
v5 Chapter 452: The struggle is far from over

At 16:15 on June 30, 1997, Patten took the British flag from the guards never to be raised here, and lowered the governor’s flag in front of the governor’s house, rolled into a baggage, sandwiched between Under the arm.

The lowering of the governor's banner means that the governor has successfully retired. Traditionally, when the Governor resigns, he will take a car in a three-week circle on the road in front of the Government House, indicating that he will return to the old place in the future, but Patten's car will only go in a circle for two weeks and then leave.

According to the scheduled plan, after attending the Hong Kong sovereignty handover ceremony in the evening, Patten will accompany the British Crown Prince Charles with his family to leave Hong Kong on the Royal Yacht hmy Britannia.

The Hong Kong power transfer ceremony between the Chinese and British governments was held at midnight on June 30. At 23:42, the handover ceremony officially began.

After the Chinese and British guards of honor entered the field, the ceremonial trumpeters of both sides blew the ceremonial horns and the leaders entered the field.

After the guard of honor, Prince Charles spoke. He said that this important and special ceremony marked Hong Kong's return to the People's Republic of China after more than 150 years of British rule. He paid tribute to those who turned the concept of one country, two systems into the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and paid tribute to those who worked hard to negotiate the implementation details of the Joint Declaration.

Charles said that Hong Kong shows to the world that vitality and stability can be the obvious characteristics of a successful society. He said that Hong Kong will be returned to China from then on. Under the framework of one country, two systems, Hong Kong will continue to have its distinctive characteristics and continue to be an important international partner of many countries in the world. The "Joint Statement" made a solemn promise to the world to ensure that Hong Kong continues her way of life. For the United Kingdom, she will continue to unswervingly support the "Joint Statement."

Then, the Chinese and British double flag bearers entered the venue, symbolizing the start of the flag-lowering and flag-raising ceremony of the handover of the two governments in Hong Kong. All the Chinese and foreign guests present at the ceremony stood up. The eyes of the audience focused on the flagpoles erected on the east and west sides of the main podium.

The British flag and the Hong Kong flag slowly descended to the sound of the national anthem. With the lowering of the P-shaped flag, the British colonial rule in Hong Kong for a century and a half came to an end.

This zero point was only a few seconds away, and the audience was solemn.

At midnight on July 1st. Accompanied by the sound of the national anthem. The Chinese flag and the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region rose slowly together.

The audience boiled over. Many people have tears in their eyes. The thunderous applause lasted. The camera and video camera lens kept flickering. Record this solemn historical moment.

After that, the No. 1 chief made a speech indicating that after the return of Hong Kong. The central government is responsible for managing Hong Kong's foreign affairs and defense. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region enjoys administrative power, legislative power, independent judicial power, and final adjudication power in accordance with the Basic Law. Hong Kong residents enjoy various rights and freedoms in accordance with the law. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will gradually develop a democratic system that suits Hong Kong's actual conditions.

Hong Kong will continue to maintain its status as a free port. Continue to play the role of an international financial, trade, and shipping center. Continue to develop economic and cultural relations with countries, regions and relevant international organizations. The legitimate economic interests of all countries and regions in Hong Kong will be protected by law.

He expressed his belief. There is a strong backing from the people of the whole country. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and Hong Kong compatriots will surely be able to manage and build Hong Kong well. Maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Create a better future for Hong Kong.

It was twelve in the morning. The Hong Kong power transfer ceremony ended.

The handover ceremony was attended by representatives of more than 40 countries and regions, heads of 30 international and regional organizations, and representatives of internationally renowned politicians from more than 10 countries’ consular offices in Hong Kong, and civil organizations from some countries, regions and international organizations. Organize representatives of the Hong Kong office.

People from all walks of life in Hong Kong, compatriots from Macau and Taiwan, as well as Chinese and Chinese from more than 30 countries and regions also attended the handover ceremony.

More than 8,000 journalists from more than 700 news media around the world covered this historic scene.

Fan Wubing also noticed that there was an episode in this, which expressed the resignation and helplessness of the British to leave Hong Kong.

According to the pre-arranged agreement, twenty minutes before the handover ceremony, the bands of both sides played four pieces of music in turn to create the atmosphere of the venue. The first piece played by the Chinese is "Lihua". Soon after the soothing music sounded, the tension in the venue began to melt, and the guests began to whisper. Music is a language without borders, and it plays a wonderful role at this time.

At 23:59, the British band began to play "Bless the Queen" and lowered the British flag. Under normal circumstances, the national anthem takes more than fifty seconds, but as soon as they play it, they feel that something is wrong, and their rhythm is much faster than usual.

As a result, the British finished the performance in just over thirty seconds.

At that time, there was a cold field. The Chinese only made preparations for the British side to resolutely play on time if the time was delayed, but they did not expect them to play more.

This is equivalent to leaving a blank time of more than twenty seconds for the Chinese military band.

This is to make

For more than twenty seconds, Fan Wuyi's side, Shen Ying tightly held his Jian Prime Minister, raised her wrist and looked at the watch carefully, apparently a little worried about it.

However, the conductor of the Chinese military band is not a vegetarian, and he completely ignored the blank left by the British. At 23:59:58.30, he decisively raised the baton.

At zero o'clock, zero minutes and zero seconds, the baton started shooting on time. "The March of Volunteers" resounded through Victoria Harbour, with the bright five-star red flag and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region flag rising.

After that, Shen Ying frowned and asked Fan Wuyi, "What are the British doing? Is this interesting?"

"I have retired from the stage of history. Of course I will not be reconciled. This is also an indication of my own tendency." Fan Wuyao replied, "Fortunately, our reaction is also very correct, and we are completely free from their interference."

Although the British mentioned the rhythm, there was a gap of more than 20 seconds, but they were the only ones who would be ashamed of doing this. They couldn't even grasp the rhythm, so it's no wonder they would leave. If the Chinese side did not wait until the time to remember the national anthem in advance, there would be a problem. Foreigners will yell in today’s newspapers that the Chinese are impatient to wait for Hong Kong to be regained, and they have to exercise sovereignty more than 20 seconds in advance. This is a public trampling on the "Joint Declaration" and against the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. Violated.

Although it may not cause much trouble, the saliva lawsuit will definitely be entangled. At least whenever the Hong Kong return ceremony is mentioned, they will ridicule this matter on the table.

And what made Fan Wu more vigilant was that Qin Rushan and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority gave him information that the hot money entering the Hong Kong market is increasing. For the mushroom stock market, which is currently slow, it can be said to add fuel to the fire. .

After attending the Hong Kong return ceremony, Shen Ying returned to China alone, and Fan Wuyi was invited to stay in Hong Kong for a while.

In the sixties, in addition to borrowing from Fan Wuyi, Soros also raised a huge amount of funds, and once again launched a fierce attack on the Thai Railways. The major exchanges were in chaos, the Thai baht plummeted, and traders sold the Thai baht frantically. . The Thai government has used 30 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves and 15 billion U.S. dollars in international loans in an attempt to turn the tide. However, this mere US$45 billion of funds is like a drop in the bucket compared to a day-sized international hot money, which is of no avail.

On July 2, the second day of Hong Kong’s return, the Thai government had no choice but to announce that it had changed the linked currency exchange rate system, which had lasted for 13 years, and implemented a floating exchange rate system. After hearing this news, the Thai baht fell sharply.

Soros won the first battle, but he was not full of it. He decided to sweep the entire Southeast Asia and make another big profit. Hurricane Soros quickly swept Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia and other countries. The Indonesian rupiah, the Philippine peso, the kyat and the Malaysian ringgit depreciated sharply, leading to the collapse of factories, bankruptcies, and rising prices. The Hurricane Soros that swept Southeast Asia wiped away tens of billions of dollars of wealth in one fell swoop, turning decades of economic growth in these countries to ashes.

The Asian financial crisis also quickly spread to Latin America, Eastern Europe and other Asian foreign exchange and securities markets. The foreign exchange and securities markets of Brazil, Poland, Greece, Singapore, Taiwan and other countries and regions also experienced turbulence, and the value of currencies and securities fell. The governments of these countries also had to use the national treasury to support their currency and securities markets. Many countries have reached the point where they talk about "so". Soros' attack in the financial market caused the debt and trade deficits of many developing countries to surge, which was extremely destructive. Countries began to strengthen financial supervision ~lightnovelpub.net~ to guard against Soros at all times, which also changed Soros' actions. It's not that easy anymore.

After sweeping Southeast Asia, Soros finally moved to Hong Kong.

In mid-July, the Hong Kong dollar suffered a massive speculative sell-off, and the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar was hit, and it fell all the way down to near the psychological threshold of 7.75 Hong Kong dollars per U.S. dollar. Hong Kong's financial market is in chaos. The front doors of major banks are crowded with crowds. The Hong Kong dollar is in a hurry for Hajime's progress over the years.

Due to the emergency situation, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, in addition to sending out help messages to the central government, also asked Fan Wuyao for help, asking him to use his foreign exchange resources to help maintain the stability of the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate.

Because they know that Fan Wuyi has a lot of U.S. dollars, his investment in Hong Kong stocks alone is as high as tens of billions, not to mention the tens of billions of dollars just withdrawn, plus some other funds. Come up with hundreds of billions of dollars in funds.

At the request of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, another senior official from the central government said that this matter is of course inescapable. Fan Wuyi will not be able to leave Hong Kong within a short period of time.

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