
v5 Chapter 416: Buy a picture

In the end, the deputy prime minister talked with Fan Wuyi for a while, nothing more than some topics related to economic development. From this, I realized that Fan Wuyi's view was really superior, far superior to others, and couldn't help but look at him differently.

This is also the first time Fan Wubing has interviewed Vice Premier Zeng. Both of them are kind of well-informed characters. When talking about Tian'er, it's a mess. Fan Heng and Song Qing who were present can't keep up with them. Thinking about it.

In the end, Vice Premier Zeng said to Fan Heng, “Comrade Fan Heng, your son really deserves a reputation. He is a rare talent. I heard a few friends talk about how Mr. Fan of the Fan Investment Group is doing. I don’t quite believe it. What I said today made me feel that not only did they not exaggerate, they actually underestimated him."

When Fan Heng heard this, he was naturally very proud, but he still had to be humble. "Children are aggressive, but they are a bit reckless. Fortunately, we didn’t make any mess. We are parents. I hang my heart in my throat."

"What you said is really untrue -" Vice Premier Zeng pointed at Fan Heng and laughed.

In fact, Vice Premier Zeng came to Shanghai with more than a dozen members of the Central Committee this time. It was just one stop on the entire itinerary. They wanted to investigate the operation of state-owned enterprises in many provinces.

At present, state-owned enterprises face three major difficulties. First, the losses of state-owned enterprises remain high. The losses of state-owned enterprises have increased by 14% over the years, with an average annual loss of more than 50 billion yuan. Among all loss-making enterprises, state-owned enterprises account for Over 70%. The second is the low efficiency of the use of corporate funds, the annual growth rate of inventory products is 30%, and the over-production growth rate is at least 10%. Third, the comprehensive economic efficiency index of state-owned industries fell by 5.4%, and the capital profit and tax rate and cost-profit rate were lower than those of non-state-owned enterprises.

In July, the National Economic Reform Commission announced that the pilot work of 100 modern enterprises, which began in 1994, will be postponed for one year, that is, from the end of this year to the end of next year. The public announcement of the postponement of a major reform was the first time since the reform and opening up. From this, people can appreciate the hardships of the pilot reform.

Years of losses, low efficiency, hard to sell products, and tight funds are the current status quo of state-owned enterprises.

After the deep subscription warrant incident in the summer of 1992, the decision-makers suddenly realized that the stock market may be the best way to rescue state-owned enterprises. So Beijing set up the Securities Regulatory Commission, and transferred the power of stock banks from the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges to the central government. Since then, a listing mechanism has been implemented to fully support the quota system of state-owned enterprises, that is, the central government determines the listing quota. It is then distributed to various ministries and commissions according to the system, and distributed to various provinces, cities, and autonomous regions according to the region. After each province, city, autonomous region, and each department obtains the listing indicators, they have to allocate them according to their own systems. Most of these indicators are allocated to state-owned enterprises in various regions. Only a few well-known township and village enterprises have become a group of private listed companies because of the reform effect and the need for symbolic significance, including the Wanxiang Group of Zhejiang Luguanqiu, and the Huaxi Village of Wurenbao, Jiangsu.

This institutional arrangement made China's stock market a malformed product from the beginning. Lack of fairness. The quality of listed companies is obviously not good. There are a lot of false statements. Due to lack of necessary supervision. There are a lot of land rights and money transactions.

about this issue. Fan Wuyi said to Vice Premier Zeng. "Many observers and scholars have raised objections to this system based on ownership as a prerequisite for listing. It seems. State-owned enterprises always need people to support them. In the past, it was government finance. Then banks. Now it is the stock market. The solution is to keep sending money to state-owned enterprises. Now the stock market is regarded as a way to solve the difficulties of state-owned enterprises, rather than as a way to make limited resources flow to the most efficient enterprises and the most capable entrepreneurs. Local financing channels. This idea of ​​developing the stock market for the sake of poverty alleviation is unhealthy. The government’s guiding ideology should be to ensure the protection of fair transactions. Protect the interests of investment sites. Not the special interests of a few people."

According to the regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission last year. A listed company must have a return on net assets of more than 10% for three consecutive years. Only then can enjoy allotment rights. then. A large number of companies stick to the lifeline of 10% in their annual returns.

There have been reports on the fraudulent practices of several listed companies. A company first inflated profits of more than 10 million yuan. Then the income tax was paid at the local tax rate of 33%. In this way, a net asset ratio of more than 10% has been achieved. The other company sells its own products to itself at a price increase. To increase the rate of return. Another company lost more than 20 million yuan. Just divest a piece of negative equity to the higher-level group company for custody. Then another asset was injected. The rate of return naturally went up by 10%. This financial game is played out every day. Has become an open secret.

Fan Wubing said to Vice Premier Zeng. "The stock market is not a cash machine. Nor is it a place where a few state-owned enterprises continue to draw blood.

If this continues, not only will China's stock market cross over, but China will also suffer a setback! State-owned enterprises should be treated the same as private enterprises, and those that should be eliminated must be eliminated. If this situation does not change, the enthusiasm for production will never be mobilized. At the time, it was still these investments who suffered. "

Vice Premier Zeng rubbed his forehead and said, "It's not easy!"

Relieving blood transfusions for state-owned enterprises through stock listings can only solve the problems of a small number of large and medium-sized enterprises. The large number of small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises with a wide range of 300,000 are still a mess.

The high-level officials of the central government have also thought of many ways to solve these problems completely, but it is really difficult to solve this problem. The main problem is that the current state’s funding is tight, and it is impossible to do something that they want to do. Things.

In fact, Fan Wuyi wanted to say that many problems can be solved by merging state-owned enterprises by private enterprises, but at this time, it seems that he is a little bit suspicion of plotting state-owned assets.

After talking for a while, Fan Heng and others will be attending the next two days of activities. Therefore, Fan Wuyi left alone and returned to the meeting place to pick up Li Yunheng. It was discovered that she was bidding for a Chinese painting with the same Hong Kong businessman. It is the work of the master of landscape painting Mr. Wu Qingzong in his later years. On a large-scale picture, the landscape only occupies less than one-fifth, and the rest is his calligraphy, which looks very imposing.

Mr. Wu Qingzong’s calligraphy and calligraphy are superb, especially the calligraphy in his later years. The focus can penetrate the paper back, and the sway is like flying into the sky. The starting price of this painting is two million. It was auctioned by Li Yunheng and several others. Raise the price, at this time five million has been sold.

When Fan Wubing came over, Li Yunheng was holding a placard. She seemed to be very happy, and bid the bid price to RMB 5.5 million.

"Why did you bid with others?" Fan Wubing sat down in surprise and asked Li Yunheng.

"The writing on the painting is very good, I want to buy it for a copy." Li Yunheng said to Fan Wuyao.

In addition to studying Chinese culture, Li Yunheng recently learned to practice calligraphy. After seeing Mr. Wu Qingzong's calligraphy and painting, he felt that the size of the character was just right for her post, so he wanted to take this picture.

Fan Wubing glanced at the painting and judged it in his heart. He felt that it was a bit overestimated now, so he said, "If you like it, make a copy later and bring it back. Wronged money?"

Li Yunheng looked at Fan Wuyin unexpectedly, and then said, "This is a charity auction. All the donations are to be donated to charities. Why not participate?"

"Oh, your consciousness is higher than mine!" Fan Wubing smiled, and said to his heart that this kind of charity organization doesn't know where to get the money for consumption. It's really a bit of expecting them to help the poor. My child is asking for a fish.

Regarding the use of funds, Fan Wubing always believes that it is best to hold it in his own hands. If it is changed to someone else, it is difficult to say that they will not be tempted to see so much money. Once one or two powerful people get up. Evil thoughts, the whereabouts of the money is unclear.

After all, under the current institutional framework, it is still very easy to get a sum of money away, and it may not be clear if it is traced after the fact. Even if the guilt is found, it will only take more than a few years. The sentence is only, waiting for a few years, Feng Pinglang will calm down, get a parole for medical treatment or something, with the money to back it up, the life will definitely be very moist.

It’s just that Li Yunheng is obviously a little bit happy~lightnovelpub.net~ When she was in Korea, she didn’t have much chance to come out to participate in the auction. This time, she held the number plate reserved for Fan Wuyi to bid frequently. , Can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of many years.

When Li Yunheng raised 8 million yuan, the bidders in the field finally did not follow up. It is estimated that everyone's hearts are relatively depressed. So many bosses are actually attacked by a little girl who is less than 18 years old. Retiring, it's still a shame to pass it out.

Just seeing this little girl sitting in the position of Fan's Investment Group, many people are speculating about her identity, but do they think that this is actually the little princess Li Yunheng of Samsung Group. Many people think that she is Fan Wuyi's girlfriend, the descendant of the legendary Shen Wansan, and Shen Ying, the owner of CCTV's two-time bidding for the Confucius Mansion Banquet.

So many people want to give it a try. How powerful is this little girl? How much money can I get for this painting?

Otherwise, as early as the last few rounds, everyone would no longer have to dream about it.

After all, this painting is still liked by many people.

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