
v5 Chapter 506: First success

At six o’clock, the gunfire everywhere in Jakarta had gradually subsided. When some rioting teams appeared on the street, Fan Wuyi shot over, mercilessly.

The mobs never thought that the military would take action to suppress them. The insurgents scattered in a rush, and no longer had the courage to rebel. Therefore, by seven o'clock, the situation in Jakarta had stabilized, and the streets were on the street. There are no pedestrians, everyone is listening to the radio at home, trying to understand what happened.

At 7:50, the Habibie Mansion finally received the most important news. Thirteen armed helicopters carrying heavy weapons attacked a military base 150 kilometers northeast of Jakarta, where they will be there. A total of one hundred and fifty-three military generals who were watching were killed in the explosion, and the entire base was suddenly plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

After receiving this news, Habibie's heart was settled, knowing that it was time for him to come forward and clean up the mess. He couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional in his heart. If I let myself step down, it would be impossible to provoke the great **** Fan Wubing, and it would be possible to get rid of these opposing forces in one fell swoop, and there would be no chance for me to present a stable announcement to the people.

At this time, Indonesia’s domestic situation, if there is no cruelty, it will be cleaned up, but if such a heavy cruelty is to be done, it can be said that Suharto is old and has no such courage. It is true that his body cannot support him to continue to govern this country, so if he cannot survive this level, no one will help him.

Habibi took out the speech manuscript that the bureaucrats had worked out for him all night, and then took a look at Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing smiled at Habibie and gave him a thumbs up to encourage him.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the radio station in Kadah was fully activated, and Habibie began to declare to the people and social organizations of the country, as well as a series of orders to stabilize the social order.

In his speech, Habibi informed the resignation of President Suharto due to illness. He was directly elected as the new President of Indonesia in accordance with the constitutional provisions. He is the third president since the founding of the country. He notified the recent anti-Chinese riots. It was an act of violence manipulated by Borapuna. At present, the government has quelled the riots and called on the local people to immediately restore normal living order. The police and the army are about to impose martial law on key cities such as Jakarta.

During the talk, Habibi also said that Indonesia is currently in economic chaos, and the national economy has been hit hard. At present, the Indonesian government has successfully obtained US$50 billion in relief funds provided by Fan Investment Group. The government is about to start the restoration of the national economy. Various measures also called on the ImF organization to provide assistance to Indonesia as soon as possible to help the Indonesian people tide over the crisis caused by the financial turmoil as soon as possible.

In the middle of speaking. Habibi also appealed to various social groups. Give up disputes and develop the economy. Getting Indonesia out of the predicament of economic crisis is now glorious in the past.

After finishing this inauguration declaration. Bibi was already sweating profusely and spoke again and again. It took a lot of his thoughts because he felt that this was also the most pragmatic declaration. Although borrowing from private individuals is a bit weird. But this time, Indonesia has received more funds from the Fan Investment Group than the US$43 billion that ImF originally agreed to assist. It is enough to show that the President Habibie has made great progress when he took office.

To know. At the time, the international community was unwilling to give the Indonesian government a penny. ImF is also extremely difficult.

For Indonesia's current crisis. It is impossible to do things without money. With money. Everything is easy to handle.

It's exactly nine o'clock. Habibi was formally sworn in at the Indonesian Parliament Building. The media in Jakarta from various countries have reported on this ceremony. Habibi after the inauguration ceremony. A large number of cabinet officials were immediately appointed. And made extensive adjustments to high-level military officials. Habibi gave the order in the name of the supreme commander in Indonesia. Priority will be given to pacifying the army. Order the army to return to the barracks. Workers return to work. Students return to school. All kinds of parades are prohibited for one month.

After the inauguration ceremony. There are media accounts of the military operation last night. Habibi responded to this. "What happened last night. It was caused by the illegal riots controlled by Lieutenant General Borapuna. Some mobs attacked the houses. In the riot. A gunpowder depot exploded on a military base in the mainland."

After finishing the work here, Fan Wubing suggested to Habibi, "For instability factors, we must eliminate them as soon as possible."

Habibi hesitated, "If you do this, you will easily be condemned by the international community."

Fan Wuyao smiled, "What's the big deal? As long as you block the strait passage here, the Americans have to obediently agree to your terms. Do you think they still have the energy to fight another war? Clinton is There is no such courage! Besides, they will not change the established development strategy because of Indonesia’s internal affairs, so you don’t have to think highly of yourself."

Fan Wuyi sees the American strategy very clearly. The current main task of the Clinton administration is to expand the domestic economy and re-emerge economically in order to curb the European Union’s upward trend. Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries are not due to changes in the times. The focus of the US strategy.

Habibie still didn't dare to start, after all, he was a person with Western education, and he couldn't share the same ideas about Fan Wuyi.

Besides, now that he has controlled the main forces in the country, some opposition parties are no longer in his eyes. At this time, what he needs to worry most is not from the military or the civilian forces, but has announced his resignation. Suharto himself.

Although Suharto himself has resigned, his family's influence in Indonesia is too great. The major companies in Indonesia are under the control of the Suharto family, and this time the military was targeted for removal. Among the forces, they almost wiped out the Suhartoist forces. How could Suharto want to see this kind of thing?

What Habibi is most worried about now is that Suharto returned to China and led these people to oppose him.

Anyone who sits on the throne of the president will have a different idea immediately. The same is true for Habibie. He hopes that he can do something during his tenure. In the future, Indonesians will also praise him when he mentions himself. The great President Habibie, not the kid raised by President Suharto.

In order to achieve this ideal, Habibi felt that his wrists should be tougher than the forces of the Suharto family and should be contained as much as possible.


It can be guided, as long as you emphasize punishing and building a clean government to increase employment opportunities, you can get the support of public opinion. When the US$50 billion in aid is in place and the economy rebounds, the support rate will naturally rise. Fan Wubing said to Habibi.

Habibie nodded and said, "This is also my ideal."

In fact, Habibi made a speech to the whole country of Indonesia, promising to follow public opinion and the constitution, and carry out a wide range of phased reforms, including amendments to the law, the establishment of a clean government, the elimination of corruption, political and business collusion, and abuse of pro-private illegal practices, and the elimination of the industry. Monopoly behavior, etc.

Habibi fully understands the great challenges facing Indonesia and said that he will be brave enough to take on it. At the same time, the citizens must have great patience to overcome the problems. Whether Indonesia’s political and economic development can go smoothly is the beginning of a critical period.

At the subsequent reception, he frankly stated that the voices demanding reforms were known from students and various channels in the society and hoped that the whole country would wholeheartedly support him in carrying out reforms.

On the political front, Habi promised to appoint a cabinet loyal to the people, organize a clean and efficient government, eliminate corruption and nepotism and other bad habits, and strive to promote the democratization process, hoping to satisfy the citizens' democratic demands through legislative procedures.

Economically, Habibie emphasized that the political council should eliminate monopoly and unhealthy competition in order to fulfill the financial structure reform reached with the International Monetary Fund and work closely with various international organizations.

He hopes that the country will end soon and resources will be concentrated on rebuilding the country.

Habibi also said that he will extend all talents to form a reform cabinet, and it is said that the list of the new cabinet will be announced in the near future. There will be people from the three major parties in the Congress. Kusubroto and Foreign Minister Alatasco will remain in office.

But Bibi also emphasized that there will be no relatives of Suharto in the new cabinet, nor business partners of Suharto. The new government will conduct a thorough investigation of the problems of the Suharto family.

It seems that it echoed with Habibi’s reception. The media reaction in Indonesia that day was very strong. The major newspapers revealed the various corruption behaviors of the Suharto family. It seemed that the Suharto family became a success overnight. Everyone yelled and beat the rat crossing the street.

After learning about these little-known inside information through newspapers, magazines and radio, he became very angry and loudly condemned the Indonesian national pirates of Suharto’s family history.

After Suharto, who was recuperating abroad, heard the news, his condition suddenly worsened. Through the news of these two days, he already knew that he might not be able to go back in his life.

He knew how much property his family had raided in Indonesia, but the media was in his grasp at the time, and he didn't expect it to be exposed so thoroughly. Now, the trend is gone.

Habibi’s series of measures have refreshed the country in Indonesia. The forces that originally opposed him have also changed a little at this time. They believe that if Habibi can implement these commitments, the fundamentals of Indonesia’s national economy will be improved, and it is said that 500 The billion-dollar aid fund was also raised by President Habibie through a personal relationship, which makes people feel commendable.

In contrast, the Suharto family is sitting on tens of billions of dollars of wealth, but they are not willing to spend a penny to help solve the domestic financial crisis. This contrast, the judgment is superior, and Habibi’s support The sound soared immediately.

Habibi’s coming to power was a bit sudden, so Western countries are waiting and watching, and Asian countries represented by China at this time 6 continue to declare that they support the Indonesian people’s choice and support the new Indonesian government with Habibi as the leader. .

In the next period of time, Fan Wuyi didn't care about Habibie. He started to accept the benefits that Habibie had promised him in accordance with the original agreement.

At this time, the armed forces that had arrived by emergency airlift had passed 30,000, helping Habibie to stabilize the situation in Jakarta. In addition, Fan Wuyi wanted to establish a base on Lombok, so there were still people coming for the 6th continuation. On the way, Fan Wuyi's ideal is to build a base of over 30,000 people on Lombok.

The turmoil in Indonesia has also directly affected the direction of the US stock market. The world’s major shipping companies have experienced varying degrees of decline due to concerns that the Malacca channel will be blocked, with the largest decline exceeding 40%.

Subsequently, a large amount of funds poured into the stocks of these shipping companies. After that, the Habibie government announced that the Malacca channel would not be restricted. In response to some piracy problems that now arise, the Indonesian side will work with Malaysia, Singapore and the Chinese navy to clear and escort. Action, after the news spread, the stock prices of shipping companies immediately rebounded and strengthened.

Fan Wuyao made full use of this opportunity to make money through the stock market while laying out Indonesia, so as to make up for the losses suffered in this operation. After all, he had to promise to lend 50 billion U.S. dollars to the Habibie government in Indonesia. Once it comes out, it is impossible not to ask for a return. It is good to make a profit in the stock market first and subsidize it.

By the time of July, the domestic flood prevention and flood fighting work has been in full swing, and the situation in Indonesia has stabilized, and Fan Wuyi’s first batch of US$10 billion in aid funds promised to Habibie has also been put in place~www .lightnovelpub.net~The construction of the base in Lombok has started, and Fan Wuyi decided to retire and return to China.

At this time, the new Indonesian government had started to check the behind-the-scenes instructors in this anti-Chinese riot and executed the rioters who committed serious crimes during the riot, and the Chinese people began to settle down one after another.

On the eve of Fan Wuyao's decision to return to China, representatives of the Indonesian Chinese and several local business family leaders paid a visit to express his gratitude for his contribution to the anti-Chinese riots this time.

However, when they came this time, they naturally had different thoughts. For example, consider the issue of the future direction of exhibition. The current economic depression in Indonesia, and after this time, the enthusiasm of the Chinese has been seriously affected. Many people are considering another way out.

Especially these powerful big families feel that they should still make more investment, so as not to lose money in the event of an accident.

The prosperity of the economy and the growing political status of the Motherland 6 is naturally a key investment direction they consider.

Today's third update (