
v5 Chapter 249: Exchange "Request for Monthly Pass"

The boss is indeed a food ticket seller, but this time he ran to Beijing, he was indeed caught by T+

The food stamps were cancelled, but the farmers encountered the novelty of "baitiao". The market has been rectified, but the economy has been manipulated by new powers. The inflation that occurred last year should essentially be said to be currency **. A large number of government officials began to speculate in real estate, stocks, and futures, resulting in a large number of currency failures that are more destructive than material failures.

After the two sessions last year, the market economy goal has just been established, so that the economic situation has been inflated while continuing the excitement of the previous year. By the end of last year, the market price of grain rose sharply, rising rapidly from south to north. The price of high-quality rice rose by about one yuan per catty, the price of ordinary rice also rose by about 50 cents, and the prices of other grains rose correspondingly.

In fact, there was a bumper harvest last year and the total grain output hit a record high. However, the large amount of white bars during the grain purchase the year before made it impossible for the grain farmers to realize their income after a year of hard work, resulting in a decline in the enthusiasm of grain farmers to grow grain and sell grain.

Local governments gave peasants white papers, and dissatisfaction appeared in many rural areas. The important reason for the white-tiao phenomenon is that there are so many fund-raising and apportionment. At that time, the people’s cause became a very popular saying. Government departments and cadres often used it as a reason to collect money from farmers and assign workers, while farmers complained that they could not use it to the fullest. Whatever matters to the people, there is no way to collect money from the people.

Looking at the problem from the standpoint of the peasants, the way to make the food stamps withdraw from history is not glorious, because the food stamps were once replaced by the white bars that were more harsh on the farmers. As a result, the white bars owed money and the money depreciated.

The reason for baiting farmers is that last year, the social fixed asset investment exceeded 700 billion yuan, and a large number of policy-related agricultural and sideline products purchase funds were transferred or borrowed. In the peak season for the purchase of agricultural and sideline products, the funds could not be returned in time. This is a phenomenon of baiting. An important background of

Behind the white bars phenomenon is the overall macroeconomic inflation pattern.

Five days after the abolition of food stamps, the country raised bank interest rates. At this time, it has shown that the central government is strongly vigilant against the danger of inflation. High-end imported home appliances have risen by more than a thousand yuan overnight, and the prices of domestic washing machines and other home appliances have also risen by 20% to 30%.

In June last year, the high-level estimates of the economic situation were getting more and more serious. The language used in the speech on June 2 was in its infancy. On the 15th, it was renamed Contradictions and Problems. On the 19th, it further emphasized the prominent contradictions and problems. Boss Zhu became the governor of the central bank, and the bank began to take back the loans it issued.

By the end of July, 30 billion yuan of borrowed funds had been recovered, and 40 billion yuan of savings had been added. With this as a reserve, banks can issue tens of billions of yuan to purchase summer grain. Treasury bills are bought again, the Ministry of Finance no longer asks banks to borrow money to pay wages, and the stock market has stabilized.

The old man came out to buy food stamps under this situation. Because at this time the food stamp has been invalidated. But there are still a lot of food stamps in stock. Especially in many uninformed areas. People still carefully store food stamps as hard currency. Don't waste a bit. The result is now waste paper.

The purchase price is naturally very low. Just take a small thing. You can get food stamps that you couldn't get for hundreds of dollars in the past. Even some people don't care how much their food stamps are worth. This kind of thing cannot be used now. Staying at home and watching it is quite annoying. As long as someone is willing to. Naturally, I hurriedly shot.

"Then you all know that food stamps can no longer be used. Why do you want to buy so many food stamps?" Zi Qi asked with some confusion.

The old man said with a sigh. "I have collected the white strips in my house for a year. I really don't have any money. Later I met a Beijinger. I said that although the food stamps are not available now. But they have collection value. As long as the variety is complete. The quality is good. Can sell for a big price. After listening to this, I was a little moved. So I wondered what I could do. It took a year to buy food stamps in various places. I arrived in Beijing this month. I went to find that person. The result was according to He said to look for the place. Only one park was found. There is no such place at all. Only then did I know that I was deceived!"

The old man is still a little bit unwilling to give up. Just wandered around Beijing for a while. Go to some antique markets to ask others. As a result, food stamps have just been abolished. Everyone has too many food stamps in their hands. Who will accept this thing? Suffered a few days of blows. The old man was thinking about death. Today is in a daze. He knocked down Fan Wushu's car.

"Hi. It turned out to be such a thing." Fan Wuyao shook his head. The old man Xindao is also very pitiful.

The harm of baitiao is indeed quite big. This is also considered a Chinese characteristic, but it is a phased product. In the later years, although there are not many things to baitiao, other alternative methods have emerged, anyway. It's an endless trouble.

As the saying goes, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. The central authorities are also helpless for some local issues.

Although these things are not right, if they are to be dealt with, they will involve a large number of people. They are not very necessary, and it is absolutely not appropriate to act rashly. Just like the old man and the others, it’s just that.

The snake sheds its skin in one year. It is very unacceptable to be able to cash out the previous white strips.

In this case, the old man took the risk to get food stamps and investment. In principle, he was right. The only thing wrong was that he didn't figure out one thing, that is, time is the biggest help for a collection, only when it arrives. After a certain period of time, food stamps may become popular collections in everyone's eyes.

This is like the dragon ticket of the year. At first, everyone just paid for the dragon ticket and put it on the envelope. Who would have thought that this thing would rise to sky-high prices in the future? Even those people who were lucky enough to use the first batch of stamps in the world did not have such an awareness, right?

Fan Wuyao carefully turned over the food stamps that the old man had collected, and found that the variety was quite comprehensive, but unfortunately it is not when this market is rising, so he said to the old man, "Old man, this thing will be valuable in the future. , But it’s not worth a lot of money now. After ten or twenty years, these things may be worth a lot of money."

The old man was also a little disappointed when he heard Fan Wuyi’s words. He has been around Beijing several times recently, and he has also asked a lot of people. I have starved to death a long time ago, and the family’s problems cannot be solved. Is there still a chance to wait so long for the food stamps to appreciate?

What's more, who can expect things to be so accurate in twenty years' time?

Seeing that a pile of food stamps were like waste paper, and he was lying in the hospital again, the old man felt a little desperate.

Ziqi saw the old man's appearance, but there was a lot of sympathy that overflowed, so she pulled Fan Wuyao and said, "Or, can I help him?"

"How to help?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

Zi Qi said to Fan Wubing, “It’s also fate to run into it. Although these food stamps are not worth the money, it is also very hard for the elderly to collect so many. I think these things are very interesting. After buying things, the old man can be regarded as having lost his thoughts."

When the old man heard that Ziqi said this, he was obviously trying to help himself. After all, how can these food stamps be worth? So I said embarrassingly, "Girl, let me be fooled, and never let others be fooled! You kindly sent me to the hospital, and it is not easy to spend money to treat me. How can I stop these useless? It’s absolutely indispensable to sell you the things of the kind!"

Fan Wubing is a bit noncommittal at this time, because he knows that these food stamps will be worth money after a few years, but they are really worthless now. How to choose depends on what kind of opinion the old man and Ziqi finally reached. .

The old man always disagrees with Ziqi's payment. He said, "I can give you these things, but if I want me to sell them to you, it won't work! My old man has lived for most of his life, and he still knows. How can you avenge revenge?"

Finally, Fan Wubing coughed and said to the old man, "Old man, these things will still be worth a little money in the future, but they are really worthless now. That's fine, you take a side and give it to this girl. She gave you 10,000 yuan, which is regarded as an exchange. In this way, we will not feel that we have taken too much advantage, and you will not suffer from it. I still recommend that you collect the remaining food stamps for 10 years and 20 years. If you sell it in the next year, at least you can make your grandchildren a fortune."

"Is it really worth it in the future? You didn't mean to comfort me, did you say it on purpose?" the old man asked in disbelief.

"Really, I don't look like a silly person, right?" Fan Wubing said solemnly.

In the end, Zi Qi ran out and took 10,000 yuan to the old man, then arranged for a doctor to pick up the bones of the old man, and finally arranged for the hospitalization, and then left the hospital with Fan Wuyi.

Zi Qi took half of the food stamp, which seemed to weigh more than a dozen catties, and threw it into Fan Wuyi's carriage, not caring at all.

"These are all money, how can you throw it away?" Fan Wuyao smiled.

Ziqi smiled and replied~lightnovelpub.net~ My salary is not low, what use is there to ask for these things? I just want to let the elderly take the money at ease. If you want, give it to you. "

Fan Wuyao rolled his eyes and said, "I have a grudge against this, you should keep it for yourself."

Zi Qi looked at Fan Wubing. I don’t know why he has resentment for this, but she didn’t ask much, but Fan Wubing said to her again, "These things can really add value. I just looked at it. Many of the food stamps in it will be very valuable, so you can put it away. I guess it’s okay to change a villa for you after ten years."

"Really?" Zi Qi asked suspiciously.

"Of course it is true. If you can't change the villa, I will give you a set for nothing.

"Fan Wubing promised, patting his chest.

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