
v5 Chapter 511: Need to plunder overseas resources

Cai Se Chapter 511 Needs Plundering of Overseas Resources

Indonesia is rich in mineral resources. The main mines are petroleum, natural gas, tin, copper, gold, and silver. Among them, the resources that Fan Wuyi cares most about are oil, natural gas, gold and copper.

Indonesia has more than 3,000 tons of gold reserves. , The forefront of the world. Most of them are shallow hydrothermal gold deposits related to Tertiary volcanic rocks. Almost all the islands have gold mines.

The Glasberg Copper-Gold Mine in Papua Province is the largest gold mine in Indonesia. This is the mine with the largest gold reserves among the announced mines in the world. Copper and nickel are also some of the most important projects in the future strategic metal mineral resources. It is not less attractive to diseases than oil and natural gas.

This time Fan Wuyi hardly has such a good opportunity to hold back the Habibie government. Of course it must be a good blackmail. After all, he lent him tens of billions of dollars in financial aid funds. It is possible to go back without getting something good.

Actually in Indonesia. In addition to Chinese businessmen. There is also a very powerful force. It is a Japanese businessman. This time because of the riots. Many Japanese businessmen have withdrawn. It happened to leave Fan Wuying a neutral position. It is logical to accept the blank items left after they left. Infiltrate all one's own power into Indonesia

Japanese chaebols like Mitsui have many long-term investment projects in Southeast Asia. Especially in the key projects of mineral resources. Their ambitions are greater. Occupy ** more. But due to the impact of the financial turmoil this time. Japan's domestic economy has also been hit hard. Therefore, the Japanese chaebol's pace of plundering overseas mineral resources also slowed to a halt.

The investment of Japanese-consortium companies has always been long-term and forward-looking. Once the economy fluctuates, short-term gains will be lost. despite this. Japanese Finance is still keeping an eye on global business opportunities. Make meticulous preparations for long-term targets.

Fan Wubing noticed. Japanese general trading companies such as Mitsui & Co., during the global economic downturn, had low prices for mineral resources. Quietly acquire upstream resources such as overseas oil, gas, coal, metal and minerals. And then hope to achieve the goal of controlling business opportunities and the lifeblood of domestic and foreign manufacturing production.

And the same. Sinochem. Several Chinese foreign trade companies that originally had the ability to expand overseas have lost financial support and no financial capital support. Require corporate governance in accordance with the Western corporate model. Turned to physical operations. Missed the opportunity to open up new territory. It also caused the embarrassing situation of China's import of raw materials being controlled by others in the future.

in China. Mineral resources and financing are definitely two separate areas. However, Japan's general trading company closely links mineral resources with finance.

In fact. Mitsui & Co. is a non-single trading company. Essentially it is a financial company. The general trading company has always been known as the second bank. The top ten shareholders of Mitsui & Co. are all world-class financial institutions, including Sumitomo Mitsui Bank Central Mitsui Trust and Mitsui Life Insurance.

When the Chinese rushed to buy gold in order to resist the pass. Mitsui & Co. bought oil, natural gas, coal, iron, copper, and aluminum as real gold and silver.

But this time because of the political turmoil in Indonesia. The Japanese consortium was greatly affected. In view of the inference that the situation in Indonesia may continue to deteriorate. The Japanese consortium decisively withdrew from Indonesia. This created a good opportunity for Fan Wuyi. Not only does it support the political resources of Indonesia that can be obtained by supporting the Habibie government. It can also easily take over various mineral resource companies left by the Japanese consortium and become the new national monopoly capital in Indonesia.

actually. The Habibi family's influence in Indonesia is not small, otherwise Suharto would not have been attracted to him and adopted him as a son. Cultivate as a successor. It's just that he thought of it. Now Habibie turned around to oppose him.

Habibie is now facing Fan's disease. It’s also a bit difficult. After all, he borrowed a lot of money from Fan Wuyi. Now that Indonesia's domestic economy is about to recover, the Indonesian people who cannot be achieved without the participation of the Chinese are the masters of laziness. They are the kind of people who go to the streets to find work unless there is nothing to eat at home. Therefore, it is impossible to expect them to engage in economic construction. It is still Yihua at the critical time.

And the idol of the Chinese now. It is Fan Wuyi. Just greet the Fan Investment Group. Indonesia's domestic economy will naturally expand. at this point. Habibi is very clear. Therefore, when Fan Wuyao put forward a request for mineral resources. Habibie also had no objection.

Fan Wubing is not a person who makes unreasonable prices. For more sensitive oil and natural gas. He did not ask much. Only accounted for a small share. It's just interesting. The focus is still on copper and nickel and these gold sources. Especially copper mines. And the largest gold mine in Indonesia. Fan Wubing did not hesitate to account for a large part of the proportion. And used

The equipment area is mined. Prepare to move all the copper and gold mines in Indonesia.

In fact. Fan Wuyao is very dissatisfied with Indonesians' waste of resources. Those stupas are all gilded. If it is pulled down and cast into gold bars. I believe there will always be dozens of tons.

Fan Wubing has been staying in Fan Heng's office recently. Continue to command his subordinates through the phone and the Internet. Centralized development of mineral resources in Indonesia. So that Fan Heng is out of work. Always go over to see what his son is up to.

"What on earth are you doing? Get so much information?" Fan Hengren asked Fan Wuyao, grabbing at him. "Now our group has become an independent research institute. It analyzes and studies the international economic situation and the behavior of major companies. This is an analysis report for the Japanese group." Fan Wubing is immersed in the research. Hearing this, he replied.

He is now mainly researching. It is the development situation of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. in recent years.

Japan is poor in resources. Almost by importing Mitsui & Co., it is a representative general trading company in Japan. He is an excellent performer of Japan's resource war. In order to ensure the safety of resources and energy, the goods arrive on time. Mitsui & Co. began to invest a large amount of capital technology and equipment in the Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, Latin America, China, etc. soon after the war. Large-scale exploitation of resources and energy. Not only ensured domestic supply. There is still room for export to earn foreign exchange. therefore. We are pushing the national policy of building a country through trade. Guarantee the supply of energy resources and other aspects. Mitsui & Co. has made great contributions to Japan's exhibition strategy.

In this period of economic boom. To provide a stable source of raw materials for the heavy chemical industry. Mitsui & Co. has highly improved the raw material supply channels. Participated in copper mine development in Mexico, Chile, Canada, Australia and other countries. And independently conduct resource exploration. Recommend high-quality mineral sources to mining companies. And open together. Before the oil crisis of the 1970s. The supply side is decentralized through the supply of multiple energy sources such as coal, liquefied natural gas and pipeline natural gas. It also invests in energy development.

Buy mine separately. After signing a long-term-same financing to buy a mine. Eventually directly participate in the development of mineral resources. The recoverable reserves of natural gas and crude oil for which Mitsui & Co., Ltd. owns the exploitation rights, have reached an astonishing scale.

"Little Japan is cunning. Although the character is not good. But in some strategic issues. It is indeed much stronger in the country." Fan Wuyao showed his father Fan some information. Then said. "The country has never been aware of these problems. It has not been considered that after ten years. After the country has achieved rapid economic gains. The demand for mineral resources will reach a very serious step."

"Is it so serious?" Heng looked at the information compiled by Wuyi. Asked frowning.

"It's more serious than this." Fan Wubing pointed out without hesitation. "We are now some of the domestic economic textbooks. They are mainly based on the American exhibition model. But there is a problem. The United States is different from China. The United States itself has a small population and a lot of resources. China is the opposite. In addition, there are millions of Americans. When you see where the resources are, you will be plundered by cleverness. If you don’t just fight and plunder, can China do this? That’s the problem.”

"You mean. The current economic policy is wrong?" Fan Heng asked in disbelief.

"Of course. Great mistake." Fan Wu replied. "The situation in China. Compared with Japan, it is almost the same ~ lightnovelpub.net~ Although the total amount of resources is not bad. But there are fewer people. Therefore, Japan's policy on mineral resources is very necessary for us to learn."

"These. It seems that you have never heard you mention it to the high-level staff?" Fan Heng asked questioningly.

Fan Wubing gave his father a white look. "You think I'm stupid? Since the entire high-level and domestic economists are not aware of this. Then why should I stand up as the beautiful wood in the forest that the wind must destroy? The tree attracts the wind. I still understand. Let’s talk about it. I have a lot of spare money now. Naturally, I want to open up as much mineral resources overseas as possible. When everyone is aware of this problem, I have become a resource hegemon."

Fan Heng scratched his head. You gloomily looked at the pile of information from Fan Wubing. Then said. "Speaking of hard work. You are much better than the economic experts inside. It's reasonable to make money. No effort. Where is the return? Forget it. I don't care about these things. Now I will do my business well before I talk about it."

The domestic defense situation is getting more and more severe. Boss Zhu said. I will rush to Jiangnan Province early tomorrow morning. Together with Fan Heng, we will inspect the dikes on both sides of the Yangtze River.

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