
v5 Chapter 38: Come at your fingertips

For Americans, all beliefs are nothing more than a means of playing time and fooling the people. What is truly eternal is only the interests, the so-called national interests, which truly represent the interests of the American consortium. Read the latest and fastest chapters please go to

Clinton was also the spokesperson of the northern consortium at this time. The consortium spent money to hold him on top, not to see how he embarrassed a Chinese freighter in the Persian Gulf. If it was because of such a small sesame mung bean, it would be bigger. If it affects the normal trade relations between China and the United States, and may even cause a war, he is afraid that he will not even see the sun tomorrow.

Clinton made an emergency call with Beijing. This special line is also a special line connected after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Normally, it will not be used at all. Once it is used, it means that an extremely important event has occurred.

Sure enough, for the recent army buildup, Beijing's answer is normal military mobilization, which is not surprising.

"Causing tension in the Taiwan Strait will not have a positive impact on Sino-US relations, right?" Clinton asked.

Beijing replied, "Summer is here, and our soldiers will go to the south to fight the floods."

"So what's the matter with North Korea? Our intelligence department has received news that you can transport 200,000 soldiers to the North Korean army!" Clinton asked depressedly. ****

Beijing replied, “The North Korean people’s lives are very tense and they lack food and clothing. We will send them rice in a military parade.” Clinton’s nose is almost crooked. Fighting the flood? Shipping rice? Are you using so many people? Besides, he has also learned about the situation in China. Isn't the flood fighting always in the Yangtze River valley? Do I need to use military trains to transport rice? Isn't this a lie?

"The American people hope that the Chinese government can participate in international affairs with a responsible attitude." Clinton said after considering it for a while.

Beijing immediately replied, "The Chinese people also hope that the U.S. government can withdraw the messy intelligence work from next to the Chinese freighter."

"The cargo ship matter is a trivial matter, but the American people want to see the stability and prosperity of the Taiwan Strait and the peaceful atmosphere of the Korean Peninsula." Clinton said.

"The freighter reaches its destination smoothly, and the hope of the American people can also be realized smoothly." Beijing replied.

"The freighter can reach the destination smoothly," Clinton assured.

After putting down the phone, Clinton said to Powell and James Woolsey, "Okay. ***** Get rid of those a local people. Restrain your sailors!"

"Do the Chinese promise to restore everything to the original state?" James Woolsey asked.

"It's you, James Woolsey, it was your people who disrupted the status quo first!" Clinton said angrily, pointing at James Woolsey, "This time, a must be prepared to deal with congressional questions, I believe Members of Congress will definitely be interested in this matter. First think about what you should tell them."

Powell shrugged his shoulders aside, and said quizzically. "With a few agents of a, the Chinese can mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops. Director Robert Jr. is still very capable."

Robert Jr. is James Woolsey's nickname, and Powell seems to show disrespect for him when he calls him so.

James Woolsey glanced at Powell with some irritation, and reluctantly said to Clinton, "What if that freighter is indeed carrying sensitive materials? Or they can use these materials to make more chemical weapons, threatening The lives of American soldiers in the Middle East are safe!"

Clinton rubbed his forehead and replied, "Chemical weapons can't do much in front of powerful American soldiers. ***** However, Chinese nuclear weapons can reach New York and Washington at any time. Director James Woolsey , Let those of you evacuate to me!"

"Yes! Mr. President!" James Woolsey replied helplessly.

The captain of the Chinese freighter Yinhe suddenly realized that the American people who had been surrounding him recently had been evacuated overnight. The empty sea made people feel a little uncomfortable. He immediately contacted the country. I got the instructions to move on and go to the destination.

"It seems that the Americans are deflated." The captain murmured in his heart.

Get the news of the American withdrawal. Beijing also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, things really got to the point of tearing their faces. It’s no good to anyone. The Soviets defeated the Yankees and became the Commonwealth of Independent States. Although the Chinese said that U.S. imperialism is a paper tiger, this paper tiger has also bitten many people. Peaceful resolution is the most important thing. It couldn't be better.

A week later, when the Milky Way freighter turned and returned, Clinton met James Woolsey in his office again, "What do your **** intelligence agents rely on for food?!"

James Woolsey scratched his bare forehead with his hand, and replied cautiously, "Mr. President, the funding for a has been reduced recently. My intelligence officers cannot collect more accurate information. The government Our suppression has greatly threatened the national security of the United States. I suggest that the President should inform Congress in the form of a proposal and pass a plan to increase the annual budget to ensure that the national interests of the United States are reliably protected!"

"Leave the budget aside first, but I want to ask you why your intelligence officers didn’t realize that the Chinese military train bound for North Korea really contained rice? And the Chinese soldiers who were transported to Fujian Guys, is it really to fight the flood?" Clinton asked angrily.

"Insufficient funds, I can't get more accurate information." No matter how hard Clinton embarrassed himself, James Woolsey always beat him with insufficient funds, which is really a model of constant response to changes. "Damn the funding is insufficient--" Although Clinton was a little angry, there was no good way. After all, James Woolsey had just appointed him. If he were to be replaced now, wouldn't it be that he is a hairy person? Is Zhang Qi's naive president?

But Clinton is also a little conscious at the moment, probably he has been tricked by someone. *****

You must know that his predecessor, President Bush Sr., served as Director A for a long time before. Today's incident may not be caused by him. A president who ambitiously wants to be re-elected during the Gulf War. He won the victory, but lost in the hands of the young governor from Arkansas. This kind of shameful things may make him instruct or induce some of his subordinates to do things that are not good for him.

For example, it is not impossible to confuse oneself through some false information and make oneself make mistakes.

Clinton thought that if this time it wasn't the Chinese who had exposed great indignation from the beginning, or he would continue to follow the idea of ​​teasing the Chinese, and take a look at the bottom line of the Chinese. In that case, maybe What happened this time will really evolve into a great crisis, which will have an incalculable negative impact on one's own status.

"God!" Clinton figured out this level, and couldn't help being taken aback. "Old Cowboy Bush is really a lunatic! Their family is lunatic! For a little bit of private grievance, he actually wanted to drag the two big countries into the quagmire of war. It's terrible!"

Clinton knows the support of the Bush family. They are all domestic arms dealers. They want to fight every day in the world! What a bunch of lunatics!

"Director James Woolsey, I will increase the budget with Congress in advance, but you have to fight for it. You must clean up the personnel of a. You must not use the kind of unreliable elements who despise national interests!" Clinton Demanded to James Woolsey.

As for those unreliable elements, Clinton knows clearly in his heart, and James Woolsey knows better in his heart. It is necessary to understand that a person who is close to Bush Sr. is also a measure for the stability of James Woolsey. Of course he is. Willing to follow.

Besides, attacking a group of people, promoting a group of people, there are many doorways in the middle, James Woolsey's eyes immediately turned again, and he wondered how much benefit he could get from it?

In Beijing, boss Zhu asked Fan Wuyi curiously, “How can you be sure that the floods in Fujian this year are severe? And the famine in North Korea? The combination of these two things with our actions is perfect, really. It’s a magical stroke. No wonder the old man has been praising you. You are a master of art fighting and a figure who can make a lot of money in the United States. You are indeed a genius!"

North Korea did have a famine, and Fujian did have a flood. Therefore, the military's actions on both sides have received good results~lightnovelpub.net~ Especially after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, North Korea has become very enthusiastic about China. Falling, this time giving charcoal in the snow, can be regarded as solving their urgent needs. Golden Sun is very satisfied with this matter, and feels that the Chinese are still willing to help them at the critical moment. Therefore, the relationship between the two countries is being repaired quickly.

Fan Wubing shrugged and said, "Businessmen’s noses are the most sensitive, so it’s normal to be well-informed. Now we have to do business with Koreans in China. This is good. You can really get some advanced points through Koreans. Children’s technology, but these are far less convenient than obtaining technology directly from the Americans. It just so happens that I have such a channel, so I can know that North Korea has a famine, and I can also know that the Koreans are using some second-hand technology to prevaricate the Chinese. ."

"You mean, instead of dealing with Koreans, it is better to deal with Americans directly?" Boss Zhu asked.

"The current situation in China always depends on helping others work to make money to develop capital. Since we have to choose a boss, of course we have to choose a rich man who has fattened up a South Korea. What good will it do for us?" Fan Wuyi Said, "Instead of this, it is better to develop a few more customers, such as France, such as Germany, such as the United Kingdom, you can deepen the relationship, there was an old saying in the past, it is called distant and close attack."

Boss Zhu looked at Fan Wuyi, shrugged and said, "I can't be the master of this."