
v5 Chapter 192: The Golden Age of Advertising Companies

China’s advertising started relatively late, which is generally accepted.

As a product of the commodity economy, advertising originated and produced almost at the same time as the commodity economy. The Chinese nation has a long history, as well as a long history of advertising, but after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the implementation of the planned economic system caused advertising to withdraw from the social arena.

Under such a special economic pattern, China’s urban and rural residents are basically in a typical state of lagging consumption, characterized by slow changes in the composition of consumer goods, continued large proportions of daily necessities, slow growth of non-necessities, and China’s industrialization It was achieved at the extremely low consumption level of urban and rural residents.

Because of this, with the progress of industrialization, the advertising of consumer goods has not increased, but has declined. In the 1960s, the advertising market in this area shrank rapidly, disappearing at the earliest and withdrawing from the circulation field. In the 1970s, with the further strengthening of the planned economy and the loss of corporate autonomy, the means of production advertisements automatically disappeared from the historical stage.

After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the focus of work shifted to economic construction, the economic system began to shift from a planned economy to a market economy, commodity production continued to expand, and foreign trade grew rapidly. Many new products are faced with the task of opening up markets and expanding sales, thus providing an opportunity for the recovery and development of the advertising industry. 1979 was the first year of the new era of advertising in China. "Tianjin Daily" took the lead in resuming commercial advertising. After that, "Wen Wei Po" also began to publish advertisements. Then Shanghai TV broadcasted the first commercial advertisement in the history of Chinese television, which was a supplement. liquor.

On March 15th of the same year, CCTV broadcast the first foreign commercial advertisement, Radar Watch Switzerland. One month later, Guangdong TV set up the first commercial program in Chinese TV history, and the People's Daily also began to publish advertisements.

Since then, advertising companies across the country have sprung up, and advertising investment has increased rapidly. By 1990, there were more than 10,000 advertisers, and advertising revenue had exceeded 2.5 billion yuan. One of the fastest-growing industries in China.

Of course, there are also serious problems in the domestic advertising industry. For example, although the number of advertising business units and employees is rapidly increasing, the number of employees is uneven, and there is a lack of senior technical management personnel. This has always been a bottleneck in the advertising industry. In addition, state-owned advertising companies have always been the backbone of the industry, but most of these companies were established under the planned economic system, and their ability to adapt to the market is weak. exhibition.

All in all, the gap between the domestic advertising industry and the world's advanced level cannot be calculated.

However, the best opportunity to enter the market is not when the various systems of the stock market are complete, but when the stock market management is chaotic. Only in chaotic conditions can it be easier to obtain huge profits. Speculation in the advertising industry The opportunities are the same.

Lao Chen knows too much about the domestic advertising business exhibition and the inside story of domestic advertising companies, so he will position his goal for the second half of his life here, and is ready to start his second business.

"The content of domestic advertising is relatively simple now. It is also easy to produce. Especially the stable advertising platform is the CCTV family." Since Lao Chen has already started. Then I just started chatting with Fan Wu Bing. I want to see what advice he has for entering the advertising industry. "I have a deep network in CCTV. It is easier to obtain resources in this area than others. Moreover, the competitiveness in it is low. It is very easy to develop. I am confident that I can scale up the enterprise within two years. Achieve hundreds of millions."

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders. But he didn't doubt Lao Chen's words. After all, he has been immersed in CCTV for decades. I know too much about the ways of it. Some businesses can be taken down without a penny. Then divide the task. Subcontract to some small companies to do it. Then settle with them one by one. In this way. As long as you can get tens of millions or hundreds of millions of circulating funds in advance. You can take down a lot of advertising planning business inside the stage. Although these businesses may not be aired in prime time commercials. But they also spend a lot of money. Accumulate less into more. The overall income will not be less than that of CCTV itself.

About the advertising industry. It's not that Fan Wubing didn't think about it. It's just that the scale of the domestic advertising market is still smaller. Advertising awareness is still indifferent. It can be said that the market capacity itself is not large. The competition among tens of thousands of local advertising companies is fierce. Basically, they are in the midst of small profits but quick turnover. Except for people like Lao Chen who can find shortcuts in the industry. It's not that there are no companies that want to blaze a trail. But the number is indeed very small. This is also an important reason why Lao Chen decided to retire early and enter the advertising industry.

As for things like the red flag waving in the house. Although it is also part of the reason. But not the most important. After all, Old Chen had calculated all his life. How could you not have such a heart?

"It's just that you have a prominent position in the platform. Land management is also a very important part. It can be said to be the central

Service manager. You suddenly retired like this. Isn't there going to be chaos in the stage? Will the leaders agree that you retire to start your own company? Fan Wuyao asked Old Chen with some doubts.

Old Chen laughed and said, "In these days, the official position is a pitfall. Although I don't want to do it anymore, there are more people who want to do this job. There are many people in the Ministry who are thinking about it! I am willing to give up my seat this time. I can’t say that I will owe some favor to me in the station and in the ministry. I will inevitably take care of a little in the future business. After all, I am still a few years away from retirement!"

Fan Wubing nodded, thinking that Old Chen was very shrewd. He arranged his retirement time after the CCTV advertising bidding conference, just to let everyone see the bright future he managed by himself, and let everyone see. When he gave up such a big piece of cake easily, no matter whether it was the successor or the leaders of the ministry, he would inherit his favor.

As Lao Chen himself, he also chose to retire at the most glorious moment. In the future, he will add a lot of strokes to the history of the station. The name of a pioneer of the new era of CCTV advertising is indispensable.

Since there are so many benefits, Lao Chen will of course make this decision without hesitation.

As the saying goes, a person who knows the current affairs is a talented person, and when and what kind of decision should be made is the wise man. Although CCTV is good, but Lao Chen is no longer young, although he can make greater contributions to CCTV, but Hard work in a state-owned enterprise, even if you have established a great achievement, you will not be recognized by others. Everyone will think that if you are in that position, you might do better.

Only those who are informed and who can correctly know themselves can survive in this society better, and they will survive better and better.

Fan Wubing thought about it, and felt that Lao Chen's decision was very wise. He had chosen a golden age industry as his new business in half a century. This was very fortunate.

It can be expected that within 20 years, the domestic advertising industry will start to grow at a very considerable height. Since small companies like a dozen people can earn tens of millions of assets, Fan Wuyi has a reason. I believe that with the help of CCTV's media resources and his calculating mind, it is only a matter of time before Lao Chen's assets exceed 100 million yuan.

As a friend who has been with him for many years, Fan Wubing felt that he should help Lao Chen both publicly and privately. It was not only a personal relationship problem, but also a connection of interests. So he said to Lao Chen, "Lack of start-up funds? You? I will give as much as you want."

Although Lao Chen has small savings, but if he wants to start a larger advertising company that is qualified to have direct dialogue with groups like CCTV and not let go, how can he also win over a creative team of hundreds of people? In this case, add The cost of going to the venue, the various funds invested in advance, plus the advertising operation costs, in general, can't be less than 20 million funds, or more.

Of course he can’t get the money out, and in the country now, banks probably won’t lend him so much money. At the same time, overseas venture capitalists don’t seem to be easy people, and they may not be able to. Easily invest in individuals, because their current key investment targets are still targeted at some domestic companies that are eligible to be listed.

In this case, his own network is very important, so after Lao Chen made this decision, the first thing he thought of was Fan Wuyi. Only he would not care about this little money, and only he would bring himself. Come so much money without asking too much.

So Old Chen said to Fan Wubiao bluntly, "I thought about it, as everyone is rich, you invest 50 million in, and the equity is half of us. What do you think?"

If you change to other people~lightnovelpub.net~, you will definitely scold Lao Chen for being greedy. He didn't do anything, so he first asked him 25 million as his share capital. Where is such a good thing? !

However, Fan Wuyao is naturally not someone else. He nodded and agreed, "Okay! But the liquidity is a little bit less, and the equity is half of what you said. In addition, I will adjust another 50 million advanced for you to operate. This is considered interest-free. Take a loan."

Old Chen was overjoyed when he heard this, "I knew that I didn't misunderstand the wrong person, you really are born to do great things!"

With this 100 million yuan in start-up capital, Lao Chen is confident enough to turn his company into the number one brand in the domestic advertising industry. Those small advertising companies who are now mingling with CCTV, where are their opponents? ?

Moreover, Lao Chen's mind is not limited to the CCTV platform, but his thinking has long since dispersed throughout the country.

************The third update is delivered today. In addition, I sincerely ask for monthly ticket support. By the way, I will tell you that there will be some unexpected plots in the standard king conference********** *(To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to 6**m, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)