
v5 Chapter 20: What is it?

Fan Wubing talked with the man again, then took two bottles of innocuous nutritional medicine and went back to the ward. This chapter is provided by the net for online reading

It happened to be time to eat. The hospital arranged a special care unit for Zhang Ruixi in accordance with Fan Wuyi’s request. Therefore, the hospital provided all meals and everything. Two nurses came over to raise Zhang Ruixi’s bed and let her Sat up with his upper body.

"What's the matter? I don't think it is so scary, right?" Zhang Ruixi was also a little overwhelmed in her heart.

Originally, after Fan Wubing gave her a bone setting, there should be no major problems, but after arriving in Beijing, she was sent to the **. The condition here is the intensive care unit. When did she experience this? encounter? Therefore, seeing the doctors and nurses coming and going treat her cautiously as if they were facing an enemy, it is impossible for them to feel good.

Those who knew it was twisted to the waist, those who didn't know thought it was a serious illness!

Fan Wubing had to make up a few words. He coughed twice and said, "There is a little abnormality in the lumbar spine, probably hyperplasia. It needs to be observed for two days. But you don’t need to worry too much. I went to watch the film just now, the problem is not very big, but if the hyperplasia is not controlled, it will continue to grow, and then pose a serious threat to your lumbar nerves. In the worst case, it will be paralyzed under the waist."

"Ah—" Zhang Ruixi is just a young girl after all, and she suddenly loses her color when Fan Wubing is so white.

All paralyzed below the waist! Doesn't this mean that I will be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life? Zhang Ruixi suddenly felt a little dizzy, as if someone poured a bucket of ice water from his head on a dog days.

"What should I do then?!" Xiao Qiang who was next to him was also a little surprised, saying that it was not a simple sprain. Why is it that after hearing Fan Wuyi's words, he hasn't become a vegetative?

"But—" Seeing that what he said was too serious, Fan Wubing was shocked by Zhang Ruixi, so he changed his tone, "Fortunately, it appeared earlier this time! I have studied with the attending physician of the hospital. Western medicine is both at the same time. Two-pronged approach, we must cure this problem within a week, and we can’t let it continue to spread!"

"Proliferation?!" Although Zhang Ruixi is a Korean, she has been in China for a long time. She naturally knows what kind of disease will use the word proliferation, and her face suddenly pales.

"Error!" Fan Wuyi changed his words. "This is because I misused the word. It should be said. It is to prevent it from continuing to show! You must not think about it!"

Xiao Qiang smiled bitterly on the side. "You use adjectives like this. Good people are terrified!"

Fan Wubing dealt with a few words. Then Xiao Qiang calmed Zhang Ruixi's emotions down. All of a sudden. I just can't eat anymore.

"It's good to clear the stomach and intestines. It is good for physical and mental health. You can also lose weight." Fan Wuyi said that Zhang Ruixi had nothing to do. Since the doctors have asked him not to move. Then I had to lie down like this. Fan Wubing worried that she would sleep too much during the day and couldn't sleep at night. Will affect their actions. I also specially found many magazines for her. Let her look.

Finally, it was eleven o'clock in the evening. The hospital is much quieter. Most people started to fall asleep. Fan Wubing and the people from the Security Department met outside the ward.

"Did she fall asleep?" the security officer asked.

"Should be asleep, unless she is pretending to be asleep, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. Did you bring all your equipment?" Fan Wubing replied. Then asked curiously.

"It's all here." The person from the security department waved his hand, and two people followed him, carrying large and small boxes, there were four in total, and they looked about the size of a laptop.

"Then let's use air anesthetic first." Fan Wuyi suggested.

The air anesthetic takes about two hours. After Fan Wuyao made a suggestion, the people in the safety department began to use the air anesthetic. They used a special device to gently open the door, and then dived to Zhang Ruixi's bed. She covered her mouth and nose with a breathing mask, and then began to release the air anesthetic.

Zhang Ruixi immediately fell into a deep sleep. Before the effect of the air anesthetic disappeared, she couldn't wake up. So a group of people took a breath of relief, turned on the light, and sent someone to guard the door of the house. Then Fan Wuyi stayed Watching from the side, two people from the security department started to open the box and took out the equipment. Install and debug quickly.

"Huh. What are you doing?" The person from the security department patronized the processing equipment and looked up unexpectedly. Seeing Fan Wubing was taking off Zhang Ruixi's coat, he asked.

"Don't you have to check his left arm? I have to take off her clothes first, right?" Fan Wuyao replied.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, our device can be checked even through clothes." The person in the security department said.

Fan Wubing replied, and then he looked at the assembled equipment. The feedback of the results was completed through a laptop computer. The main inspection equipment was four metal probes, which were connected to about four desktop computers. On a device the size of the host.

The person in the security department was wearing headphones and looking at the laptop screen. There were some undulating curves on it, as well as feedback values ​​of many parallel inspection items. After debugging, he instructed the other staff member to install the metal probe. Move to the inside of Zhang Ruixi's left arm, which is where the examination room now contains special substances.

Fan Wubing watched from the side, and found that when the metal probe approached the inside of Zhang Ruixi's left arm, a slight red light flashed. It might be that something was detected. On the computer screen, it was There are a lot of chaotic snowflake spots, just like the previous TVs could not receive programs or received interfered programs using outdoor antennas.

The person from the Ministry of Security explained, "This is a chip that bypasses the source of interference. It seems that there is a mystery in this thing. I need to decrypt it now."

"You can do such a high-tech job?" Fan Wubing couldn't help asking.

The man said unhappily, "Now is the era of technology first, and we need to master a lot of new knowledge and skills as secret agents, or we can't even eat a lot of food. I also studied in university anyway. Professionally in microelectronics."

"Disrespect, disrespect." Fan Wubing arched his hands and motioned for him to work quickly.

The so-called decryption is to adjust an appropriate frequency to wirelessly connect to this unknown chip. The person in the security department set up a project using a program installed in the laptop, and then the computer automatically decoded it. After about five minutes, it was finally done. The curves on the screen were stable and regular. Of it.

At this time, the person from the Security Department said happily, "Now it can be cracked. I really want to see what is loaded in it right away!"

"Come on! I am very optimistic about you!" Fan Wuyao patted the shoulder of the man in the security department and said to him with a smile.

"It would be nice if it was our minister who said this." The man shook his head.

Fan Wubing also shook his head, thinking that if I said this to you, it would be much better than Jiang Lue's own saying of you. But now he can't even bother to talk about these things. Fan Wubing watched carefully as he cracked the chip's entry key.

I don’t know what software he was using. After about 20 minutes, he finally got a string of keys. Based on this, he read out all the contents. The security department didn’t care about it. After looking at the contents, all the contents were copied and stored in the hard disk.

"These are all encrypted content. I think I have to send it back to the ministry and let someone crack it." The person from the security ministry said to Fan Wuyao.

"You can't crack it? I think you were very professional when you were working just now." Fan Wuyao asked suspiciously. He felt that this guy wanted to get around him, worried that he would learn the secret.

The person replied very seriously, "It's not like that. I use a cracking tool for the hardware itself, and the content inside uses a different encoding method. You need to find a cracking expert to do it."

Oh, that's the case. It seems that if you want to know what kind of secrets are hidden in this, you have to wait a while, but I don't know how long it will take for the people of the Ministry of Security to crack this secret document.

Facing Fan Wu’s question, the person from the Security Department made an estimate, and said to him, “According to usual experience, it will take three to five days for such a long document to be successfully cracked. If there is a result, , UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, we’re going to notify you. Anyway, Minister Jiang asked us to cooperate with you fully, although you can rest assured!"

Fan Wubing had no choice but to agree. Anyway, he didn't know anything about this set of things, and he didn't have the corresponding technical talents. This is a blind spot! It seems that in the future, some computer hackers on the Internet will serve you. Otherwise, if you have to rely on others in a similar situation, isn't there no secret at all?

Once the head office becomes formal, the security issue is also a big trouble. You can't allow hackers from other companies to arbitrarily invade your company's internal network and steal your own related information, right?

But when the two people were talking, there was a problem on the laptop. The screen was fine just now. At this time, a black skull pattern appeared, and the skull opened its mouth to the two of them. A puff of black smoke came out, then the computer went black, and after the hard drive creaked, the machine died.

"Damn! It turned out to be a virus!" Fan Wuyi said in shock when he saw it.

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