
v5 Chapter 442: Timing

Heng learned that Fan Wubing was going to cooperate with the French. After building a nuclear power plant in Indonesia, he was a little surprised. This was not only due to media disputes, but also from different voices from the top. It is said that some The members of the Central Committee thought that this would not be beneficial at all, and it would be more practical to invest in something else.

These words made Fan Heng feel a little uncomfortable after listening, so he called Fan Wubing to ask about the details.

"Well, they don't know the inside story, and of course they can't make accurate judgments." Fan Wuyi looked down on these members of the Central Committee. Actually, after stripping off this gorgeous coat, isn't everyone with one head and two arms? Who wouldn't have one more part out?

And Fan Wubing casually looked at these people who jumped happily. At least dozens of them will fall off the horse within ten years. The real thing is that you don’t want to see you jumping happily now, and I’ll show you the list slowly in a few years. .

Fan Heng realized after listening to Fan Wubing telling himself the inside story of this incident. It turned out that Fan Wubing had a tacit understanding with the senior management, but he was worried for nothing.

"In the future, if you have such an older child, please report to me earlier, so that I don't worry about it for a long time." Fan Heng said to his son.

After receiving Fan Wuyi's promise, Fan Heng then asked, "Can you make money by building a nuclear power plant in a poor place like Indonesia? Also, are people willing to let you build a nuclear power plant there?"

"What can I do with this?" Fan Wubing smiled dryly.

The cost of nuclear power plants is indeed relatively high due to large engineering, strict equipment requirements, and high overall requirements. However, the cost of building nuclear power plants in a poor country such as Indonesia should be relatively low compared with similar international projects in the same period.

Domestic nuclear power projects have been built. The built-up price per kilowatt is about $1,800. With the nuclear power show, especially the process of localization and autonomy, it will continue to drop to 1,200 U.S. dollars. In fact, Qinshan Phase II has dropped to 1,300 U.S. dollars. Because the life of nuclear power plants is about sixty years. The investment cost of electricity land caused by its investment is not high. Especially after the return on investment.

The cost of nuclear power plant's fuel, the cost of electricity with a relatively low lifetime, and the on-grid tariff can be compared with coal-fired power. In the international arena, the cost of nuclear power in many countries is better than that of domestic gas and coal power. After the Sino-foreign joint venture nuclear power plant in Daya Bay on the mainland has been put into commercial operation. Seventy percent of the electricity was sold to Hong Kong, and the cost was higher at that time. It's in the loan repayment period again. But it is guaranteed that Chinese and foreign investors will be rewarded accordingly. It certainly shows that the economics of nuclear power plants are very good.

actually. Over there in Europe. The operating cost of nuclear power is much lower than that of coal power. This is mainly due to environmental factors.

The external cost of the domestic coal power chain is obviously much higher than that of foreign countries. This is mainly because coal-fired power plants in the Mainland have not installed desulfurization devices. The emission of sulfur dioxide is about five times higher than that of other countries, and the fatality rate of domestic coal power chain accidents is much higher than the foreign average. If you consider factors such as transportation and energy conversion rate. The external cost of the domestic coal power chain is even higher, and the nuclear power chain does not have so many troubles.

Fan Wubing thought about it. The construction cost in Indonesia will be lower, as long as the Indonesian government is dealt with. This is a matter of making money without losing money. He is also considering building some larger industrial projects in Indonesia recently. For example, the extraction of oil and natural gas.

Especially Indonesia is rich in resources. The proven oil reserves are 50 billion barrels and 70 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. 36 billion tons of coal. The forest area accounts for about 74% of the country's total area.

In fact, Indonesia is the country Fan Wubing hates most. If there should be a country in the world that should be destroyed, Fan Wubing first thought of not Japan, but Indonesia.

This time he wants to build a nuclear power plant in Indonesia. The main purpose is to open up access to the Indonesian market and plunder Indonesia’s natural resources, such as coal, oil, natural gas, etc., as well as forest resources that are very easy to extract. This is the domestic paper industry. An important resource on which the required pulp depends.

"Then where do you plan to build a nuclear power plant in Indonesia?" Fan Heng asked.

Fan Wuyao thought about it for a while and replied, "I am discussing this question with the French. At present, my idea is in East Timor."

"East Timor? Where is that?" Fan Heng was a little dazed after listening.

At this time, most people in the country don’t know where East Timor is. Originally, Indonesia is a relatively remote existence to the Chinese. The four words “Huaiwai Barbarians” are the Chinese people’s first impression of Indonesia. As for the others, they probably know. There should be a lot of rubber forests there, right?

East Timor is located on the island of Timor in the south of Indonesia, facing Australia across the Timor Sea.

Before the sixteenth century, Timor Island was governed by the Srivijaya Kingdom with Sumatra as the center, and the Mahabaxie Kingdom with Java as the center. Later, Portuguese colonists invaded Timor Island, and then

The British colonists also briefly controlled West Timor. Later, Portugal and Japan re-partitioned Timor Island.

The east of Timor Island and Okusi returned to Portugal, and the west was merged into the Dutch East India, namely Indonesia. Japan occupied East Timor during World War II, and Australia was once in charge of East Timor after the war.

In 1975, the Portuguese government allowed East Timor to hold a referendum and implement national self-determination. Civil war between the three parties that advocated the East Timor Revolutionary Front, the Democratic Alliance that advocated maintaining relations with Portugal, and the Timorese People's Democratic Association that advocated the merger with Indonesia caused political differences.

In the same year, Indonesia sent troops to East Timor and declared East Timor the twenty-seventh province of Indonesia the following year. The UN General Assembly has since passed a resolution requesting Indonesia to withdraw its troops. With the mediation of the UN Secretary-General, Portugal and the Indonesian government have conducted more than a dozen rounds of negotiations on the East Timor issue.

"Why would you choose such a messy place?" Fan Heng frowned and asked.

Fan Heng had no idea what his son thought about. He chose not to choose a place where there are so many peaceful places. Instead, he chose an area that is being contested by various forces. You must know that there are occasional armed conflicts in East Timor.

What is the future in such a place?

Fan Wubing replied with a grin, "Let me do the calculations. Now Indonesia is exhausted in East Timor. Now is a good opportunity to intervene. After this village, there will be no such shop. Time has to be hurry. Yes!"

Suharto, the ruler of Indonesia, has ruled Indonesia for more than 30 years since he took office in a military coup in the decade. There are many domestic conflicts, but there is only a lack of a fuse. Fan Wuyao clearly knows that this year After the outbreak of the Asian financial turmoil next year, Indonesia's domestic economic situation will rapidly deteriorate. Suharto's resignation is only a matter of time, and the problem of East Timor will be solved.

At this moment, it is of course necessary to seize this opportunity and make arrangements for East Timor in advance.

At least now, the land price in East Timor is cheap, basically the same as free delivery. You can find an island or port to build a nuclear power plant here, and you can achieve your goal with a small price.

If it is in peacetime, Fan Wuyi’s entry into East Timor will still encounter some resistance, but in the past few years, Indonesia’s rule in East Timor has encountered great resistance. Although it is still maintained by force, its influence is not as good as before. Not to mention the stable benefits from East Timor.

Under such circumstances, the Indonesian government will feel very happy as long as it has money to make money. Therefore, Fan Wuyi only needs to pay a very small price to obtain the Indonesian government's access permit.

Western countries have always been agitating East Timor out of their own interests. Fan Wubing urged the French to go to East Timor together. Objectively speaking, it is in their interests. At least the two permanent members of China and France have the right to veto. The council members are also involved in the political situation of East Timor, and they have added some assistance to the promotion of East Timor.

Based on this idea, there will be no rebound from the local forces in East Timor regarding Fan Wuyi's investment in the island.

What Fan Wuyao has to do at present is nothing more than lobbying among the various forces, such as lobbying the Indonesian government through the Americans and lobbying the local forces in East Timor through the French. Of course, Australia, facing each other across the sea, is East Timor also has some influence, and their attitude also needs to be closely watched.

However, the Australian government is now vigorously advocating private investment, and even some unowned islands in the country are selling at a low price. Under this situation, as long as Fan Wuyi invests in some projects in Australia~lightnovelpub.net~ Exerted influence on the government.

Taking into account various reasons, Fan Wubing had already made a comprehensive plan at this time, and his various people were also pulling out in six consecutive days to consult with relevant parties on this matter.

It is difficult for Fan Heng to understand that there are so many things in Fan Wu's brain, so he can only hope that his son will not act recklessly, and it is better to stay away from those places until the situation stabilizes. Making money is certainly important, but your own safety is the first. There is no need to lose your life because of some dispensable things.

Fan Wubing also saw clearly about this, and assured Fan Heng, "Don't worry, I won't go to the risk personally if things haven't progressed to the point of final success."

Although Fan Heng is still worried about this, he also knows that there is an idea in his son's heart, and he will not lose sight of what he has considered. Fan Wubing himself is full of confidence and has no grasp of the situation. People know better than him.

Going to East Timor now is basically the same as grabbing money. When the situation is most chaotic, it is the easiest opportunity to maximize profits.

Today is the second update