
v5 Chapter 17: Strategic Reserve "Continue to Ask for M

Boss Zhu is very busy. Now his management is not limited to economic work. Due to the bad health of the big boss, the daily work of the State Council has always been supported by him. Since he was elected as a member of the Politburo Standing Committee last year, he has been on his shoulders. The burden is even heavier. This chapter was uploaded by netizens, and the net hereby declares

When Fan Wubing met Boss Zhu, he was reviewing the documents. A dozen leaders came over to report to him one by one. After finishing a paragraph, Boss Zhu greeted Fan Wuyi over.

"President Fan came over today, what new instructions do you have?" Boss Zhu asked wittily.

Fan Wuyao couldn't help smiling when he saw Boss Zhu look like this.

Among the current state leaders in China, Boss Zhu is a very personal style and courageous one. Take a speech by Hong Kong Asia Weekly Statistics as an example. In just over an hour, his speech was interrupted by fifty-three applauses.

At first, Fan Wubing felt a little unbelievable, but after having been in contact with him for a long time, he realized that this statement was true. However, it is a pity that in the news broadcast by CCTV and in the drafts of Xinhua News Agency, all the routines of Boss Zhu according to the scripts have been listed as usual. Anything that Boss Zhu said out of the draft has aroused strong resonance among the participants. The contents of the applause and laughter have been deleted.

In this way, the serious Zhu Ji that people see in front of the TV or in the newspapers is very far away from the chattering and energetic boss Zhu who is directly seen at the meeting. It's like two people.

"Boss Zhu is in good spirits today." Fan Wubing asked with a smile.

Boss Zhu smiled and said, "It's not bad, it's not a bad thing to be appointed as the deputy prime minister again. At least I can continue to do some specific things to make some people like and be hated by some people."

"Your temper is too straight, and it is easy to suffer, especially after you step down." Fan Wuyao said to Boss Zhu.

This is what Fan Wubing dared to say in person. He has just been appointed as the deputy prime minister for the second time. He was elected as a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. It was just at a time when he was on the rise. In the future, he will be the prime minister in charge of national affairs. The good days are yet to come. As a result, Fan Wuyao is here to talk about what will happen after he steps down. This makes people listen. NS. Will you feel uncomfortable in your heart? No matter how well-trained it is, it is impossible not to get angry after listening.

Boss Zhu looked at Fan Wuyi. Then said. "I have a Five Principles. No inscription. No courtesy. No food. No ribbon. No approval. This Shanghai comrade knows it. I also brought this habit to Beijing. I brought it to the State Council."

Fan Wubing nodded. Indicates something has been heard. But he didn't know how Boss Zhu would suddenly bring up this matter.

"Four years ago when I was in Shanghai. The 15th anniversary of the friendship between Osaka, Japan and Shanghai. An event was held. "The ancients said. The officials are not afraid of my strictness but of my integrity. The people fear my father instead of what I can do. Gongshengming. Lian Shengwei. Again cloud. Bribery also. Then the officials back their public interests and realize their private interests. The reason why this teaching must be abolished. These two sentences mean. The subordinates are not afraid of me being severe. But I am afraid of my integrity. The people are not convinced of our talents. But convinced me to be fair. just. Then the people dare not neglect. honest. Then the subordinates would not dare to bully. Justice produces strictness. Honesty produces prestige. Once there is a relationship of interest to the land. Then officials cannot rule out selfish thoughts and pursue self-interest. Harm to national interests. Morality will be lost. The law will be trampled on. The rules and regulations will be in vain. I went from Shanghai to Beijing. Always keep these ancient teachings in mind. Take it as the motto. And do it yourself. As for what will happen after I step down. That's not something to consider now. Things in China cannot be handled well. It's because many people are too concerned about what's going on. "

"I know. As a government official. This is a necessary condition. But it is very difficult to follow the local language as a lifelong ethics. Sometimes others force you to receive gifts. Courtesy. People are so sophisticated. . The Chinese people feel the most disgusting. That's it." Fan Wuyao said.

Boss Zhu shook his head and said. "That's a misunderstanding of you. The courtesy. It's not about giving gifts. Gentlemen's friendship is as pale as water. The sages have also said this. Um. Digress. What are you going to say when you come here this time? Look at it. . I am very busy."

"This time--" Fan Wubing patted his head. Said with some embarrassment. "I forgot all of a sudden."

Boss Zhu laughed, "Don't worry, just think about it slowly."

Fan Wubing said after a hiatus, "Several things are not only related to my own interests, but also related to the interests of the country. I have to talk about it."

"Well, you can tell, let me remember." Boss Zhu closed his eyes, took a notebook seriously, found a pencil and sat there, waiting for Fan Wuyi to speak.

Fan Wubing suddenly felt a little stunned. He didn't expect Boss Zhu to record it himself, so he said, "No need to do this, I have prepared some materials, and I will send them to you later."

"I've been used to it for many years, I'm afraid I forgot to make a mistake." Boss Zhu indicated that it doesn't matter.

Fan Wuyao said, "The first thing is the hoarding of national strategic materials."

After hearing this, Boss Zhu was very surprised, "Well, when did you care about this, President Fan? Do you want to enter politics?"

"Uh-" Fan Wuyao shook his head, "Where do I have that kind of mind? A few days ago, a commercial espionage case was intercepted. Now foreigners are coveting our country's rare earth resources and can't wait to move them all. It's empty."

After hearing this, Boss Zhu nodded, "I know about rare earths. If local governments want political achievements and economic benefits, they are most easily moved by these mineral resources. In fact, foreigners are not only interested in Rare earth!"

"Although it is said that, rare earths are different from others. We Chinese can completely control this thing. Among the cutting-edge American weapons, planes and tanks and missiles cannot be accurately guided without this thing. Aircraft even Can’t break through the sound barrier, do you think it’s important?" Fan Wuyao said, "And the Americans have stopped their domestic rare earth production. All rare earth mines are kept in storage, and all they need are imported from China for strategic reserves. Japan and South Korea are also considering importing a large amount of rare earth resources from China. Recently, it is said that they intend to reserve the demand for two years to prevent the price of rare earths from rising in the international market in the future."

"There is such a thing? Doesn't it mean that we have no pricing power in the export price of rare earths?" Boss Zhu is a place where he is engaged in economic work. He grasped the key point when he heard Fan Wuyi's words.

There are many rare earth export manufacturers in China. In addition to Inner Mongolia, provinces such as Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang have rare earth minerals. So many manufacturers are engaged in rare earth production at the same time, and competition will inevitably form. There is no unified management organization for export, so everyone is fighting on their own. In order to compete for foreign trade exports and fight a price war, so that the profit is foreigners.

A large amount of rare earth refined ore is sold at the price of cabbage. The sales revenue of the whole country is only several billion a year, but it is the sale of a large amount of state-owned resources, and the value of these resources should be hundreds of times the sales revenue to be able to meet its own value.

If Japan and South Korea are really allowed to complete their strategic deployment, after two years of reserves of rare earth resources, they will have the pricing power. As the main exporter of China's rare earths, they can not purchase China's rare earth refined ore for two years. Domestic production enterprises. I am afraid that it will not last for half a year. Without this export income, the people in the factory would have starved to death.

Boss Zhu felt a headache after listening to Fan Wuyi’s words, “Now that the central finance is tight, and the implementation of the tax sharing system has not been effective. If you want to build a national strategic reserve, there will be many difficulties. I can only watch the locals. There is nothing you can do about digging! If you want to control this industry, you still need a lot of financial support!"

"So I'm here!" Fan Wubing immediately put forward his own suggestion, "I will replace the country as a strategic reserve, build a large-scale rare earth refining enterprise in China, and unify the extraction of various rare earth minerals that cannot be refined by domestic enterprises. At the same time, the export of rare earths will be suspended, and all resources will be stored by me. What do you think?"

"Stop the export of rare earths?" Boss Zhu was also taken aback by Fan Wu's statement, so he said with some worry, "I guess as soon as we stop exporting, ambassadors from dozens of countries came to threaten the door immediately. !"

Fan Wubing smiled slightly. "Rare earth production is too polluting the environment. Isn't this a good way to shut down and rectify rare earth processing and production enterprises as an excuse to control environmental pollution? As for the factory operating expenses during the shutdown period, the state will pay for it, and I will pay for it. Money, there is always no opinion in the local area, right? Besides, Americans don’t produce anymore. Why do we want to produce? Except for the United States, which country do we need to be afraid of? Now China is a big market, and no one dares to take the economy. Sanctions threaten our land, and doing so is just to create opportunities for other countries!"

"Even so~lightnovelpub.net~ I am afraid that the resistance is not small. The problem of environmental pollution is far more severe than that of rare earth production and processing enterprises! Given the current domestic situation, who would believe it?" Boss Zhu asked. .

"This requires public opinion and propaganda to focus on support. As long as the news broadcast and relevant newspapers continuously report on rare earth pollution for a month, do you think the local people will let the factory start? And the factory workers, as long as the salary is paid, Do you think they will find it hard to rest?" Fan Wuyao made a suggestion.

After listening to Fan Wu's advice, Boss Zhu suddenly laughed and pointed to Fan Wu's disease and said, "Mr. Fan, Mr. Fan, you are really insidious! I have learned your wisdom and wisdom, and the people's support can be used. !"

"This is also for the sake of national interest. To do this kind of thing, I also face a lot of pressure from the ground." Fan Wuyao said.

This is the truth, letting the Japanese know that Fan Wubing did these tricks, and he has the thoughts of running over to assassinate him.

************** Well, after looking at the book review, some people were dissatisfied with me begging for a monthly pass. But Guiqiu is better than swiping the ticket, right? Those who ask for it are always righteous. ******************