
v5 Chapter 477: More trouble

Your mother's attitude is very restrained. "For a long time, Fan Wuyi said.

Ziqi felt very wronged. Her mother found out about her and Fan Wuyi's affairs. Her heart was very complicated. Not only knew that it would be difficult for Fan Wubing to have real results with herself, but it was also difficult to give up this subtlety. Feelings. No mother hopes that her daughter will not have a good life, but not all mothers have the same idea. They always have to exclude all possible unfavorable factors for their daughters.

For Ziqi’s parents, the problem with Fan Wuyi is not that the conditions are bad, but that the conditions are too good. It is difficult for her family’s status to guarantee that Ziqi will not be wronged in the future, and judging from the current situation, Both of them already knew that Fan Wubing had a well-justified fiancee, Shen Ying.

Shen Ying's reputation in the capital is also quite big, as long as you inquire a little, it is not difficult to know. Therefore, Zi Qi's parents are extremely entangled in the matter between their daughter and Fan Wu-yin, but it is difficult to prevent the two from continuing to talk about their relationship from the perspective of their daughter.

Moreover, Zi Qi’s mother also found that her daughter and Fan Wubing had already had a de facto cohabitation relationship, which made her feel very embarrassed. Her years of education could not match the temptation of a peer. , It's really sad!

Being disturbed by this, Wu Bing and Zi Qi suddenly lost the interest in continuing, but Fan Wu Bing also knew that he should comfort Zi Qi at this time, so he suggested that they go out together. Visit the museum to relax.

So the two of them ate something together, and then they came out and got in Fan Wuyi's car and drove towards the Palace Museum.

It is said that all the cultural relics in the Palace Museum can not be read by a single person in a lifetime, but many cultural relics are not open to the public, and everyone can only visit some cultural relics that are on display to the public.

"I heard that many precious cultural relics in the Palace Museum were lost during the Cultural Revolution." Fan Wubing said to Zi Qi.

Although Ziqi did not experience that era either, she heard her parents talk about a lot of things they had experienced back then, so she said, "In that era, survival was a big problem. Who has time to take care of these dead things? ?"

The two of them wandered around the Palace Museum for less than half an hour before Fan's cell phone rang again.

Qi glanced at Fan Wuyi. Did not speak.

Fan Wubing didn't recognize the number at first glance. I turned off the volume of the phone and turned it into a vibration. Then he tucked it into his pants pocket.

But the other party may not give up. Has been persevering in calling Fan Wuyidi's mobile phone. Fan Wuyao's legs were a little itchy because Fan Wuyao took out the phone. Said to Zi Qi with a smile. "It seems to be heard. Since the complaining wives in the boudoir showed the mobile phone ground vibration function. The sales of Gherkins have decreased."

Zi Qi didn't react at once. What is the connection between the mobile phone's vibration function and Xiao Cucumber and the complaining woman in the boudoir? But after seeing Fan Wubing's smirk, he thought of something. So he smiled and said, "I hate it. My mind is full of dirty thoughts."

However, Fan Wuyao's cell phone was still shaking Fan Wuyao's intentions to keep making trouble like this. The battery soon ran out, so he picked it up. Asked very upset. "who is it?"

"Mr. Fan, Mr. Zhang has a problem--" There was an unfamiliar voice inside, which sounded a little timid.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for? Who is Zhang always?" Fan Wubing asked three questions in a row.

"I'm Mr. Zhang's assistant!" the other party said frantically, "Mr. Zhang, it's Zhang Maodong!"

"Ah, ah—" Fan Wubing reacted at once. Ever since Zhang Maolu became his own expert in counterfeiting, his income has increased, his status has been improved, people have also been dragged, and he has hit an ancient cultural relic of the Zhang family. The banner of the appraisal center began to receive business in the capital, so it was also called Mr. Zhang.

If it hadn't been for his assistant to see that he couldn't remember, he probably wouldn't dare to call a gangster like Zhang Maolu. It seemed that Zhang Maolu was in trouble, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry to find himself.

So Fan Wubing asked, "What happened?"

"Zhang has been arrested!" Zhang Maolu's assistant said.

Fan Wubing quickly asked what happened. It turned out that Zhang Maolu has been doing cultural relic identification recently. After all, the risk of fraud is too high and the benefits are average. Waiting for idlers to come to the door, he can’t help. His, that is, the last time he did a big business under Fan Wuyao's command, he can now be regarded as a true three-year non-opening, and he can eat for 30 years once he opens.

“A few days ago, an old customer came to the door and wanted Mr. Zhang to make an ancient bottle.” Zhang Maolu’s assistant said to Fan Wuyao, “Mr. Zhang feels that he is working for you now. I can't touch it anymore, Yu

However, he refused, who thought that the other party actually contacted the note, and he came to take it away today. "

"Take it away? What's the reason?" Fan Wubing asked.

It stands to reason that Zhang Maolu’s current company's reputation in the capital is also quite strong. In the past few years, he has not done any illegal business. It is just to verify the authenticity of people. How could this kind of thing be caused?

"Who knows, it's probably that the customer is more familiar with the police. He took a piece that Mr. Zhang used to sell him and insisted that he was selling cultural relics, as if he had a receipt issued by Mr. Zhang himself in his hand." The donkey's assistant replied.

"What? Zhang Maodong sells Dong and he personally issues receipts for others?" Fan Wubing felt a little unbelievable.

"It's all old accounts in the past. At that time, Mr. Zhang's business was small, and it was limited to those in the circle. Therefore, there was also a receipt for issuing receipts. It was about a reputation, but now it has become his own handle." Zhang Maolu's assistant replied.

Fan Wuyao shook his head, "I think he is very stupid. I really don't know what he thought at the time."

But complaining and complaining, Zhang Maolu is now: his own person, it is impossible not to come forward to fish him, but his current goal is too big, it is really difficult to come forward, and only find someone else to fish him.

Fan Wubing thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to let people from the Ministry of Security come forward. Anyway, no matter what the other party asks, they only need to answer one sentence that is related to national security. It's really like two to five or eighty thousand, and it's true that few people can afford it.

When Fan Wubing found Jiang Lue, Jiang Lue felt that Fan Wubing had made a fuss a little bit.

"If you want to do this kind of thing, just find a subordinate to tell the police station, they dare not let the talents have ghosts!" Jiang Lue said to Fan Wuyao disapprovingly, "You think the Politburo member's sign is paperless. Ah?"

"My personal relationship, I don't want to get involved in my father's head." Fan Wubing replied. He wouldn't be so stupid that he would use his father's big hat to suppress people. Not guilty.

This kind of thing, that is, let Jiang Lue randomly assign a role like a small chief, take someone to the police station, and then tell the person to come back. It is troublesome to say more.

Jiang Lue also felt that there was nothing difficult in this matter, so he sent someone to follow Zhang Maolu’s secretary to the police station in the east of the city. They did not take long to return, but they did not bring anyone back. .

"What's the matter?" Jiang Lue felt very strange, wondering if the police station would dare not give himself face?

"Minister, this time the person is no longer in the police station, and has been taken away by the Ministry of Public Security." Jiang Lue's men reported in the report.

Jiang Lue was surprised and asked, "When did the Ministry of Public Security become so concerned about the sale of cultural relics? Is it such a big thing that they should be allowed to do it themselves?"

"Mr. Zhang's opponent has a relationship with Deputy Minister Li of the Ministry of Public Security. This matter is now on the line." The subordinate replied.

Jiang Lue asked about the reason for this, and then he found it out. It turned out that the Ministry of Public Security was severely cracking down on the sale of cultural relics. This time the donkey was taken away by them in this name. It is said that a case will be filed and severely investigated.

Fan Wubing heard the message that Jiang Lue turned back, and muttered in his heart, saying that Zhang Maolu’s luck this time was really bad, so why was he caught in this way?

Jiang Lue said to Fan Wuyao, "When I arrived at the Ministry of Public Security, it would be hard for me to come forward. After all, it was their Vice Minister Li's personal arrest~lightnovelpub.net~ If I use national security as a prevarication, I can’t justify it. That would definitely offend people. Besides, President Zhang does have a history of selling cultural relics. This fact cannot be denied, and I cannot justify it."

Fan Wubing didn't expect things to become so complicated, so he scratched his head and asked, "Then what should I do about this? People always get it out, otherwise, how can I convince people? Everyone will treat me in the future. Would be much worse."

"The matter this time has something to do with Boss Zhu. You might as well ask him to see if he can be accommodating, or let the people out." Jiang Lue said to Fan Wuyao.

"Why are you involved with Boss Zhu again?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

Fan Wubing thought to himself, could it be that Boss Zhu went to the street to buy things and bought fake antiques, so he ordered the Ministry of Public Security to pay close attention to the crackdown on the sale of cultural relics? But in his current situation, it is estimated that there is nothing to go to the streets to Taobao, right?

After thinking about it, Fan Wubing didn't understand why this matter had something to do with Boss Zhu.

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