
v5 Chapter 168: intention

"Fan Wubing of the gods, what kind of medicine is this? My intestines are almost pulled out..." Ye Tian began to take the medicine after returning home, and used the prescription that Fan Wubing gave him directly. The pressure cooker was boiled out, and I added some ice cubes and started to pour it down. In particular, after two hours, my stomach was as accurate as an alarm clock, and it started to make waves in Haiti.

It wasn't until Ye Tian felt that the strength of the medicine he drank just passed straight into his intestines like a stream of heat, that feeling improved, but there was still a cold in his belly, obviously because the strength of the medicine could not be removed.

According to Fan Wubing's statement, this little residual medicinal power is enough to make him hold his stomach for a whole day.

And the facts are indeed as what Fan Wubing said. Ye Tian had a stomachache for a whole day, and his whole person was about to be hollowed out, but his spirit was very refreshing, and there was no feeling of collapse. Lie to him, this thing is very effective when used to lose weight.

The only thing that is a bit uncomfortable is that the hot **** is a little bit painful. After all, it takes more than a dozen times a day, and the place is always unbearable. Fortunately, when the time comes, it finally stops.

Fan Wu was ill and came with a generous book, but he gave him an antidote and gave him a day of recuperation time. Ye Tian only learned that his friends, friends and dogs, were basically lying on the bed after talking on the phone with his friends. Then, I didn't even have the strength to get up to go to the bathroom, and then I realized that my luck was still good, and there were fewer complaints about Fan Wuyao.

Probably, I was bad luck. If it hadn’t happened to say hello to those friends, I just happened to meet Fan Wuyi’s action, and I hadn’t made an appointment with Fan Wuyi before, so I wouldn’t have such a thing. Fortunately, Fan Wubing did not look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha. He always gave himself an antidote, which saved him a lot of sins.

Do you want to share this prescription with your friends? Ye Tian's thought was annihilated immediately after shaking it for a while.

Just kidding, they had diarrhea collectively, and the only object of suspicion was naturally the herbal tea they had drunk. If they sent them the medicine for understanding, wouldn't they not call themselves to show that they have a close relationship with Fan Wuyi and the others? When the time comes, the group will attack, and he will not be thankful for his efforts, so it is better to pretend that nothing is born.

Although I said I drank herbal tea, I was in good health and healed itself after two days of pulling my stomach. This is a reasonable truth.

Ye Tian made up his mind secretly, and couldn't say anything about it. Moreover, it’s actually very refreshing to watch others suffer from diarrhea.

In front of the club's door, since then, it has calmed down.

Fan Wubing and Fan Ting returned to the multifunctional conference room. At this time, everyone had started active discussions on how to establish a domestic Internet business.

Fan Wubing wants to establish a domestic network service company, in fact, he has to play a role. Generally speaking, the construction of the network includes the wide-area backbone network system, the network center, the local area network system, the user access system and the network management center, etc. It is quite complicated and investment It is also relatively large.

The main function of the wide-area backbone network system is to provide internal backbone network interconnection, that is, interconnection channels and inter-connection exits with other urban network centers. The equipment configuration requires high reliability, high communication, and good expansion capabilities, which are easy to meet The rapid growth of Internet users puts demands on the bandwidth of the broad backbone network.

The network center local area network system is the core of network construction and requires high network bandwidth and high reliability. High network provides high channels for users to access local servers and transmit various types of information online.

The network management system is the daily maintenance and management center, which mainly relies on network management software to configure the network, monitor network operation status and diagnose network faults, and manage dial-up Internet users.

Davis and others have made a full investigation of the existing Internet access methods in the United States. At this time, they are literacy for some participants who are not clear about these issues. "Usually, a complete network must first ensure that the user network Can provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week uninterrupted ability to ask. The second is to provide users with dial-up access to provide users with the ability to provide online access through the public telephone network. Of course, the most important thing is to be able to provide e-mail services, and provide Information services, for example, can provide sub-board system, sub-news group, information database system services, etc. Another point is also very important. We are basically in a blank market now, so we must provide users with connectivity Services such as network equipment, network system integration, software installation and use training, otherwise they can’t do anything."

"Speaking of which, it's really complicated." Someone said with emotion.

Davis shrugged and said, "In fact, as the boss said, we are not only open

Tuo is also a guide, and now the most important identity is a literacy person. "

"So how do we provide services to users?" someone asked.

At present, there are two main types of users in the United States connecting to ~lightnovelpub.net and entering the system, namely, access via dedicated line and access via dial-up line. The dial-up access mode is a traditional narrowband access mode, which is a solution that meets people's Internet needs through a traditional voice network. Through the dial-up method, the carrier-class makes full use of the laid network, saves network investment, and quickly develops online business.

But obviously this situation is not suitable for the status quo of the Fan Investment Group. The dial-up access method is completely customized for the General Administration of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Posts and Communications. They can easily carry out this business by using the existing telephone line resources. And Fan Wubing naturally didn't have this kind of ready-made resources, and they also didn't have this part of the permission.

Therefore, there is only one option they can choose, which is to deliver the service directly to the user's home through Ethernet technology.

The Ethernet to the home technology has sufficient bandwidth, mature technology and low cost. During the implementation, it can make full use of the resources of fiber to the building and the community, and connect the low-cost switch to the tandem layer of the network through the fiber to provide users with high-density ports, which is very suitable for group office users in office buildings.

"In this respect, we have a very strong strength, because the communication equipment factory near Beijing has developed high-quality and high-security routers, which are more powerful than the routers currently used in the United States!" Davis Said to everyone.

Fan Wubing had the foresight and controlled Cisco. At this time, with the help of the company's strong research and production capabilities, the domestic branch factories already have strong production capacity. The latest routers are far ahead of other companies in the same industry. Produced.

The Americans have also adopted a large number of Cisco products in the construction of the information highway this time. This has made the company's stocks have been climbing, and the equity income has reached a very scary figure. Since the acquisition of Fan Wuyi, The company's stock has been split twice.

Fan Wuyao transformed Panshi Heavy Industry into an enterprise that mainly produces optical fiber cables. At that time, everyone thought it was a little inappropriate. At this time, it seems to be the finishing touch. Communication products and optical cables constitute the two basic elements of the construction of domestic backbone networks. At this time, when this big project is to be launched, the importance of these two products will become apparent.

The Americans have always restricted the export of routers strictly, mainly because they are worried that China's network technology can be developed quickly. The entry barrier for this thing is not high. Since the US government announced the underlying network protocol, even ordinary Personal network users also have the opportunity to pose a security threat to the network. Therefore, high-performance and high-security routers are essential for large-scale networks.

At this time, Fan Wubing concentrated a lot of energy on this aspect, and he received a generous return as expected.

Moreover, I have mastered this resource. Even if the Ministry of Posts and Communications wants to develop related technologies, it also needs to look back and ask for it. After all, Americans have strict export restrictions on this aspect of products, and they don’t pay a high price. Unable to get relevant support.

So after everyone had a thorough discussion, Fan Wubing concluded, "Well, since everyone has a unified understanding, you need to act quickly. Davis will take the lead in this matter. Shen Manhua can help you coordinate. All aspects of personnel relations are planned as a whole according to the results of our discussion today, and the backbone lines in provincial capitals and key cities will be established in advance."

"These things ~lightnovelpub.net~ need to communicate with the government." Davis reminded Fan Wuyi again.

In China, communication information ~lightnovelpub.net~ has always been prohibited by the government. It is almost impossible for private companies to enter.

That is to say, now everyone does not fully understand the meaning of the Internet, so Fan Wubing took advantage of the loophole. At this time, if you want to strike while the iron is hot, you must first establish the backbone line, and then blossom on all sides to build branch lines across the country.

Davis was able to understand the boss's meaning more clearly, so he urged Fan Wuyi to communicate with the government urgently to implement policy matters and start construction.

Fan Wubing nodded and said to everyone, "The day after tomorrow, I will have a meeting with Deputy Minister Ye Mingxuan of the Ministry of Posts and Communications, and strive to reach a consensus. If necessary, I will sell some technical materials and hardware equipment to him as a condition in exchange for His policy support for us."

Right now, the Ministry of Posts and Communication has a lot of power in this matter, so Fan Wubing thought that the old man must be dealt with first, and things would be much easier.

At present, Fan Wubing has enough chips in his hands, so it seems that it is not very difficult to solve this problem.