
v5 Chapter 287: First signs

The 287th chapter of the fortune appears at the beginning of the clue

Which gold shop is it? Fan Wubing asked casually.

"Yinfeng Gold Store. My daughter bought me a ring there. Liu Jie bought a necklace for Wu Fang. It looks heavy. It is probably half double." The old lady thought for a while. He replied very positively.

Fan Wubing chatted with the old lady casually. Then he turned back into the house.

At this time, Fan Heng and others had already done a lot of work with Wu Fang. But seeing her body is a little weak. So she turned to the other people in her family to find out the situation. Promote the policy to them. Let them do their best to help the city government. It solved Liu Jie's troubles.

But it seems that Liu Jie's family is ignorant of this kind of thing. Liu Jie's parents and Wu Fang's parents looked like that kind of honest people. Seeing so many leaders is a bit nervous. It definitely doesn't look like that kind of slick generation.

Fan Wubing looked at the situation and said to Fan Heng. "Pregnant women need a good rest. Come here today. Anything. It's never too late in a few days."

Fan Heng knew his son's medical skills. Since he has said so. Then it is no longer appropriate to stay here. And they can see it too. If I stayed there, I wouldn't ask what the result would be, so everyone warned the debt collectors. To the outside. A few more police officers were sent to stay here. In case someone continues to harass Wu Fang and other Liu Jie's family. Then he went back home.

Can't find the whereabouts of the funds! "As soon as Fan Hyung returned to the city government, he convened a meeting to discuss today's affairs.

Here comes this kind of meeting. It is impossible for Fan Wubing to participate. But the city used his money to appease everyone. Fan Wuyao's own status and status are placed there, and everyone needs to rely on his experience and ideas. I strongly invited him to participate.

Yang Tianhe has compiled the results of the city leaders going out to block various fund-raising dens. Go out this trip. A total of more than a dozen fund-raising gangs were controlled. The amount involved in the case involving more than fifty persons is simply too much. Being counted. It is estimated that it will not be less than a few hundred million in funds. It made everyone feel a little dumbfounded.

Everyone exchanged thoughts about action. I feel that the harmfulness of illegal fund-raising sites is too great.

This action. Feng Jianhong, the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, who was appointed to Panshi, also participated. He greeted Fan Wuyao. After a few conversations. It was his turn to speak.

"What is illegal fund-raising. I didn't know before to tell the truth. But after some mischief today. I immediately called my parents in my hometown far away to remind them to be careful of someone pulling them to raise illegal funds. Because they are coming to them. There are too many tricks to raise funds illegally. The temptation is too great. The methods are too pervasive." Feng Jianhong said to everyone. "Currently exposed illegal fund-raising tricks are mainly borrowing the name of mining, planting and breeding projects. Or in the name of afforestation and renting back property-right shops, etc. Or raising funds through the form of dividends and claiming shares. These are the most basic and practical. Imagine the means to get rich in the vast villages and cities of China. Those whose ancestors have been farmers for generations or whose ancestors are inseparable from farmers. If they want to invest, what will they choose? Will they choose a high-tech concept stock? No way! So I personally think that this is the reason why many major illegal fund-raising cases did not occur in first-tier cities like North Shanghai." Fan Heng nodded after hearing this and said the reason why illegal fund-raising has been repeated. A very important inducement is the high return. So what are their promised returns? The current benchmark interest rate for one-year deposits of financial institutions is only 5%. And our city has identified the interest rate of illegal fund-raising. It is very common to reach more than 30%. The highest one has passed one hundred percent! Such a temptation. Don't you want to join? Marx said it. If there is a profit of 20%. Capital will be ready to move. If there is 50% profit, the capital will be risked. If you have 100% profit capital, you dare to risk stranding! "

Yang Tianhe also said. "French fund-raising is also very special in its propaganda methods. First, they set up their names. They used newspapers and television and other news media to conduct mass communication. There are local cases and even forged national awards. Forged inscriptions of national leaders. For those who watch the news broadcast on time at 7 o'clock every evening. For people. Will they not believe in the leaders of the country? When you are unmoved by these. Their other trick is interpersonal communication. When your neighbor tells you that he invested a hundred dollars. Three months later I got back two hundred yuan of real money. Will you still be unmoved?"

Everyone talked very enthusiastically for more than an hour. He has a very deep understanding of the seriousness and harmfulness of illegal fund-raising. In the end, everyone decided unanimously. On the rock. This behavior must be banned. This is responsible for the more than two million people of Panshi. It is also responsible for the hard-won economic situation of Rock's booming day by day.

While taking notes of the meeting. While looking at Fan Wuyi's words without speaking. "What is Mr. Fan's suggestion? I think you wandered around Liu Jie's house a few times. Talking with the old lady of the neighborhood committee was hot. Surely something must have happened, right?"

Fan Wubing smiled. Xindao is that the Secretary-General is more careful. Worthy of being the steward of the municipal government. So he touched his nose and said. "Something. But it's still very vague. It needs further confirmation. I need the cooperation of the police now. Let's investigate some things together."

"There is no problem. I will help you contact the police station. Let them send a deputy chief to lead the team." Yang Tianhe replied immediately.

Say no more.

The leaders of the city government are divided into two groups. A group of people seized the time to lead people to rush to interrogate these controlled law funders. Another group of people immediately called a city-wide cadre mobilization meeting. Prepare to start a conference in Panshi City against illegal fund-raising to maintain social stability in a clear-cut manner.

Fan Wubing was accompanied by Deputy Chief Xie Yinxie at the police station. We went to Yinfeng Gold Store together.

Yinfeng gold stores are available in many places. At this time, the restructuring has not yet been carried out under the leadership of the central bank. So the police came to investigate. We sent a manager to assist.

Fan Wuyi asked them for the sales list the day before yesterday. Although the deputy manager didn't know who Fan Wuyao was. But it was Deputy Chief Xie of the police station who accompanied him. Presumably this is also a big man. Don't dare to neglect at the moment. Just followed the counter and got out the account book. Then carefully check the sales records of the day before yesterday.

really. On the sales list side. Fan Wu just found a record. It is a gold necklace of more than twenty grams. He turned over the entire record. Such a necklace was sold on the same day. So I asked the waiter at the counter.

"Oh. There are such two customers." The attendant replied immediately. "According to them, it was to commemorate the wedding anniversary. I bought a gold necklace specially. It cost more than 3,000 yuan."

The current price of gold is about 100 yuan a gram. A gold necklace half and double. It's almost three thousand yuan. The decoration also adds some manual costs. It is more expensive than buying gold bars.

Fan Wubing checked the registered name. It's not the names of Liu Jie and Wu Fang. But a name called Zhang Mingrui. I suddenly felt a little surprised in my heart. Then he motioned to Deputy Director Xie to take out the wedding photos of Liu Jie and Wu Fang for the waiter to identify.

Chi is the first time I have seen it. But this **** man has come to our gold shop a lot. It is said that he is helping people purchase gold jewelry. Over the past six months, millions of gold jewelry have been purchased in our shop. "

Millions of gold jewelry? ! As soon as I heard this. Old policemen like Xie Yinsheng immediately became alert. He glanced at Fan Wuyi. It immediately understood why he brought himself to the gold shop.

No one would buy so many gold jewelry. The only reason. That is, Liu Jie is likely to turn the property he obtained through illegal fund-raising into gold that is not easily damaged. Then hide it secretly. Waited for the right time. Digging out

This can be seen. Liu Jie must have formulated a complete plan long ago. From the very beginning, the strategy of fleeing money was determined. It's just that his stall became more and more greedy. If you don't have it, stop it. But he didn't get into a car accident.

It seems this wealth. What secret place is still hiding now!

Fan Wubing glanced at Xie Yinsheng~lightnovelpub.net~ and found that the old policeman couldn't restrain his excitement. So he said with a smile. "Thank you. What are your plans next?"

Yin Sheng replied immediately. "Naturally, the local police will cooperate with the gold shop to investigate Liu Jie. See if he has a record of buying gold in the past six months. With more than 10 million funds. It is impossible to buy just such a small amount of gold."

Fan Wubing nodded. The mind of the old policeman is still clear. Xie Yinsheng cannot buy gold in one place. The nearby county and city must be a frequent place for him. Just match the number with the number of gold. Even if his own speculation is true.

Yinsheng immediately reported to the city leader, Fan Heng, of the major findings in the gold store. And ask the leader for approval. The local police and gold shops are invited to investigate Liu Jie.

Fan Heng listened to Xie Yinsheng's report. I immediately agreed to the matter.

So Xie Yinsheng sent out fifty key police officers in the bureau. Group of two. A big net was cast in Wangtian Province.

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