
v5 Chapter 210: Who will carry the banner of national so

If you didn't get sick, you just did it, and the next day, I flew to Shenzhen.

However, he was more mindful, and brought along the professional Han Chu, as well as a group of bodyguards. Now he is more careful when traveling far away, not as casual as before.

"What's the point of me coming here? I didn't meet Qiu Bojun? I didn't have friendship?" Han Chu was a little surprised why Fan Wuyi pulled himself over. It would be more practical to leave himself in Beijing and continue to recruit troops. .

"Who said it's meaningless?" Fan Wuyao immediately retorted, "Do you think our company's Pili Beibei was released for nothing? As the chief creator and the head of the anti-virus software department of the club, you can still explain it well. Some problems."

Once Le Club’s anti-virus software Perak Beibei was launched, it created a sales miracle. There are countless orders. It is not possible to calculate an exact figure for the time being, because there are new orders appearing at any time, but it can be estimated that the sales volume this month will be. There is no problem with breaking through 100,000 sets.

This achievement can be achieved because of the relatively high technical content of Pili Beibei, a new anti-virus engine and a complete virus database support. Another important reason is the strong influence of the club itself in the market channels for many years. , Making distributors happy to accept this software, and strongly recommend it to consumers.

At present, China has not yet entered the Internet age. The main route of virus transmission is through floppy disks, and there are not many types. However, as the domestic Internet is built, it is equivalent to opening Pandora's Box, whether it is good or The bad things are swarming in.

Under this circumstance, the anti-virus software developed by the club that can update the virus database at any time is obviously much stronger than the common anti-virus software currently popular in the domestic market. The most important thing is that this software is on the server. It can be upgraded for free, which is a brand-new experience for domestic consumers who have not enjoyed much software after-sales service, and it is very attractive.

Under this situation, he is the new overlord of domestic anti-virus software, and his influence in the circle is still very large. In addition, he is the largest private enterprise in China, far beyond the four-way service that Qiu Bojun has served. Founder waiting for the company, Han Chu, the head of the anti-virus business department, seems to have more weight.

If you want others to convince you, you have to come up with your results. If you want a genius programmer to convince you, you have to come up with software that can explain the problem. The anti-virus software Pili Beibei led by Han Chu has this weight. Let Qiu Bojun take it seriously.

It is especially worth mentioning that Qiu Bojun is currently having a headache with financial problems, and Fan Wuyi came at the right time.

But at the moment. Qiu Bojun has not yet reached the point where he needs to sell his villa to pay his employees.

Sure enough, the reputation is big enough. Although Qiu Bojun and others are conducting research work. However, I heard that the founder of Perak Beibei came to visit. He immediately met Fan Wubing, Han Chu and others at his home.

After a brief introduction by both parties. There is a sudden emergence of talents from Jinshan Company. This young man less than twenty years old. He is actually the real boss of the club. The actual owner of Fan's Investment Group.

At this time, Fan Wuyi's place name was already big enough. Because it is not only in the business world or the press. The companies in his subordinates are all powerfully influential. Not to mention that he killed two Japanese people some time ago. There was a lot of noise. Many tabloids here in Shenzhen are spread from Hong Kong. The description of this is even more intriguing. Said Fan Wuyao like a great master.

"I want to come over to invite Mr. Qiu to join the land." Fan Wuyi said to Qiu Bojun straightforwardly.

Qiu Bojun obviously didn't expect Fan Wubing to be so direct. I don't even say a few polite remarks. This abrupt way of doing things. It still made him feel a little uncomfortable. So he replied. "Although our company is relatively small. We have just experienced a systematic failure of Pangu. But for the time being, we still survive. Why does Mr. Fan think we should be acquired?"

Seeing his resistance, Fan Wubing naturally knew the reason.

The failure of the Pangu system has contributed to the little value they have accumulated over the years. At this time, the entire company's research team is also composed of dozens of people. Everyone is a little at a loss in the face of Microsoft's market crowding behavior. It has also fallen very sharply.

Besides, they are all patents of Hong Kong Jinshan Company, and their income is also theirs. No matter how good they are sold, it has nothing to do with them. Where can they generate the slightest amount of actual income for themselves?

It can be said that the people of Shenzhen Jinshan Company are a little confused. I don’t know if there is any point in continuing to research products along the original plan.

Fan Wubing knows himself and his opponent, so naturally he knows how to persuade Qiu Bojun and others, so

He smiled and said, "When Microsoft entered the Chinese market, it had a market share of over a hundred. Microsoft found Kingsoft, hoping to be compatible with the microsoftware format. Kingsoft had no experience in international competition, so it agreed to Microsoft's requirements and the two parties finally reached an agreement. , The two sides can use the intermediate layer to tune each other’s files. Under the current squeeze, sales have fallen sharply, and the good times of the past are no longer. I doubt that once Microsoft has occupied a close to monopoly position in the market, Microsoft Will it unilaterally erase the intermediate conversion function with Jin Shanrong?"

When Fan Wubing said that, he caught their painful feet, and suddenly several people stopped talking, obviously more regretful.

However, there was also the actual situation back then. When Kingsoft first launched, although it seemed very popular, there were too many pirated users, and they did not receive any money, and everyone’s ideas at the time were different from the current ones.

At that time, they thought that compatibility was good for users, and it was not a bad thing to be more compatible with Microsoft. They didn't think about economic benefits too much. At that time, when piracy was being used all over the country, they felt very happy and felt a sense of accomplishment. There are only a few people in the company, so there is no problem to feed, there is no in-depth consideration of future exhibitions, and there is no expectation that the software industry exhibition will be like today.

But it is undeniable that the situation mentioned by Fan Wubing is indeed likely to occur. Microsoft has always been a monopolist in the software industry. Once it feels that it is strong enough to monopolize the Chinese market, it will not hesitate to do so. Go it alone.

Fan Wubing said afterwards, "I think you are genius programmers, but not genius business operations masters. Joining you as a whole will take care of your worries and develop with great concentration. I believe that the banner of national software will be erected again. "

"But I still want to develop my own software. Once I join a large company, it may bring me a certain amount of pressure, which is not good for software development." Qiu Bojun thought for a while and declined Fan Wuyi's suggestion. "Moreover, in We have many problems to solve when we open the word processing software based on the unified platform."

The problem Qiu Bojun said does exist.

When entering China, it followed up, and when using it, it takes a process for local Chinese programmers to get acquainted with the development itself. This process takes two to three years, which means that it has fallen behind by two or three. year.

It's not like the later version hasn't come out yet, just distribute things based on Taiwan Development to application software developers around the world, and China can also get them simultaneously. China was not taken seriously back then, so when Qiu Bojun and others opened Pangu, they didn't have a unified data in their hands, so it was naturally difficult.

The problem Qiu Bojun mentioned mainly refers to the problem of familiarity with the platform. In fact, when they were working on the Pangu system, they still didn't fully develop the product, but kept the habit of using it. Therefore, the software product itself is problematic, and failure is inevitable.

Han Chu chatted with the people from Jinshan for a while, and felt that they had something to do with each other. He was a little disappointed when Qiu Bojun was unwilling to join his company~lightnovelpub.net~. Genius programmers are always lonely. It is not easy to find some people to communicate with. It would be a shame to miss this opportunity.

Fan Wubing patted his head and thought for a while and said, "I don't doubt that you can develop national software suitable for Chinese people under difficult conditions. Really, I don't doubt it at all. But if Are there better conditions? Is it possible to make everyone’s life more comfortable, so that we Chinese can use our national software as soon as possible? If so, can you think about it again? I can give you a hundred Ten thousand annual salary, plus a 5% dividend of software sales income, for your team, you can also accept it in full and give a high salary that meets their status."

After hearing what Fan Wubing said, everyone was a little tempted. After all, it is a banner of national enterprises, so Qiu Bojun asked, "These are all things outside the body, but in terms of technology, what can you give us? How about the help? Money is not enough to raise the banner of national software."

When Fan Wubing saw Qiu Bojun asked this question, he knew it was done, so he waved his hand confidently, and Han Chu immediately took out a briefcase and sent the information inside to Qiu Bojun.

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