
v5 Chapter 503: 3 small conditions and 1 big bomb

Fortune Color Chapter 503: Three Small Conditions and One Big Bomb

It's just three small conditions," Fan Wuyao said to Habibi, looking at the man sitting beside him.

How to get more back from Indonesia here. Fan Wubing has worked hard. Raise it at this time. Naturally, I have to talk to Hobbit.

Habibi looked at Fan Wuyao's weird smile. I didn't know what to do, so I jumped a few times. A little restless.

Fan in front of him is not sick. Although it looks like just a young man in his early twenties. But according to the information held by Habibie. He is the boss of an extremely powerful international investment group. There is an inestimable amount of wealth in his hands. Friends on Wall Street once told him. If Fan Wuyi’s wealth is announced. The entire Forbes ranking needs to be rewritten. Even the properties of several of his important men were announced. It will also make a big change in the ranking of the global rich.

Calculated solely on the basis of cash flow. No group or individual has been able to pass Fan Wu.

What is even more bizarre is. Ran Fan's father Fan Heng has now been promoted to a member of the Politburo. Become a national leader. But before, he was just an ordinary state-owned enterprise cadre. Fan has no signs of illness. Far away from his father.

In other words. This young man completely started this big piece of land. As for his father. It seemed to be supported by him. This kind of thing. I am afraid that no one believes it.

How old is Shi Fan without illness? Habibi couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of this, and drove out these chaotic thoughts, and then said to Fan Wuyao. "Mr. Fan has to put forward the conditions. Success or failure. We will discuss it. Even if it is something I can't answer. There is still President Suharto who can make a decision."

Fan Wubing smiled after listening to Bibi's words. Xindao, the vice president who acts as president, is really outspoken. He also knew that there were some things he couldn't do himself. But calmly. Suharto's influence in Indonesian politics is indeed too great. If not this time the Southeast Asian Golden Storm completely destroyed Indonesia's economy. He is likely to die as president. Although Hobbit is his heavy person. But who succeeded. It's not as easy as being the boss.

Who knew that these people became presidents. Will it become a white-eyed wolf after gaining power? After all, the human heart is separated from the belly. Even an old-fashioned guy like Suharto couldn't just tell. So if you judge Habibi with certainty, you will follow your own road map strictly.

therefore. Although Habibie is the president. But he still has to listen to Suharto in the end.

Fan Wubing spoke in Chinese to Minister Zhang, who was next to him. "Listen to him. We are talking about terms with Suharto, don't you know if you have any special explanations?"

A cold light flashed in Minister Zhang's eyes. Obviously he was very upset with the name Suharto. He calmed down immediately and replied. "You can figure it out. When I came. Long said that I would like to listen to your section in the general direction and I can add it."

Fan Wubing nodded. Then he said to Habi, the deputy commander of Ha. Since most of them are so sincere, then I can talk about it straightforwardly. It may be more ugly. But the words are not rough. You don't want to listen to it. "

Habibie stunned Fan Wuyi's title of Vice President of Kazakhstan. Then I realized that I was saying hello to myself. After listening to the following words. Some approval. "Please tell me. What I don't like is that it is inefficient to rip off." "The first condition. The Indonesian government should make a public apology to all Chinese for this anti-Chinese riot." Fan Wuyi put forward his first condition. Minister Zhang and others frowned.

Apologies for this kind of thing. So let the Indonesian government bow its head to the Chinese. This kind of direct face slap request. Will the Indonesian government agree? If you do. Habibi is in the Indonesian government. What prestige is there?

But beyond everyone's expectations. After listening, Habibi agreed with one bite. "I can agree to this matter. Tomorrow morning. I will arrange a press conference. Openly to the people. Especially to apologize to the Chinese who were violated during this riot."

"Very good. This is a good start." Fan Wuyi accepted the result calmly.

The situation in Indonesia. More domestic practices are quite different. When faced with such things in China that require government officials to come forward and publicly apologize. It is difficult to make a decision. Because there is a domestic practice or unspoken rule. What government officials represent is the dignity of the government. How could it be possible to easily apologize to civilians? That is equivalent to admitting that you have done something wrong. If it is wrong, the person responsible needs to be held accountable. Is it possible to end with a sorry sentence?

However, it is common for foreigners or Indonesians to differ from government officials. Except that the president represents the highest power of the country. I cannot apologize casually. Other people's apologies are just as commonplace. The so-called is wrong. Changed and committed again. Guilty-

An apology is actually a procedural thing.

Although Habibie is now acting as president. But after all, he is not yet an official president. Therefore, there is no need for him to think carefully. Isn't it an apology? What's the big deal?

And Habib felt. Even if he stood up and apologized publicly. Not many people will pay attention. Everyone's attention is on Suharto's body.

"The second condition. The Indonesian government needs to let East Timor carry out independent self-determination as soon as possible." Fan Wuyao then put forward the second condition. This condition made Habibie frowned.

An officer beside Habibie blamed Fan Wu. "You are rudely interfering in our internal affairs."

Fan Wuyi Haha together. "President Hato no longer has the thoughts of continuing to station troops in East Timor. I received my money last time. Withdrawal is a matter of time. Since the situation is so tense now, it is better to make a decision early. Anyway, you can't get there anymore. To the benefit.

Now I have decided to send me alone. It can also give East Timor a face. Everyone looks good on their faces. Why not do it? "

In fact. Indonesia is under great pressure in the East. The garrison is laborious. And international public opinion has always been against them. Suharto himself had already begun to retire. It's just that the face can't come down. The military has its own considerations. Unwilling to withdraw troops so easily.

Habi himself is inclined to withdraw troops. Because he doesn't think East Timor will get any good. It is another land occupied by Indonesia. It is better to withdraw troops and save so much military expenditure every year. The entire country’s economy has been dragged down to bear the burden.

So when Fan Wu raised this question. Habibi thought about it for a while. Also agreed. "Okay, I have agreed to the second condition. But the date should be within one year. It can't be too soon."

"This is very reasonable." Fan Wubing nodded and replied. The expert next to Minister Zhang whispered to Zhang Chang. "President Fan mentioned two conditions. Why are they all irrelevant?"

Minister Zhang also felt a little puzzled about how Erxin Dao Fan had become a fighter for internationalism. A little bit of selfish thoughts. The two conditions mentioned now seem to be for justice and international peace on earth? ! It's incredible!

But Minister Zhang thought in his heart. Yi Fan Wuyi is a genius businessman. How is it possible to make a loss-making business?

really. Fan Wubing then put forward the third condition. "Is this the third condition? My company wants to rent a small island near the Lombok Strait as the company's independent base. Um. The preliminary consideration. It is to rent a place on Lombok. There is a 100 square kilometers. That's enough. I can give you ten million dollars in rent every year."

After hearing these words, Habibie was stunned. I don’t know what Fan Wubing is going to do to build a base on Lombok?

Indonesia is a country of thousand islands. There are many islands. Not many people know about Lombok. But across the sea facing Li Island. There are many people who know. There is also a tourist attraction. Between the two islands-Lombok seafood.

Minister Zhang and others were also a bit at a loss at Fan Wuyi's request. It is not clear why Fan Wubing asked to establish a foundation on Lombok. If Indonesia can agree to such a request. It might as well be a base on the opposite side of the Malacca Strait. Even if the place is a little smaller. It’s only a few square kilometers! The military strategic position there is unparalleled.

However, Minister Zhang did not question it. Since there is no disease, even the unknown place like Lombok can be found clearly. That means he came prepared. Since Fan Wubing came prepared, Minister Zhang never believed that he would be aimless. This Lombok. Wouldn't it be a very important geomantic treasure?

In fact, no matter what. As long as the base can be built in Indonesia. Regardless of size~lightnovelpub.net~ Regardless of location. All counted as great victories. only. Wouldn't Dao Fan be ill-will propose to station troops on the island?

really. Habibi looked at the map. There is not much to show. Just asked. "You wouldn't put the five-star flag on Lombok as well? That would not work." "If you don't put the five-star red flag. Can you just put the flag of our Fan Investment Group?" Fan Wubing smiled.

Habibi said after thinking about it. "I need to think about this issue. The rent of 10 million US dollars a year. It is a little bit less. One hundred square kilometers."

"That's a lot. That place is in a remote country. It's luck for me to pay the money." Fan Wuyao said.

When two groups of people are discussing. Habibie's men hurriedly knocked on the door to come in and said something to Habibie. Habibie's face changed immediately.

"What's wrong?" Fan Wu felt a little inexplicable. What can shock Hobby like this?

Said. There was also a shocked look in his eyes.

I rely on. This can be regarded as a big bomb!