
v5 Chapter 203: One package solution for banking service

From the outside, all of them are bright glass doors and windows. In the middle is a 76 door. Next to it are two automatic glass doors controlled by infrared sensor probes. The original aluminum alloy frame doors have been replaced at this time. High-grade bulletproof glass.

When Fan Wubing wanted to use this set of equipment at first, he considered using glass doors and windows, so that the inside and outside are transparent, the vision is open, and the inside can be seen from the outside, which is very good for improving work efficiency, so He contacted the Panshi Glass Factory, and it turned out that their current commercial glass series is progressing well, and they have produced bulletproof glass that can meet daily needs, as well as various windshields used in vehicles.

This news made Fan Wubing happy again. He just asked casually, but he didn't expect that his factory already had such a key glass product.

Outside the glass door, there are large stainless steel alloy rolling shutters. Different from ordinary rolling shutter doors and windows, this stainless steel alloy rolling shutter looks beautiful, belongs to bright color, and is very strong, not easy to be destroyed, and it is both beautiful and beautiful. Practical, and most importantly, it is also produced by Fan Wuyao's company.

After Panshi’s Shuixi County Iron and Steel Plant was acquired by Fan Wuyao, it not only replaced its equipment, but also introduced some of the latest metal smelting processes. At present, many products produced are close to the standards of the international counterparts, relying on Fan Wuyao Cong. The experts brought back from Ukraine have even introduced several high-strength alloys, which are widely used.

And the most important point is that the equipment that was pulled back at the beginning has already begun to play their role. Using them as a means, Panshi Heavy Industries has now produced many new models with independent intellectual property rights for enterprises in its own group. After the production line is put into use, the effect is very good.

The automatic door sensed someone approaching and immediately opened the door. After a group of people walked in, the door slowly closed.

Boss Zhu asked casually, "How about the safety performance of this gate? There have been control system failures before, and people have been trapped, right?"

At this time, a supervisor of Fan Ting’s company in charge of the bank refurbishment project has been greeted, and he is accompanying Fan Wuyi and the others on a tour. Hearing this, he immediately replied, “It’s definitely not the case. Our door has been installed. The intelligent identification system, the transmission device has also been improved, and the one-way transmission has been changed to two-way control. Once the existing obstacles appear, it will automatically adjust the state according to the pressure and will never pinch people."

"The bank uses such a large glass door, isn't it safe?" Someone saw the large glass door and asked.

The supervisor under Fan Ting was also a capable person. He dragged a chair from the side and smashed it against the big glass.

Everyone covered their hearts in fear and heard a loud noise. The result is that the glass is intact. The chair fell apart. The supervisor said quietly. "Glass is a product of our Fan's company. The quality is good. The chair is temporarily bought from the street. It seems that it needs to be purchased separately."

Fan Wubing looked at the supervisor and smiled. Expressed very satisfied. Then ask Boss Zhu to walk in with the others. After they got inside. I saw a bank business reservation system terminal controlled by a touch screen. There are two female staff standing nearby. Instruct customers to use this device.

It's actually very simple. There are two options on the display. One is the cash business button. One is a button for non-cash business. Just one click. Below will be printed out a reminder with the customer number and how many customers are queuing in front of you. There are also some points of attention and the like.

Boss Zhu glanced at the customers sitting on the chairs in the lobby, waiting quietly. I also looked at the customers who handled the business in an orderly manner at the counter. I think this design is really good. So he turned his head and said to others. "Who of you brought the money. How about we also handle a cash business?"

Someone immediately found a one-hundred-yuan bill. Then received the business certificate. The above shows that there are fifteen customers waiting before.

So everyone found the chair over there and sat down. Then I looked at the internal environment. There are two ATMs on one side. Some people want to withdraw money. You can go to self-service business. There is no need to line up here.

There are a total of five windows for cash business, so it won’t take long for 15 people to line up.

Everyone noticed that there is a LED display at the top of each window. The computer-controlled floating character above shows the customer number that is currently handling the business. You can clearly determine how long it will take to get your turn.

Whenever a customer completes the business at a window, a prompt will appear to ask the next customer to do the business, and three prompts will be made in the broadcast. If the three prompts fail and no customer appears, the next customer will be automatically entered.

Boss Zhu saved a hundred yuan and was immediately recognized at the window, and many people gathered around.

His image among the common people is very good, and everyone is enthusiastic about asking him to say something.

Boss Zhu doesn't want to say anything, but instead invites everyone to share their opinions on the improvement of the bank's services.

A man in his forties took the lead and said, "In the past, banks had four major crimes. The first was long queues, the second was the old jump in the queue, the third was the unavailability of ATMs, and the fourth was the cold face of a salesperson. Like me This kind of old customers who have to go to the bank hundreds of times a year can't stand it, let alone the ordinary customers who come once in a while. Everyone complains about the bank. Now such a transformation, the effect is much better."

The effect is indeed much better, because with the computerized queuing system, long queues and jump in queues are eliminated, and there will be no more cases of bank employees’ relatives, friends and some related people jumping in disorderly, and because of customer reviews The system is the scoring system placed outside the service desk. Bank employees don't dare to show any stinky expressions to customers. This thing is more useful than putting up polite language on the wall.

Everyone babbled, basically complaining about how bad the banking services were in the past, but now that this has been changed, many people from far away ran over to deposit and withdraw money.

"Everyone has seen it, have you heard it?" Boss Zhu said to everyone, "What do you think of this series of things you saw today?"

"Easy to use, convenient, and orderly." A leader concluded.

Another leader also said with emotion, "I used to be afraid of going to the bank. Once I got in, I was most afraid of the long line. If someone added a plug or something, the waiter was upset. Now it’s all right and I don’t have to stand. Wait, don’t worry about others jumping in the queue, okay!"

Some people also asked about the cost. Fan Wubing is really unclear about this question, but the F= next to it: If you only use this set of equipment and software, each bank customer needs to pay 300,000 yuan. If it is If it is accompanied by decoration, then it needs to be accompanied by the market.

This group of leaders are all the bank’s heads, the kind that speaks for words, so seeing that the system recommended by Boss Zhu is indeed effective and convenient, and it has great benefits for improving the overall image of the banking industry. Regardless, everyone has reached a verbal agreement with Fan Wubing. The large-scale outlets all over the country use this system. Fan Wubing's rough estimate is also staggering, and it will probably produce 10,000 sets of equipment.

An idea that came up accidentally can actually generate an output value of two to three billion yuan, which is really amazing.

Of course, the most critical issue here is not how high the technical content is, but that it is a key measure to comprehensively improve the service quality of the banking industry, which can greatly reverse the image of the bank as a window unit in the world. It is most valued by everyone.

Otherwise, the entire banking industry will invest two to three billion yuan to build an image project, which will basically fail to achieve any purpose.

"In fact, please pay attention. We have cameras around our heads, which can monitor from all angles." Fan Wubing said to everyone, "This is a dynamic image capture system developed by ourselves. Once there is excessive action in the hall, When the time comes, the camera can automatically capture the key images and record them with the clearest images as an important basis for future review."

The so-called radical action ~lightnovelpub.net~ naturally refers to activities such as bank robbing. Although many banks have installed this kind of thing, the resolution of the recognition rate is relatively low, and only a rough image can be seen. For example, clothing and figure, even if the face is captured, it is still blurred. The police handling the case can often only make some rough judgments based on these materials, and cannot be used directly as evidence to arrest people.

If the system described by Fan Wubing can really capture the key of the dynamic picture by itself, then the actual significance is very obvious. Therefore, the people in charge of the banks have increased their attention and hope that Fan Wubing can demonstrate it.

"Demonstrate?" Fan Wuyao was taken aback for a moment, pointed to his nose and asked, "Don't you let me pretend to be a robber?"

When everyone saw Boss Zhu, they were in a good mood, and they immediately screamed together, "President Fan, you can just play it once, otherwise we won't place an order!"

"Then can you find me a hood or something to cover up? If it spreads out that I'm robbing a bank, I'm afraid of being laughed at!" Fan Wuyao smiled bitterly.

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