
v5 Chapter 16: Not a fuel-efficient lamp "Guiqiu Monthl

Fan Wubing had analyzed Clinton’s life trajectory with Boss Zhu before, and believed that this young governor from Arkansas would never be kind to others after he entered the White House.

As a young politician who became governor at the age of thirty-two and successfully ran for the president of the United States at the age of 46, Clinton will certainly not be a waiter, so it is impossible for young people to be like some people think. It represents the most beautiful things in the world, peace, justice, and so on. In their eyes, they are actually very nonsense.

Fan Wubing was a person who came here. How hateful is the little Bill of Nature’s Way, and how much trouble he has caused to China. Therefore, when he analyzed this character to Boss Zhu, he started talking about this character from his childhood and brought some psychological problems. The principles of learning are applied in an attempt to explain clearly the crimes Clinton has committed in the future.

Although he has not done anything yet, it is only a matter of time. This is the main tone of Fan Wubing's analysis of Clinton.

Boss Zhu felt somewhat reasonable after hearing Fan Wu's words, but this kind of prediction was too vague. Therefore, when he talked to other people, he was just listening. To use an old Chinese diplomatic saying, the attitude towards the Clinton administration is to watch what it says, observe what it does, and use time to speak.

But for some high-level think tanks, although Fan Wubing's analysis of Clinton seems to be inadequate, it is difficult to believe that this young and middle-aged president with a smile on his face is sinister to his bones.

Therefore, most people are opposed to Fan Wuyi's remarks.

"This is normal." Fan Wubing laughed after listening to Jiang Lue's introduction. "Although you can't say that in formal occasions, there is no doubt that the most popular values ​​in the world are those of Americans. What our so-called experts follow is the same as that of the Americans. Therefore, it is more difficult to use American ideological slaves to analyze the psychological state of their masters."

"What you said is really bad. If it is twenty years ahead of schedule, it will definitely be labeled as the current counter-revolutionary place. At least it is also a big hat to attack the revolutionary leadership." Jiang Lue couldn't help frowning when he heard Fan Wuyi's words.

Fan Wubing's words are too involved, no wonder Jiang Lue feels uncomfortable in his heart. This kind of saying about slaves and masters put a large number of people into it, even he was no exception.

As the world's only major country, the values ​​it upholds can indeed affect the entire world. This has nothing to do with political stances, nor doctrines. It is only related to the lives of ordinary people. Money rules all times. It's already here.

"Just forget it if you don't like to listen. Actually, I don't like preaching." Fan Wuyao waved his hand. Then he glanced at the scenery outside the car window. Then asked a little surprised. "Where are you pulling me?"

"Let's go to see Mr. Zhu and boss Zhu. Don't you have something to discuss with them?" Jiang Lue replied.

Fan Wubing asked suspiciously. "This is a conditional exchange? Isn't I going to cure the old man? You don't plan to give me a chance to talk?"

Jiang Lue denied immediately. "How can there be such a thing. You think of us too utilitarian, right?"

Fan Wubing stared at Jiang Lue for a long time. Just said something. "Being in a high position. It must be utilitarian. To have too much gratitude for a national leader. It is not a good thing."

"What you said. Do you praise us. Or do you harm us?" Jiang Lue listened to Fan Wuyi's words. Feel a little dumbfounded.

Their car entered Zhongnanhai. This was Fan Wuyi's first entry into Zhongnanhai. He used to meet these leaders at a base outside. It seems that today's situation is indeed a bit special.

After going in. Another group of guards passed a security inspection gate, and then Fan Wuyi was stopped.

"Chairman, please take out your box." A guard company commander gave Fan Wuyi a military salute nervously, and then demanded from him.

Fan Wubing slapped his head. Xin said that he must have seen his needle box, so he took out his red sandalwood needle box, handed it to him for inspection, and said. "This is my needle box. Walking around the rivers and lakes, hanging pots to help the world. I rely on this little needle box!"

The guard opened Fan Wuyi's needle box and took a look. It turned out that they were all silver needles and two gold needles. They returned it to him after there was nothing abnormal, "I'm sorry, this is our duty."

Fan Wubing nodded and smiled, "I understand, you are loyal to your duties."

When I got inside the room, there were actually five members of the Politburo Standing Committee. Two of them were the first to meet. After seeing Fan Wuyin walk in, he greeted him in person, and then introduced Fan Wuyin to everyone. Then he said to Fan Wubiao, "I don't need to introduce more to these people, right?"

"No need. In the daily news broadcast, at least one-third of the time is used to introduce you." Fan Wubing shook his head and smiled.

A member of the Standing Committee said to Fan Wuyao, "Just now, the old man came to the news that it was the genius doctor Xiaofan who was immediately cured of the disease. We were very happy after hearing this. We saw the genius doctor Fan today, but it was Thank you in person."

"Everyone is polite. Healing and saving people are originally our medical intentions, and there is nothing to boast about." Fan Wuyao, with the appearance of an expert in Taoism, said modestly to everyone.

Everyone was polite, and then they took their seats. Fan Wuyao didn't feel any special difference in front of these people. Although on the TV screen, the leaders are all big figures from Qi Yuxuanang, but when they arrive at home, they are just a group of ordinary people without the support of the secretary’s drafts and brains. Of course, it cannot be said that they are completely ordinary. People, who have spent most of their lives in the officialdom, have honed them as if they have achieved an undefeated golden body. They speak and do things without revealing them.

Fan Wubing was very curious about why they would come to talk with him. After talking about it, he knew that the Americans had recently learned that the old man was seriously ill, so they wanted to try the courage of the new leadership group, so they used their presence. The absolute control of the Gulf wants to find fault with China.

Today, I easily cured my father’s lung infection, and it is very possible to improve his Parkinson’s disease. This is a great benefit for the leadership.

Among the current government, there are no wars. In the eyes of Americans, it is a typical literati government, compared with the previous two generations of leadership. Lack of courage, so Americans want to give Chinese people some eyedrops in the Middle East, and try to see how much Chinese people can bear.

"The relationship between our country and the countries in the Middle East has always been very friendly. There are many goods exchanges. It is reported today that the Americans may want to provoke there, but they don’t know when and where to move, so everyone’s emotions are a bit more nervous. ." A member of the Standing Committee introduced.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia and other countries are overwhelmed by themselves, and American armed forces have begun to spread all over the world, becoming the only major power in the world. Now that they have gained a firm foothold in the Middle East, their ambitions have become even more swelling. It is naturally the first priority of the Clinton administration to try to see if the Chinese are still the same.

If the Chinese cannot withstand the American offensive, then the American global strategy can be implemented unimpeded.

"Now Comrade Xiaofan has cured the old man's disease. As long as he arranges his elderly person to show his face at a sensitive moment, it will be more effective than a hundred thousand army." Chang said to Fan Wuyao.

Oh I got it. Only then did Fan Wubing figure it out. Why is there such a high level of interviewing with oneself? The key lies in the appearance of oneself. It not only solves the hidden health problems of the old man, but also solves a major problem that lies in front of the leadership level.

Naturally, it is impossible to retreat against the provocations of the Americans. However, the strength of the Chinese is not enough to confront the Americans head-on. Therefore, it is very important to defeat the Americans without fighting.

"Is the old man's body suitable for a public appearance?" Long asked.

Fan Wuyi took a look. Everyone in the house now focused their gazes on themselves. It seemed that they had put this treasure on their own body, so they said a little scalp, "Is it a bit too much to ask me about this matter? The so-called impermanence, I can only guarantee that the old man’s lungs will be normal and his body functions will return to normal after a week, but the problem of Parkinson’s disease may not be cured in three or two days. It will take a month to put it. Huh? If you get involved with the Americans in the middle, I won't have any trouble."

"A month?" Chang exchanged glances with several other members of the Standing Committee, then nodded. "enough!"

Everyone then walked over ~lightnovelpub.net~ patted Fan Wuyi's shoulder, encouraged them, and then slipped away like a rush.

"Hey, why did I say that these few people have left?" Fan Wuyao grabbed Jiang Lie and asked, "I have something to tell them? You said this, isn't it a bit unfinished? He, just want to tear down the bridge? Isn't it a bit too shame to do this?"

Jiang Lue laughed haha, "You can count on them to give you a clear answer to your matters? If the problem is solved here, it would be equivalent to opening a Politburo for you alone. The Standing Committee meeting, do you think this is appropriate?"

"Then who should I talk to?" Fan Wubing asked, grabbing Jiang Lue's clothes, "I can't delay my business. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. Who can I talk to?"

"Boss Zhu, now he is in charge." Jiang Lue replied.

Fan Wubing was a little bit dumbfounded at once, and after going around in a circle, he actually came back again.

*************** Today is still in the power outage, the Internet cafe environment is really good, smoky. Xiaolang continues to beg for monthly ticket support, thank you******