
v5 Chapter 466: Farsighted

I lied to you, how could I say that--" Zi Qi suddenly laughed when she heard Fan Wu's exclaim. **-**

But think about it, the relationship between myself and Fan Wubing is really a bit difficult to resolve, and Zi Qi's heart is also a little confused, but this kind of thing can't be discussed with others, which is really distressing.

Fan Wu was not burdened by the illness. After sleeping all night, he began to watch important notifications from local branches and the head office. Whenever he was concerned, he would indicate his own opinions. If there is something special, just approve a mark that has been read, and everything is done online.

Since the company purchased a few satellites and built an internal management network system, its operations have been good, and office efficiency has been greatly improved. The people in the head office can clearly understand the dynamics of the branches in various places, and Fan has no problem. Wherever a person is, he can keep abreast of the company's overall operations in a timely manner, and he can also issue his own instructions at any time.

Fan Wubing turned on his computer. His computer is online 24 hours a day and uses satellite broadband signals to access the Internet. Therefore, the speed is extremely fast. If it is not for the limitation of the computer itself, and the current network consultation is still very poor. If it reaches, it can be called perfect.

After processing a few of his own documents, Fan Wubing turned on the news webpage and found that it was the murder case of Bai Xiaoyan in Taiwan that was all about the hype.

The murder of Bai Xiaoyan is one of the most significant criminal cases in Taiwan’s history. Because of her murder as the daughter of a well-known Taiwanese artist Bai Bingbing and a well-known Japanese cartoonist Hara Kazuki, as well as three perpetrators including Chen Jinxing, they not only committed the crime with cruel tactics but also committed them on the way to escape. Many criminal cases have shocked Taiwanese society.

During the life of the case, the Taiwanese news media reported extensively, which was generally regarded as infringing upon the families of the victims and heroizing the gangsters. Therefore, the reporting behavior of the media during this period also became a negative teaching material for the ethical standards of Taiwan's news media.

On April 14 this year, I was in middle school for two years: Bai Xiaoyan's house disappeared after school. In the evening, Bai Bingbing received a call from the gangster asking her to go to the cemetery next to the guard room at the gate of the golf course. As a result, in addition to finding her daughter’s belongings there, Bai Bingbing also found the gangster asking for a five million dollar ransom for kidnapping and ransom note, and Half-naked photo of daughter. Little finger of daughter.

After receiving the report, the police immediately set up a special team to arrest the criminals while paying the ransom.

After that, the gangsters called many times. However, the mobile phone used by the gangsters is tortured. The police could not keep track of his whereabouts. Later, the gangsters repeatedly agreed to change the location of the withdrawal to seven locations. From Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County. But it has never been seen.

Shi Bai Bingbing used the gangster to ask her daughter some questions in order to make sure her daughter was safe. Thus confirming that the daughter is still alive.

After the police grasped the whereabouts of the gangster. Simultaneous search in five locations including Mie City, Taipei County. Accomplices Lin Zhineng and Wu Zaipei were arrested. In Sanchong City, the main criminals Chen Jinxing and Lin Chunsheng immediately rounded up the party after a short gun battle. The gangster ran away.

At this time, the police deduced that Bai Xiaoyan should be still alive. But soon Bai Xiaoyan's body was discovered. The kidnappers after tearing up the ticket. Discard the corpse. After a forensic examination, it was believed that eight to ten days had passed since the death.

On June 6, three wanted criminals kidnapped Taipei County Councillor Cai Mingtang. Five million won. Cai Mingtang was intimidated and did not dare to report the case. The whole incident was only exposed after Chen Jinxing was arrested.

August 8. The three fugitives committed another crime and claimed a businessman surnamed Chen in Taipei County for 5 million. The case was exposed by newspaper reports. At that time, Taiwan's Minister of the Interior, Ye Jinfeng, apologized to the people on the 15th for concealing the circumstances of the case, and apologized to the people of the police chief for resignation.

On November 5, the principal culprit Chen Jinxing wrote to the United Daily News. In addition to expressing his dissatisfaction with his wife Zhang Suzhen being detained by the police, he also threatened to seek justice, which may affect innocent people, and said he would go to death calmly. Moment is when the wind and clouds change color and the volcano explodes. Later, he continued to submit books to the United Daily News, TVBss and other media.

On November 18th, Chen Jinxing broke into the home of Zhuo Mao, the military attache of the South African Embassy in the Republic of China, and held the five members of Zhuo's family, making the whole thing an international incident. In addition to injuring two hostages, this incident also set a precedent for Taiwanese news media to interview kidnappers on the spot via telephone.

Within 24 hours, Chen Jinxing accepted interviews from more than a dozen domestic and foreign media, including Agence France-Presse and China Television, and talked freely about his thoughts on his crimes, trying to create his own heroic image.

After the 6th continuation of the release of the injured hostages and negotiation and communication with the Taipei City Criminal Police Brigade Captain, Chen Jinxing agreed to abandon his weapons and surrender, and the hostage crisis came to an end. However, this incident has caused significant damage to Taiwan's international image and shaken Taiwanese confidence in public security.

Xie Changting, then chairman of the Central Committee of the DPP, once said that in order to encourage Chen Jinxing to submit his case, he was willing to form a team of lawyers to defend Chen Jinxing and his family members and fight for their rights. When Chen Jinxing held the South African military attache, Xie entered the scene three times at the request of the criminals. However, due to the continuous live broadcast of the TV station, Xie Changting's reputation fell to the bottom of the rock again.

It is generally believed that due to his performance in the kidnapping case, Hsieh Changting has accumulated political capital to be able to run for the mayor of Kaohsiung in the future. However, Bai Bingbing was also dissatisfied with Hsieh Changting. During the election for the mayor of Kaohsiung in the year, he made an advertisement accusing Hsieh Changting of not being a good person, not a bad person, and not a person at all.

When Bai Xiaoyan was kidnapped, some news media published news when the hostages were not safe, leaving the hostages at risk, causing criticism. After confirming the news of Bai Xiaoyan's murder, the media reports were even more exhaustive. Among them, TVBs and Zili Zaobao published **** photos of the victim, and China Times also published photos of Bai Xiaoyan's tortured corpse, which attracted public opposition. When interviewing the news, the media followed the family members to pay the ransom, which caused the gangsters to get rid of the gangsters, showing that journalistic ethics had been trampled everywhere.

The media's pornographic description of Chen Jinxing's sexual assault case is also condemned, and the content is extremely unbearable.

Later, when Chen Jinxing’s kidnapping of a South African military attache broke out, the media reported it 24 hours a day, and rushed to call into the military attache’s residence to conduct an on-site visit with Chen Jinxing. He was even criticized for making the criminals heroic.

Fan Wubing said after watching the news report, "No wonder the Kuomintang will step down. Looking at the various situations during this period of time, it would be a ghost if it didn't step down!"

Fan Wuyao had heard about many black gold incidents and corruption on Taiwan Island before. Through this incident of Bai Xiaoyan being kidnapped and torn apart, the more he saw the darkness of Taiwan’s legal system and politics, it would be strange if the authorities did not step down, of course. When things have reached this stage, they are inseparable from Lee Teng-hui's tossing.

It just gave A-bian a big deal in vain, let him live through his eight years of presidential addiction, and gave his family a large amount of fortune. Unfortunately, Taiwan’s counterattack was also very powerful, regardless of whether you stepped down. President, send you to prison in the same way.

From this point of view, Taiwan’s rule of law is considered to have taken too many steps, and the rule of not being punished by a doctor or being courteous is broken. On the contrary, some places have done a lot worse on this issue, and high-level offenses are always covered. What is hidden does not give the people a clear explanation.

Of course, from Zhongfan Wuyi also saw a problem, that is, the media guidance.

Taiwan’s media have indeed gone too far. When can they follow the interview and when should they avoid taboos, this still needs to be treated differently. It interferes with the rescue of the hostages, and it is really embarrassing to interfere with others to rescue the hostages, purely in pursuit of ratings. .

Thinking of something later, Fan Wubing couldn't help but shook his head, wondering if he should take the time to get a self-discipline for news media practitioners in the Mainland? I believe that if we do this, the government will be very satisfied. As for how many media complaints will be drawn, that is another topic.

Of course, the media in Hong Kong have no right to speak for the time being. After all, Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong, and there is no chance for people in the Mainland to talk about it. It is to interfere with the freedom of others, and only after they have tasted the pain, will they reflect on themselves.

Fan Wubing sighed while watching the news here, and then the headquarters passed him some faxes about the acquisition of land in East Timor in Indonesia, and some faxes about seeking to open a mine in Australia.

Regarding the construction of a nuclear power plant in East Timor with the French, there have been discussions. Indonesia is now facing a very big dilemma. Suharto’s economy is not doing well, and many people want to rebel against him. Lack of money, and the French and Fan Wubing came forward together ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This strong pressure made him have to seriously consider.

After receiving some financial compensation, Suharto thought it was okay to agree to their request. It seems that his rule in East Timor will not last long anyway. If you can realize things, you must hurry up and take back a little more. Children's money is real.

East Timor also hopes that the entry of French and Chinese can help them achieve independence as soon as possible. After all, the influence of France and China is much greater than that of Spain and the Netherlands, and the British are also on the sidelines.

In this way, things that seemed impossible to others were basically solved in a short time. Even the French who cooperated with Fan Wuyao found it a little weird, and they paid more attention to Fan Wuyao. Several levels.

Of course, now Fan Wuyi’s focus is not just on East Timor, across the Timor Sea, across from Australia, and his current mind is on the iron ore side of Western Australia.

Today’s third update arrives, and we continue to ask for monthly pass support. Although Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton hold most of the iron ore in Australia, there is still a blank space between the two. The production capacity of this part is still very large, plus Australia. It is attracting foreign investment, so there is still a lot to do in Australia. (