
v5 Chapter 435: The power of the media

Chapter 435: The Power of the Media

According to the information returned from surveys in various places, the local protectionism of a settlement is very serious, and it has also caused varying degrees of obstacles to the promotion of a market economy.

Local protectionism is an old and difficult issue in the market economy exhibition. To understand local protectionism in a narrow sense is that the local government uses its administrative power to impose economic differential treatment on local enterprises and foreign enterprises, and treat local enterprises normally. To protect production activities, or to provide protection umbrellas for illegal activities such as counterfeiting and selling, or violations of environmental protection regulations such as sewage.

If understood in a broad sense, it should also include administrative intervention in the reorganization and merger of enterprises, and provide additional subsidies or preferential treatment for enterprises in this administrative area.

There are many manifestations of local protectionism. For example, the local government has issued local regulations and documents, forcing or in disguised form that only local products can be sold, purchased, and used in the administrative area, or only accepted in the administrative area. The service provided by the enterprise prohibits or restricts the entry and sale of foreign products, or the local government requires foreign products to go through the approval procedures that are stricter than their local products or adopt discriminatory policies for products entering the local area, set up customs cards, charge additional fees or implement different The tax and fee standards may also be different from those in the administrative area for products outside the administrative area in terms of technology and quality requirements, repeated inspections and certifications, and another form is to give certain preferential treatment to enterprises in the administrative area. And subsidies, so that enterprises outside the administrative area and enterprises within the administrative area cannot carry out fair competition at the same level.

It can be said that the current problem encountered by Shen Ying’s Confucian banquet is a very typical local protectionism. The local government has issued local regulations and documents to force the administrative region to restrict the entry and sale of foreign products, and to provide normal products to foreign countries. Market sales behavior creates obstacles.

There is a lot of information in this aspect among the information that Fan Wubing has obtained so far.

He contacted CCTV to send a focus interview and arranged a total of five film crews to conduct unannounced visits. The targets of the unannounced visits included the liquor industry, agricultural materials, construction materials, detergents, and medical supplies.

Naturally, there are still high-level pushes behind things, otherwise CCTV would not dare to take on such a big responsibility and work on five industries at the same time. In this way, it will target many local governments.

Local protection rights arise because local governments face a conflict between a high degree of political centralization and a high degree of economic decentralization.

The reform of the financial system that split the kitchen for food has formed economic decentralization, leading to the basic interests of local governments, and now this kind of interests is mainly reflected in the number of projects, the number of enterprises established, and the degree of economic growth.

Benefit from the standard. The local government must consider the issue of local economic development. Limited capacity in the local market. The foreign market cannot be opened for the time being. Local governments will inevitably ensure the maximization of local fiscal revenue by strengthening the localization of resource allocation and protecting the local market. Promote local economic development. Moreover, due to administrative decentralization, local governments have greater power to allocate resources. This also provides the possibility of means to maximize local economic benefits.

This can be seen. The existence of local government's own interests and the continuous enhancement of local government's administrative power. It is a hotbed of local protectionism.

Since the central government initiated the tax-sharing system, Fang's protectionism has become more vigorous. This issue is clearly seen by the senior management. But for the time being, no targeted measures have been taken. After all, the wind is rising. But I haven't seen too serious harm. Do not move blindly.

But this time Fan Wubing raised this question very seriously. And after moving other sources of resources to collect a large number of local protectionism's negative impacts and obstacles to the advancement of the market economy. High-levels can no longer turn a blind eye.

The reason is also very simple. That is, Fan Wubing will never do meaningless things. He solemnly raised the matter must be a very critical issue. Especially his foresight in economics. No one can match.

The five film crews in the CCTV Focus Interview column have carried out intensive unannounced visits to more than a dozen provinces and municipalities across the country. The first-hand information obtained when he finally returned to the capital in the middle of January is more intuitive and persuasive.

Although Fan Wubing did not give any hint to CCTV, CCTV directly raised the issue of local protectionism in the liquor industry to the most important position.

This is not to say that CCTV is trying to please Fan Wubing because of where Shen Ying’s three-time bidding status is placed. It is the image that CCTV should strive to maintain that has caused this sign to fall. It is very important to CCTV’s bidding bidding activities The other reason is that the Chinese New Year is approaching, the safety issues and sales of liquor

This is the most concerned issue of the common people. Taking this as a starting point can be more sensitive to nerves and cause better public opinion effects.

Because the program is a bit long, this time the focus of the interview program is held for three phases, mainly from the local protection of the liquor industry, fake liquor, and sales links. A large number of informative unannounced interviews have been used to illustrate the existence of the entire liquor industry. The question of the issue, and the in-depth comments that led to it, revealed the great harm of local protectionism.

Especially in response to some local governments actually adopting administrative regulations to provide protection for the local liquor industry, the host of the CCTV Focus Interview column said that such behavior is unbelievable and unheard of. This is not only an unfair commercial competition, but also a violation of the current situation. Crazy trampling of laws and regulations.

In the end, the host changed the conversation and introduced the topic of counterfeiting and sales, which is the most concerned by the people. "Country products are flooding in China at this stage. From food, tobacco and alcohol, detergents, medical supplies, Household appliances to agricultural materials, construction materials, communication equipment, automobiles and their accessories, and large-scale machinery and equipment are all spared. It can be said that counterfeit and shoddy goods are almost pervasive. Why is counterfeit and shoddy so rampant? It should be said that local protectionism is the root of its spread. ."

"Local protectionism is a social phenomenon based on local interests. At this stage of our country, local protectionism has become a common phenomenon. It has evolved from a single administrative means to the use of economic, administrative and even judicial means. To safeguard local interests."

"The protectionism of local departments is against the laws and nature of the market economy. In areas where local protectionism is practiced, local governments have built high protection barriers, preventing the laws of competition from fully functioning, and at the same time denying equal competition, free trade, and survival of the fittest. Principle. It subordinates the operating rules of the market itself to administrative rules, cuts off the normal market connections between regions, prevents the orderly flow of various commodities and production factors, hinders the cultivation and growth of the socialist unified market, and forms a local monopoly. The state of separatism."

"This state provides a good soil for the breeding and growth of counterfeit and inferior merchants, forming a situation where genuine products on the outside cannot be imported, and fakes inside are rampant, making residents have to buy the expensive goods of this geology. This phenomenon may bring prosperity to the local economic development in the short term, but this kind of prosperity is only a fake superficial phenomenon, it can not inject real vitality into the local economic development, on the contrary, it will only hinder. Local economic development has even become a stumbling block for local economic development."

"The local protection department acts as an umbrella for counterfeit and shoddy. Some local leaders believe that it is for the benefit of their own regions and departments to mistake the profiteering from counterfeit and shoddy as a panacea for the economic development of their region. They only saw the fiscal revenue brought by the manufacture and sale of counterfeit goods, but ignored the harm and impact of counterfeit and shoddy goods on the entire national economy. They turned a blind eye to counterfeit and shoddy distribution centers, and not only did not rectify or ban them, they even opened the door to convenience. As long as the profits and taxes completed each year are large, it will provide a living space for the illegal activities of manufacturing counterfeit and shoddy goods."

"In some areas, fines are used in place of punishment. Compared with the huge profits gained from the manufacture and sale of counterfeit products, the fines can only be regarded as symbolic. This method not only does not have the slightest deterrent effect on the offenders, but also makes them Found a reasonable reason for existence, and made and sold fake and shoddy goods even more brazenly and intensified."

"There are also some areas where fraud is colluding with government leaders and social underworld forces ~ lightnovelpub.net~ under the guise of economic development, to excuse the counterfeiters and sellers of pity, embarrassment, and form layers of protection nets. Visible, Under the protection of local organizations, the manufacture and sale of counterfeit products will become more rampant. As a result of the proliferation of counterfeit and inferior goods, certain places will become distribution centers for counterfeit goods. If the protectionism of the party is not completely broken, the manufacture and sale will not be eradicated. The root of counterfeit and shoddy goods."

After turning off the TV, Fan Wu received a call from Shen Ying.

"The things I prepared are useless. CCTV did it for a while. I knew I wouldn't have to work so hard." Shen Ying complained to Fan Wuyao without complaint.

Fan Wubing laughed, but said nothing else.

Although Shen Ying’s tone was a bit complaining, she was very happy in her heart. After all, when CCTV did this, the local government had to constrain for a while. Before and after the Spring Festival, it was the peak season for liquor sales. But sales are going to soar.

"By the way, there is something I don't know what to do." Shen Ying said to Fan Wuyao.

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