
v5 Chapter 426: The girl who complained of grievances

October 10th is Teacher’s Day, and this year is the Teacher’s Day since the restoration of Teacher’s Day.

Since the performance of a farce in the Bailushan Reservoir, the Professor Hu never came back, but Fan Wuyao learned the inside story through his own network. This matter has something to do with a deputy secretary in Shanghai.

As soon as Fan Wubing heard the name of that person, he knew that this matter should not have come from nothing. This person had hoped to become a member of the Central Committee immediately, but Fan Heng suddenly came out and became a dark horse. The plan fell in vain. I have not yet become an alternate member of the Central Committee. If it goes well, I will have to wait until after the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

However, this person has a very deep background and experience of studying abroad. He is a talent specially trained to take over the political situation in Shanghai. Small setbacks naturally cannot stop his ambitions, even though he is now elected as a member of the Central Committee. Frustrated, but it will be sooner or later to enter the Politburo. There is someone behind them!

In the few years that this person served as the main leader of Shanghai, the average real estate price in Shanghai has more than doubled. The housing problem has become a heavy burden for many ordinary residents in Shanghai, but there is no evidence that Shanghai's housing price rise is related to it.

The economic prosperity of the sea during this person's administration is in sharp contrast with the severe stagnation of all aspects of Shanghai's development during his succession in power. There were also rumors afterwards that the person’s acceptance was only a means by the top to crack down on the Shanghai Gang. After the person was dealt with, many social conflicts in Shanghai have not been resolved, and housing prices have risen rapidly.

Fan Heng didn't know anything about these things, but as a son, Fan Wubing needed to make all these things clear, otherwise it would be a shame if they didn't know their way in the future.

In order to show the importance of education in the province, Fan Heng's work schedule has arrangements to visit Jiangnan Normal University. Therefore, on Teacher's Day, he brought the staff around him and came to Jiangnan Normal University in a light car.

Since Fan Heng took power in Jiangnan, he has given great support to the education cause of Jiangnan Province. Jiangnan Normal University alone has received 200 million yuan in exhibition funds this year. Not only has the campus hardware equipment been greatly improved, but the software environment has also been greatly improved. The number of Internet-connected computers in the school has exceeded 1,000. This is also due to Fan Wuyi’s important move to actively promote online education for college students.

Of course, this initiative includes other colleges and universities in Jiangnan Province. Therefore, Fan Investment Group has a good reputation among colleges and universities in Jiangnan Province. This summer, many college graduates participated in the participation of Fan Investment Group companies in the province. More than 400 job opportunities were signed at the job fair held at the International Convention and Exhibition Center in Changping City.

Fan Hengxian was accompanied by school leaders to visit the homes of several retired teachers in Jiangnan Normal University. Only then did I listen to the school's work report. After that, it was required by the school. Meet and communicate with the students in the new multi-functional technology building of the school.

Whether the Neng Technology Building was just completed or the predecessor was planning to build it during Jiangnan Province. It means to build a landmark building in the middle of Jiangnan Province. Therefore, more than one billion yuan was invested. But according to later estimates. Up to 30 million can be covered. This is naturally a little bit of action again.

But because it is a demonstration project, the quality of the building is still good. At least it is much better than the river embankment. After being put into use this year. Very popular with students. Especially in the entire building, there are network cables distributed in more than a dozen reading rooms, and more than 400 networked computers are concentrated in them.

Fan Heng communicated with more than 200 student representatives in the small conference room. The atmosphere is more lively.

From the economic situation of Jiangnan Province. From the national economic situation to the employment environment this year. He also talked a lot about the expectation Heng of the students. The students also asked Fan Hyung about their concerns.

Considering that some questions are inconvenient, the answering party used the student to pass a note to Fan Heng as a place to ask questions. In this way. Fan Heng can choose the questions he is willing to answer. Avoid the inappropriate questions.

Song Qing worked with several staff members to collect students' questions in the venue.

"Haha, this question is more interesting--" Fan Heng picked up a note, glanced at it and laughed, "May I ask Governor Fan's educational philosophy?"

Concerning Fan Heng's three children, there was also a bit of heat in colleges and universities in the province and capital, especially Fan Ting and Fan Wubing's reputations are relatively big, far-reaching influence, students are very interested, so this question was asked.

"My three children don't seem to have spent much time--" Fan Heng smiled and talked about his feelings, and then said, "School is knowledge education, and family should be ethical education, combining the two. Coupled with social education, it is a complete education environment. These three links are indispensable. Therefore, I also hope that everyone should strengthen social practice activities during their stay at school, instead of making this process a formality. , Be aware that this is also

The only way for a family to grow fast. "

Song Qing collected the notes while smiling while listening to Fan Hyung's conversation with the students there.

A girl who looked very pure and short with ears stood up and handed Song Qing a note.

Song Qing couldn't help but glanced at her more, and then glanced at the rolled up paper strips, her expression instantly condensed, without saying anything, she turned around to collect other paper strips.

When the question was over, Song Qing handed the note that he had just received to Fan Hyung.

After seeing it, Fan Heng frowned and asked, "Is there still such a thing? You will find that girl later, and be careful not to attract attention. We are meeting outside."

Song Qing agreed, and the two drove. Fan Heng took the staff to go back to the house, and Song Qing took a driver to contact the girl.

After Chen Xiaoyang handed it over, he didn't expect that he would get a response.

There was no one to solve the problems in the village for several years. The last time a provincial leader went to inspect the county, there were people who blocked the street and complained of grievances. As a result, people were hidden in the crowd before they rushed forward. The plainclothes were held down and beaten. Although the leader in the province saw it, he quickly turned his head aside, and of course he didn't see it.

After this time of love, everyone no longer has any extravagant hopes that the province can solve the problem.

It’s just that this time after Fan Heng came to Jiang, the officialdom was invigorated and Chen Xiaoyang saw hope. Today is a rare opportunity. She naturally wants to give it a try. In case Acting Governor Fan notices this problem, Then there is a possibility of a solution.

"--" Chen Xiaoyang, who was leaving the science and technology building, heard someone yelling behind her. When she looked back, she found that the other party was the female secretary of the Governor Fan, and her heart jumped twice. .

"Hello, are you calling me?" Chen Xiaoyang asked a little later.

"Hello, this is Song Qing, Comrade Fan Heng's secretary. Acting Governor Fan invites you to meet with the provincial government." Song Qing replied.

After half an hour, Chen Xiaoyang appeared in Fan Heng's office.

An hour later, Fan Heng learned of the grievances that Chen Xiaoyang had sued.

Chen Xiaoyang is a college student in this province. His family is Linjiang City. An uncle lives in Beiwang Village, Xialin County, Linjiang City.

Beiwang Village is a place where the main traffic roads in the province pass. A toll station has been set up. There are a lot of vehicles passing by. When large freight vehicles pass by, a total toll of 60 yuan must be paid.

Later, some people were unwilling to pay this fee, so they took a detour from the village, and then went to the main road after bypassing the toll station. When the people in the village saw this situation, they came up with a way to increase income. There is a village committee. Organize manpower, set up roadblocks at the entrance of the village, and collect fees for passing vehicles 24 hours a day.

The official toll booth charges 60 for a round trip, and the village only charges 40. For the difference of 20 yuan, most drivers are still willing to take a detour, especially the drivers of the large freight vehicles that come and go frequently. It's even more familiar.

Later, for the convenience of charging, a monthly pass was also issued in the village, with a monthly subscription of 1,000 yuan, which was unimpeded.

To put it bluntly, this is an underlying toll station that specializes in vying for business with official toll stations. But the trouble came because of the village toll station.

At the beginning of the year, the village committee announced last year's fee income of 300,000 yuan.

Many people on the spot expressed their sorrow~lightnovelpub.net~ because everyone knows the market situation in this place. The daily income must be at least 5,000 yuan or more. When the end of the year is busy, it will be more than 10,000 yuan a day. There is also a block, how can there be an income of 2 million in a year, how can it be only 300,000?

In addition to other things, some people in the village made trouble and filed a complaint in the county, stating that the village had set up a card to charge fees, and the finances were not transparent, and the masses had big opinions.

At that time, other villagers also reported that there was a big problem with the village party secretary. So when the road to the top was not smooth, some people wrote a small-character newspaper, the title of the page was to uncover the mystery of tolls on the downhill road, and a slogan was put forward to show that they were not afraid. Retaliation, not afraid of going to jail, not afraid of beheading, vowing to investigate the problem to the end.

After the villagers posted the small-character newspapers, the troubles became serious. The village was still not doing well, so people came from the county and arrested some of the people who led the trouble. The charge was slander of others' reputations.

After Fan Hyung heard the girl talk about this matter, he asked, "Have you never taken legal means to solve the problem?"

*********The first update is delivered today. Little wolf caught a cold, today’s update is late, sin. Try to update it as much as possible, there is no other way. *************