
v5 Chapter 471: Shallow contacts with the Western Austra

Chapter 471: Shallow Contact with the Western Australian Government

Before acquiring shares in Rio Tinto and BHP. Fan Wuyi considered the possibility and necessity of establishing a foundation in Australia. Although it is said that he has now mastered some shares of Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton to become the third largest shareholder. But the British obviously will not easily give up the monopoly interests they have held for many years. There is no guarantee that there will be no crooked tricks. For example, actions such as dilution of equity. Or through some other means to force yourself to give up most of the equity. These things are inaccurate.

So Fan Wubing thought. We must take advantage of Australia's busy introduction of foreign investment opportunities. Establish your own sphere of influence in the West. Only then can the position in the international iron ore market be completely reversed. The right to hold prices and the right to speak.

When Fan Wubing was in the car. The radio in the car is playing a program from Radio Australia. The debate in the Australian Parliament is being broadcast.

at the very beginning. Fan Wubing didn't listen to it. I thought it was the people who were scolding. Later, I heard that there were titles such as Speaker and Minister. So he asked Carter. "What's all this mess?"

"The debate in the Australian Parliament. As usual, it is broadcast live—" Carter has been here for a long time. Hearing this, he explained to Fan Wu.

Australia adopts the Westminster Congress system. The Westminster system is essentially confrontational. Politicians attacked each other to reflect some of Australia's characteristics. There are many similarities with the operation of the British Parliament, the Canadian Parliament, the Indian Parliament and the New Zealand Parliament. so. Although the debates in the Italian Parliament were rude. Advocating political methods for men. Use the words of the common people. Rather than the language of those with vision or deep thinking. But these are very consistent with the Westster congressional body.

very interesting. The work of the Australian Parliament will be broadcast on an independent Parliamentary Broadcasting Network. Sometimes the level of debate is very low. The words and deeds of personal attacks are jaw-dropping. Some deliberately obstructing the passage of the bill will even reach the level of unscrupulous audiences will be intolerable. And called the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to protest.

These complaints will be forwarded directly to the responsible officials in the conference hall. Such as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Senate. They will tell the MPs. have a look. The audience has already commented. They can't bear the congressional debate. I feel that Members of Congress should quickly raise the level of their speeches.

"It is difficult to understand their law. But I want to rule such a large country with a population base of less than 20 million. It is really difficult to choose some talents." Fan Wuyao said to Maximus.

"It has always been the case in countries under the Commonwealth system. In fact, your Taiwanese side is not as good as here. It is said that they often move their feet during meetings and took off the clothes of a female congresswoman last time." Maximus did not. Polite way.

Fan Wuyao touched his nose. I thought there was something about it. However, it is not easy to push it out, otherwise it will create a splittist thinking between the two countries and China. That's right.

Everyone soon entered the Shu District. The employees of the Fanshizi Group had already prepared a banquet in the central villa area. Welcome the arrival of the boss.

Fan Wuyi invited Maximo to a banquet with him. The prosperous villa area. In addition, the employees have some feelings in their hearts.

Since 1996, the alliance formed by the Liberal Party of Australia and the National Party has been under the leadership of Howard. After defeating the ruling party, Australia began to pursue a more active economic policy.

For a long time. Australia implements a fiscal equalization system. The implementation of this system means in the past one hundred years. The central government has always adhered to the principle of equality. In order to guarantee the citizens of the whole country. Whether it is living in a remote rural area. Or the northern district or Perth. Can be at the same or as close to the same price as possible. Enjoy the same level of government services.

Collect money from affluent districts. Reallocate to less affluent areas. This will ensure that citizens across the country can enjoy medical education and other government services. In fact. Taxes in Sydney can even be redistributed to Tasnia. To ensure that people there can also enjoy these conveniences.

The Liberal-National Party coalition government led by Howard came to power in 1996. He began to advocate the management of a free market economy. He actively advocated reform. Vigorously adjust economic policies. Emphasize more work. Maintain the interests of the small asset class. Pay attention to unemployment and other issues related to people's vital interests.

Howard's short-term goals set for this administration. Let everyone have a job. Live a relaxed and comfortable family life. to this end. He took effective measures to improve the competitiveness of Australia's business. Eliminate bureaucracy. Sale of large state-owned companies. Reform the tax system. Improve the labor market. Promote microeconomic reforms.

The union issue has always been

The main disagreement of the Liberal Party. The Labor Party advocates the protection of workers' treatment through trade unions. The Liberal Party advocates the adoption of a reward system. Do more work, more work. The position of trade unions in continental society is very important. All previous Labour Party leaders were from labor unions. In the 13 years of the Labor Party’s administration. The role of trade unions is even more extraordinary.

Howard emphasized limiting the monopoly power of trade unions in wage negotiations. The solidarity strike was clearly banned. Strive to form a method that not only protects the interests of workers, but also implements remuneration for work. Howard also attacked the welfare policy of the former Labor Party government.

The Labor Party government’s social security and welfare policies are known as lazy people’s policies. Over-protection policies are one of the reasons why Australia’s personal income tax is as high as 49%. New immigrants can apply for various welfare payments as soon as they enter Australia.

The Howard government reformed this hugely overspending system. Regulations for new immigrants after entering the country. You must live for two years before you can apply for relevant assistance from the Ministry of Social Welfare. at the same time. Howard advocated financial reform. Loosen financial control.

In order to open the Chinese market. Promoting the development of Australia-China relations as the government's most important diplomatic strategy. Currently. Australia attaches great importance to its economic interests in China. This April. Howard led a delegation including 18 leading figures in the Australian business community to visit China. The most influential newspaper has been hailed as the Prime Minister's Chinese Revolution.

under these circumstances. The investors of Yiwai are well received by the Australian government. Therefore, when Fan Wushu employees began to enter the West in batches. Even moved the governor and others. Everyone saw the Fan Investment Group after them. Since such a large and influential wealth has begun to enter the West. That also shows that World Capital Group is beginning to be optimistic about the exhibition in Western Australia. It also shows that the economic policies of the Liberal Party have indeed worked.

Therefore, at the welcome meeting of the Western Australia branch of Fan's Investment Group. There are also representatives from the government. He is an important official of the Western State Government. It's called Hydes. He serves as an economic adviser in the state government.

"Welcome Mr. Fan to Perth. I would like to greet Mr. Fan on behalf of Governor Skye. I hope that Mr. Fan will come to the state government at an appropriate time. Governor Skye and his colleagues are very much looking forward to this." Heidesi held his hand. Fan Wuyi said with his hand

Fan Wubing smiled and thanked him. Then said. "I think. No problem."

The states of Australia are larger in area. But the population is very small. If you look at the area of ​​the state. Or it can top several provinces in the country. But from the perspective of population. It may only be equivalent to a large and medium-sized city. Therefore, Fan Wubing felt that a governor was just a city leader. There really is nothing wrong. If it's in the country. How could it be possible to wait for oneself to come to visit. Pi Dian'er Pi Dian'er ran over to greet him a long time ago. A financial tycoon as powerful as himself. He is also the son of a member of the Politburo in China. Where is it not a popular role? Look at the reaction here in Western Australia. Although it also pays more attention to it. But the gap is still big. So Fan Bing muttered in his heart. The bureaucracy in Australia is relatively heavy.

but. Their bureaucratic style is stronger. It is more suitable to come here by yourself. Otherwise, once the atmosphere is open, the efficiency will increase. It's even harder to eat alone. Therefore, Fan Wuyi greeted Heidesi very highly. Invite him to eat meals prepared by the employees in accordance with Chinese flavors.

Hydes is very satisfied with Fan Wuyi's generosity and warm hospitality. After all, they also know the status of Fan Wuyi's identity. Needless to say. Only Rio Tinto and BHP’s third-largest shareholder’s body-year dividend is a very strong figure. So the rich entertain themselves. It is indeed a face.

So the host and the guest chatted together. Fan Wubing accidentally brought the topic to the exploration and mining of iron ore.

"It is very easy to obtain the exploration rights. The area that has not been opened in Western Australia is very large. However, the mines are monopolized by big companies such as Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. I believe you, Mr. Fan, know this very well. If you want to If you continue to explore in other areas, it will be difficult to say. The capital invested and the time consumed will be very long. There may not necessarily be a corresponding return." Heidesi heard this question from Fan Wuyao. I didn't think much about it. He answered directly to him. The reason why Hydes and others hold such a negative attitude. Probably it has a lot to do with the progress of mining development in Western Australia over the years. In fact. The two extensions have indeed monopolized the iron ore business in Western Australia. Don't want to get involved. very difficult. Moreover, it is not easy to get through the relationship with the government.

There is no official permission. It is impossible to explore and mine.

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The main disagreement of the Liberal Party. The Labor Party advocates the protection of workers' treatment through trade unions. The Liberal Party advocates the adoption of a reward system. Do more work, more work. The position of trade unions in continental society is very important. All previous Labour Party leaders were from labor unions. In the 13 years of the Labor Party’s administration. The role of trade unions is even more extraordinary.

Howard emphasized limiting the monopoly power of trade unions in wage negotiations. The solidarity strike was clearly banned. Strive to form a method that not only protects the interests of workers, but also implements remuneration for work. Howard also attacked the welfare policy of the former Labor Party government.

The Labor Party government’s social security and welfare policies are known as lazy people’s policies. Over-protection policies are one of the reasons why Australia’s personal income tax is as high as 49%. New immigrants can apply for various welfare payments as soon as they enter Australia.

The Howard government reformed this hugely overspending system. Regulations for new immigrants after entering the country. You must live for two years before you can apply for relevant assistance from the Ministry of Social Welfare. at the same time. Howard advocated financial reform. Loosen financial control.

In order to open the Chinese market. Promoting the development of Australia-China relations as the government's most important diplomatic strategy. Currently. Australia attaches great importance to its economic interests in China. This April. Howard led a delegation including 18 leading figures in the Australian business community to visit China. The most influential newspaper has been hailed as the Prime Minister's Chinese Revolution.

under these circumstances. The investors of Yiwai are well received by the Australian government. Therefore, when Fan Wushu employees began to enter the West in batches. Even moved the governor and others. Everyone saw the Fan Investment Group after them. Since such a large and influential wealth has begun to enter the West. That also shows that World Capital Group is beginning to be optimistic about the exhibition in Western Australia. It also shows that the economic policies of the Liberal Party have indeed worked.

Therefore, at the welcome meeting of the Western Australia branch of Fan's Investment Group. There are also representatives from the government. He is an important official of the Western State Government. It's called Hydes. He serves as an economic adviser in the state government.

"Welcome Mr. Fan to Perth. I would like to greet Mr. Fan on behalf of Governor Skye. I hope that Mr. Fan will come to the state government at an appropriate time. Governor Skye and his colleagues are very much looking forward to this." Heidesi held his hand. Fan Wuyi said with his hand

Fan Wubing smiled and thanked him. Then said. "I think. No problem."

The states of Australia are larger in area. But the population is very small. If you look at the area of ​​the state. Or it can top several provinces in the country. But from the perspective of population. It may only be equivalent to a large and medium-sized city. Therefore, Fan Wubing felt that a governor was just a city leader. There really is nothing wrong. If it's in the country. How could it be possible to wait for oneself to come to visit. Pi Dian'er Pi Dian'er ran over to greet him a long time ago. A financial tycoon as powerful as himself. He is also the son of a member of the Politburo in China. Where is it not a popular role? Look at the reaction here in Western Australia. Although it also pays more attention to it. But the gap is still big. So Fan Bing muttered in his heart. The bureaucracy in Australia is relatively heavy.

but. Their bureaucratic style is stronger. It is more suitable to come here by yourself. Otherwise, once the atmosphere is open, the efficiency will increase. It's even harder to eat alone. Therefore, Fan Wuyi greeted Heidesi very highly. Invite him to eat meals prepared by the employees in accordance with Chinese flavors.

Hydes is still very satisfied with Fan Wuyi's generosity and warm hospitality~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, they also know Fan Wuyi's identity. Needless to say. Only Rio Tinto and BHP’s third-largest shareholder’s body-year dividend is a very strong figure. So the rich entertain themselves. It is indeed a face.

So the host and the guest chatted together. Fan Wubing accidentally brought the topic to the exploration and mining of iron ore.

"It is very easy to obtain the exploration rights. The area that has not been opened in Western Australia is very large. However, the mines are monopolized by big companies such as Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. I believe you, Mr. Fan, know this very well. If you want to If you continue to explore in other areas, it will be difficult to say. The capital invested and the time consumed will be very long. There may not necessarily be a corresponding return." Heidesi heard this question from Fan Wuyao. I didn't think much about it. He answered directly to him. The reason why Hydes and others hold such a negative attitude. Probably it has a lot to do with the progress of mining development in Western Australia over the years. In fact. The two extensions have indeed monopolized the iron ore business in Western Australia. Don't want to get involved. very difficult. Moreover, it is not easy to get through the relationship with the government.

There is no official permission. It is impossible to explore and mine.

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