
v5 Chapter 188: Pull 1 new business

Chu and Bingbing were led back to s by Fan Wuyao, and many employees looked at them.

"Fan Dong is really awesome, he brought back two beauties when he went out, and they looked very different in styles. They are really young Toshihiko, with extraordinary skills, one can do two and two three——" Many employees were whispering.

This word quickly reached Fan Ting's ears. Fan Ting was very dissatisfied when she heard it. What kind of tricks was Fan Wuyi doing? Why don't you know the inspection point if you know it is in the company? So she immediately called Fan Wuyao and asked about his movements.

"The third child, I heard that you brought two women to the company?" Fan Ting asked Fan Wuyi unhappily.

Youngest? ! Fan Wubing suddenly smiled.

Under normal circumstances, Fan Ting always calls Fan Wushen's younger brother or is disease-free, which means that she is in a better mood. If she calls him the third, it means that Miss Fan is upset and needs to be vented.

"What's the matter, Miss?" Fan Wuyi asked calmly.

Fan Ting questioned Fan Wuyi, "Earlier, I told you not to get some unconventional people from the company. Why do you think it’s a buzzword? Now everyone in the company is talking about your Fan Xun’s ability to pick up girls. Do you think this is good for the company's image?!"

The image of the company? Fan Wubing chuckled, "I just hired two new employees for you. It's not a shameful thing. What impact can it have on the company's image? Sister, are you worrying too much? "

"A new employee of the company?" Fan Ting asked sensitively after hearing this. "I told you yesterday that it is troublesome now, why did you get back two troubles?"

"This time we recruited two talents, and the company can now take on a large order." Fan Wuyao said to Fan Ting.

"What order? What are you talking about?" Fan Ting asked.

"Forget it. I don't know how to say it on the phone. I'll see you later. Tell me more about this." Fan Wubing didn't bother to spend more time on the phone. Just dealt with it. hang up the phone.

Regarding the issue of improving the quality of this service in the banking system. Fan Wu fell ill with great certainty. Not for other reasons. It's because Boss Zhu is still acting as the president of Renxingdi.

As the deputy prime minister in charge of economic work. As the governor of the National Bank. And the leaders of the four major commercial banks in charge. Boss Zhu's influence in the banking industry is unparalleled. As long as Fan Wuyao put forward this suggestion, it is indeed helpful to improve the service status of the banking industry. He must be willing to adopt it.

And Fan Wubing needs the place most urgently now. It is to come up with a feasible plan as soon as possible. Get the sample out. At that time, as long as it can reflect other advantages in practical applications. Even if the task is completed.

The two siblings discussed in the office for more than an hour. After that, Fan Ting met her two school girls, Chu Chu and Bingbing. After talking for a while, the two little girls did have some brains. The best way is to make some strange things out. It happens to be available to the planning department.

"In the future, the company will launch many new products. You can do market research and put forward some suggestions for improvement. If it is an improvement that is of great help to the company, there will be bonuses in addition to the salary." Fan Ting Said to the two girls.

Fan Wuyi left the s company and directly contacted boss Zhu and asked for a face-to-face meeting.

Boss Zhu is having a headache about the tax-sharing system at this time. Many tricks have been made in various places to take advantage of the central government. The banking industry under his leadership is also a bit chaotic at this time. Many banks are arbitrarily lending. Ignore whether the loans released can be recovered. Under such circumstances, in order to strengthen the authority of the central government, the banking industry must be cleaned up first. As long as the country’s money bags are straightened out, then things can be done. Organized, otherwise it would definitely be unclear.

After listening to Fan Wubing’s suggestions on improving the quality of banking services, Boss Zhu felt that it was feasible, because he had also made unannounced visits to banks and knew how difficult it is to wait in line for business in the bank, and felt that this matter should be improved. Just a moment, otherwise, the domestic banking service is very different from the foreign banking service.

"What is your overall idea?" Boss Zhu asked Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing said with gestures to Boss Zhu, "First, when you get outside the bank gate, the gate opens automatically. This is controlled by an infrared scanning device. As long as someone approaches, it will control the telescopic circuit of the gate to open and close. When you walk in the door, there will be an amiable waiter who will guide you to choose on the touch screen according to your business type. At this time, the computer will print out your customer service number according to your choice, and add this The data is transferred to the switchboard of the service desk.

Then you took out the slip of paper with the service number, which indicated your

There are several customers waiting to handle the business. At this time, you can choose T7 and other things, or sit on the chairs set in the lobby and have a rest. "

Boss Zhu nodded his head again and again, saying that Fan Wuyi was quite capable of tossing, so that there would be no crowded queues.

"When there is a vacancy at the service desk, a computer prompt will appear in the loudspeaker to remind a customer that they can go to a certain service desk to handle business. At this time, the corresponding service desk will display Led rolling captions. Eye-catchingly, if a customer is no longer on the scene and the computer prompts three times, then the customer’s rights will be automatically invalidated, and it is the next customer’s turn to handle the business." Fan Wubing went on to introduce Boss Zhu, "Every time After the end of a service, the system will prompt the customer to evaluate the service. It is a small device placed on the service desk. The customer can choose options such as very satisfied, basically satisfied, dissatisfied, etc., and this result is not Let the salesman see it."

When Boss Zhu heard this, he immediately felt a bit of a problem. As a result, the long-standing inefficiency of the banking industry, the ugly face, and the many complaints from customers can be solved fundamentally. It's really done once and for all!

"How much does it cost to assemble this set? When will I be able to see the sample?" Boss Zhu asked Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing had communicated with the specific technicians of s before he came. They said that this thing is actually very simple, but it is just an integrated system that combines several devices that have been used, and the programming is also very simple. It can be done by one person in a few moments, and there is no difficulty at all.

Therefore, Fan Wubing gave Boss Zhu a clear answer, "If you give me a pilot, you can get everything done in one week, and then you can experience the live environment firsthand and see what I said. Is it really effective?"

Boss Zhu nodded and said, "I support you very much, but then I will bring some bank leaders over to visit. If available, you can sign the order on the spot, so you have to do this work well. Not only must it be effective, but it must also be aesthetically reasonable, otherwise it will be difficult to convince people."

Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "I understand that the banking system is also a department that is often involved in foreign affairs. I will naturally bring out the best products. I will definitely not make people think that I am cheating the hard-earned money of central enterprises!"

"It's good for you to have this consciousness." Boss Zhu approvingly said.

In fact, it’s very simple for a smart person to talk to a smart person. You don’t need to say so much nonsense to achieve the goal. Boss Zhu believes that Fan Wuyi is a rare talent, and his moral character is high, and Fan Wubing also believes that Boss Zhu is a politician with iron and blood but noble personality. The young and old are happier when they see each other.

After Fan Wubing went back, he immediately supervised the technical department to open it. He purchased two sets of the various equipment involved in his plan, and then divided it into two teams to start work at the same time, and carried out design, installation and commissioning in accordance with Fan Wu's plan. .

Here they are working hard, but the people from Liushi are complaining a little bit.

Fan Wubing had agreed to them before, saying that he was going to sit in court, but the boss broke his promise. Although everyone was tit-for-tat, talked and froze, they were always in a state of mind. There are some differences, and the lawyers hired by the other party are also masters of all kinds. Using various clauses in the law to come to Liushi Low Voltage Electric Co., Ltd., it can be said to be equal to each other. In the end, the judge announced a temporary adjournment of the court and set a day to pronounce the verdict.

In this case~lightnovelpub.net~The people in Liushi will have to spend some time here again. Calculating the cost of safeguarding rights and interests, they all feel a little worthless. If you knew it earlier, it would be better to accompany the victim casually. Forget the money, so there is no need to delay the effort to run over from a long distance to wrestle with them. There is no practical significance at all.

These are the thoughts of his subordinates, but Fan Wuyao doesn’t think so. As the saying goes, money and wealth are small, and the fame is big. Compensation of tens of thousands of yuan or hundreds of thousands of yuan is not a problem, but why should he pay for others? Woolen cloth? Moreover, while paying the bill, you have to be ridiculed by others and give them the pretext to attack the quality of their products. That is too hard to imagine.

Therefore, Fan Wuyi's opinion on this lawsuit is very positive. It needs to be fought no matter what, and it must be won.

As for what to do after the lawsuit is won, that is another matter.

Or if Fan Wubing is happy, he will give some condolences to the plaintiff who was disabled by the counterfeit product? This is really hard to say.

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