
v5 Chapter 497: Out of control Jakarta "Today's 3rd Upda

In fact, there are more Taiwanese businessmen in Indonesia, Taiwanese businessmen, Taiwanese employees, and Taiwanese who visit relatives and travel in Indonesia, and there are also many Singaporean businessmen. Mainland businessmen in Indonesia are very rare, that is, Fan Wuyitu It is very rare to have two large factories here in a whim.

In terms of economic strength and geography, Taiwan is much larger than Singapore. When encountering this kind of thing, Fan Wuyi should be the first choice for contact with Fan Wuyi, but Lee Teng-hui is now in power on the island of Taiwan. Fan Wuyi is not on the right track with him. Will not contact him.

There is no official diplomatic relationship between Taiwan and Indonesia. The Taiwan authorities do not have an embassy or consulate in Indonesia. Indonesia cannot conduct official exchanges with Taiwan. Therefore, Indonesian Chinese must first go to Taiwan as tourists or business negotiators. It is very troublesome to contact tourism associations and non-governmental business exchange organizations in Indonesia and Taiwan so that they can act as intermediaries to go to Taiwan.

Moreover, the entry-exit administrative department of Indonesia also needs to examine whether the Indonesian Chinese who applied to leave the country are in the period of being released on bail and are criminal suspects who are not allowed to leave the country. Moreover, it is impossible for relevant Indonesian departments to work overtime and quickly conduct qualification review of Indonesian Chinese who apply to go abroad like Singapore's embassy and consulate in Indonesia.

Singapore’s response to the anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia is also very quick. After all, it is a city-state dominated by Chinese people, so it is very sensitive to the anti-Chinese issue in Indonesia. After receiving information from Fan Wuyi, he immediately requested to be stationed in Jakarta. The embassies and consulates of the United States implemented this situation and opened political asylum channels for Indonesian Chinese.

He had only finished the arrangement here, and Zhang Mao's phone number came back again, this time it was filled with righteous indignation.

"Boss, do you have rockets here? If I don't clean them up, I won't be reconciled!" Zhang Maolu was already a little violent.

Although Fan Wubing knew what outrageous scenes Zhang Maolu saw, but thinking about those things is obviously more shocking than watching photo reports afterwards.

"Calm down, be calm! What you have to do is more important, not to go shirtless to fight with each other, but to record the live situation and send it back through my dedicated satellite network. These scenes I want to make the whole world immediately I saw it!" Fan Wuyao pinched his fingers and emphasized to Zhang Maolu on the phone.

At this time, the lift to pick up Zhang Donkey has arrived at the top floor of the Marriott Hotel. On the tarmac on the top floor of the Marriott Hotel, Zhang Donkey got instructions from Fan Wuyi. He immediately boarded the helicopter with the bodyguards, and then began aerial photography and then used the transcription equipment to perform video recording. Compress and save to the computer's hard drive.

The network technology in Indonesia's mainland is relatively backward. I haven't dealt with large-scale online reporting activities before, so I have to be slow to react in this regard. Those soldiers and police lurking among the thugs. I'm just paying attention to whether there are any photographers capturing news or other things. But he didn't expect that evidence of their crimes was being filmed in the helicopter overhead.

The lift became more conspicuous in Zhong after the sky gradually brightened. Continue shooting. I'm afraid it will cause danger. So the pilot refused to fly anymore. But only the scenes taken during this period of time before dawn. It was enough to make people irritate. Once let the helicopter land temporarily, a few bodyguards rushed over to disperse a few gangs of gangsters. After rescuing some people, they escorted them to a safe area designated by Fan Wuyi for refuge.

After Zhang Maolu and others returned to the factory. Immediately use the hypothetical dedicated communication equipment in the factory to send these data to Fan Wuyi via satellite broadband. It was around eight o'clock in the morning. Fan Wubing's subordinates have sorted out these materials. Put it on several hard drives.

After finishing these things. Fan Wuyi's eyes were already full of bloodshot eyes. He said to his men who were also gritted teeth. "Okay! Now is the time to make the truth public. Since the Indonesian government is no longer able to maintain its rule. Then the international community has an obligation to help them manage this country. In a humanitarian spirit. We should provide this information to all sovereign countries in the world. Send it to a human rights organization. This matter. Thank you for your hard work!"

After arranging these things. Fan Wuyao walked out of his temporary office in Jiangnan Province. Take a long breath.

From night to now. His spirit has been in high tension. It is very important to grasp the timing. If the riots are not as serious as imagined. If you come forward, you will only make Indonesian officials accuse you of doing nothing to fabricate facts and slander Indonesia's international image.

But if you want to have conclusive evidence, you must have first-hand image data, and some people will inevitably suffer casualties. Fan Wubing knows very well that if you don't do this, more Chinese will suffer.

The evidence that Fan Wubing has at hand is enough for the world to understand clearly.

What kind of riot was the riot in Indonesia, and what shameful role did the government play in it? !

Of course, Fan Wubing did not forget to send a copy of the information to the country. This is also very important. It can't be said that everyone in the foreign country knows it. Just leave it unclear in the country. Wouldn't it be a violation of the direction? Sexual error?

Therefore, when Fan Wubing sent the materials to the Politburo members, he also gave his father Fan Heng a copy.

At first, Fan Hyung didn’t know what his son had sent, so he couldn’t see clearly, but the scenes that he saw after dawn became clear, and there was also a donkey full of it. The narration of hatred makes it easy for the audience to understand what happened.

Fan Heng couldn't sit still before reading it. He immediately contacted several committee members who knew him well to exchange views on the matter. After an hour, he received an urgent notice and all the committee members and the Standing Committee held a video call. Meeting to discuss the humanitarian disaster in Indonesia.

Fan Wubing’s estimation of the domestic situation still has a slight deviation, because some of the history that he caused has caused displacement, and the domestic strength is somewhat different from before his rebirth, and more importantly, the old chief is still very tough. The land exists, which makes the attitude of the domestic high-levels relatively tougher.

After fully understanding the information of Fan Wuyi’s coming, the senior management immediately issued a notice to the embassy in Jakarta. Not long after that, news came back from Jakarta, Solo, Surabaya, Medan and other places. The six cities The riots against the Chinese occurred almost at the same time, and the scene was very bloody, and the intelligence department did discover that there was a shadow of military manipulation behind the scenes in this activity.

Some things are inconvenient for the government to say, but Fan Wuyi has no shame. He clearly pointed out in the statement submitted to the governments and international organizations that this incident was premeditated. The Indonesian military An organized violent action aimed at Chinese people was created under Suharto's instructions, and the cause and effect were clearly stated. The picture also included scenes of Indonesian soldiers agitating.

Fan Wuyao specifically pointed out that this violent action was created by Suharto’s son-in-law, the commander of the Indonesian Army’s Strategic Reserve Forces, and Lieutenant General Prabowo who had served as the commander of the special forces. **The behavior was revealed ruthlessly, and the information was very clear and clear. After reading it, it was jaw-dropping.

The response from the international community is often strong. Firstly, human rights organizations everywhere immediately rose up to resist, immediately requesting the formation of an investigation team to collect evidence on the ground in Indonesia, and calling on the United Nations to immediately send blue helmets to Jakarta for peacekeeping activities.

The United States, Britain, France, Russia, etc. have unanimously stated that the Indonesian government should stop the riots as soon as possible and restore normal order in Jakarta and other cities. The countries express great concern about the possibility that the Indonesian military may plan and participate in this riot. .

Two hours after receiving the information from Fan Wuyin, the Chinese government issued a public statement for the first time, severely condemning the anti-Chinese violence incidents in Indonesian cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, and demanding that the Indonesian government restore social order as soon as possible and severely punish the perpetrators. , Unearth the main messenger behind the scenes.

In addition, the government stated that it will exclude special flights to Jakarta and other cities as soon as possible, and accept the asylum of Chinese and overseas Chinese in mainland China. The embassies and consulates in Jakarta and other cities accept asylum applications from Indonesian Chinese 24 hours a day.

After hearing the government's public statement, Fan Wubing was finally relieved, thinking that the result this time was much better than he thought.

However, Fan Wuyao quickly received a call from Mr. Zhu~lightnovelpub.net~. On the phone, Mr. Zhu asked Fan Wuyao that all airlines could dispatch all large transport planes and large passenger planes and be on standby at any time. After getting clear information from Jakarta, we will send Chinese and overseas Chinese back to the mainland.

But Boss Zhu also seemed a little worried about the placement of these people.

"Don't worry about this. My headquarters building in Shanghai and some hotels can be vacated immediately to receive these people. I can also receive some people in several key branches in Jiangnan Province and Panshi. I will never let them go. Just stay in the place." Fan Wuyi took the matter all at once.

After hearing this, Boss Zhu was very happy and said again and again, “This is the best. The Chinese in Nanyang helped the country a lot at the beginning. During the Revolution of 1911 and during the War of Resistance, they all made important contributions. You can make such an arrangement, I am very pleased that you can rest assured that the government will subsidize you."

*******Today's third update sent to ******* (to be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to mm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading !)