cannot blame others.

It's just that everyone still doesn't know Fan Wubing's attitude very well. I don't know if he will bite on this matter? And there is another problem. There were still two people at the scene, one was Fan Tianlan. One is the host of CCTV, Zi Qi, and the emotions of the two of them also need to be calmed down. Otherwise things will still leak out.

As for the soldiers at the scene, it was easy to handle. Just use the discipline in the army to restrict it, and I'm not afraid of any mistakes. So what they are most concerned about now is to first put Fan Wubing's side, and then let him do the work of the other two people, things are simple.

"About this matter, we think it is better to deal with it in a low-key manner. I don't know what Mr. Fan thinks? Any thoughts can be mentioned." The admiral went on to say, some things he himself felt more difficult to express. He now feels that the teacher really deserved the crime, so he didn't mention his son as a bastard.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, nothing happened to me. I was just a little frightened." Fan Wubing showed great generosity in this matter, but he also mentioned a little bit, "It's just those who smashed my car. People who do not deserve it, they should be punished, and other issues shouldn’t matter."

He didn't say this. Several generals of the Military Commission also have to be held accountable. Active soldiers, especially those who have received special training, actually helped their master's son in a fight. This is really a shame! Even more humiliatingly, not only did a dozen special soldiers fail to defeat Fan Wuyi alone, but without exception, they turned into broken legs and feet. What is the use of such soldiers? It should have been dealt with long ago.

"Those people, we will definitely deal with them." The Admiral assured.

After talking about official business, Fan Wuyi remembered one thing, and said to several generals, "Is it not easy for soldiers to change jobs in the past two years?"

"Yes." The generals never thought that Fan Wubing would ask this question.

The placement of demobilized soldiers has always been dealt with as a major issue. After all, military service is the foundation of national defense. If you want everyone to join the army, you have to be a little bit practical. In the past, after demobilization, veterans with non-agricultural hukou can return to their hometowns and be placed in formal jobs. Therefore, if the children of urban hukou residents find it difficult to pass the college entrance examination, their goal is to join the army and wait until three years later. Demobilized to go home, waiting for resettlement work.

However, in recent years, the society has been in a transitional period. The life of state-owned enterprises has become more and more uncomfortable. Administrative institutions are overcrowded. Many institutions are going bankrupt. More and more laid-off workers are being laid off. The problem is even more difficult. /\\

After all, there is a problem. There is a need for skilled workers in enterprises. It is impossible to drive away skilled workers and then admit newcomers who do not have a technical basis. Then the burden on the enterprise will be heavier, so it exists everywhere. Many veterans who have not been resettled for many years, and so many do nothing to resettle the veterans, the social hidden dangers formed are very serious.

Fan Wuyao nodded and said to them, "A while ago, Boss Zhu mentioned to me that it was because of the shortage of funds for the army. However, this matter will be solved slowly as the central government takes back the financial power. Now it is the most troublesome. Instead, it’s the placement of veterans. I hope it can play a little role in this matter, and it can be considered as helping everyone to share their worries."

"This is a good thing!" When Fan Wubing said such words, the generals' complexions suddenly improved, and even wrinkles were unfolded, and Fan Wubing was surrounded one after another, and everyone sat down in one place. , Have tea and snacks, and start discussing this topic.

When Boss Zhu talked to Fan Wubing, he wanted him to help the military find ways to make money, but Fan Wubing felt that this was a bit difficult, and when it was involved, some conflicts of interest were difficult to resolve. Therefore, Just be creative and come up with helping them solve the problem of placement of some demobilized soldiers.

Fan Wuyao now has more industries, so naturally he needs more people. Needless to say, the number of security personnel and service personnel at Panshi Airport is very large. In addition, many factories have recently had internal demand for capacity expansion. The labor gap is still very large. The question is whether these people Willing to choose non-public ownership enterprises to work, this is the most important thing.

"This problem is easy to solve." Someone used their brains immediately.

An admiral knew better about the placement of veterans, so he said, “The current situation is to solve the placement of veterans in chronological order. Many people have to wait two or three years before they can be notified of placement, or It’s a bit longer so everyone is well aware of the situation. If Mr. Fan can absorb some newly retired soldiers into the factory temporarily, it will be much easier. They can find work and make some money while they are waiting for resettlement. They are always affected by habits. Once they have learned some skills in the company and adapted to the environment, and now they are in a better company than the place where they will be resettled, it is difficult to choose to leave."

When everyone heard this, they felt that it was reasonable, so they sat down and studied it again, and finally came up with a draft, ready to submit it to it for deliberation, and see if it could be the same before the military reversion. No illness signs a preliminary agreement so that everyone can find a job opportunity within two to three years, and if there is a placement opportunity at that time, they also have the right to choose whether to leave.

"I think it can be done!" an older general said to everyone.

Fan Wubing also believes that this can be done. After two to three years, many of his own companies will become quite influential large groups. It is not impossible to accommodate hundreds of thousands or even millions of employees. Therefore, He feels that he is competent for this matter. No matter who is in the position of the highest leader, he will continue to need to solve this part of the pressure for them.

Then, his social status is unbreakable, as long as he doesn't get into too much trouble, he can sit back and relax.

At the end, everyone talked a little messy, and they didn’t know what they were talking about. An admiral said, “Did we digress? What were we talking about just now?”

The major general in charge of the record flipped through his own records, and now that in this period of time, there are dozens of pages of paper for records alone ~lightnovelpub.net~ They are all talking about how Fan Wuyi can accommodate the re-commissioned soldiers. Only in the first two pages, did it record the affairs between Fan Wubing and the teacher.

"In contrast, the previous matter is really not very important." The major general said with a smile, "However, we need to appoint a new commander for the special division. I personally think that this team needs to be adjusted well. It's a moment."

"It's time to make some adjustments. Do you see how much their fighting power is left?!" An admiral said with some dissatisfaction. "A young man cleaned up the entire special company with his bare hands and crippled the commander. That's it! Such a team is really rubbish!"

"Cough, cough!" The other admiral coughed twice to stop him.

The old man was stunned for a while, then saw Fan Wuyao, and said in embarrassment, "Well, I didn't say that people were crippled by you, haha."

Fan Wubing smiled bitterly. Does it matter if I am disabled? Anyway, no one is willing to stand up for him now.

However, Fan Wubing soon discovered that he had made a mistake in his judgment, because suddenly someone came out to grow up for the hapless teacher.