
v5 Chapter 43: Jews rule the United States

Who is it that opened the Pandora's box in the financial world?

Greenspan was a little restless sitting in the office. When we came together this morning, he felt that his eyelids were fluttering and his heart was a little uneasy. Even after having breakfast, after arriving in the office, he felt that he did not come from here. Freed from this inexplicable state.

From the outside, Greenspan looks more like an old scholar. He always wears a dark suit, always wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and always speaks slowly, without a trace of color. Wall Street investors have spent a lot of effort studying each of Greenspan's speeches, trying to capture even a little clue from his words and sentences, but the results are always disappointed. Because Greenspan's speech is ambiguous and ambiguous. Greenspan himself admitted that he spent a lot of time trying to avoid the problem because he was worried that he was too straightforward.

Every day of Greenspan basically starts at 5:30 in the morning. He likes to soak in a bathtub filled with hot water, and then spend two hours reading various financial and economic materials, and sometimes even bring wet materials to the office. Perhaps because he felt that his words and deeds were very important, he put a sign on his desk that said money was rolled out from here. \Turn on the computer on the desk, Greenspan can touch the arteries of the global economy through the Internet.

"Mary, get me some aspirin." The old Jewish man told his female secretary.

Mary quickly got aspirin and water and watched the old man drink it.

The old man is already seventy years old. Although he is still healthy, the affairs he is in charge of, in a sense, his position is more important than that of the president of the United States. Therefore, there is such a saying in the American business community who is the president. It doesn't matter. As long as Allen is chairman of the Fed.

Greenspan took over as chairman of the Federal Reserve in 1987, and he can still remember the scene at that time.

Wall Street voted with his feet for his appointment.

As soon as Greenspan’s appointment as the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board announced, the Dow Jones Index had dropped by 22 points. Bond prices fell even more sharply, reaching their lowest point in five years in one day. In Tokyo, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to the yen also fell. In Paris, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to the French franc fell by 2%. So much so that the new chairman of the Federal Reserve had to deal with inflation immediately. ^^^^

In July, the price of crude oil fell to US$11 per barrel; in August, it soared to US$22 per barrel. The skyrocketing prices are combined with other inflationary pressures. Prompted the Fed to increase the discount rate by 0.5 percentage points, and crises are pervading one after another.

But this was also the most glorious moment for Greenspan. He raised his loudspeaker, told the bank to lend money to Wall Street, and then lowered short-term interest rates, and long-term interest rates also fell. The market quickly calmed down in just a few months. People recovered all the losses suffered during Black Monday.

For Greenspan, the stock crash was not so much a crisis as an adjustment to the economy.

After this battle, the Americans have fully affirmed the work done by this old Jewish man.

"Someone attacked the Fed's computer network last night?" the old man asked Secretary Mary.

The female secretary replied, "Yes, sir."

"What's the loss?" the old man asked again.

"I heard that the data on several servers has been damaged, and the technicians are nervously recovering." The female secretary Mary replied blankly, but finally she added, "Our data is stored on a backup server. Therefore, this incident will not cause us additional losses, but the technical staff suggested that two million dollars should be invested in the main server update, so that they can have a faster response when faced with a hacker attack."

Greenspan nodded. After thinking about it, he said. "Well, since they say it's useful. It should be useful. Two million dollars invested in network construction is a bit extravagant. But it's not unacceptable."

At this time, Fan Wubing had already obtained the information obtained by Kevin. With his fairly good English level, he was reading confidential materials from the Federal Reserve, the core of the world's financial industry.

However, the more he looked at Fan Wuyao, the more alarmed he became. He had never expected that the American financial center at this time was already dominated by the Jews, and hedge fund predators like Soros, and Greenspan. Communication is no longer limited to the ordinary level.

Through the records in it, Fan Wu found that whether it was during the black stock market disaster in 1987 or the process of sniping the pound in 1992, there was a period of time when Greenspan and Soros had very intensive contacts. It’s just for fishing together and talking about the weather. *****

In other words, the financial policy of the United States was negotiated by two old Jewish men. The ruling and opposition parties worked closely together to direct a stunning blockbuster.

Among the Jews, the birth of a great scientist like Einstein may only be a historical accident. However, the Jews’ ability to do business and wealth is a universally recognized fact. Some people even directly refer to the Jewish nation as the Qiandi nation.

For a long time, people have used to regard Jewish businessmen as models of successful businessmen, and there are so many famous Jewish businessmen in the world. For example, the Rothschild family of the most profitable Jewish merchants has controlled the lifeline of the European economy for more than two hundred years and still controls the world gold market. There are also Jewish economic giants Disney, Lubin, Rosenjelder, Carnegie, Hammer, Hilton, Morgan, Rockefeller, Sarnov, Kaufman, Pulitzer, Oaks, Reuters, Simploot, Forybull, Izhak, Sandy Will, Ballmer, Dale, Kerry, Gore, Joe Girard, etc. \

The famous brand companies created by Jewish financiers are also second to none, such as Kuhn Lober, Seligman, Lehman Brothers, Lazard Brothers, Salomon Brothers, Goldman-Sachs, etc. It is an influential giant in the financial industry.

The global financial czar and the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors Allen Greenspan is Jewish. He became famous in 1992 by sniping the British pound and set off the financial turmoil in Asia. George Soros is a Jewish, global rich list. The second-ranked stock **** Warren Buffett is also Jewish.

Fan Wubing knew that the U.S. dollar was controlled by the Fed. On the first day when Alan Greenspan took over the Fed, the first sentence he said at the Fed was, "Here, you can speak freely, but only There is a noun that cannot be advanced, and that is the dollar."

Fan Wuyao had never figured out that the Fed’s core mission is the U.S. dollar. They also operate the U.S. dollar all day long. Why would Greenspan prohibit people from talking about the U.S. dollar at the Fed?

It was not until after he saw the confidential information obtained by Kevin that he found out that the U.S. dollar cannot be discussed. If anyone is really studying the secrets of the U.S. dollar, it will be a huge issue for the entire Federal Reserve and the entire United States. Disaster.

"The entire United States is working for Jews. No wonder some people call the chairman of the Federal Reserve the boss of the president." Fan Wuyao said with some emotion.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. But in fact, this institution is not a government agency in the United States, but a financial consortium established by a partnership of several large consortia.

These consortia are kept secret from the outside world, but in Fan Wuyao's research, they are all huge financial empires built by Jews without exception.

The U.S. dollar is produced here. The Fed runs U.S. dollars, and the government uses taxes or other guarantees to borrow money from the Fed. It must be said that this financial model of the Americans will surprise many Chinese people. The huge U.S. government , Actually depends on borrowing to sustain, and the biggest creditors are a group of Jews.

Regarding the recent contact between Greenspan and Soros, the two people discussed the issue of financial derivatives. Greenspan said that the reason why the poor are poor is not because they have no money, but because they have no money-making brains. , Relying solely on savings and stable investment, it is impossible to obtain high returns. Under the operation of the devil of the market, their profits are not enough to offset the losses caused by rising prices.

"The reason why Jews can make money is that they can make a simple thing complicated, pass you through a series of dazzling financial formulas, and make you have to accept their ideas and follow. Rotating around with their batons and operating within the zone they demarcated according to the rules they set." Fan Wuyao finally said to his right-hand man Davis, "In this case, whether you win or lose, it won’t matter. It will have an impact on their profits, and only those who are in the bank can make a steady profit without losing money."

"As an American, I never understood how the dollar came into being." Davis shrugged and said to his boss Fan Wuyi.

Davis came over this time, but he wanted to discuss another important matter with Fan Wuyao, which was about the communications satellite service company. At this time, all three communications satellites requested by Fan Wuyao had already been launched. Ability to provide services for the global communications market, Davis has received many customer requests, hoping that Fan Investment Group can provide satellite services for itself.

You must know that in the past two years, the rise of the Internet has become an irresistible trend. For customers in countries where the Internet has not been built, renting the communication satellites of Fan Investment Group to provide Internet services is obviously an upward trend. Choice.