
v5 Chapter 157: Centrino's memory stick

It took a few days for the disease-free to soak in the memory production line to understand the structure of \\|. Love//Book^^ person//

As an indispensable and important core component of personal computers, the development of memory can reflect the development history of the entire personal computer from the side. Memory is constantly updated in terms of specifications, technology, bus bandwidth, etc., and basically represents the upgrading of personal computers. .

The memory manufacturing enterprises under the leadership of Wang Shihan mainly produce memory, which is the ordinary memory used in 486 and Pentium-class computers, with 72 lines and 168 points. 5V voltage, data bandwidth t, the degree is basically more than 40ns, because the CPU data bus width of Pentium and above is t or higher, it must be used in pairs.

But Fan Wubing knows that with the upcoming launch of Microsoft’s s95 operating system, personal computer applications will enter a new era, and various large-scale application software and computer games will emerge as the times require. Under this circumstance , The size and degree of memory has become an important factor restricting the entire computer system.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to develop memory technology under a new architecture to produce a new type of memory with a large capacity and height, so as to meet the needs of the market, and the memory is already declining.

Therefore, Fan Wubing’s requirements for Wang Shihan are that one is to increase efforts to research new s memory technology, and the other is to fully start work, using all the current memory production lines, and using full horsepower to produce memory, in order to recover. The funds currently spent to build the factory.

Because Fan Wubing knew that the first sdRam that appeared on the market belonged to the Inte1 technical specification. If the motherboard's external frequency is increased from 66mhz to 100mhz, this change is bsp; of course troubles will follow. The source of the problem is that InTeL's 100 technical specifications are quite strict, and its standards are both for chip manufacturers and memory stick manufacturers. Manufacturers have put forward very high technical requirements, and the existing integrated circuit packaging methods can no longer meet the working requirements of high chips, requiring manufacturers to replace the original equipment, which is bound to increase the cost of manufacturers.

Fan Wu. Bing studied computer and application majors at the university. Although he didn't learn anything at the time, the history of computer exhibition is still relatively familiar. What kind of hardware, software, database principles, system structure, software engineering, etc. After learning, he calculated the emergence of a new memory architecture. It is probably a year and a half to two years later. Such a period of time is enough for Wang Shihan and the others to launch products based on SD memory technology. As for the future 0 at least ten The technology after years has passed, and there is no need to think about it now.

Long. The profit period of ten years is enough for Fan Wubing to make a lot of money from memory production. More importantly, he has cultivated a large number of his own chip research and technical talents through this industry to prepare for future work. Base.

Wang Shihan was surprised at Fan Wu's foresight and familiarity with the industry. If he is an industry insider, or has a better understanding of memory architecture, Fan Wu's study is international trade, and he is not usually on campus. It's unbelievable to be so familiar with the memory industry in this way.

But. No matter what. The first batch of local memory modules put into use has been offline.

After Fan Wubing got the sample of the note. Open the computer case on Wang Shihan's desk first. Then skillfully removed the original memory stick. Then insert the new product. Then power up. test. Turn on. A series of ground movements are like moving clouds and flowing water. Everyone in the office rushed to be extremely surprised.

Although they are engaged in this place. But the small things like disassembling and assembling the machine are not very skilled. Usually workers do the work for them. This way, there is no technical content to work. Naturally, there is no need for them to operate. But Fan Wubing's work. But it is extremely proficient. It seemed that he had done installation work for people.

After the machine is turned on. Fan Wubing immediately ran several large-scale software. Sure enough, I feel that the degree has been greatly improved. It seems that the technical talents of Wang Shihan's team are still excellent.

Fan Wubing smiled at everyone. Then he said with a thumbs up. "Yes. The technology is top-notch."

After seeing the boss Ken. Everyone cheered suddenly. Some active employees encouraged the boss to treat the red envelopes.

Wang Shihan also breathed a sigh of relief. Although a lot of preliminary tests have been done, it does not rule out that some defective products will occasionally appear. It's a bit of a shame. Fortunately, the actual trial this time worked perfectly.

In the following day, the other two major shareholders of the company, Wang Rongchang and Maximus, also flew to Hangzhou, met with Fan Wuyi, and prepared to attend.

After the three people met for the off-line celebration, they were naturally very happy about the plan, and finally succeeded this year.

Accompanied by them, there are also a hundred technical talents. This is probably the result of Wang Rongchang's digging in Taiwan. It would be quite difficult to find so many more people.

"This is also the political instability in Taiwan. The dog bites the dog up and down. I picked up such a cheap one. If it is left in peace, it is absolutely impossible to pull out so many people." Wang Rongchang smiled to Fan Wuyi and Maximus. Said.

Fan Wubing was also very satisfied. He asked Wang Rongchang with non-professional concern, "Duke, how much influence does this matter have on you? It would be a disadvantage to continue to be in the official career, right?"

Wang Rongchang shook his head in disdain, and said to the two people, "These days, if I were still confined to the island, then I would be short-sighted!"

The situation today is very clear. The politics on the island of Taiwan is black and the politics of black gold are very serious. Many gangsters have begun to whitewash their politics. Under this circumstance, how can their relatively innocent businessmen pay? Is there a good way to choose?

Besides, although Wang Rongchang can be regarded as a high-level member of the SEF, this organization is still a non-governmental organization after all. Even if it exercises some semi-official powers, it is not an official organization in the final analysis. There are not too many scruples in the exhibition.

Since the big 6. has money to make money and the prospects for the exhibition are good, then why do you want to stay in love in Taiwan Island?

Although the old man is getting older, he is not confused. Since the general trend is like this, he naturally wants people to go to higher places and flow to lower places. It is undoubtedly a wise move to build a factory in Da6, and it makes him feel that Fortunately, I found a strong collaborator like Fan Wuyao. Of course, his financial path was bright.

"Mr. Fan, uncle, and Mr. Maximus, now our products are also offline, shouldn't we have a bright name?" Wang Shihan said to the three bosses.

"That's fixed, Mr. Maximus, what do you suggest?" Wang Rongchang asked Maximus.

Yu. The old man shook his head and said, "I only care about how much money I can make. As for the name, you are better at it. After all, this is China University 6, and our main sales target is also China University 6 users. "

Seeing that Maximus had no opinion, Wang Rongchang asked Fan Wuyi, "President Fan, computers are a relatively fashionable thing, and the name should be younger. Or should you decide?"

Fan Wu fell ill and did not decline. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "The trademark is called Centrino! The English abbreviation bsp; "Hehe, as long as it is not c, I have no objection. The name Centrino sounds very loud. "Wang Rongchang said with a smile.

Wang Shihan thought about it carefully, "Centrino, the fast Mercedes-Benz, is very suitable for our product characteristics, a good name! This trademark is also easy to design, how about adding an x ​​to the inside of the c?"

The three bosses nodded and thought it was feasible, so even if the trademark and name of the new memory module were finalized, the application for industrial and commercial registration was very simple, and it could be handed over to the lawyers to deal with it.

However, when I heard that Fan Wuyao was building a cpu packaging factory in a joint venture with InTeL, the two old men felt a little envious. Unfortunately, they were limited by capital issues, and it was probably difficult to participate in equity participation. However, Fan Wuyao is not a stingy person. , Told the two old men that as long as one hundred more technical talents are brought over, they can give away 1% of the new factory equity.

Anyway, for Fan Wubing~lightnovelpub.net~ The profit of the packaging factory is average. Although it can make 8 billion yuan, compared with his other investments, the money is very slow. If It's not to cultivate his own technical talents, to get closer to InTeL company, in order to obtain part of the other party's technology, he would not choose to spend a lot of effort in this kind of company, and spend a lot of money on the stock market, why bother so laboriously?

But the benefits of doing this are also very obvious. At least Fan Wubing promised Boss Zhu that the provision of 20,000 jobs here is basically considered to be settled.

"Tomorrow night, "The Same Song" will hold a special evening party on the West Lake. We are sponsors, let's come together." At the end, Fan Wubing said to everyone.

Wang Rongchang and Maximus were in a good mood, and naturally they agreed. Fan's new factory laid the foundation. They also wanted to participate. Of course, they can't leave Hangzhou for a few days. It's not bad to have this pastime.

Wang Shihan has more work, and he needs to organize some employees to come and sit on the scene.

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