
v5 Chapter 366: Get ready for 2 hands

The city police's efficiency in handling the case is also extremely fast, except that the investigation of the Qingshui City bombing case was conducted in one night. In the morning, they rushed to Fan Heng to report their work.

Secretary Chen Xueqin of Qingshui City and Mayor Zhan Guangyi didn’t close their eyes almost overnight. When such a big incident happened in the local area, they couldn’t get rid of their leadership responsibilities, but at this time the accountability system for leading cadres has not yet been formed. At most, it is just a criticism and education.

Nevertheless, the outcome of the matter will also affect their future official careers. Therefore, the two of them dare not take it lightly, hoping to leave a good impression in front of Governor Fan, so that Fan Heng will settle their accounts after the fall.

The reason for the Qingshui City explosion was indeed due to product quality problems.

During the on-site cleaning work, the police found some metal nameplate fragments. Through comparison and analysis, they found the manufacturer of these equipment, Qingshui Shengan Blasting Equipment Factory.

"Have you contacted the manufacturer?" Fan Heng looked through the report materials and asked.

"We have already contacted, and the director of Sheng'an Explosive Equipment Factory is outside right now." Mayor Zhan Guangyi hurriedly replied.

Fan Heng nodded and said, "Let him come in for questioning."

Under the leadership of Zhan Guangyi, Xu Shengan, the director of the Qingshui Sheng'an Explosive Equipment Factory, walked in a little nervously. If something like this happened, he must be held accountable now, and his heart is also up and down.

Fan Heng glanced at Xu Shengan. Then asked. "Can explosive devices be stored in private houses?"

Xu Shengan heard this. The cold sweat on the head fell immediately. "can not--"

In order to strictly manage civilian blasting equipment. Prevent explosion accidents. Prevent criminals from using blasting equipment to conduct sabotage activities. The State Council has issued regulations on the administration of explosives for civilian use. Where civilian blasting equipment is produced, stored, purchased, sold, transported, and used. Blasters, custodians, escorts, and safety officers engaged in the production, storage, purchase, sale, transportation, and use of blasting equipment. Technical training and safety education must be conducted by the competent department of the enterprise. After review and assessment by public security organs. Qualified to a professional certificate. Fang is allowed to work within the scope of prescribed duties.

The establishment of a blasting equipment warehouse must hold documents approved by the competent authority. The design department shall apply to the local public security organ for the design of the map paper. After review and approval. Before starting work. After completion. It is still subject to acceptance by the local public security organs and relevant departments. Obtain an explosive storage permit. Can be stored.

For collective units and individual contracting professional households that do not have the ability to build their own warehouses. It can also be stored on behalf of nearby units that use a large amount of explosive materials. But it must be approved by the local public security agency. It is strictly forbidden to build warehouses without authorization. Store blasting equipment.

Like Qingshui Shengan Blasting Equipment Factory. Directly sell blasting equipment to individuals who are not qualified to purchase and sell. And let him pile up the blasting equipment in the houses. Obviously it seriously violated the relevant regulations.

"Knowing that it can't, and doing this, are you taking a responsible attitude towards the people's lives and safety?" Fan Heng asked sharply.

Xu Shengan remained silent, consciously unable to speak.

In fact, as far as the current situation in Qingshui City is concerned, most of the production companies have not strictly followed the relevant regulations and systems, and the problem of security loopholes is very serious, but he cannot say that, otherwise it will be offensive. A large number of people, can't they be hated to death? !

Fan Heng glanced at Xu Shengan, and he could guess how much the situation in Qingshui City was, so he sighed, "Although blasting equipment is the pillar industry of Qingshui City and contributes a lot to the economic development, we must also see The industries that threaten people’s lives and safety need rectification. We can’t see that the increasing gdp numbers are staining the land with the blood of the common people. The safety issues in Qingshui City must be rectified immediately. Within a month, I You have to see the actual effect."

"Yes, yes." The mayor of Qingshui City Zhan Guangyi and the secretary Chen Xueqin nodded and agreed, but there were some complaints in their hearts. For half a month, it was really urgent.

There are no fewer than forty companies like Sheng'an Blasting Equipment Factory in Qingshui City, plus those smaller workshop-style workshops, which are even more. These are registered and registered. If you look at those that do not produce Family-style hand-made units with operating permits are not counted.

It is really impossible to solve such a heavy task within a month.

But now there is no way to say such things. There was such a big safety accident in Qingshui City, and he was born on the first day of Governor Fan’s appointment. Governor Fan is sure to be angry. If you want to bite this It's okay. It's not impossible to remove them and replace them directly. If you tell Acting Governor Fan that you can't complete the task, it's just going to die!

When the time comes, Governor Fan only has to say, what, you can't do it? Well, I will find a capable person to be the secretary and mayor! In that case, it's sad

Therefore, the most urgent task now is to rectify the blasting equipment industry in Qingshui City, try to find out the problems, find out the hidden dangers, and then rectify the right way. The other things are secondary.

Chen Xueqin and Zhan Guangyi now have a unified understanding and decided to immediately convene a meeting of the Municipal Standing Committee to arrange the deployment and rectification work. They must do all the main tasks within a month. Even if there is a similar accident in the future, they cannot be said to be such people. The corpse position vegetarian meal, just get the salary and not take care of it, right?

Seeing his dad's awe-inspiring and driving the cadres of Qingshui City into the air, Fan Wuyi said to Fan Heng, "It's not cold for three feet in a day. Now you want to solve it within a month. The problem is definitely impossible to solve, but it is also necessary to force it, at least let them know the importance of this matter."

Fan Heng nodded and replied, "I didn't expect them to complete the task within a month, but these people are all cows. You don't need to whip them. They don't know how to take the initiative to work, let alone any creativity. It’s a wishful thinking. My plan is to do both. One is to regulate from the system, and the other is to integrate the resources of large and small blasting equipment factories in Qingshui City to form several large-scale production enterprises. It's better than so many small businesses doing their own business in a disorderly manner."

"Integration is very necessary. This allows the municipal government to take the plan and the province to provide opinions. With the regulatory effect, the cost can be lowered and the safety performance can be improved." Fan Wuyao also said.

In fact, Fan Heng was prepared with both hands in his heart.

The fake Qingshui City Government can work hard to complete the rectification task according to its own requirements and eliminate the actual safety hazards. Then there is nothing to say about it. It can only be regarded as the cadres of the Qingshui City Government who know their mistakes and can improve it. This is the case. , I can publicize Qingshui City as a model of progress, which is my first political achievement after taking office.

If the Qingshui City Government still does its own way under its own supervision, does not repent of its own mistakes, does not care about its own mistakes, and is indifferent to the supervision of the superiors, which makes it difficult to implement the rectification work. In that case, you will have a reason to deal with them.

After all, which leader comes to power and must not kill a few chickens for monkeys to see?

When I first came to Jiangnan Province, it can be said that I am not familiar with the place of my life. If I am not tough, I have established my prestige from the beginning, and then it will be even harder to convince the public.

This time when something like this happened in Shimizu City, it was a good start for his work, at least allowing him to establish an image of a resolute and diligent cadre from the beginning.

Fan Wubing also looked at Qingshui City’s information on blasting equipment manufacturers, and then said to Fan Heng, “You’d better make a surprise inspection of several manufacturing companies this morning to find safety loopholes. There are national management methods. According to the evidence, it is easy to find their faults."

Fan Heng listened to Fan Wuyi’s suggestion and thought it was a way. First hit the stick and then give the sweet jujube. First seize the security loopholes of these companies, and then criticize them in a gentle and gentle manner, and let them honestly carry out rectification. It is not only appropriate for them to pay attention to safety issues, but also to establish their own image of treating patients before and after punishment.

So Fan Heng told the mayor Zhan Guangyi that he would go to various production companies to check the situation and do an investigation.

As soon as Zhan Guangyi heard this, he felt a little flutter in his heart. He thought that other companies would not be much better. If you have to ask Deputy Governor Fan to go around, I am afraid that his black hat will be unsafe to wear. ~lightnovelpub.net~ Fan Heng saw Zhan Guangyi’s concern, and said, “We will not do things that are punishable without teaching! I just want to understand the current situation of the blasting equipment industry in Qingshui City before doing so. To formulate new plans in a targeted manner, arrange me wherever you think is representative. No matter the situation is good or bad, I will not trouble you."

Zhan Guangyi felt more at ease after hearing Fan Heng’s supplementary statement. Then he thought about it. Since Governor Fan wanted to check the situation on the ground and solve the problem, he would send him to several larger manufacturing companies. Well, small businesses should also look at the two companies to give him a clearer understanding. When the province gets it, he says that the Qingshui City Government reports false information to him.

Thinking of this, Zhan Guangyi immediately identified several production companies in his heart, Leshui Blasting Equipment Factory, Longgong Blasting Equipment Factory, and the private Tianfeng Blasting Equipment Factory, etc., even he felt that he should let Governor Fan act as Governor. Casually enter a small family workshop-style unit and take a look at the status quo of Qingshui City, let him understand that it is not himself who does not care, but it is really impossible to start!

In this way, a group of people went straight to the production enterprise.

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