
v5 Chapter 324: Fuyi can't go to "Waiting for a monthly

Fan Wubing didn't have time to prepare for the rush of the incident. After entering the water, the stimulation on his body was very strong, and the muscles all over his body contracted abruptly for a while.

The temperature in winter is relatively low, so you should make full preparations before entering the water to make your body slightly warmer but not suitable for sweating. After undressing, you should not rush into the water. Instead, you must first rub the skin and joints of your body, then wet your hands and feet with cold water and pat your chest and back, and finally swim in the water.

This can avoid the rapid contraction of blood vessels in the skin caused by the temperature difference. If you rush into the water without adapting, it is likely to hold your breath, increase your heartbeat, and then cause dizziness, nausea, numbness of your hands and feet, muscle cramps and other adverse reactions, and even drowning. .

Even well-trained winter swimmers, the length of time to enter the water should be flexibly controlled according to the temperature, water temperature and physical condition at the time. It should be said that the colder the weather, the shorter the time to enter the water.

In the cold season in the north, it should not take more than two minutes to swim until the skin feels a little hot. If you feel that you don’t have a cold reaction, you should go ashore. Don’t swim too often on a whim, let alone go into the water repeatedly. After landing, you should dry your body quickly, and wipe it until your skin is slightly red and hot. After putting on your clothes, you can do some push-ups, leg lifts, squats and jumps, which can promote the rapid expansion of subcutaneous blood vessels. At this time, the body Will feel warm and comfortable.

But Fan Wubing definitely can’t take this into consideration now. If she can’t find a girl falling into the water within a minute, she’s likely to be drowned. Soak in the water for two more minutes in such a cold environment.

After all, below the ice surface, people who fall into the water have no chance to show up. First of all, they cannot breathe. Coupled with the influence of cold and panic and other comprehensive factors, the chance of survival is even smaller.

When Fan Wubing went into the water, he noticed that the ice layer was very thick, but the water temperature below the ice surface was not as low as expected, and even said that there was a warm feeling. However, Fan Wubing knows very well that this is just an illusion caused by the temperature difference. Once you stay in the water for too long, you will gradually lose the heat in your body and finally lose your vitality.

Fan Wubing opened his eyes and took a look, and found that there was something dark in front of him, which looked like a human figure, so Fan Wubing grabbed the rope thrown by the bodyguard in one hand, swam over with one hand, and touched it smoothly. Sure enough, it was a person. He trapped the person with a rope, and then pulled the rope forcefully, and he felt the pull from the shore. The two of them were pulled to the hole of the ice cave. Fan Wuyi suddenly stretched out his head, The man was pushed up.

"Ah--" the crowd on the shore exclaimed.

Fan Wushu hasn't come up yet. Hearing the exclamation of the crowd suddenly startled. Then I saw the person I pulled up. It's actually not the girl who just fell. But a middle-aged man who has not known how long he has been dead. It seems that it has been at least two days. It's just that the water temperature is relatively low at this time. In addition to stiff body. Nothing has changed.

"Damn! I don't know when he died--" Fan Wubing couldn't care more. Dive into the water again. Try to look around. I saw something fluttering not far in front. So he swam over. I found that the rope was not long enough.

Fan Wubing thought that he would not be trapped even if he fell under the water. Simply thrown off the rope. Swim over there. I saw a young girl struggling with a big fish weighing seventy to eighty catties in the water a little exhausted.

It is estimated that the big fish is also extremely hungry. Seeing the girl, I thought it was something delicious. Bit her clothes. Desperately drag her down. With great strength. The girl couldn't get rid of it. But just a few water plants were frozen on the ice. The girl grabbed the roots of the water grass. Holding a sigh of breath in the struggle with the big fish.

But she did not dare to let go. Because once let go. She will definitely be dragged into the deep water by the big fish.

Fan Wubing swam over and slammed a punch at Big Fish. I found that I didn't need much energy. After all, there is a big difference between being in the water and on the shore. In a hurry, he used an inch punch. One finger pierced the eyes of the big fish. Suddenly blood came out.

The big fish was hit hard by this, shook his tail, and ran away with a sudden jump. Fan Wuyin grabbed the waterweed, but after looking at it, he couldn't find the exit position of the rope and the ice hole. He simply grabbed the waterweed with one hand and with the other. He clenched his fist and smashed it upwards. With his buoyancy and his own strength, he actually smashed the thick ice layer through a hole.

Then he slammed a few more punches, and finally the heads of both people were exposed. The girl gasped for a breath. At this time, Fan Wubing noticed that her face had been suffocated because she had been under water for too long. Green, if it weren't for her own diving skills and calm down again, she would have been awkward.

"Is it high? It's so close to you?" The girl said to Fan Wuyao tremblingly.

"What?!" Fan Wuyao suddenly looked blank, not knowing what the girl said.


Wu Jing shrank her neck and rubbed against the ice cave. Together with the bodyguard, he pulled Fan Wuyin up, and then went to pull the girl, while explaining to Fan Wuyin, "She was saying thank you just now, you are awesome!"

"Oh—" Fan Wubing nodded, and then shouted to Wu Jing, "Bring me a blanket first, I'm freezing to death!"

There was no special feeling when I was in the water just now. At this time, Fan Wuyao felt shivering with the wind blowing on the shore. The bodyguards quickly took a dry blanket and wiped Fan Wuyao up and down. He didn't stop until his skin turned red and put on new clothes for him.

Fan Wubing glanced at the girl, and found that many Koreans appeared around her, as if they were a group of subordinates. The things he brought to her were almost the same as those brought by Fan Wuyi’s bodyguards. Vice Cheng looked frightened.

After the two sides wiped their bodies and put on the clothes, the young girl walked over surrounded by the crowd. Seeing that there were so many bodyguards beside Fan Wuyin, she immediately understood that the other party was also a great man, and she could be rescued by him. , Is indeed a kind of fate.

"Is it high?" The girl bowed to Fan Wuyao again and said loudly.

"Scallion Maniyou——" Fan Wubing asked Wu Jing, and he didn't need to thank you for learning Korean.

At this time, the girl also saw that Fan Wubing was not a native of the country. She was surprised that a foreigner jumped into the ice cave and rescued her. This really moved her. She also saw it. There should be something in it. It is the person who seems to be a translator who can speak Korean.

So she turned around and ordered something to her subordinates, only to see that fifty or sixty people huffed around, enclosing Fan Wubing and others in the middle.

"Damn! What is this going to do, I will avenge my gratitude?" Fan Wuyao frowned when he saw that the people seemed to be underworld.

I saw those people crowding up, and then an older person shouted something, and the crowd knelt down towards Fan Wubing, and then squatted heavily.

Was it a collective kowtow to thank you? This etiquette is quite sincere.

After seeing it, Fan Wubing thought that Koreans are not very annoying, at least the courtesy is more thoughtful, and he knows to be grateful, um, it's not bad.

Wu Jing saw Fan Wubing’s mind, and explained to him, “Korean people are more courteous here. For activities like kowtow, you have to come up and down dozens of times every day when nothing happens. It’s not a big deal. This is very different from the traditional way we Chinese worship our parents."

Oh, then there is still no sincerity! Fan Wubing thought in his heart.

After those people kowtow, they stood up and stepped back. The girl came over again and said something to Wu Jing. Wu Jing said to Fan Wuyao, "Ms. Fan, she is asking about your name and Origins, I want to be rewarded."

Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "I don't need to mention anything in return. I don't need money and don't need her to repay her personally. What else can I do to talk about these things? It's just because of humanitarianism, and I can't see death. Don't save it."

Fan Wubing really doesn't care much about these things, and even feels a little troublesome. If he doesn't think that seeing death will damage his image, he can't take this risk to go to the ice hole. After all, this is life-threatening. of.

But apparently the girl attached great importance to her life-saver, and kept asking Wu Jing about the origin of Fan Wuyi, which made Wu Jing a little bit overwhelmed and kept asking Fan Wuyi for help.

Fan Wubing said hello to his bodyguards. They drove over on snowmobiles and drove them out of here quickly, and went to the ski resort in the mountain.

The girl and the people under her didn't stop Fan Wuyi from them~lightnovelpub.net~ Seeing them leave, she looked a bit regretful. The girl just left here wrapped in a blanket after they had ordered something.

However, the corpse that was picked up by Fan Wubing just now was thrown here and no one took care of it. It took another ten minutes before the police rushed over after hearing the news and listened to the confessions of witnesses at the scene, and carefully understood the place just now. Things that happened.

After Fan Wubing and others were exercising on the ski resort in the mountains for a while, they began to return to the embassy to rest. When they got there, they found that there were people waiting for them here, except for the girl and the girl who had just rescued them. In addition to her staff, people from the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office and the police were also present.

"Oh, you will be in trouble if you shoot--" Fan Wubing shook his head helplessly.

But saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level buddha. It is really more difficult to let yourself die.

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