
v5 Chapter 231: The competition has begun

The news of the disease-free return from the mudslide disaster immediately reached the ears of Jing T7. At the same time, it also spread to Fan Wuyi who planned to personally invest 10 billion yuan to build a total length of more than 300 kilometers in the east and west mountains of Panshi. The above highways and the news of highway guidance.

Everyone was taken aback by Fan Wubing’s decision, thinking that this guy’s money is really innumerable, although some of the bigwigs have family wealth that can reach or exceed this amount, but It's not easy for them to spend a hundred million for nothing for the place, let alone build a road with tens of billions at a time?

Judging from the news that Director Zhang brought to everyone, Fan Wubing's tens of billions are about to be thrown on the mountain, and he has no plans to recover the investment.

"He has a fever, or did he hurt his brain in the mudslide?" Someone couldn't help but maligned viciously.

Director Zhang naturally told a few big guys why Fan Wubing was willing to invest so much money without asking for a return, “I was a little touched in my heart because I didn’t die in catastrophe, so I planned to spend a lot of money to reward God’s grace. That's how it is said. As for whether it is true or not, I don't know. What he thinks in his heart, I guess his family is not clear."

After hearing this, Boss Zhu said after thinking about it for a while, "In short, this is a good thing. People are willing to spend money to build roads. They are doing good deeds. Do we need to guess?"

Hearing these words, the old chief expressed roughly the same opinion, “Let’s cooperate with the local government. Where the highway passes, the demolition and relocation needs to be carried out. We should help coordinate the handling. We must not cause obstacles due to residents. Xiaofan’s thoughts, I If you know a little bit, let him do it. Anyway, it is a good thing to benefit the country and the people."

The high-level opinions quickly formed a unity. After all, from their standpoint, the economic rise of the central provinces is a good sign. The original national policy was to use developed coastal areas to promote the economic development of the inland. Now the inland economy Suddenly there is the momentum of their own rise, so naturally everyone is optimistic about its success.

Even if a few people think that Fan Wuyi is showing up in the limelight, there is nothing to do. After all, they are people outside the system and have a lot of freedom. No one can say anything wrong.

During Fan Wubing's few days in Panshi, he first welcomed Secretary Feng and hosted a banquet for him.

According to the results of the communication between Fan Wubing and his father Fan Heng, Secretary Feng served as Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of Panshi City at the deputy department level. His main job is to review the economic crimes that have occurred in Panshi in recent years, and to review leading cadres who violated party discipline and national laws. .

Panshi has developed very rapidly in recent years. It can be described as leaps and bounds. In this context. There are many opportunities for economic crimes. So no matter it is Fan Wuyi. It's still Fan Hyung. Both father and son think it is necessary to pay close attention to this aspect of work.

The work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has always been very difficult. There are very few local cadres as secretaries of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The main reason is that the human relationship network is too strong. The work is difficult to carry out. Therefore, Fan Wuyao introduced Secretary Feng, where he was a soldier. That is, I want to rely on him to be upright. Come and kill the evil spirits that exist in Rock. Strengthen righteousness and protect against evil.

Secretary Feng didn't expect Fan Heng to have such high expectations of him. And really let him serve as the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He is naturally clear. Although it is a temporary cadre. But as long as he has made outstanding achievements in his post. In this regard, the possibility of turning to a local administrative land is very large.

Now it is the background of vigorous development experience. However, the central government has been emphasizing the issue of economic crime. The development of Panshi is obvious to all. If you make achievements here. A strong stroke will be added to his official career.

Fan Heng's support for Secretary Feng is very real and effective. He assigned his two secretaries to Secretary Feng. Just to let him understand the situation of Rockland as soon as possible. Get into the role as soon as possible. To play its own role.

Fan Wubing spent a month recuperating in Panshi. During this time. Many things have happened at home and abroad.

In early June, a Northwest Airlines passenger plane crashed in the southeast of Xi’an. All 160 people on board were killed. This was also a relatively large air crash in China. For this matter, domestic airlines carried out self-examinations. Fanshi Aviation is no exception for corrective activities.

Fan Wubing deliberately went to the Panshi Airport, which he built by himself. Accompanied by security personnel, he inspected the overall operation of passenger and cargo transportation at the airport, and put forward some targeted service improvement suggestions.

The operation of Panshi Airport is quite good. At present, the most profitable business is still freight. Domestic passenger transportation services are basically short-distance flights, but the proportion of international long-distance passenger transportation is gradually increasing.

At present, the biggest problem with Panshi Airport is still that the passenger flow has not reached the expected goal. Therefore, Fan’s tens of billions investment plan is not only to improve Panshi’s overall economic development, but also to open up the two lines of governors and governors.

The barriers are broken, and more passengers will be attracted to Panshi.

Airport executives are also very humbly asking the boss how to increase the aircraft occupancy rate.

Fan Wubing answered this very simply, "It is very simple to increase the occupancy rate. There are only two conditions. The first is that the flight attendants must be beautiful and amiable, and the second is that the additional services should be more and the quality should be higher."

"It's understandable that the stewardess is beautiful. After all, everyone has the love of beauty, but what does this additional service mean?" The executives still have some doubts about Fan Wuyi's answer, of course, you must hurry up and ask for advice.

Fan Wuyi explained, “The so-called additional service items are actually services that can be provided on the plane in addition to the general air ticket service items, such as off-board meal ordering services, and value-added services for customers’ physical health. There are other personalized services that may need to be provided on the plane. These services may be personalized and only targeted at a certain person, and will not have much impact on the airline’s revenue, but they are useful for increasing customers Attendance is very helpful. Once they enjoy the value-added services provided by our airlines or airports, they will be unforgettable for life. In this way, the natural customer loyalty will be high, and the attendance of our aircraft will be able to do so. Guaranteed."

When Fan Wubing said this, everyone understood.

If domestic airlines are basically state-owned, although the quality of service is better than that of ordinary commercial sectors, the overall situation is not satisfactory. In this case, Fan Airlines, as the only private airline, There is a place where it can be used. It can flexibly propose some new and adaptable measures to improve service content, improve service quality, and win customer satisfaction.

On July 30th, in order to revive the sluggish stock market, the China Securities Regulatory Commission finally issued new measures. The methods are still the same, but they are more powerful, such as delaying the issuance of new stocks, intensifying inspections, and illegal manipulation of the stock market. It can still bring personal confidence.

Fan Wubing was disappointed by this, because the China Securities Regulatory Commission still did not come up with a strong solution to the dealer problem. Fan Wubing also knows a little bit about this kind of thing. After all, many princes in China are playing the stock market, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission dare not introduce these policies at will. Otherwise, it will inevitably get into trouble.

The importance of the domestic stock market in the national economy is not very important, so it is difficult for the senior government to make up their minds to solve certain problems. The stock market is more often used by the government as an ATM to solve the plight of state-owned enterprises.

Although there are now a small number of private companies that have raised development funds through listing, these companies are rare after all, and the relationship between the person in charge and the government is not a general acquaintance. If ordinary private companies want to go public, it will be difficult. Is quite large.

Therefore, under this skyrocketing increase, Fan Wuyi ordered his traders to start liquidation. He planned to withdraw from the stock market completely, sort out the part of the funds that the Shanghai security department asked him to entrust financial management, and then give them an explanation. The original 30 million US dollars has now been doubled several times, and it can be justified.

Of course, a more important event happened this month. The General Administration of Telecommunications suddenly announced that it would open up applications for individual users of the Internet in China. The fee is relatively low. The Internet is accessed through dial-up via telephone lines, with monthly subscription. The cost is five hundred yuan.

Fan Wubing smiled after hearing the news, thinking that Elder Ye has finally started, and this effort is still very strong.

After all, at this stage, it is still the time when the telephone line is popular~lightnovelpub.net~ The installation cost of a telephone is several thousand yuan, compared with dial-up through the telephone network, it only needs a monthly subscription of five hundred yuan, which is really not much. Although this is already a two-month salary for many people, judging from the salary level of most developed cities, there are still many people who can afford the Internet.

Fan Wubing also knew that if he wasn't going to compete with Mr. Ye, he wouldn't be able to make such a big concession to benefit the people.

In any case, I have achieved my goal of promoting the development of the domestic Internet network. Although the domestic dial-up Internet access fee is very high, it is already acceptable to a considerable number of people. It is not as expensive as it was in the past, and few people dare. Interested.

But in this way, the challenges encountered by Fan Wubing’s fiber optic cable project have increased. His initial investment was already large, and his operating income will definitely not be very high now. Fan Wubing knows very clearly. , The competition between myself and the Ministry of Posts and Communications has officially started from now on.

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