
v5 Chapter 232: Advantages and Disadvantages "Ask for Mo

For quite a long period of time, the domestic computer and home appliance industries 1) E manufacturing and technology development priorities have fluctuated. Like F~ companies, they all started by relying on trade, gradually forming industrial manufacturing capabilities, and then seeking advancement in technology. Companies such as Haier, Changhong, and Kelon in the home appliance industry all started by introducing production lines, and then gained in marketing. success.

Therefore, "Trade, Industry and Technology" and "Industry and Trade Technology" are the two major growth models of domestic large-scale home appliance companies. Without exception, technology is the weakest and lagging link in core capabilities. When these companies gradually grow and compete positively with multinational companies in the domestic market, the status quo of technological backwardness becomes very clear.

At this moment, where to go is sensitive and extremely critical.

However, from the current actual situation, the core technical capabilities of domestic companies are much worse and very rough. For the computer manufacturing industry of FANS, the so-called technical content only stays at the shape design and some convenience designs. As for All the main components used in it are purchased from foreign companies.

Regardless of the model, the most critical step is to occupy the market. In the current domestic market, the market decides everything. As long as you gain market share, even if you sell socks, there is a lot to do. This is because the domestic market is so big that foreign companies are willing to invest. In other words, it is just taking a fancy to the vast domestic market space.

It can be said that China is now a big market with its doors open for dumping.

In the past, under the planned economy, everyone was under the supply system, and there was no need to worry about what kind of goods to buy, but now that the market has been liberalized, so many goods have flooded into it all at once, and they are used to the assigned people suddenly. I'm at a loss, don't know what brand to choose?

In this case, advertising is the best choice. Therefore, the enterprises developed during this period, without exception, rely on advertising to make their fortunes, even if the advertising costs you pay are higher than your original annual output value. It doesn't matter, because you can increase sales tenfold or more immediately.

In the eyes of most people, whether television stations or newspapers, these are public opinion tools controlled by the state, there can be no mistakes, so the credibility of the advertisements posted on them is naturally beyond doubt.

Even if you publish an advertisement peddling elixir in a newspaper like Reference News, most people believe it is true, not to mention the advertisement on CCTV, which has always been the mouthpiece of the government.

Therefore, it can be said that advertising and the market are the most important factors for making money. Even if you sell a piece of shit, it can be blown into gold.

Fan Wuyao himself is among these companies. Some have certain core technology competitiveness. Take Panshi Heavy Industry for example. And cooperating with Taiwanese Wang Rongchang to build a memory chip manufacturing plant. There is also a communication product manufacturing plant built under the name of a joint venture between Cisco and FANS. These are all core technologies with a certain technological content.

For these companies. Want to continue to maintain market advantage. We must persevere and continue to take the road of technological innovation. Fan Wubing took the time to communicate with the heads of these companies. Learned about their ideas. Talked about his own views. Finally set an iron law. Set up a scientific research center. Carry out in-depth development of related technical projects.

Fan Wubing even sent a patent technology purchase team. I bought a house directly opposite the Patent Office as an office location. Working every day is in the patent office. Collect valuable patented technologies for in-depth understanding. An analysis report was then written and provided to the head office.

Thus. Many patent offices cannot determine the value of technical projects. Can walk into Fan Wuyi's vision as soon as possible. Then judge whether the patent has commercial value according to the actual situation. So as to make a decision to buy or not.

Fan Ting was in Panshidi within a few days. He complained to Fan Wuyao for a while.

Because F= to eat. Thus. Although the computer sales in the mainland are showing an upward trend in general. Those major foreign computer manufacturers have also felt the change. Brands such as Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell have decreased their sales growth rate.

For this reason, major companies have sent observers to mainland China. When they saw the PCs launched by FANS, they were all surprised. They never thought that they could actually hit the price of PCs to this level. It was just equivalent to About 80% of the price of a foreign brand computer of the same grade.

According to the calculations of major companies, this price is not profitable. For this reason, the business representatives of Compaq, HP and Dell have formally met with the executives of the FANS club and expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with the market dumping behavior of FANS. ,and

It may trigger them to initiate an unfair competition lawsuit against FANS.

"Although the profit of selling self-produced computers is very high, I am worried that if we continue to do so, major companies will unite and fight against us, especially when we have been selling computers of major brands for many years, they will face the embarrassment of being forced to take them off the shelves. Situation, this will have a great impact on the company's image." Fan Ting said to Fan Wubing very worried.

Her words are not groundless, but someone has already revealed to her in informal occasions that several major companies are already contacting competent domestic distributors and are preparing to kick FANS and directly discuss cooperation issues with distributors in various provinces. There are also companies that want to open their own stores in China and try the direct sales model.

After Fan Wubing heard this, he didn't take it seriously. He just smiled and said, "They probably think that their brand has established a firm foothold in the country, and now they want to kick us away. The problem with our self-produced computers is just an excuse. You must not believe that if we stop the sales of asset computers, they will return to their previous state. Now that everyone is already a competitor, don’t get lucky. NS."

"Then what do you suggest?" Fan Ting asked.

Fan Wubing thought for a while, and then said to Fan Ting, "Since this is the case, then we might as well let their sales drop a little bit. As long as our production capacity can keep up, we can sell as many computers as we produce. How much to go out!"

"Really?" Fan Ting asked suspiciously.

So Fan Wubing talked about his idea to Fan Ting, and finally said with a smile, "Pay attention to technical issues."

After hearing this, Fan Ting couldn't help but said, "Why are you doing so many bad tricks? But it sounds like it works."

"The idea I came up with is naturally top-notch." Fan Wubing said with a smile.

Sure enough, after Fan Ting returned to Beijing, several major companies proposed that after the completion of this year's contract, they would decide whether to continue next year's contract according to the situation.

After hearing this, Fan Ting was a little unhappy. She didn't say anything at the moment, but then she began to convene the company's senior management for emergency consultations. On the one hand, it increased the production schedule of the computer factory, and on the other hand, it was deployed to the current branches. , It is necessary to make some adjustments to the sales strategy.

As a result, within a week, computer users of the three major brands discovered a problem. The FANS counters were mainly self-produced computers, while some of the remaining foreign brand computers were all lagging behind and priced. Odd high.

In this way, in addition to people who are superstitious of foreign brands, not many people will choose brand computers other than FANS.

What's more noteworthy is that the after-sales service of the foreign brand machine that originally did a very good service suddenly has a problem. There was a problem with the machine, and it had to be scrapped, which caused many people to complain.

However, the service content performed by F~ is much more than what should be provided. In the future, foreign brands will no longer be able to enjoy the same level of after-sales service with the computers produced by FANS~

In this way, many users do not need to think about it anymore. They must choose a computer with good after-sales service. Otherwise, who should they go to if there is a problem? Fans’ computer sales have risen sharply.

After many people started to use FANS computers, they found a problem. The performance of domestic computers is not inferior to that of foreign brands, even in terms of ease of use.

For example, on the keyboard used by the FANS computer lock ~lightnovelpub.net~ is clearly engraved with the word root table of the five-stroke font. This measure makes many people feel very kind, especially those who are new to computers and use it again. People with Wubi fonts can save a lot of their worries.

There is also a screw-free snap-on chassis, which is very convenient for maintenance personnel, saves them a lot of trouble, and is also convenient for owners to maintain themselves. On the random accessories, FANS also provides many convenient and easy-to-use but Very effective small tools, such as a small vacuum cleaner, can be used to remove dust and other debris inside the case, and a metal bracket with a fan that can help the laptop cool down, etc., the effect is very good.

Once these measures were introduced, the sales of FANS computers increased by leaps and bounds. Fan Ting was pleased to praise Fan's wisdom, effective measures, and accurate judgments.

Fan Wubing thought in his heart that it would take many years of experience to play tricks with me in the computer industry.

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