
v5 Chapter 36: It broke out in advance! "Ask for a mont

The special industry mentioned by Fan Wuyi does not naturally refer to the feasting service industry, nor does it refer to the special service industry that can be drawn out at any time with a pedicure knife. He refers to the key industries related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood, which require large-scale transactions with foreigners. Of foreign trade transactions, such as the steel industry. Read the latest and fastest chapters please go to

"The domestic demand for iron ore is increasing day by day. About 50 million tons will be imported from overseas every year, right?" Fan Wubing asked.

Boss Zhu remembers this question clearly, of course, "Last year it was 48 million tons, and it is estimated to increase to 60 million tons this year. The domestic construction is going on, and the demand has increased rapidly. However, when you mention this, What means?"

Fan Wubing said, "Does the domestic iron ore import issue mean that each company negotiates with overseas suppliers?"

"Naturally this is the case." Boss Zhu nodded, "Foreigners are a market economy, and we have to do as we live in the countryside, and we have to do it accordingly. Moreover, companies are more flexible in negotiating, and it is more convenient than the government to come forward."

This statement is also valid. The main reason is that high-level officials have been considering the status of private companies recently. In many areas, private companies have shown far more competitiveness than state-owned companies. This makes the leaders have to seriously consider a problem. We should not introduce private capital widely and increase the proportion of private enterprises in the national economy.

In particular, the role of various entities founded by Fan Wubing as a demonstration in various industries has made the senior executives feel that the advantages of private enterprises are still very obvious, policies can be very flexible, and they are more adaptable to social development. It is very necessary to add fresh blood to the current state-owned economy, at least it can play a role in promoting the development of the entire national economy.

The importance of iron and steel enterprises in the national economy is self-evident, and high-level officials are also considering whether to appropriately introduce private capital into iron and steel enterprises to increase their vitality?

Therefore, the senior management is now consciously relaxing the policy restrictions on steel companies. In order to cultivate their adaptability in the market economy, this iron ore purchase right is one of the decentralized powers. The purpose is to cultivate the autonomy and competitiveness of enterprises in economic activities.

Fan Wubing raised objections, "This decision is extremely wrong!"

Boss Zhu's face turned green when he heard it, such an important decision. But when I was in the meeting back then, how could it become an extreme error in Fan Wuyao's mouth?

"Don't be convinced. Let me explain to you bit by bit--" Fan Wuyao found a chair and sat down. Then he held the back of the chair with one hand. Just talk to Boss Zhu. "Any policy has its applicability. For complex companies. Industries that cannot form economies of scale. Self-relaxation is obviously conducive to enhancing competitiveness. But for steel companies, this type of procurement project is single. And large-scale foreign trade activities. Obviously it is not suitable to be a separate battlefield."

"Why?" Boss Zhu asked. "From the perspective of market law. The greater the customer demand. The stronger the bargaining power with suppliers. But this law does not seem to be reflected in the Chinese steel industry market as it should be. Even on the contrary. This advantage has just become The biggest disadvantage." Fan Wuyao said. "Chinese steel companies have different interests within them. They have their own minds and fight with each other. It is easy to be divided and disintegrated by overseas subway ore suppliers. Even some steel company executives can reveal the secrets of the entire steel industry for their own interests. To the suppliers. The internal disunity. In addition, the suppliers have mastered the negotiating cards of the steel companies. Chinese steel companies want to negotiate freely with overseas iron ore suppliers. It is impossible."

"You mean. Iron ore needs to be purchased centrally?" Boss Zhu frowned and asked.

Fan Wubing nodded. "Not only is it necessary to centralize procurement. It also requires a special agency to take charge of this matter. Steel companies are only responsible for supplying the demand. The special agency negotiates with overseas suppliers based on the total amount. This is what the Japanese do. So they The cost of land is more than 20% lower than ours as a whole. If Chinese steel companies do not change their current procurement methods, they will only become farther and farther away from overseas steel companies in terms of competitiveness."

Fan Wubing added another sentence. "Actually. The way to make rare earth resources. It is similar to this. It's just that what I rely on. That is, I have a monopoly on supplying resources. If the domestic steel companies jointly purchase the land, they have it. Land. It is a monopolistic market resource. Both are places where you can ensure your own interests are not harmed."

"This matter. I need to study it carefully." Boss Zhu rubbed his forehead. Said with some pain. "Once you come here. It's a big deal. There is never something that makes people worry about it."

"Worry-free thing, no money!" Fan Wuyao replied.

Boss Zhu listened to Fan Wubing's words, but he was a little appreciative. Just as he was about to say something, the phone on the table suddenly rang. After he answered the phone and listened to a few sentences, his face became serious.

After putting down the phone, Boss Zhu smiled bitterly at Fan Wuyao, "Okay, I'll talk about this later, but you are really good at it. Clinton is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, I really did it!"

"Where in the Middle East?" Fan Wuyi had received the news before. At this time, when he heard Boss Zhu advance in advance, he knew that he was afraid that the words would come.

"It's really over there." Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao, "You can't do this without you, so I'll go to a meeting with me."

After that, Boss Zhu stood up, dragged Fan to leave without illness.

"What's the meeting?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

They are generally qualified to participate in meetings of this level, which means that they are at least members of a province and a prefecture. Why should they join in the excitement by themselves? It is inevitable that people will be able to give pointers when they see it.

"The meeting of the Politburo." Boss Zhu replied.

Fan Wubing felt a little weak when he heard it. The Politburo meeting, why did you tell me to go? !

"Thanks to you this time, the old man has recovered so quickly. If he wants to attend today's meeting, you should be his health doctor!" Boss Zhu said.

Oh, it turns out that there is such a reason. Fan Wubing thought that if this were the case, the burden on his shoulders would not be light, although the old man's body had recovered. But after all, I'm already old, and if something goes wrong, I can't shirk myself, especially at this critical moment.

When the two people arrived in the heavily guarded small conference room, most of the members of the Politburo in Beijing were already there, and they were sitting there exchanging views. Obviously the news has been received. Everyone's expressions are dignified and angry. A committee member patted the table and said, "The Yankees are really deceiving people, Clinton is unreasonable!"

On May 8, a Chinese full-container freighter set sail after loading cargo at Tianjin New Port, passing through Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Jakarta. In the end, a total of more than 600 containers were carried and sailed to the Middle East. It is expected to arrive at Dubai Port in the Persian Gulf for unloading on June 10. Then go to Saudi Dammam Port and Kuwait Port.

However, on May 27th, the Americans obtained information on the grounds and accused the Chinese freighter from Dalian Port, loaded with thiodiglycol and thionyl chloride, two types of raw materials for the manufacture of chemical weapons, and was sailing to Abbas, Iran. port. U.S. officials also declared that the U.S. government requested the Chinese government to take immediate measures to stop this export behavior and threatened to impose sanctions on China.

The United States is in negotiations with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Chinese government is required to order the Yinhe ship to return to its place of departure, or the Americans may board the ship to inspect the cargo, or stay at a certain place and wait for it to fall. The United States also disseminated its misinformation to the countries where the freighter planned to call at the port, and requested these countries accordingly to prevent the freighter from entering the port for unloading as planned.

"Cough—" With a cough, the old man, accompanied by the leader, entered the meeting room with the help of a staff member.

Seeing the old man walk in with a smile on his face, everyone in the room stood up unexpectedly. Applaud and welcome.

Some time ago, the old man’s lung infection was quite serious. Although Fan Wuyi was cured, it is very difficult for a person of this age to recover. Everyone estimated that the old man is now lying in a hospital bed. As for the upper training, who knew that he actually showed up today, and he showed up at the very first moment of such a major event.

What does this indicate? This is here to cheer everyone up!

The current government is a typical literati government, and it really needs an old man who has experienced iron and blood to add some strong colors. At this time he appeared. It can be said to be very uplifting.

"What do the Americans want to do?" After the old man sat down, he smiled and waved his hand with Fan Wuyao. Then asked.

"Who knows--" Everyone didn't know what the old man meant, so no one answered for a while.

"No disease, you say." The old man saw that everyone was silent, and said to Fan Wuyi who was next to him.

Fan Wubing saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him~lightnovelpub.net~ couldn't help but smile a little bitterly, "Master, I can't tell you about this. But what Americans want to do naturally is very clear, just thinking. Make the Chinese uncomfortable! This is like two kids playing together, the stronger one always wants to bully the weaker one. As long as China's national power is less than that of the United States, Americans will not be honest for a day!"

"In fact, that's what it's all about!" The old man nodded approvingly. "As I said before, U.S. imperialism is a paper tiger, and all imperialism is a paper tiger! Back then, the British didn't want to return Hong Kong. I didn't say a word. If I don’t take back Hong Kong in 1997, will I just sit in a tank and go there? Haven’t the British been subdued?"

Everyone nodded their heads, but we didn't have the guts to say something like this, that is, your old man.

The old man continued, "If someone bullies you, you have to fight back, otherwise he will only get an inch. What is the most feared by Americans, we will give him something, so that it will not have time to make things annoying. !"

What are Americans afraid of? Naturally it is a Taiwan Strait, a North Korea!

*************Oh, the third one is delivered. Shun ask for a monthly pass. The competition is so fierce recently. **********