
v5 Chapter 406: IMF Phantom "Ask for a monthly pass"

I don't like this guy, but it is also a good choice to be able to watch him rush to the front desk to look for me. "Fan Wubing said to Kevin.

The guy he was talking about naturally refers to Soros. Although this guy is called a financial crocodile, his assets are insignificant when compared with Fan Wuyi's.

In recent years, Fan Wubing has been closely following the activities of Soros’ Quantum Fund. This time Soros appeared in Thailand. He quickly received specific information through Kevin, plus his previous awareness. I understand that Soros has already begun to deploy the Southeast Asian market, and Thailand is the first important link he wants to test the waters.

Although the funds that Soros can directly control are limited, this guy has a reputation and has a lot of hot money following the trend. There are also some real financial predators who hide behind him and wait for a ride, just like Fan Wu People who are sick.

In sharp contrast to the undercurrent in Southeast Asia, the domestic economy in the United States is improving.

Especially in the past two years, the frantic expansion of the Internet has continuously inflated the already vibrant US economy, almost reaching the point where it is about to burst. On average, every five days, a Silicon Valley company is listed, adding 60 millionaires every 24 hours and creating more than 50,000 job opportunities.

In the past four years, venture capital invested approximately US$5.5 billion in the technological development of Silicon Valley. Hundreds of other supporting companies have also been attracted to rely on the technological food chain for their livelihoods, especially Microsoft, which was established in 1975. Enter the ranks of the world's top 500 and become the standard maker of the computer industry.

When autumn is approaching, Soros led the international hot money to launch the first wave of attacks on the Thai baht. The method is still the same as when attacking the British pound. He first borrowed a large amount of Thai baht and exchanged it into US dollars in the foreign exchange market. However, the Thai government responded very well. In time, the Bank of Thailand used US$2 billion in foreign exchange reserves to intervene in the foreign exchange market, which finally calmed the storm, and Soros had to return empty-handed.

But obviously he was not very willing to fail. Soros hyped up the devaluation of the Thai baht in the media. With the prestige established during the British sniper war and the Mexican financial crisis, Soros' words are a golden rule for speculators all over the world.

As a result, the language that the Thai baht is about to depreciate once again prevailed in the international financial markets, and speculative funds around the world have been mobilized, which has triggered large fluctuations in the exchange rate of the Thai baht.

This time. The Thai government is a bit overwhelmed. However, the Bank of Thailand used the East Asian Central Bank Presidents Meeting to jointly intervene in the foreign exchange market. Paid a price of tens of billions of dollars. Finally, the exchange rate was maintained at the land price of 25 Thai baht to one U.S. dollar.

Although Soros did not achieve his goal. But Fan Wubing took a ride. In this operation, a lot was gained. Thai government land loss. But a large part of it has flowed into his pocket.

Therefore, Fan Wubing also once said to his opponents. "I find that I am a bit evil now. I seem to like financial crises very much. This is a great time to make money!"

In fact. Fan Wushu is not the only one who likes to fish in troubled waters. During this period of tracking. Fan Wubing also found the shadow of the IMF.

Although I thought that there should be some earth capital hidden behind Soros. But the IMF has participated and contributed to the flames. Fan Wubing was a little surprised. He didn't know how to join the International Monetary Fund in such activities.

IMF is the International Monetary Fund. Founded in 1945. It is one of the two largest financial institutions in the world. Responsibilities are to monitor currency exchange rates and trade in various countries, and provide technical and financial assistance. Ensure the normal operation of the global financial system. Its headquarters are in Washington.

The main function of the IMF is to formulate and supervise the exchange rate policy between member states, the payment of current accounts and the rules on currency convertibility. When necessary, provide emergency financing to member countries experiencing balance of payments difficulties to prevent other countries from being affected. Promote the pace of international economic integration, maintain international exchange rate order, and assist member countries in establishing a regular multilateral payment system.

When the IMF was established, it was just after World War II. The previous naked looting of swords, guns and shells was horrible, and it was bound to step out of the stage of history, but the new looting method will be carried out in a more civilized way, and World War II will bring the people of the world. There was endless grief. Both the participating countries and the non-participating countries suffered heavy losses. Fascists raided a large amount of gold and silver from the invaded countries.

With the end of World War II, this barbaric plundering method will be completely opposed and eliminated by people, but imperialism will not disappear, and plundering will not stop. When the barbaric attack by swords, guns and shells is not allowed, one A new weapon has also emerged.

In Europe and the United States, the Ministry of Finance does not have cash. Its currency power lies in the hands of central banks and commercial banks. Central banks in Europe and the United States are the real masters of the country, whether it is the military during World War II.

To provide, or to belong to the loot, it is these central banks that provide and hold the owner, not the state but the capitalist. Both Hitler and Mussolini were funded by these capitalists. World War II seemed to be a struggle for power rather than wealth plunder. The initiators of World War II were capital predators.

The main purpose of the establishment of the IMF is to facilitate these capitalists to use financial games brightly and neatly to plunder wealth from all over the world.

One of its ways of plundering is to first establish a universal international currency dominated by the US dollar, implement a gold standard, set the exchange rate of each country against the US dollar, and then repeatedly short the US dollar or pull the US dollar up so that gold can flow continuously to the pockets of European and American capitalists.

Although these operations were finally discovered by people and were criticized by all quarters of the world, the new method was applied to produce oil currency. The international oil price set by the IMF can only be calculated in U.S. dollars, making the oil after the loss of gold operations a new tool for plundering. .

The operation method is also the same. When the U.S. dollar loses its credit, speculators drive up oil prices, increasing the demand for the U.S. dollar and appreciation of the U.S. dollar, and then short the oil prices at rallies, repeatedly arbitrage, that is, they can make a fortune on oil futures. You can also make a fortune on the exchange rate.

Regarding this issue, the most typical is the two oil wars. At that time, the US economy was in depression and the US dollar was weak. Western countries provoked contradictions with Israel, leading to two Middle East wars and soaring international oil prices.

The daily output of oil is far enough to meet international use, but the ups and downs of oil prices are not determined by market demand.

The second method of plundering is to force a country’s currency to appreciate, leading to a country’s economic recession.

Japan is a stark example. When the Japanese economy became the world's third-largest, Western countries could no longer sit still, forcing the appreciation of the yen, which caused the export costs of Japanese companies to rise and exports to decline, and the Japanese economy was in a downturn for nearly two decades.

It is conceivable that when China's economy develops, the IMF will also promote the appreciation of the renminbi. The currency strategy of Europe and the United States against China has just begun. The rapid advance of foreign banks will cause a large amount of Chinese wealth to begin to flow into the pockets of others.

The third method of plundering is that international speculators use international hot money to frantically deal with a country’s exchange rate, paralyzing the economy of the victimized country, and then the IMF provides assistance to the victimized country.

The conditions of IMF~ aid are nothing more than two, one is high interest, the other is to allow the victimized country to use national resources as collateral, such as oil, minerals, electricity, water conservancy and other monopoly industries. Some even let the land of the victimized country be mortgaged. Argentina in the 1970s and the forthcoming Asian financial crisis are examples. Thailand and South Korea have received assistance on the condition that the banking industry is opened up, high interest payments are paid, and certain industries are used as mortgages.

If Thailand and South Korea did not see through the scam in time and paid off their loans early, the central banks of both countries would be in danger of being controlled by the IMF.

These capital predators have given up the gold strategy, and the oil strategy has almost come to an end, but the war is not over yet, the plunder is still going on, and new weapons have now appeared, that is, financial derivatives. Only the IMF knows how to play with this kind of financial tool that cannibalize people without spitting out bones.

Although Fan Wubing has seen the negative role played by the IMF in the upcoming Southeast Asian financial crisis, he is not very good at speaking out because he himself is also fishing in troubled waters. At this time, it is also exposed to expose others. It's not worth it. After all, I have been following Soros and others for several years. It is now the harvest season, and there is no need to affect the overall situation because of excessive sympathy.

At present, the two attacks of Soros have ended in failure, but they have effectively reduced the U.S. dollar reserves of the Central Bank of Thailand~lightnovelpub.net~, weakened the opponent’s resistance, and caused panic in the hearts of investors. The short-term capital card that used to enter the Thai stock market and real estate market is a crazy retreat.

The pressure of the devaluation of the Thai baht has further intensified, and continuous panic selling has also appeared in the foreign exchange market, which directly caused Thailand's foreign exchange reserves to drop by about 15 billion U.S. dollars.

Under such circumstances, the devaluation of the Thai baht is a matter of course. What is lacking now is just a hand-in-hand. Now we have to see who is willing to risk being hostile by the Thai government to serve as the ultimate goal. The main attacker is important.

Playing this role is both tempting and stressful.

Fan Wuyao weighed the pros and cons, and felt that it was a bit bad for him to jump out openly. It would be better to wait for Soros to be the target. I remember that after the financial crisis, he almost became a rat crossing the street and everyone shouted and beaten him. .

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