
v5 Chapter 39: Conspiracy theories and breakthroughs in

Boss Zhu looked at Fan Wubing with a smile, making Fan Wubing a little embarrassed. 1^

Naturally, he is also a little bit small in his heart. Now he is full of his mind to develop LCD technology and build LCD display production bases. Of course, he has no good face for Koreans. His biggest wish now is to pass his own The influence has delayed Samsung's entry into the China Exhibition for several years.

Once you miss the best exhibition opportunity, and your own company has been successfully established, there is no absolute advantage in technology, and Korean manufacturers such as Samsung, which do not have an absolute advantage in key raw materials, will not be able to win in the LCD industry. In that case, a huge market can be monopolized by Fan Investment Group.

In China, there is no anti-monopoly law!

But apparently, this little thought of his was seen through by Boss Zhu, and by the way, he also moved to tease him, because Fan Wubing's face is very thick, and he can't help but blush.

"At a young age, it's not good to engage in so many conspiracies," Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao.

In this regard, Fan Wuyi retorted unceremoniously, "We have always lived in a huge conspiracy environment. How can we not carefully study the conspiracy and use the conspiracy?"

"You seem to have something to say?" Boss Zhu frowned and asked.

Fan Wubing's words, alas, really meant something, especially when the Chinese wanted to join the WTO with great enthusiasm. This kind of conspiracy theory really made people feel uncomfortable to hear.

Fan Wubing knows that people who have received good economic and financial training in China often receive Western education, which has also led to their thinking closer to the West. This is the case. When they deal with American issues, they naturally think in accordance with Western standards.

But this has produced a fallacy, a very serious fallacy.

Who are the Americans? How did the North American colonies come from?

Fan Wubing remembered clearly. First arrived at the Mayflower of America 6th. Above it is a land carrying more than one hundred criminals, ruffians, rogues, and cultists exiled by the British government. These people regard the day they arrived as Thanksgiving. It is to celebrate that you have broken away from the realm of law. Finally, you can do all evil.

Later there was even a Mayflower Act. It is to determine the important basis of the later American legal foundation. In this case. Although Americans are divided into the Western world. But the way of doing things and the code of ethics. It is completely different from the European Big 6. Therefore, conspiracy theories are not very popular in Europe. It is fully embodied in the American land.

"For Americans. They prefer to use financial means to attack the powerful opponents. To achieve the goal of not bloodshed." Fan Wuyao said to Boss Zhu. "How did the former Soviet Union collapse? I see a lot of people boil it down to one sentence. The fortress is the easiest to break from the inside. It boils down to the mistakes of the Soviet Union ** Gorbachev. But I would rather think that they were financed by the United States. The war broke the ground. The Star Wars project was the first conspiracy that the Americans threw out. The Soviet Union was brought down by a false space arms race. The Americans just invested in a few movies in Hollywood. So they gave the Soviets to the show. Space weapons. The second is to do everything possible to lower the price of international oil. Because the cost of producing a barrel of oil in the Soviet Union is much higher than in other regions. At that time, the CIA calculated that as long as the price of oil drops by one dollar per barrel, the former Soviet Union will lose. One billion U.S. dollars. At that time, the foreign exchange reserves of the former Soviet Union were very low. This life-saving money was very important to him. So the conspiracy worked."

Boss Zhu nodded. Listen carefully. The disintegration of the Soviet Union was not far away. The Americans are secretive about this. There are not many domestic research materials in this area. But Fan Wubing said so. It is quite in line with the situation at the time. So he listened more carefully.

"The third way is to support Afghanistan in fighting the Soviet invasion. The Americans only spent four billion U.S. dollars. The Soviet Union spent 40 billion U.S. dollars in the war in Afghanistan. After such a process, we see that the land is the Soviet Union. The national flag came down. A huge land. It seems that the empire country has just decayed. It is gone. The financial means that can defeat such a huge empire. What is it not called war?" Fan Wuyao said to Boss Zhu. "That's why I said. We are living in a huge conspiracy. The way the Americans deal with us. Even through financial means is very terrifying. It is even harder to guard against than blatantly dispatching an army."

"What do you think is the biggest conspiracy we are currently facing?" Boss Zhu asked.

"Enter the customs." Fan Wubing replied without hesitation.

After Fan Wubing came out of Boss Zhu’s office, he felt particularly relaxed. Although he could not convince Boss Zhu to immediately admit the existence of this huge conspiracy circle, Boss Zhu also agreed to set up a special department to study this. The question of financial conspiracy, is China really in the financial conspiracy of the Western world?

Since Fan Wubing’s career got on the right track, he has had a lot of time to study financial issues. Recently, he has read a lot of information about major financial events and saw an article written by an American, and he was deeply impressed.

This is what he said. He is now the International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Department of the Treasury jointly promoting some policies internationally, which are all contrary to the policies that the United States is pursuing in its own country. The American rule is that what I ask you to do, I don't have to do it. For example, Americans oppose the privatization of the social security system at home, but they advocate it abroad, and Americans at home oppose balanced budget therapy because it will restrict them from using expansionary fiscal policies during economic downturns, but abroad, When other countries fell into recession, Americans emphasized that they should use austerity fiscal policies. Americans passed bankruptcy laws in their home countries to protect debtors and gave them a fresh start, but abroad, they would treat bankruptcy as right. The provocation of the loan contract was blatantly criticized.

From this he came up with a conclusion, that is, no matter which country it is in the western countries, after their wealth has been fully realized, they have always turned around like a cat **** and cover up their **** without leaving behind. No trace, never let others learn from his method of wealth, what he tells you must not be his method of wealth, his knack for getting rich.

Therefore, Fan Wubing got an enlightenment from this. He must establish a stable economic entity in China, and then implement his own economic laws, and implement the laws that conform to his own interests to the world according to his own will. Only in this way can he be truly successful. , If you just spin around under the baton of others, no matter how much wealth you make, it will be empty.

"If someone encourages Lao Tzu to go public, he must fight it out! ***, Lao Tzu will only be able to understand it now!" This was what Fan Wubing thought of first.

"Mr. Fan, someone is waiting for you outside." The guard said to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing is now considered a celebrity, and even the guard recognizes him. Seeing Fan Wubing going out, he couldn't help but salute him, and then said to him.

"Someone is looking for me?" Fan Wu was stunned. Where is this place, the State Council! Who has found here?

However, after Fan Wuyao went out, it was discovered that the people who came were Fan Kang, Xiao Qiang, and Zhang Ruixi. It seemed that all three of them were full of joy. Obviously there was something good.

Fan Wubing walked over and asked with a curious smile, "What's so exciting, aren't you two going to get married?"

But thinking about it, it’s impossible because of this. The relationship between Fan Kang and Xiao Qiang has been confirmed by the two families. They seem to have lived together a long time ago. It cannot be because of this kind of thing. of.

Men and women, once going to bed as a normal thing, they are more curious about things like marriage.

"Of course it's a good thing!" Fan Kang's mouth couldn't open and close. "Our LCD screen technology has matured. The launch of a 14-inch LCD screen that meets practical needs is just around the corner!"

When Fan Wubing heard the news, he felt a bit overwhelmed by happiness. He had been busy for so many days, and he was bullying and scamming. He also used the king of hackers and abducted beautiful spies. Today is finally It has been rewarded. With this big killer, worry about not being able to build your own electronic kingdom?

In the future, the liquid crystal application market with the largest consumption, I have stepped into it!

"When did this happen~lightnovelpub.net~Where did we make a breakthrough?" Fan Wuyao still couldn't help but ask a few more questions, at least he had to know that Fan Kang and the others were exhibiting. Liquid crystal technology, in which direction, the viewing angle, response time, and manufacturing cost of the liquid crystal display are identified as the three major obstacles to d. From the application level, if the viewing angle and response time of the liquid crystal display are not eliminated , Will be greatly restricted in the application area. From the point of view of popularity, if the manufacturing cost of liquid crystal displays remains unchanged, it is difficult to buy and accept for consumption. Therefore, compared with defects such as dead pixels, display effect under non-standard resolution, and service life, the negative effects of the three major obstacles are much greater.

There is also a large number of LCD screens used in notebook computer manufacturers, and when you use a notebook computer to work in a strong light environment such as outdoors, you need a brighter background light source, which requires more power than use in a darker environment . If you use a certain battery capacity, brighter background light sources will run out of power in a shorter period of time.

The design can solve this problem with a larger battery capacity, but for the current battery technology, it means that the weight of the device increases, and the attractiveness for consumption will decrease. In this case, the brightness of the LCD screen must pass the test.

The question that Fan Wubing asked was to determine whether the mature technology developed by Fan Kang and their mentors could solve these obstacles in a relatively complete manner and enable it to enter the life of the masses smoothly.