
v5 Chapter 206: Intellectual Property Protection Strateg

\\Chapter 206 Intellectual Property Protection Strategy

Li Beibei. It was the first domestic children's science fiction filmed in 1988, which has a lot to do with the country's scientific productivity and the exhibition of space technology. At that time, there were already films in the United States because of the comparison of 3D technology. Filming funds are also limited. A lot of things I wanted to shoot but couldn't be done. I had to shoot the model first and then combine the special effects technology. The film is technically weak. Then we must use our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. So the director puts more emphasis on human relations. Mainly rely on plot to impress people. The ** part of the film is that children go to the Great Wall to call on the universe. This is because it was thought that the only trace of China that could be seen in the distant outer space was the Great Wall.

Cosmic people appearing several times in the film. It was Feng Xiaoning, who worked as an art artist at Erying. He made the clothes with an all-metal shell. It is covered with sequins used in performances on stage. He was afraid that others would wear it out. So I personally dressed up to play.

Fan Wubing didn't know how he suddenly remembered this name. Or it was because I saw the movie that was reserved for the school. Isn't it more impressive?

But now it looks. The technological gap between China and the United States is really too big. Especially the exhibition in computer technology. It is far apart. If you are not determined to catch up now. Technology exhibitions in both software and hardware will get slower and slower.

Fortunately. Fan Wubing has now begun a comprehensive layout. Whether it is the I packaging factory that cooperates with. It is the I Anti-Virus Division, which is now heavily invested. It's all for one purpose.

"Pili Beibei. How could it be called this name?" Fan Ting and Han Chu have both watched this film. Hearing this, I was a little curious. I don’t know how Fan Wubing got in touch with this movie title?

Movies at the time. Especially children's movies. It’s not just for children. Generally to support domestic original movies. Coupled with the lack of film resources. Therefore, many units will go to the charter. So this movie was still very popular at the time. Everyone basically has an impression.

Fan Wubing waved his hand. He also said inexplicably. "It feels. The little boy who can discharge seems cool! We do anti-virus software. This name will give many people a very intuitive feeling. That is, our software is like lightning. Kill those viruses."

"It sounds reasonable." Generally speaking. Fan Ting blindly trusts Fan Wubing. So I didn't think too much. Just asked. "Are there any copyright issues?"

"This is easy to handle. We just need to pay to buy out the right to use the trademark." Fan Wubing replied smoothly.

Two people suddenly got involved in copyright issues. But it's not without reason. This year, China and the United States continue to blame each other on intellectual property issues. At this time, China has joined major international conventions for the protection of intellectual property rights, such as the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trademarks.

Although China's legislation is gradually improving. However, the phenomenon of infringement and piracy has continued to be repeatedly prohibited.

This year, the rapid development of various industries in China under the operation of the bubble economy. It gave birth to the birth of many cities with prosperous fraud. Companies in places such as Jinjiang and Wenzhou. A large number of production and operation activities involving infringement of intellectual property rights. And this home. In the process of combating infringement of intellectual property rights. Because the interests of enterprises are closely related to the performance of local governments. Therefore, the local government does not have much motivation to pay attention to this matter.

last year. The U.S. Trade Representative declares to ensure that the goals of the U.S. government are clear and unmistakable. Other countries can understand what the United States needs. He pointedly said. It is a gust of wind in some countries to take enforcement measures. Continuous and stable progress has not been taken.

This year. Americans now China Big 6 is still rampant pirated discs all over the street. Then China was once again included in the list of key countries. Re-investigate China.

The United States believes that China has not taken effective enforcement measures. Piracy is particularly serious. Trademark infringement is very common. They asked China to formulate standards for infringement and convictions. The infringement is enough for a loss of 10,000 yuan to be convicted.

China expresses its dissatisfaction. In the U.S. You Americans can decide what constitutes a crime. But in China. We will decide what constitutes a crime for the Chinese.

But during this time. Pirated audio-visual products were seized and burned in the country. Even the road roller was dispatched. Television broadcasts and other propaganda machines frequently reported the results of rectification of pirated audio-visual products.

under these circumstances. The siblings are of course more concerned about this intellectual property. The first thing that comes to mind is the issue of the right to use trademarks and patents. This matter should not be taken lightly. The province was caught by others. Zoom in again. That would be more troublesome.

The defendant went to court for infringement in the country. It is just a small amount of compensation. It's nothing. But if you want the Americans to understand this situation. But it will be blacklisted. Maybe it will create some obstacles for you anytime. Affect international trade. if that's the case. But it was a loss.

"It doesn't need to be that way? The software I use is all pirated." Han Chu really feels that his brother and sister are a little bit cool.

The plants are all soldiers. Intellectual property or something. It's hard to protect. Invasion is easy. domestic. Does anyone care if you use pirated software?

For genuine software imported from the United States at a price of hundreds of thousands or more. Even a high-income class like Han Chu feels very distressed. Not to mention ordinary people? Even if someone buys a computer. But it may not be equipped with all the required genuine software.

Fan Wubing explained this. "We are a large international group company. We must pay attention to these details. Otherwise, when we become a legend in history in the future, we will leave many stains."

"What does it matter then?" Han Chu said nonchalantly. "Even if it is such a big company. Didn't it also secretly use some despicable little tactics to strike at its opponents?"

What Chu said wasn't just a mere whisper. The most powerful competitor at the moment is the company. Both are I providers of personal computers. Insider information came out a while ago. It is said that the company's executives were negotiating the procurement of computer accessories with personal computer manufacturers such as Dell. It is proposed that the counterparty company must use the I produced by the company as the main component. Not less than 90% of the company’s total computer products.

this method. It should be said to be a very domineering monopolistic behavior. And it also involves unfair competition. It is said that the U.S. Department of Commerce has begun an investigation. The consequences are not very clear.

According to usual practice. This kind of thing often ends without a disease. There will be no moves that are too strong.

Although the Americans have been accusing China of this and that. But when it's their turn. Often also a giant of language. The dwarf in action. Use double standards to measure the same thing. It is their skill.

"They are them. We are us. We cannot lower our moral standards." Fan Wuyi said to Han Chu awe-inspiringly.

Chu glanced at Fan Wuyi. I felt a little admired in my heart. Xindao boss is indeed the boss. It is no wonder that such a huge business empire can be built. It seems that those little people who fly in the camp. It's only worthy to lie on the ground and look up at others.

However, in the next moment, Fan Wuyi immediately exposed his true thoughts. He said to Han Chu. "Actually. Piracy matters. We have to look at it in two ways. If it is a domestic company, we need to respect their labor results and protect their rights. But for some overseas monopolies, we can only count as pirating them. The economy of the countries that rob the rich and help the poor is still relatively backward. The purchasing power of the people is relatively weak. The money is given to them. What do we make?"

Chu thought that Fan Dong's tone changed really quickly. The importance of intellectual property protection was still being vigorously advocated just a moment ago. In a blink of an eye, it became a justification for piracy. The truth is elusive.

"However. On this issue. We must pay attention to the method and method." Since Fan Wubing started. It is inevitable to say a few more words. He pulled Han Chu and said. "The new anti-virus software products you have developed. In the initial stage, they have to hit the market. But there are two ways. One is to pre-install for old customers for free. Then pay for the upgrade. The other is to sell directly. But both of these methods You need the customer’s approval. So you should be more flexible. For example, selling our company’s anti-virus software. With a series of operating system software CDs. Or their word processing system. These are very effective. . There are also various games developed by foreign game companies. It is possible to get a complete set. As a gift to buy our company’s software products. This is all feasible."

"This seems to be a blatant infringement?" Han Chu wiped the cold sweat on his head~lightnovelpub.net~ asked with some anxiety.

Fan Wubing shook his head repeatedly. "Can't say that. This is called resource sharing. It belongs to the scope of technical exchanges. Have you made large-scale productions? It's just private exchanges. It's not considered piracy. And this level is not up to the formal standard. Even administrative penalties. It's not enough. Don't worry."

He was sentenced just to give someone a pirated CD. There is no basis in current Chinese laws. Fan Wubing grasped this loophole very keenly.

"Since even the law does not define whether such behavior should be punished. It is equivalent to telling us. This behavior is legal. We don't need to worry too much." Fan Wu said sternly to Han Chu. "The essence of the software industry is sharing. Sharing is an important means to advance the overall level of the software industry. Therefore. We are also the driving force behind the development of the software industry."

Uh. Han Chu couldn't help taking a sip of tea. He felt that his positive evaluation of Fan Wuyao just now should be withdrawn.

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