
v5 Chapter 186: Was it an accident?

Ordinarily, judging from the path of the collision just now, Fan Wubing thought about his own side, right?

I walked well on the road, but this Audi came in sideways, looking like a racing party. If it weren’t for my own reaction, I’m afraid I’d be out of shape after a collision. Is there a chance for them to reverse right and wrong here?

Besides, now that he is helping the wounded with good intentions, how come he is deliberately taking advantage?

Fan Wuyi was a little unhappy when he got here, he glanced at the girl in the dress, and replied a little uncomfortably, "Can I take advantage of it? Got to take advantage of this situation?"

The girl in the dress suddenly became a little angry, and her face flushed red. Fan Wubing's words seemed a bit distracting from them. Although it is annoying to be taken advantage of by others, it is annoying to be taken advantage of by others. From another point of view, it can also be regarded as an appreciation for your appearance and body, but if people lack the interest in taking advantage of you, it means that you are a bit horrible, and you have a lot of potential for leftover women. htt

In any case, she couldn’t associate herself with the word “leftover girl”, especially when she was evaluated by a handsome guy who looked very good, so the girl in the dress wanted to retaliate to Fan Wuyi so that she could get it back. Come on.

"Chu Chu, don't say it." The girl who was put on Fan Wu's shoulder whispered, "I am healing my injuries--"

Heal? The girl called Chu Chu looked at her companion with some suspicion, and said to her heart that you were stupid, right? People are obviously groping on your masturbation, do you want to groan in comfort?

But after doing this, Fan Wubing became unhappy. He increased his strength and patted the girl’s waist twice, shook the tendons forcibly, then put her down and said, "Try to walk. Two steps."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to walk, I feel like my waist is numb." The girl in denim clothes stood there with her hand on her waist. She felt that her waist was slapped twice by Fan Wuyao, numb. I don't know what it feels like, but instinctively it doesn't seem to be thorough. Besides, she doesn't believe that she couldn't move just now. Now she can walk on her own without any problems?

I remember that her friend had such a situation. He went to the hospital several times. It took a week before he could barely walk. I am afraid that my luck will not be much better than her, right?

"It's okay, you take two steps—two steps—" Fan Wuyi needed to make sure that the girl was fine. htt so urged. The words have been exported. Only then did I remember that this remark should be a big flicker Zhao Benshan said. Can't help but smile a little.

The girl in denim didn't know why Fan Wuyi laughed. But seeing Fan Wuyi smile. It seemed to encourage myself. I felt a little warm in my heart. Can be encouraged by such a handsome guy who accidentally collided. It is also a very good feeling. So she took a step boldly. Some pain in the waist. But not strong. There is nothing wrong with the legs and feet. It's just that a little bit of skin is rubbed on the outside of the calf. Some blood marks. Rubbing with jeans. It hurts fiercely. It really doesn't matter.

Fan Wubing glanced at her walking posture. I know there will be no problems. But some things still need to be explained. So he said to her. "Buy two patches of Tongrentang Musk Tiger Bone Plaster for a week. There will be no sequelae."

"Musk tiger bone cream? That kind of thing seems to be choking--" Probably no girl is willing to put a plaster on her body. That thing can be smelled far away. If you really want to be like that. Didn't you say that you can't come out to see people for a week? Tragedy!

"Bingbing. How do you feel?" The girl named Chu Chudi leaned over. Asked the girl in denim clothes.

"It's okay-thanks to this handsome guy. Or I can't move the ground now." Bingbing replied, rubbing his waist.

At this time, Fan Wubing took a serious look at the two girls. They looked like they were in their early twenties. However, at this time, two girls driving around in Audi cars are a bit rare. Although it is said that this is Beijing, there are a lot of rich and powerful people, but such scenes are still relatively rare.

How can the eldest ladies of wealthy people who are serious about driving around by themselves without a driver?

Fan Wubing took a look at their Audi car. The loss was greater than his own. Not only was the front face destroyed, some wiring on the chassis was also interrupted, and the fuel tank was still leaking. Fortunately, there was no fire just now. Otherwise, both A girl is afraid it will be hard not to be seriously injured.

"You, how do you think about this matter?" Fan Wubing pointed to their car and asked them.

In fact, in today’s collision, Fan Wuyi’s responsibility is secondary, but when he met two girls, Fan Wuyi was too embarrassed to ask others for compensation.

You know, you can't laugh out of your teeth? Besides, the problem with his own car was also terrible.

Fan Wubing thought, according to their opinions, he would just pay a little money, and if such a mess, he would delay going to the court to attend the matter.

Only then did the two girls have the opportunity to observe their car seriously, and they suddenly got a bitter face when they saw it.

"It's miserable--this time my brother will definitely chase me--" the girl named Bingbing said with her face in pain.

Although this Audi is ordinary, it has been modified. It is definitely not available through ordinary channels, that is, the military and some special units have this power. Right now, her brother's car crashed into this look. I want to see how maniac he will be when he learns this news.

What's more, Bingbing didn't know if the tracking instrument he installed in the car for testing was also damaged? If that were the case, I would definitely be chased and killed by my old brother, even my parents couldn't stop him, that's something of a public family!

More importantly, the car also crashed today, but did not meet Fan Ting-senpai. What a failure! So who is this handsome driving guy? Didn’t you hear that Fan Ting-senpai’s driver is a man?

So Bingbing moaned in pain, and took Chu Chu's hand and said, "Oh, something must have happened today!" She squeezed Chu Chu's palm.

Chu Chu knew instantly, glanced at Fan Wuxian's car pretentiously, and then said in surprise, "Huh? Isn't this Senior Sister Fan Ting's car? Are you her driver?"

Fan Wubing stroked his chin, blinked and said, "Do I look like a driver? How do you know this is Fan Ting's car?"

"Sister Fan Ting often goes to Peking University to participate in activities. We all know that her car is this Mercedes?" Chu Chu replied with an innocent look, "You are not Senior Sister Fan Ting's driver, are you her boyfriend?"

Fan Wubing rolled his eyes and said, "Look carefully, do I look a lot like her?"

"Are you her brother?" Chu Chu looked at it for a long time before asking uncertainly.

"The answer is correct." Fan Wubing nodded.

"It looks a lot like this--the boy grows up like this, it really feels a bit of a disaster--" the two girls whispered together, but what they said naturally couldn't hide from Fan Wu's ears.

What trouble? ! Fan Wubing was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard it, so he turned the subject away, "Well, I don't need to be held accountable for the responsibility or something. I'm really embarrassed to crash your car into this way. That's fine. I'll pay for it. Let's forget about the new car. As for what is in your body, send me the receipt from the hospital and I will reimburse you. Do you think this is okay?"

What's more controversial about this result? This is already the best compensation result, but Chu Chu obviously did not forget the purpose of this trip. Although she did not meet Fan Ting-senpai, the handsome guy in front of him is also her younger brother. This time he finally did not return without success. She pulled Bingbing and said to Fan Wuyao somewhat pitifully, "So you are the younger brother of Senior Sister Fan Ting? Can you do us a favor?"

"What's busy? Let's just listen to it--" Fan Wubing thought, as long as it's not too much, what's wrong?

After all, after they collided so violently, the people in the car were able to get involved again, and it was considered destined. For the more beautiful girls, Fan Wuyao's heart has never been so hard.

"We originally wanted to apply for s~lightnovelpub.net~ They have only a few days left to recruit, but now this kind of thing happens, I am afraid it will affect us. Can you see if it can help? Let’s ask Senior Sister Fan Ting to hire the two of us?" Chu Chu said to Fan Wuyao hopefully, and when she saw that Fan Wuyao’s face was a little skeptical, she added, "We are very strong. Yes, if it weren't for this, surely it wouldn't need to be like this!"

Fan Wubing looked at the two girls with innocent faces, and suddenly remembered what Fan Ting had said to him. The girls in his school were all very clever and told him to beware.

Could it be said that this matter today was also premeditated?

So Fan Wuyao asked seriously, "I can help you with this, but let me tell you the truth, is this car accident really an accident today?"

The two girls looked at each other, and finally the Chu Chu had the courage to answer, "Half and half! It was an accident to hit you, and the car accident is not an accident!"

Fan Wubing was speechless at once, thinking that their goal was Fan Ting, and he had suffered it for generations.

But fortunately, Fan Ting couldn't help them being so rampant when driving!