
v5 Chapter 423: Be predictable

Heng Cong was good at it, and immediately grabbed Fan Wuyao and asked him to create a provincial development plan for himself, and then take it for others to refine.

Fan Wu's illness did not shirk. He beat his brothers and fathers and sons. This matter is not only about the future of the 60 million fathers and elders in Jiangnan Province, but also whether his father Fan Heng's political achievements in Jiangnan Province are beautiful. Some thoughts.

But these things are basically in his mind, he just looked at the map of Jiangnan Province, think about which places are suitable for which development path to choose, and then determine a set of development plans for them.

Of course, although it is relatively simple to say, it took Fan Wuyi a lot of effort when it was really refined. One is that he is not worried about letting others do it, and the other is that he will come up with a complete set of development plans. There is also light on face, and if this thing is done, oneself will be considered worthy of merit in Jiangnan Province.

It took Fan Wubing about a week or so to complete this plan. According to Fan Wubing's own opinion, it is already very complete, and it can be used directly.

But after seeing it, Fan Heng always felt that something was not reflected in it, so he asked, "Why is the investment quota not reflected?"

Fan Wubing looked at his father Fan Heng speechlessly, and said for a long time, "All the work has been done by me. What are your cadres doing? I have to leave something for them to do."

In fact, the price level varies from place to place, and Fan Wubing does not have so much time to investigate. Therefore, he can only give a rough reference figure for input, and it is impossible to make a very detailed plan. That is not his opinion. Something that a person of this level should do.

"Well, I will bring it to the governor's office to discuss it." Fan Heng waved his hand.

"Remember to say my name, it will help the plan pass." Fan Wubing pointed to himself.

He was not bragging. The three words Fan Wubing is the golden sign, as long as it is mentioned, Fan Wubing conceived it. First of all, everyone must pay attention to something. The celebrity effect is very significant.

"By the way, the Bailushan Reservoir Project. How is the progress?" Heng asked casually.

Fan Wuyi replied. "It's okay when it is time to spend money. This year, the building materials are expensive. It is actually a bit uneconomical. However, considering the flood problem in Jiangnan Province, it can minimize the impact of the flood peak in the next year. It's worth the money."

"How can you be sure that there will be a major flood in recent years?" Fan Wubing said to his son that a once-in-a-hundred-year flood may erupt in recent years. Feeling a little puzzled.

Because the hydrological testing units throughout the province are also good. The national hydrological monitoring department is also good. None of them has made clear predictions about the situation in recent years. Although Fan Heng also asked the relevant units carefully about this matter. But everyone looked blank and no one was the same as Fan Wuyi. Come to such a conclusion.

In fact, there was a flood in eight years. The clues are already visible at this time.

The summer of 1998 was extremely rainy in southern China. The continuous heavy rain overwhelmed the Yangtze with an overwhelming vigor, so that the Yangtze River experienced the biggest flood since 1954 without a chance to breathe. The flood flooded thousands of miles and flooded the entire basin.

In addition to the flooding of Songhua River and Nen River in Northeast China, China, including the four most affected provinces of Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, and Heilongjiang, a total of 29 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions have suffered this unwarranted disaster. Five million houses collapsed, more than 20 million hectares of land were flooded, and economic losses amounted to more than 160 billion yuan.

The flooding of the Yangtze River is a direct consequence of soil erosion caused by deforestation and deforestation in the Yangtze River Basin, and the direct consequence of reclaiming land in the middle and lower reaches of the lake and occupying river channels indiscriminately. 400 million people live on both sides of the Yangtze River. In the mid-1950s, the forest coverage rate in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River was 22%. Due to continuous farmland reclamation, plant construction and urbanization, more than 80% of the forests on both sides of the Yangtze River It was cut down.

Among the 193 counties in Sichuan Province, only 12 counties have more than 30% forest coverage, and some counties have less than 3% forest coverage. For this reason, 20% of the 1.8 million square kilometers of land in the Yangtze River Basin has suffered soil erosion. Every year, 2.4 billion tons of topsoil are lost. Each year, more than 500 million tons of soil and sand are carried down from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. East China Sea.

Due to the accumulation of soil and sand year after year, the river bed of the Yangtze River has been above the ground since many years ago, becoming another hanging river after the Yellow River. The clear water of the Yangtze River has long since disappeared, and its yellowishness is comparable to that of the Yellow River.

On the other hand, lakes with flood storage functions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are shrinking rapidly. The water area of ​​Dongting Lake has shrunk from 4,350 square kilometers in 1949 to 2,145 square kilometers. Poyang Lake shrank by a fifth in 40 years

Hundreds of small and medium lakes have disappeared from the map forever.

All this is the cause of the flooding of the Yangtze River.

In addition, this flood of demons is also closely related to the strongest El Niño phenomenon that broke out in 1997 in a century. The strong warm and humid air of El Niño brought heavy rainfall, causing continuous flood peaks in the Yangtze River Basin. The La Niña phenomenon followed by El Niño suddenly killed the subtropical high pressure that should be moved northward as scheduled, causing the once relatively relieved flood conditions in the mainstream of the Yangtze River to become tense again, and the entire Yangtze River was in emergency.

The close connection between the flooding of the Yangtze River and the warming of the earth makes experts worry that if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles, the amount of precipitation on the earth will increase by 3 to 15%. The increase in floods and the global warming are progressing in parallel.

"In short, the ecological changes in the Yangtze River Basin have been very bad. We will pay the price for the previous deforestation. Although the surface resources can be used, no one can bear the consequences. Yes. Anyway, there is only one earth for everyone, and it will break everyone together." Fan Wubing said with complaints after talking to his father Fan Heng.

After Fan Heng heard this, his brows were frowned. He knew that although Fan Wubing liked to laugh and talk, he would definitely not be alarmist in such matters. Judging from his usual patrols in Jiangnan Province, these phenomena are all Is ubiquitous.

Although as a flood-prone area, there are many water conservancy facilities in Southern Province, but most of them are in disrepair for a long time, and their flood storage and prevention capabilities are not satisfactory. Once a large-scale flood occurs, the consequences are indeed worrying, so Jiangnan Province Losses along the river will affect the economic development of the province for several years.

I can't tolerate the tens of billions of development funds that my son has brought here. I'm afraid that he won't even be able to invest enough to plug this big hole.

However, Fan Wubing also comforted Fan Heng, “It’s just that if the Bailushan Reservoir can be repaired in time, it will be of great benefit to the safety of Changping. At least the pressure on the river embankment in Changping will be greatly reduced, if the flood is discharged in time. It can also make great contributions to downstream provinces and cities."

"I really didn't expect that there are so many things in my mind--" Fan Heng shook his head and said to Fan Wuyao. "On this point, I'm sure that the leaders of so many provinces and cities along the Yangtze River are afraid of it. Few people can see clearly, let alone plan ahead and be prepared like you. If large-scale floods really break out in the past few years, our Jiangnan Province is afraid that we will have to bear very heavy pressure. From now on Repairing water conservancy is no longer just for the benefit of the 60 million people in Jiangnan Province, it is already related to the lives and property safety of hundreds of millions of people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River."

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "That's for sure, Jiangnan Province will be the life line of defense for this half of the country by then."

The remarks discussed by the father and son are not unreasonable. The current situation in China is basically taking a road of sacrificing the environment to develop the economy. Therefore, the provinces and cities are willing to make great efforts to rehabilitate water conservancy projects. After this matter, the actual investment is like a drop in the bucket, and it is simply not enough.

Under such circumstances, many rivers that should be dredged are not dredged. Due to siltation and reclamation, the area of ​​lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has been reduced, and the flood regulation capacity of lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has been reduced. The flood storage capacity of lakes has been decreasing year by year. Many rivers and lakes are no longer connected to the river, and the rivers and lakes are isolated. In addition, due to the serious obstacles of the river, the cross-section of the river was narrowed, the outlet of the flood became smaller, the catharsis was not smooth, and the flood progressed slowly. Moreover, the proportion of Songzikou, Taipingkou, and Ouchikou of the three mouths of the Yangtze River that divert to Dongting Lake has declined from 45% in the 1950s to about 25% at present~lightnovelpub.net~ Increased the flood control pressure on the main stream.

If the river embankment in Jiangnan Province is not rebuilt, if the Bailushan Reservoir is not built, once the once-in-a-hundred-year flood peak arrives, the entire middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will be in jeopardy.

"You mean that some rivers in the province should also be cleaned up and dredged?" Fan Heng asked.

"That's for sure. It's almost the latter half of the year anyway. Whenever there is time, local governments can be mobilized to carry out river dredging, especially some watercourses connecting key lakes and rivers. They must be kept unobstructed. This is also a precautionary measure." Fan Wuyao clearly stated, "I will not pay this money. You will arrange for the special funds to be invested in the province.


"Why?" Fan Hyung felt a little puzzled.

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