
v5 Chapter 225: Distress "Strongly Ask for a Monthly Pas

Wuyao felt that he was a little stupid to say this, but since the words would naturally not be repossessed, Fan Wuyao stretched out his body, lay down on the air cushion, and pulled a blanket to wrap himself up. , And then said to Song Qing, "It looks like it's going to be a while, let's get some sleep before talking."

Song Qing was embarrassed to just lie down like this. Although there is enough space in the tent for two people to lie down, they are not rich. When two people lie down side by side, they will inevitably stick to each other. Although her mind is not conservative, But after all, the other party is the son of his own leadership. It is very difficult to stay in a tent. If you lie down together, nothing happened will be said to have happened.

She didn't want to hear the rumors that Secretary Fan's female secretary was committed to serve Young Master Fan as soon as she went back. In that case, what face would she have stayed on the rock?

Fan Wuyi slept very steadily. He fell asleep within a few minutes. He didn't have any scruples about the fact that there was a girl in the tent, as if this kind of thing was very natural.

Song Qing was actually tired after walking for so long. Seeing Fan Wuyao sleep so sweetly, she felt a little sleepy. Then I looked at Fan Wuyao and felt that he slept more honestly and his body did not change much. , So he curled up and lay down slowly next to the side of the tent, pulled the blanket to cover himself, and fell asleep with his back facing Fan Wuyi.

Song Qing slept in a daze without knowing it. She didn't know how long it had passed. Suddenly she felt something was wrong. She reluctantly opened her eyes and found that Fan Wu's arm overwhelmed her chest. She felt a little bored.

Song Qing murmured. She didn't know if Fan Wubing was really asleep or taking the opportunity to wipe her oil. It was just that the place inside was small and there was nothing to blame, so she raised Fan Wubing's arm and put it aside. He shrank his body to the side and wrapped the blanket tightly.

Not knowing what was going on, Song Qing suddenly couldn't sleep anymore. She seemed to feel that something was going to happen. Her cold hair exploded. At this moment, she suddenly realized that she couldn't hear the sound of rain hitting the tent. .

But when Song Qing looked up, she found that the rain hadn't stopped, and the big raindrops were still beating the tent tightly, but she couldn't hear the sound.

"It's a bad thing!" Song Qing suddenly felt that something was wrong, she grabbed Fan Wuyi's arm and shook it desperately.

Fan Wubing was sleeping soundly. He had a dream just now. He was kissing his fiancee Shen Ying. He suddenly felt like the whole world was turned upside down. His wife was gone, and he woke up.

"What's the matter?!" Fan Wuyao asked Song Qing with an anxious look with a somewhat puzzled look.

"I can't hear the rain anymore!" Song Qing pointed to her ear and said.

Fan Wu was stunned. Looked at the raindrops on the top of the tent. Suddenly I found that I couldn't hear the rain anymore.

Bad thing. This must be a natural disaster!

Fan Wubing had heard some stories before. That is to say, whenever a natural disaster occurs on the earth. There will always be some supernatural signs. The present situation. It seems like that.

Fan Wubing didn't care that it was still raining outside. Unzip the zipper on the door curtain by hand. Then the probe looked out.

It was still raining heavily outside, but Fan Wuyi saw that his tent had been separated from the other five tents by a distance of more than ten meters, and the ropes that were originally connected to each other did not know when it broke. .

"No wonder, there is a depression under our tent, which is full of rain and floats the tent away.

Fan Wubing stretched his head out of the tent and looked at it, then retracted, holding the curtain of the tent tightly with his hands, and said to Song Qing, "If you find out later, we will be rushed to a unknown place. went! "

Song Qing shook her head, feeling that her feelings seemed to have nothing to do with this, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. When she was hesitating, she saw the bodyguards of Fan Wuyi who were opposite and found an abnormality. They looked their heads. When I came out, I saw the tents of Fan Wubing and Song Qing floating here.

So someone was going to get out and help them get the tent back.

At this time, Fan Wubing felt a sudden violent shock under his body, and then a thunderous rumbling sound rose on the ground, as if it had erupted from the mountain below him. Then, the sound became louder and louder, and the muffled thunder was generally continuous, and the tremors on the ground became more and more violent, and it seemed that the whole mountain was beginning to tremble.

The three bodyguards who just got out of the tent staggered and fell to the ground. When they tried to get up, they found that they couldn't stand firmly.

Karala’s voice sounded, and I saw that in the rain and fog in the sky, some of the broken stones on the opposite mountain began to loosen, as the fine sand and broken stones began to flow down the hillside, the faster and faster the flow, the more static and larger it became. The surrounding rocks, large and small, were also loosened. As the fine sand and gravel rolled down the mountain, a mudslide broke out.

The billowing mudslide flows down,

The more lenient, it gradually turned into four or five strands of dark gray T7 with a width of five or six meters and rushed down the mountain, and the earth-shaking sound echoed in the gully.

Fan Wubing, Song Qing and the bodyguards were all stunned, never expected that they would actually run into a mudslide.

Although Fengyuan is also a mountainous area, I have never heard of a mudslide disaster. The scene I saw at this time was not less than hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of earth and rock flowing down.

In the sound of the earth-shaking sound, everyone looked at the mudslides rolling down with the force of ten thousand-jun in dumbfounded, almost a little frightened. If the direction of the mudslide is on the hillside here, then they have been swept down by the mudslide, buried in the rock, and they will definitely be crushed to death.

When everyone was rejoicing, suddenly, a violent wind whizzed from behind Fan Wuyi’s tent, and the entire tent was moved flat by the wind. It moved three or four meters forward, and it slid until it was steep. On the edge of the cliff with gravel flowing down continuously.

"Ah—" Song Qing yelled out of fright.

The bodyguards on the opposite side had no time to rush over for a while, but Fan Wubing had a sharp eye, grabbed the tool hammer placed in the tent, and nailed it to the edge of the cliff with his other hand. .

The tent is inflatable, so when it is blown by the wind, it is a little unstable. In addition, the fixed rope has been broken, the chassis is alive, and the speed of sliding is very fast. Most of the tent slid out of the cliff and turned over. past.

Song Qing's body was rolling along with the tent, and she was about to fall down the cliff together.

Fan Wubing grabbed Song Qing's arm at this time, her body already suspended.

The entire tent envelops two people, like a big balloon floating above the cliff.

The bodyguards were shocked when they saw this, and hurried over to rescue two people. Someone had already thrown a rope and wanted to trap them, Fan Wuyao had already planned to take the rope.

At this time, the rock that was nailed by Fan Wubing with a tool hammer suddenly loosened. The stone, hammer, tent, Fan Wubing and Song Qing all rolled down to the bottom of the cliff. The entire tent was wrapped around them. Rolling and falling in the mountains.

The bodyguards were dumbfounded when they saw this. Did your boss actually fall off the cliff? !

When they were eager to rescue Fan Wuyi, they felt the ground under their feet trembling, and more and more popping noises came from their ears. After the ground was trembling for more than ten seconds, there were large chunks of soil. Go down the mountain. Not only the place where they stood, but all the protruding chunks of mud and rocks on the mountainside rolled down the mountain. Numerous mountains and rocks were matched with the mud, and the mud and rocks below were also taken with them. Go down the mountain!

All the rocks in front of and behind everyone rolled together, and the rocks rolled down from above, rolling up the mist.


When the power of the mudslide weakened a bit, the bodyguards nervously climbed to the cliff that just broke, and shouted down loudly, hoping to get Fan Wuyi’s response. As a result, after a long time, they could only hear their own. There was no echo from Fan Wubing and Song Qing.

"What can I do?!" Everyone was extremely anxious.

Seeing the ground covered by gray mudslides at the bottom of the mountain, many trees have been wiped out, lying in the ravines under the mountain, in the valley.

Fortunately, they were also trained in emergency incidents. Ten people were immediately divided into two groups. Two people immediately returned to the county town on the same route to find someone to rescue. The other eight people were divided into four groups and followed the trail of mudslides here. Go down to find out where Fan Wuyao fell, hoping to find them.

The mountain is limited by the space of the mountain, and the mobile phone signal cannot go out~lightnovelpub.net~ Otherwise, they can contact the helicopter to search and rescue. Now they have to hope that two people are dead and wait until they are sent down the mountain. When the two bodyguards arrived in the county seat, they contacted Panshi, and they were somewhat dependent.

After all, Fan Heng is the deputy secretary of Wangtian Province and the mayor of Panshi. He has a lot more resources at his disposal.

After the mud and rock flow, there is no trace of the original. Hundreds of thousands of square meters of earth and rock poured down in an instant, already changing the shape of the mountain. When a group of people searched down, they encountered quite a lot. There are no roads in some places. If it weren’t for the most rigorous professional training, it would definitely be impassable.

But when they came to the valley, they didn't find the tents of Fan Wuyin and Song Qing.

Where was the boss washed by the mudslide? If it is buried under a mudslide, it is really hopeless.

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