
v5 Chapter 190: The Internet era is getting closer and c

At the time of the interview, Fan Wuyao posted on T|Wen in the United States through his company's network. As a result, there is now a piece of news about a case handled by the New York Police Department not long ago.

In March, people from the New York Police Department inspected a body and concluded that the deceased had died from a head shot.

The name of the deceased was Ronald Opps, and he learned from his suicide note that he originally wanted to commit suicide by jumping from the top of a ten-story building.

However, when he passed the ninth floor after jumping off the building, a bullet shot from the window, killing him on the spot.

After investigation by the police, neither the deceased nor the person who opened the gun knew anything about it. At the time, the eighth floor was under construction and the workers had just installed a safety net there, which means that Ronald Opps had not been shot and killed. , His suicide plan is actually not what he wanted.

According to American law, generally speaking, if a person commits a planned suicide and eventually dies, even if the suicide process does not change as the suicide person wishes, then the person should be considered suicide by law.

However, when the police investigated the bullet fired on the ninth floor, the nature of the case changed again.

At that time, an old couple on the ninth floor had an argument and were arguing. The old man took out a gun to scare the old lady, and then pulled the trigger, but the bullet did not hit the old lady, but flew out through the window. Hit Ronald Opps in the head.

According to American law, if a person wants to kill A but kills B by mistake, he should still be convicted of homicide against B. Therefore, this case should be a homicide.

But when the old gentleman faced the charge of homicide, both the old gentleman and the old lady said that they both thought that there was no bullet in the gun. The old man explained that using an unloaded gun to intimidate the old lady was a way he had been arguing with his wife for many years. He had no intention of killing his wife. If what the old couple said is true, then this is a case of manslaughter.

The key to the question is, under what circumstances was the bullet loaded by who? During the investigation, the police found a witness who proved that he saw the son of the old couple put bullets into the gun six weeks before the case.

The police learned from a more in-depth investigation. Because the old lady decided to stop giving financial support to her adult son. This son has a grudge. Intent to kill. He knew that his father was used to intimidating old ladies with guns. So I filled the gun with bullets. Hope to kill the mother by the father's hand.

Since this son knew the consequences of loading a gun with bullets. Then even if he didn't pull the trigger himself. He should also be charged with homicide.

so. In this case, the son of the old couple committed homicide against Ronald Opps.

but. Turn around. The police found out after further investigation. The son of this old couple is actually the deceased Ronald Opps himself.

He was cut off from the source of income. But the long-awaited plan to kill with a knife has never succeeded. Depressed. Finally on this day he decided to commit suicide by jumping from the top of a ten-story building. However, he was killed by a bullet shot from the window on the ninth floor.

In other words. Ronald Opps killed himself. Therefore, the case was still regarded as a suicide case in the end.

After Fan Wubing looked at it, he felt that this case was really unbelievable, but he even suspected it was fake news, otherwise, where could such a coincidence happen in the world?

However, Fan Wubing also noticed one thing. The Internet age has begun to exert its tremendous influence. Although America Online is only an Internet company that has just been established for less than ten years, its growth has been very good. After the company went public in 1992, it raised 66 million US dollars in one fell swoop. Today, the company’s market value has doubled, and the 10 million US dollars that Fan Wubing invested at will have exceeded hundreds of millions by this time. Dollars out.

The core of AOL's strategy is the inspiration from the early work experience and fast-food restaurants of founder Case. He believes that no matter how good technology is, if it is not practical, it will be eliminated by the market. People like convenient and simple things, and technology is no exception. Therefore, he believes that AOL should provide people with convenient and fast network services, which makes AOL significantly different from most high-tech companies.

According to this principle, AOL does not sell complex software, complex computers, or secretly do other businesses. They only sell convenience and network services to consumers. These consumers are tired of their work and study and hate complex software, but are willing to communicate with AOL users, friends or strangers, about hot topics or favorites in daily life. Music, even business experience.

AOL's strategy of facing ordinary consumers is maddening in the eyes of the tech elites in Silicon Valley. But this simple consumer-oriented thinking has brought his company huge profits on the Wall Street stock market. As AOL founder Steve Case said, AOL is not about technology, but about becoming a mass media and a part of ordinary customers' daily lives.

AOL is one of the few companies that can make computer use easier and more fun.

Of course, AOL has

The important reason for this is online advertising. When other companies also used online advertising) +, AOL had already begun to implement its own advertising strategy. An obscure long-distance telephone company signed a one-million-dollar business with AOL. , Because online advertising is much cheaper than doing it on TV and newspapers, and checking out with AOL users through the Internet can also save a lot of extra expenses.

However, Fan Wubing also knows that Internet companies have not yet arrived. When the Internet bubble comes, he can at least arbitrage tens of billions of dollars from the original investment of 10 million US dollars. This investment is quite cost-effective.

Fan Wubing’s investment in many well-known companies in the United States is moderate. Generally speaking, he will not exceed 10% of their equity ratio. Such an equity ratio can allow him to obtain huge profits without worrying about being companyed. Rejected by other shareholders, or stopped by the US government on the grounds of threatening national security.

The most important point is that Fan Wubing will not interfere with the business strategies of companies with good growth, so as not to affect their development direction and cause immeasurable changes.

Basically, these companies are like livestock kept in captivity by Fan Wuyi, and they can be slaughtered when they are harvested.

In fact, this kind of business strategy is also pursued by most professional investors, but it is worth noting that if the harvest is too late, it is likely to be stuck.

Regarding this piece of Isp business in China, Fan Wubing’s people have begun to negotiate with the capital cities of various provinces and those cities with better economic conditions and start laying the backbone optical cables in the city. This is a comparison. For large systems engineering, it is necessary to consider whether the distribution situation meets the current use needs, but also consider the construction intention of the municipal engineering, leaving room for future upgrades, which can be said to be very complicated.

Of course, the central government’s support for Fan’s network service company is relatively large. The State Council held a special meeting to bring a hand from various provinces and cities to talk about the central government’s support for network highways, and stated that Fan’s network service The company enjoys the same exhibition space as the General Administration of Telecommunications in the six administrative regions of China. The difference is that Fan needs to pay some fees to the local government.

Because of the demand for interests, Fan's Internet Service Company appears to be comfortable in negotiations with various places. After all, the local government sees the money and the potential benefits of the Internet service company's infrastructure, so it is not so much. Excluded, after all, if the General Administration of Telecommunications laid out the same things, it would not pay them half the money.

As a result, the laying of optical cables in most provincial capital cities has gradually begun. The preliminary estimate is that the first batch of tasks will be completed within half a year, and the domestic backbone network of Fan's network service company will be constructed, and appropriate Some branches are exhibited here.

For example, although some cities are not provincial capitals or very economically advanced cities, but they have a tourism foundation and the occupancy rate of foreigners is very high, then the Internet should not be missing in hotels in such cities. Although the cost may be higher, it is essential.

And Fan Wubing also thought of what he should do after building the network, that is, first build his own enterprises into a model project in the Internet era, deliberately creating an atmosphere where information determines everything, and use this as a starting point. , To promote vigorously to other companies and encourage them to use their own complete sets of technologies to become customers of their own companies.

For most of the newly emerging mobster companies in China, Fan's Investment Group is like a mountain that must be looked up to. In front of this business giant, the top 20 private companies together are beyond the reach, let alone singles. Fighting, with this demonstration effect, Fan Wubing does not need to worry that they will miss this learning opportunity~lightnovelpub.net~ And Fan Wubing still has a killer in his hands, which is to use the resources in his hands to work in Chinese companies. Build a bridge between the West and the West. When the time comes, the business volume will continue to double. There is no worries that they will not be able to board their ships if they taste the sweetness.

Although the number of enterprise users is not large, they are an important user group that can be opened at this stage. What is certain is that Fan Wubing and other network pioneers who are groping for the future are full of vision and equally at a loss. Different, he is very clear about the profit model of Internet companies, at least he will not take so many detours.

The information highway in the United States will be completed next year. Fan Wubing hopes that the domestic optical cable backbone can be completed within this year. In this case, at least the start time of China's first batch of network service companies will not be too late. .

As for which step they can take, it depends on their good fortune. Fan Wubing is willing to assume the responsibility of enlightenment and leader for basic users, but there is no need to cultivate many powerful opponents for himself.

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